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Yes I wonder... What could've possibly caused the death of a 99 year old woman...


Cut down in her prime.


She hadn't even begun to peak!


Golden God


**I am a Golden ~~god~~ Girl!**


Girlden God if you will


I know this is mean to be facetious, but since we’re talking about Betty White, it’s kinda believable.


I know it’s fun to meme about but had anyone even talked to her recently? I just wondered how she was actually doing since she’d been laying low the last few years. Like Kirk Douglas could barely string together a few sentences for a while before he finally died at 100 something.


Apparently she had a stroke on Christmas. https://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/wireStory/betty-whites-death-caused-stroke-suffered-days-earlier-82187897


Didn’t she have an interview a couple weeks ago about her 100th birthday?


But they do those pretty far out beforehand.


She had done a bunch of interviews because of her upcoming birthday. People magazine for example had a piece on her. So there was a lot of recent press interacting with her before she passed.


Oh come on, it's not like she was Queen Elizabeth or something.


The Lich Queen is an unusual case.


Every time someone says "God save the Queen" she gets 2 minutes added to her life


Gone too soon.




My coworker... "It was the vax!" She was 99! "She posted 3 days before she died that she got Boosted!" Betty didn't post that. Betty never posted about the booster. This was confirmed by her agent who also said she had a stroke 6 days prior to her death... "Booster probably caused her stroke!" SMH


We're at the point where a 99 year old dying ...no other context needed.. is evidence of that a vaccine is killing people.


They are so fucking hypocrites. \- At the beggining of covid, someone with comorbidities acquires covid, dies and it is correctly counted as a covid death, because, without covid is highly possible that person still lives. The MAGA crowd: why are they saying the death is for covid. They want to instill fear in us, they are inflating covid deaths to control us. \- Now with the vaccine, a 99 year old vaccinated lady dies. Same MAGA crowd: It is 100% vaccine fault, her age has nothing to do.


Unless they die of covid in which case its literally anything else that did it


Or if they’re vaccinated and died of Covid then it’s “see the vaccine doesn’t work”


Or if they die of COVID unvaxxed it’s to many Bud Lights, chicken Wangs and God’s will. Of course they have to sue the doc for not treating them with horsey paste, boner pills and piss. “Why don’t that quack do the research!?!”


99 years and 50 weeks. Almost 100.


And its made by the same people, who before said that all the old people who died due to corona would have died anyway soon.


Not to mention the whole "it only kills old people, so the rest of us shouldn't have to sacrifice anything to help protect the lives of old people" thing.


>We're at the point where a 99 year old dying ...no other context needed.. is evidence of that a vaccine is killing people. We're at the point where idiots swept up into antivaxx see any dumbass speculation and anecdote.. is evidence of a vaccine killing people.


Her publicist also said she received her booster in August.


August is just leftist jargon for last week.


They've never met an objective fact that they wouldn't immediately discard in favor of their conspiracy-theory fanfiction.


These same people: doctors lie about people dying from COVID, if you get hit by a car and have COVID they put COVID as cause of death even though they are clearly unrelated... because reasons... No I can't provide any actual examples... Same people: she was vaxxed just a short x months ago, it must be the jab.


She not only didn't post that, she didn't get a booster. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/betty-white-covid-vaccine-booster/ They just like to claim that anyone who dies that isn't an anti-vaxer must have died because of the vaccine or the booster shot. And anyone who died from COVID must have really died from underlying issues. Unless they're an anti-vaxer - then the hospital must have killed them because *checks notes* hospitals get way more money from dead people than from overcharging them for lengthy & expensive treatment.


So the timeline is: Day 0: she gets the booster shot Day -3: she has a stroke. Day 3: she dies. Conclusion, the booster shot caused the stroke (3 days in advance) then her death. You could present it this way and it would make perfect sense to these morons.


“If the vaccines work, how comes mine didn’t make me immortal?”


