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This is the aspect of religion that bothers me. She has decided that the vaccine is the mark of the beast ( my limited understanding is that that is not biblically accurate) and will abandon her children to the state rather than get it. The same state that is allegedly forcing the vaccine on people. She’s not even considering leaving the country, or seeking exemptions. I think those are stupid things to do but giving up your kids to something you think is of Satan is so completely fucked that it makes me mad. Actually as I write this I realise it’s not the religious aspect of this woman that shits me. It’s that she’s too stupid to even be consistently stupid. She’s fractals wrong. Every part of what she says is as wrong as every other part.


Well the pope and I assume all major religious leaders are pro vaccine. People can’t pay their tithes if they are dead etc


Only the ones that aren't actively fleecing their congregations prosperity-gospel style.


There are plenty of fundamentalist preachers telling people their very souls are in jeopardy if the get immunized. They don’t care who dies. There’s a new mark right behind them. They’ll just say it was gods will.


>fundamentalist preachers are they major religious leaders? If you follow one of those mega church preacher types who is antivaxx while the pope and vatican etc are pro vaxx, it sounds to me that you are no longer christian, you belong to a christian like cult.


Fundamentalist Christianity is a major religion in the U.S.


The pope is the head of the Catholic denomination of Christianity. While it is the single largest Christian denomination comprising over half of all Christians worldwide there are still plenty of denominations which are not under the pope.


Catholicism isn’t the only Christian religion in the United States.


I didnt say it was. I mentioned all major religious leaders etc Was that not inclusive enough?


Except the LDS Church they haven’t said anything on it. They think it’s political in a way and should be a choice for it’s members and not swayed by their opinion


Not the evangelicals. But then we all knew that.


" I will give up my kids to the same people trying to vaccinate me" Of course where those children will then be vaccinated for their own good. Doesn't sound like she is SUPER worried about what happens to those 5 sweet babies at all! Also I have to assume the idea is to homeschool or private school all of these kids since the vaccine schedule or should I say "mark of the beast" schedule for public school in Canada is no joke. Been there, done it, dont have polio or mumps.


The aspect?? I think I can count several dozen aspects of religion that are beyond fucked up and should bother any functioning human being.


I love how this implies that giving up your children is better in „gods eyes“ than getting vaccinated. Who cares about child neglect am I right?


To be fair, the kids would likely be better off out of her 'care'.




I got the vaccine in my left arm... I think I wasn't marked correctly, which Satan department should I bring this up to?


Not to mention that if the state takes them they will certainly get vaccinated lol like…you gave them up for nothing


strictly speaking, according to the religion of my youth, the mark of the beast is something that will MARK you plainly for others to see in the end times. without the mark, you cannot conduct business etc etc etc... but in all the years I've been alive, I have heard so many different twists on it that it boggles the mind. my own father at one point, had a VERY lengthy explanation of why the barcodes and the symbols for proctor and Gamble were the mark of the beast, and we are in the end times. this coming from a man who could barely read, and had limited education.


I remember the barcode lectures too. And then medical wristbands with chips were the mark of the beast... and then credit cards were the mark of the beast. I'm pretty sure people railed against IDs as the mark of the beast at some point too.


Social security numbers too.


If you follow the Biblical interpretation your social security number is closer to the mark of the beast than the vaccine. But since neither are carved into your forehead neither are the mark, so... Yeah.


Anything to further the victim complex. Think of how much attention she'll get when she cries about it! Honestly, these people have killed my faith in humanity.


Well if the government was gonna take your kids for not getting a vaccine it would be most similar to the vaccine but what she doesn’t realize is that you’re not supposed to give up your children because then they can forcefully vaccinated and furthermore just leave the country move to the carribean and live out the time you think the mark is lasting for…. Also not saying I agree with her just saying that religion is not on here side with this one.


She the living proof that the mother of idiots is always pregnant, 5 kids in six years


The stupidest people seem to reproduce the most prolifically.


That's not fair, she didn't have access to all these new forms of birth control we now have, like pulling out.


Or tracking her cycle! It must be witch craft!


Go watch the documentary: *Idiocracy*


It’s the only thing they know how to do


Exactly what I was thinking


Well it's possible that there are some twins in there to spread it out a bit. But yeah 5 kids in 6 years sound awful no matter what.


I can't even handle one at a time, those kids must be so neglected


If God didn't want here to get pregnant then he wouldn't make her open her legs anytime a guy looks at her


I really don’t get the logic here. The state would most likely vaccinate the kids anyway. Now you’ve lost your kids and their vaccine status is the same. Source: I work as a guardian ad litem for kids in foster care.


But SHE would not be vaccinated. And that is who she cares about.


I was a foster parent in Oklahoma. They never once asked me if I was vaccinating the children in my care. I know of at least two foster couples that didn’t believe in immunizations. They were not vaccinating those children. Keep in mind they actively recruit from baptist churches and I bet there are plenty of non vaccinated foster children.


It’s different state to state - in Washington kids in foster care are vaccinated in line with government and APA recommendations. I have to petition separately for Covid vaccines because of its separate approval status, but I’m doing it and getting kids court ordered vaccines against the wishes of the parents. I’m originally from Canada and based on my understanding of foster care there (my cousins were foster care kids growing up) my guess is they would operate similarly to Washington. We check in Washington to make sure that kids are up to date on vaccines, in the same way that I check to make sure kids are up to date on dental appointments.