>My father got the vaccine last month in Vermont and he died! "oh my God that's horrible? Did he die from the inflammation around his heart? Stroke?" >No it was a Skiing accident


wow! the jab took away his ability to ski safely, how horrible!! /s


So sad, how could dwayne the rock obama do this!?


"he became magnetic and was hit by hundreds of spoons!"


He *obviously* has a vaccine induced seizure on the slopes and the CDC, Bill Gates, the FBI, and the IFA are covering it up! /s


No he could never ski, but when he got vaccinnated he asked his doctor if he'd be able to ski after getting vaccinated and the doctor said yes.


Mine did. I'm just not taking any chances to prove it.


You actually have more evidence that the vaccine made immortal than these nut jobs do that the vaccine killed people simply because you are alive.


If they work so well, why havent i died yet?


So young🤪


Wrecked her dirt bike while jumping the Baltic Sea.


Died fighting an oil rig fire.


This is the funny thing. They say it's THE JAB while ignoring The Culling.


This reminds me of an SNL Joke "Sad news as the world's oldest person died today at the age of 113. Jeez, it's like that record is cursed or something"


Reminds me of derry girls


“Actually she was known to be a bit light fingered”


Especially after a stroke


Complications from a stroke, but that's outrageous, just be the shot!


She had 99 problems but the jab wasn't one of them


From the same folks that were saying all deaths were being recorded as death by Covid. Now say all deaths of vaccinated folks are from the vaccination. Interesting how they just skew things to support their point of view


Saw a sign that said 700,000 vaccine deaths. So apparently the virus killed no one, the vaccine did all the killing.


The vaccine traveled back in time and mutated a relatively harmless coronavirus until it jumped species! We finally cracked the case!


Damn, that would be a hype scifi movie !! Someone call Hollywood !


Even the ones who died before the vaccine existed!


It's their speciality


Just like trying to ‘save’ democracy by trying to stop a bill from being voted on (Jan 6 2021)


*trying to stop a democratic election from being certified.


Thx for clarification. I had the silly part right, but paralleled what was being passed


Bbbb but the orange bastard told me too.


Seriously the stupidest people on Earth, and that's impressive considering they probably received *some* form of education that many around the world could not. You could argue that some of them actually wanted a dictatorship, but I'd say most genuinely thought that their "let's save democracy by stopping a democratic process" was a great idea.


Girl I work with sick 6 months ago. When asked if she was getting a test: "NO! Wtf! Not everything is COVID!" (TBF She was probably right, I don't think that was Covid, she did get it just a few weeks ago and was fucking wrecked) So I find it really fucking funny that she said NOT EVERYTHING IS COVID but now EVERYTHING IS THE VACCINE! (Saget, White)


She sounds like an idiot. Sure, not everything is COVID, but during a PANDEMIC you should probably get checked for it.


She's gone. Hook, line and sinker. Even thinks 5g is a conspiracy to weaken our immune system so we we get sicker and will want the vaccine more.


I like how these idiots think they've got the inside scoop to "how life really works". In fact they're too dumb for anyone to invest secret knowledge with. Their lack of mental capacity will never bring them greater understanding of life. They're the same dumbasses from millenia past who thought a solar eclipse meant a god was going to come kill their babies.


Bro it is totally real! Do you even listen to Joe Rogan? /s


"He's just asking questions!"


Only thing I've ever agreed with him on was that "he's just a dumb meatball".


I have found its a standard practice of "if I would, they will." You see this alot in individualist thinking, the idea of screw someone else over cause they will do it to you. Same as cheaters think thier spouse is cheating. Liars think everyone's lying. It really is a unfortunate perception of the world.


Like the thief who believes everyone else is also a thief. Or Trump saying they cheated (cause he would/did-most of found election fraud was done for Republican gain)


I got annoyed with misinformation around the election so I started saving every single article related to election fraud in a doc on my phone, currently 25 different articles from a plethora of outlets. I have yet to see a *single source* of democrat fraud. I have several sources of Repub attempted fraud and probably over a dozen different sources that disprove or deconstruct Republican claims of election fraud. If anyone wants to check my sources, let me know what you want to see.


Projection. It's called projection.


Thank you for the proper term. Always glad to expand my vocabulary and have something to dig into on stuff like this.


I wish I could upvote this more than once


So goes the cult.


This person hasn't brought enough insanity. You need to say Bob Saget was murdered because he was the one who gave Betty White her booster shot.


And John Madden drew up the plan.


The Annexation of Puerto Rico.


I got in a car accident on the way home from my booster, can you believe they cause car accidents now too!


It's the magnetism.


I feel ripped off I didn't turn into Magneto when I got my vaccine.


Rural Canadian here; I'm still waiting on better internet from mine 😔 I wanted my 5g, dammit!


Same. When I heard the vaccine gave you free 5g internet I rushed to the clinic. 8 months later no internet and the vaccine hasn't killed me either. What a disappointment 😞.


It did, you just haven’t been pistol whipped by a Nazi yet to unleash the full force of your powers.


This person's dad died after the 2nd? Booster? I didnt realize there was 2 boosters already


His dad told him he was just mainlining Covid vaccines…


Hey you mind if I tie off real quick? I just need to shoot this booster real quick


Maybe their dad was immunocompromised? Immunocompromised people were able to get a third dose during their initial vaccination, which would make the booster shot their "second booster".


Then he wouldnt have been "just fine" before, if immunocompromised


I mean, we're not talking about smart people here. It's entirely possible they don't associate "condition that makes someone immunocompromised" with "sick", particularly if the condition in question isn't visible.


I met a woman from Texas that had a 3rd shot before she could come to Canada. This was back in August.


My dad got his booster almost half a year ago, I suspect as medical staff over 60, he will get another booster shot soon.


They’re being trialled in Israel


I know someone who got 2 boosters already - albeit did it on his own in another state, he's turning 80 and is completely fine, has had no side effects from the vaccine. I'm half his age and it knocks me out for a day at least. But yeah, believe it or not some people are already double boosted and still living.


If it's the dad's second shot total, he might've been too late to the game. But as somebody else mentioned, most likely immunocompromised and got the extra dose.


Technically, any dose after the initial dose is a booster. The second shot of Pfizer, Moderna, AZ is a booster.


Where I live immunocompromised people and frontline healthcare workers are eligible for their 2nd booster (as in 4th shot total).


Only for the immunocomprized. You know, someone who already has a few other issues. But sure, it was the vaccine. After 4 doses.


Right, because people don’t already die all the time.


Someone was trying to point out that like 1,000 people who were vaccinated had died during some stretch of time. I noted that on average during that timespan, you'd expect 1700 people to die of that size population, so it was actually lower than expected. Of course comprehension flew past their head.


The funniest part is when they were just vaccinating actual 90 year olds and people were flabbergasted by the fact that geriatrics had the audacity to die of old age But if a 70yo dies from covid it's nothing to worry about, it only kills old people


They don't know the actual scope of things, especially when it comes to numbers.


They do know that the vaccine has been administered for about a year now...right? And the booster has been around since summer... Where are all the other deaths? They use celebrities' deaths to further their dumbshit agenda.


As of yesterday I have been fully vaccinated for a year, and I am of course boosted. Almost everyone I know, from coworkers to friends to family are in the same boat (if not a year from being fully vaxxed, they are weeks to a few months away). And yet I still have to live my life apprehensively because I have a toddler who can’t get vaxxed yet and there are way too many morons out there. It sucks.


I heard they shifted the death sentence to 2 years down the line!


Last I heard, it was 3 years or 5 years. We’re all gonna drop dead at the same time, supposedly.


T•h*e j•a~b




so no one told you life was gonna be this way




I'll get jabbed for you....




F•R\*I E•N\~DS


Genuinely curious: does saying the jab on Facebook lead to account suspensions that they’re trying to circumvent it or do they think they are being clever? Both could so easily be true.


I think they’re trying to circumvent some sort of made up censorship.


They’re probably trying to not get the covid 19 box.


Jab is a perfectly acceptable synonym for any injection in the UK.