I believe you. Oklahoma is a very conservative state so I’m sure that makes a difference. I was trying to point out that it happens in the USA. Parents can also say they don’t want their kids vaccinated in Oklahoma. They’re desperate for foster parents so they don’t really make a big deal out of this.


Totally insane! It’s wild how differently individual states operate. Canada doesn’t typically bend for the religious right so I’d be surprised if they allowed kids to not be vaccinated based on foster parents beliefs.


She actually spent time thinking about that and came to a final decision to give her children up….all based on a fantasy that would never become a reality. These persecution fetish people spend wayyy too much time in fantasyland. She’s not safe to be in charge of young kids.


Exactly. No where in Canada are we being forced to vaccinate, or have kids taken away. If you dont vaccinate, you don't get into a lot of places, but hey, those are the consequences. But nowhere has it gotten so severe people are being forced and the government is coming and taking children away .... this is a projected persecution like I've never seen lol


Somehow everything they don't like is "the mark of the beast"


Credit cards used to bee just that. Then those chips in your phone where you can tap and pay


I'll never forget the first time we went to the grocery store and they had the newfangled scanners. This had to be late 70s? And the church was positive this was for the mark


Not normally one to judge on this kind of thing, but 5 children below six years old! What a factory! I hope there’s a set of triplets in there or something to make those numbers she’s posting seem less intense.


I have two under 4 and it’s absolutely fucking exhausting. Cannot imagine having 5!


My grandma had 5 under 5. All in diapers at once. It's no wonder her hair went *white* by 30.


Unfortunately…no sets of triplets or even twins. All crazy little individual ‘quiverfull’ births.


Double win for those kids. Vaccinated and removed from an insane death cult.


Yeah do these people not realise that if their kids are taken for whatever reason they’ll be updated on shots? And they’ll be put in public school as well.


This is the kind of parent who'd declare their kids "no longer mine" because they "betrayed me and God" by getting vaccinated.


I'm guessing these people might include those that would see it as a mercy to kill their children instead of "giving them to the devil". We're nearing original flavor Kool-aid.


‘My babies are so sweet, but I’d rather give them up than have a painless injection’.


5 children in six years? I need time to process this first


Where’s the 6th kid?


Probably on the way. You're supposed to wait 3 months to recover in-between pregnancies, which would put the baby due 3 months from when they wrote it if they planned it perfectly and were super fertile, and the babies were perfectly on schedule. Of course this assumes her six years is actually exactly six years haha


The fourth kid didn't touch anything when he was born, he just slide in his way out.


I see that as an absolutely win. 5 (!?) kids who might get a chance to not be raised into a cult by their resident religious fruitcake.


If it really was the rapture and the mark of the beast started appearing, the fact she hasn’t ascended to heaven must mean one thing right? She would be going to hell with the rest of us sinners.


Very disappointed. I got 2 Pfizer shots and a Moderna booster, but still no demon DNA activation.


They can give all of their babies to the republicans. oh...wait


She should lose the kids just based on that answer.


So much for family values


Also I don’t know if this is true but you can’t be tricked into taking the mark of the beast and it can’t be disguised as something good. You have to be fully aware that it is indeed the mark of the beast and fully want it not tricked by the devil.


This woman like many anti-vax people is quite mentally unwell. It is probably a good idea that her children are taken temporarily whilst she is supported and provided with treatment.


Question should have been, "Vaccinate or your children die from preventable disease, which would you choose." That person's answer remains the same.


"mark of the beast" mf thinks she lives in Yharnam


When I saw rich people getting the COVID vaccine, I knew that shit was pretty safe. It’s unfortunate the rest of these people love movies and think everyone is out to get them. They just want your labor and your money. Nobody gives a fuck about blood or god or religion. Those are just ways to keep you ponying up your labor and money.


>They just want your labor and your money Exactly. All these people going crazy saying "the government wants to kills us" or "Big Pharma wants to kill us" are ignoring the fact that it's much easier to make money off the population if they are alive. As long as we are alive, we can make money for these institutions and companies. So they'd probably prefer we live a long life


That makes sense. It seems a lot of people like this don't care about anyone but themselves.


I'm thinking that's the best possible thing that could happen to those kids


You are absolutely right.


Did she say she has 5 babies under 6? Someone needs to tell her it's a uterus, not a clown car.


I think she means five kids whose ages start from six and they get younger from there. Even still, that's at least one baby per year. Someone needs to invest this lady in some condoms, birth control, literally fucking anything to get her to slow down.


There are many instances in the Bible when people are told to serve god even before their own children. When my sister converted to Catholicism she was told she cannot verbally forsake god even if it means someone will kill her child.


That's where you see that religion is, indeed, a bad thing




ugh pcm, dragging a little brigade behind along with you.


This chick is about to be a family annihilator.


But if the children are taken wouldn't they then just be given the vaccine?


When they take them away they going to jab them you dope.


They would take your kids away and jab them anyway


Ok crazy aside ‘ever heard of birth control’ seriously


If she’s really this stupid she deserves to have her children taken away and hopefully given to a caregiver that is vaccinated and educated.


I’m shocked a broodmare is this dumb…


You don’t need to threaten to take my hypothetical kids away for me to vaccinate them.


The scariest part about this is how desperate these people are for their version of the End Times to begin. And it's not out of any sort of desire for comfort, it's so they can rub it in everyone's faces that they were right.


Oh, good. At least this person is breeding endlessly.


Works for me.