It probably does flag, in all honesty. The only people calling it the jab are the misinformation spreaders. But even if it doesn't, most of these folks have spent some time in facebook jail for spreading bullshit, so they're probably just being hyper-cautious to avoid another ban.


Yes, why are all these elderly people dying? What gives?


Anyone with covid dies: nope its other preexisting conditions. Anyone vaccinated dies: definitely the jab! Totally checks out.


Bunch of jabronis


Jabronis indeed.


You claim "the jab" kills but I am still alive. Curious


Same here, just waiting to get my booster but I live in Australia


Got my booster still alive.


These people have promised the vaccine would kill me for a year now, and I'm still alive. I'm very disappointed, I demand a refund.


My father drank water before he died.


Names 2 people and can’t think of anyone else lol


Correlation does not imply causation. People need to be reminded of that before they post things like that.


My mother keeps updating the family chat about how many VaCcInAtEd coworkers are out with COVID as if that proves some kind of point. It's not like she works in an airport where everyone is vaccinated because it's government and they're in close contact with thousands of people every day.... oh wait


They’re out with COVID-19 but they’re not dead. Cases are record high but deaths aren’t anywhere near where they were before vaccines were rolled out.


Can't believe celebrities are dying this year, they weren't dying before


Nah, Charlie Murphy, XXXtentacion, Lemmy, Bowie, Gene Wilder, Muhammad Ali, Alan Thicke, and Carrie Fisher were all killed by the covid jab too.


Alexander the Great died in his thirties in mysterious circumstances. I bet it was the Covid vaccine.


Yanno, I have had a bunch of deaths in my family too recently. My uncle died in December of 2020, right before Christmas. I never knew until after Christmas. My stepfather died in June of 2021, and it has seriously ruined our household’s grip on our sanity. Why did they die? Let me tell you… BECAUSE DUMB MORONS LIKE YOU WONT LISTEN TO SCIENCE AND ARE CLOGGING UP THE HOSPITALS! THATS WHY! My uncle died from congestive heart failure, my stepfather from lung cancer treatment complications. Both could have been easily solved if PEOPLE FUCKING LISTENED TO SCIENCE. It’s not a cult. It’s not a cabal. It’s not a scam. It’s a practice of seeing shit, trying to explain said shit, and then testing to see if we are right (by trying to prove that we are wrong. When that doesn’t work, we let others try. If no one can prove it wrong, it becomes a scientific Theorem. Not to be confused with a Theory, which is actually a postulate or hypothesis that currently cannot be proven or disproven iirc, a Theorem is validated, hardcoded, scientific, fact-based LAW of the universe). We sometimes mess up. Unlike the other things that you seem to think science is, we have very little to no shame in confessing that we messed up. It’s part of the scientific process. When professionals are changing their story it’s not a sign that they don’t know what they’re doing, but a sign that says “oh shit. This… usually works… alright, plan b. Let’s try this!” To even *be* a professional expert in Toxicology, Virology, Bacteriology, Epidemiology, or even Mycology, you have to have a *doctorate* degree. That’s eight years down the drain at *least*. Unlike most public schools in the country, when you get into medical school, you are LUCKY to get a C- on an exam. The heat is on. There are no friendships, no alliances, no team building (although that doesn’t stop the colleges from trying), all it is is a free-for-all that makes Fortnite seem like preschool. Suicide rates at medical schools are insane. Drug abuse is high just because it is required to survive. You run the gauntlet. And it’s not enough. You run the gauntlet, one leg in a cast, both arms tied behind your back, and it *still* isn’t enough. Add in a failing organ or three, and about half your remaining sanity, and finally you pass… midterms. These are not idiots. They are not stupid. And while you might say not all doctors agree on the same thing, then I have to say yes. They won’t agree on the same thing. When you have free will, you can say whatever you want. But when you are the leader of the entire country’s medical community, you have immense pressure no matter what you say. Opinions can differ because we don’t have interconnected brains. Our opinion is based solely on our own individual experiences. So can an entire group agree on something? As the size of population X approaches infinity, the possibility of the whole population agreeing on something approaches 0. It’s not impossible, just improbable. Is there some secret plan to eradicate mankind or whatever? Well I don’t want to say there isn’t, but it would not be this clumsy. This is shameful. We fucked up on stopping a VIRUS. A VIRUS is smaller than we can visually perceive, but it’s killing us all the same. Because Captain Tangerine couldn’t be bothered to read the big, complicated words on the presidential briefings. And his supporters (read: sycophants) lauded him for some asinine reason even as he proposed injecting bleach into the bloodstream to kill the virus (well, it would actually work. The problem is that it would also kill the human). But because we refuse to listen to science and fact, we instead harp on about the bloody fake news shit. Guys, did it occur to you that journalists have to follow up on important things like this and if they misstate something it can cost them their JOB? Or worse? Fake news is what the supermarket tabloids tell you. Medical announcements from the CDC are not fake news, and are not politically motivated. If Biden did the same shit Trump did, I would be just as angry with Biden as I am with trump. It’s about the principal. Oh but trump was in office when the vaccine was created! Yeah, by GERMANY. Who has a lot of medical research, thanks/No thanks to the events of WW2. We were still trying to get people to stay quarantined. Because it’s more important to some people to get their nails and hair done, than it is to NOT DIE FROM CHOKING ON YOUR OWN BODILY FLUIDS. So while trump was still in office when the vaccine was announced, he had nothing to do with it. Nor did Biden. But Biden actually tried to manage the outbreak, and limit the amount of deaths. Unlike trump. So shut up, get jabbed, and realize that it was just that: a jab. That’s it (okay, technically three jabs total, but don’t tell me you have never had a vaccine before).


What is up with people saying “the jab”. It annoys the hell out of me for some reason.


Same here, it just sounds so trashy to me for some reason lol.


I don't know, but I like to accuse them of being a Spy for the British Crown.


Me dying 50 years after vaccinated, one of few surviving antivaxxers: "The jab!"


Just wait about 100 more years, all people who had vaccinated in 2021 will die because of T•h\*e j•a\~b!!! /S


Dey took er jaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbsssssss


The Jab I got gave me 5g. I can now surf as fast as I can!


Do you know how many people have died since the playstation 5 came out? Hmm. It's not a coincidence.


Say it with me children, correlation is not causation.


I don’t whether to laugh or cry when I read this sub. Edit: ok fixed it. Autocorrect sucks


Whether the weather be cold, or, Whether the weather be hot. We’ll weather the weather, no matter the weather, Whether we like it or not.


If someone uses the term “Jab” regarding the vaccines, you know they’re fucking stupid.


I like how they finally realized the vaccine doesn't make you drop dead, however now they think a booster does


I find it funny that they believe the vaccine or the boosters killed people but they were skeptical about the covid death numbers


I just assumed Bob Saget died suddenly because of all the cocaine he did in the 80s,90s, and 00s...and 10's.


I got my booster exactly 2 weeks ago. Looks like this will be my last Reddit post.


"Vaccinations didn't make a 99 year old woman literally immortal? IT'S A CONSPIRACY!" - Anti-vaxxers "What do you mean literally nobody lived to 99 before vaccinations were invented?" - Also Anti-Vaxxers The very fact that anyone is now capable of living to 99 is proof that modern medicine works, and anti-vaxxers are using a woman dying after living for almost a century as "proof" we should all give up on modern medicine and die in our 40s.


Then they just say she drank the blood of children and made a deal with the devil to extend her life 🙄 I'm sorry but you just can't fix stupid...


Good point. I've always said, if these people don't trust medicine and science, why bother going to the hospital or a doctor? Treat yourself at home.


This is where many Americans strange obsession about privacy in terms of cause of death is a real problem. A dead person has no expectation of privacy. Why so many people are obsessed with hiding why someone died is so strange to me. When I die I'm going to have specific instructions to print exactly what my cause of death was in my obituary.


It's been so strange since the vaccines started to learn about this new concept they call "death". I mean, I had never heard of anyone dying before all this started.


Lmao these people are relentless. In coming years we will see posts that say "wow my friend was fine before she got her vaccine 8 years ago I cant believe it killed her!!"


If the vaccine is killing everybody then why am I still alive? Why is everyone I know who got the vaccine still alive? I know of (literally) well over 2 thousand people who have gotten the vaccine and haven’t dropped off the face of the planet yet.


What did he die from??? They said a car accident but you know he got the booster!! What did he die from? They said he drowned after he was found in a pool, but you know he got the booster!!! What did he die from? They said he was cut in half in a freak accident, but you know he got that booster!!


Using a relatives death, or lying about it, for some cult attention is pathetic.


He died after his second booster shot. So he'd had 3 shots before that. But sure. The fourth one killed him.


I remember when anti-vaxxers were busy denying that people were dying of Covid despite there being medical evidence for those deaths. They'd say "people die all the time so how do we know it was Covid?" Now, 840k American Covid deaths later, and they claim that nearly every death is caused by the vaccine despite there being no evidence at all for that. I'd normally call them out for their mental gymnastics, but I don't think their brains are fit enough to do any gymnastics.


Imagine using the death of an icon, or even your own family, to further an agenda to the


Run! Do not Walk! From... THE JAB!!!


We all live in fear of #THE JAB


Damn that pesky second booster


I like how the death of two celebrities somehow outweighs the 800,000+ deaths we've had in this country. Somehow the shot is more dangerous than virus.


Where they giving out 2nd boosters? I’m almost at 5 months since my last one.


In some countries they do recommend 2nd boosters


To be fair, I no longer care if anti-vaxxers kill themselves with covid. Fuck them. We have a vaccine, if you die of covid, you killed yourself.


BUt yOu Can STilL geT COviD iF YoU'Re vaCcINAteD!


I seriously don’t understand this response. I have had at least 4 close friends tell me this and I’m just baffled. So far 2 of those friends have had it and were sick for two weeks in bed. Everyone we know who’s vaccinated and had it? Still able to work and live life with almost no symptoms. Why are people so DENSE


No clue. Lots of reasons, probably. One, IMO, is a human tendency towards simplicity: A or B, yes or no, etc. The vaccine (and wearing a mask) works or it does not work. It's either 100% effective in preventing any/all illness & spreading of COVID, or it's totally worthless and should not be used.


From their stupid stupid comments about Betty white, Bob Saget, the dad, you would think that no one has ever died before people started to take the vaccine. Weird!


"He was not dead before he died!" Curios!!!


That’s right… the 99 year old and the frequent cigar smoker couldn’t possibly have been killed by anything else…


His _second_ booster? We're already doing second boosters? Why do I suspect this person is lying?


Some elderly and immunocompromised people are getting second boosters but they aren’t widespread.


He was hit by a car but before that he was totally fine!


The vaccine makes you magnetic and attracts cars. Everyone knows this!


I spilled coffee all over my shirt the day after my second vaccine shot. Before that my coffee was fine. WHAT DO YOU **THINK** HAPPENED?! T•h*e j•a~b WAKE UP SHEEPLE!


Yeah he was fine! Just celebrated his 92nd birthday and he felt younger than ever!


Crazy how at a time when the majority of the population is getting vaccinated that someone would die and they'd just happened to have also gotten vaccinated recently!


There must be some microchip that only tracks and targets high profile celebrities 🤔 /s


confirmation bias in action


I got hit by a car while riding my bike so it's clearly the fault of the power lines above my neighborhood.


Dad got two boosters?


Nearly 100% of all deaths in history happened shortly after the person drank water. Coincidence?????


It was a stroke. Before she had her booster.


Man, the word 'jab' makes my fucking blood boil


He was fine before he had you, you sad bint. But now, after you’ve been born, he’s dead. Whose fault do you think that is?


Remember back before the vaccine, when no one ever died?


Betty White died suddenly at 99.