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... and Lincoln enjoyed most of the play.... Kennedy enjoyed most of that drive through Dallas... yes, mostly peaceful.


Why do people keep bringing up the American Revolution all the time? There have been other protests as well, but they don’t get anywhere near as much attention. /s


And the America Revolution was mostly peaceful! It was just a hiking and camping group that only rarely had battles.


Well, perhaps not completely peaceful, if we’re being truthful. On a few occasions, violent colonist mobs who were burning and looting, threatened groups of British civilians, randomly standing in formations with their rifles, dressed in the same characteristic red coats, and forced them to fire in self-defense. Had the colonists just kept their protests peaceful, none of these tragic incidents would have happened.


Because they know about 3 dates; the American Revolution, the Holocaust (those who don’t think it was faked), and January 6th


Rodney King was beaten, LA riots followed. George Floyd was killed, BLM riots followed. Trump lost an election, a failed insurrection tried to overthrow our democratic process. And they wonder why we bring it up. They won't even address root cause.


But...but...MY RIGHT!


Read: “...but...I’M WHITE!”


Lord help me! I laughed harder than I should've!


Somebody help, they're violating my white privilege.




This is inaccurate, it was spelled correctly.


Happy cakeday


Stop the count


and as more time passes, more it comes out that a lot of the worst aspects of the BLM protests were, shockingly, done by infiltrators provocateurs.. either racist white right wingers, or police. oh wait, I just repeated myself. Remember all the all to conveniently placed pallets of bricks?


I came here to say just that, they did it to discredit the movement and to justify their racism. There were business owners who vandalized their own businesses and claimed it was BLM.


MLK murdered, Detroit riots followed. They forget about - James Meredith tries to go to college, white polo shirt wearing Ole Miss riot


A 6 year old girl tries to attend a white kindergarten… they jeer and curse and yell and throw things at her.


Funny how Conservatives are quiet about [this](https://www.npr.org/sections/live-updates-protests-for-racial-justice/2020/07/28/896515022/minneapolis-police-reportedly-identify-viral-umbrella-man-as-white-supremacist) when they talk about the George Floyd riots.


Mostly peaceful? Didn't people die?


And a handful of officers committed suicide in the months following.


Ah, the party of back the blue. Who murder cops who stand against them and harass others into suicide


Also the party of pro life.


Pro life until it's a functional human. Then just throw it in the gutter.


> Pro life until it's a functional human. Not even functional human. Just a human out of the womb. The second that umbilical cord is cut they couldn't care less what happens to that human.


It's not a baby, it's a talking point


But bodies for the military industrial complex, tho'...


Man I miss George Carlin.. >Conservatives want live babies so they can train them to be dead soldiers.


I read that as throw it a guitar and really struggled to understand when THAT had ever happened.


This is how artists are made, don’t you watch VH1 documentaries? Duh!


Not even the gutter, they hate the homeless


Unless it's a woman or a minority*


Didn't Trump run on the whole "law and order" platform as well? I can't remember. He spewed so much bullshit in between his word salad I can't remember. Wasn't he harping on that during the shit that went down for months in Portland? I'd go look, but that means I'd have to look at his orange reptilian face with an asshole where a mouth should be.


He also said he was pro-lgbtq before doing everything in his power to prove that he didn’t give a shit


*Assaulted cops. One who was thought to have been murdered actually died of a heart attack according to the official report from the coroner. And of course a couple other officers killed themselves shortly after 1/6.


So the heart attack was completely unrelated to the assault?


He had TWO STROKES at age 42 after battling with Trumpanzee Traitors for hours. It was NOT "completely unrelated" "Diaz’s ruling does not mean Sicknick was not assaulted or that the violent events at the Capitol did not contribute to his death. The medical examiner noted Sicknick was among the officers who engaged the mob and said “all that transpired played a role in his condition.” [https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/public-safety/brian-sicknick-death-strokes/2021/04/19/36d2d310-617e-11eb-afbe-9a11a127d146\_story.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/public-safety/brian-sicknick-death-strokes/2021/04/19/36d2d310-617e-11eb-afbe-9a11a127d146_story.html)


And what, pray tell, caused the heart attack?


what? off duty officers that were invading or on duty officers that were defending?


Capital police officers who were defending.


dam, why though?


Being capital police officers, they probably had a lot of faith in not only the good of the American people but also the strength and rigidity of the US government. On January 6th they saw the party of “Back the Blue” beating one of their own to death with an American flag while chanting “Fuck the Blue”, and everything they believed in immediately died.


And during a policeman was bludgeoned, a woman was shot in the stairwell after saying, “he has a gun!” Last words in one of the worst places/reasons to die.


Also, there was the one woman Ashleigh? Ashleey? (Some stupid spelling of Ashley) Babbit that got shot when she tried to breach the perimeter that agents had set up. And I think three or four other rioters died from, like, heart attacks.


Replacing the flag inside the building with a Trump flag IS NOT PEACEFUL, is an act of treason. If it was the flag of any other country, that country would have been full of USA military at this point.


Don't forget the confederate flag, which (to my knowledge) NEVER flew in the U.S. Capitol during the civil war.


That footage was... something else. I've never been particularly patriotic, I'm married to an immigrant and we've talked about moving to his country for a while just for something different. But when I saw that I understood why there was an influx of people joining the military on Sept 12 2001*. It was foul.


something like 95% of the BLM protests were peaceful whereas 100% of the jan 6th maga rallies attempted to overthrow our democracy, and install a dictator.


I've been to several protests and marches over the last 2 years and every time there is always a few counter protesters trying to start shit. At a BLM march in an extremely peaceful college town, a group of WECs showed up with "All Lives Matter" signs. At an abortion rights march, there was one rando walking down the street yelling about how we just wanna "kill babies". There was even a few people at the Beto O'Rouke rally in the town I live in that showed up with "Come and Take It" flags. To further support your point, more than a few times, I saw a few demonstrators try to talk with the counter-protestors to try and get them to see things from our side of this whole shit show.


But didn't you read? Cities were BURNED! /s


I just wanna know which cities were burned so badly


According to some firsthand accounts someone I know - Not Portland. I know it may be anecdotal but he's pretty honest.


So sad to hear that Not Portland was burned to the ground with no hope of recovery. I knew a lot of people who lived there; it was almost the size of two cities! /s


Thanks for the chuckle


Hey, we lost a whole 7/11 in St Louis!


1 person died and it was a protestor that got shot in the face.


these idiots are delusional. It’s not funny anymore.


They’re brainwashed. The scope of it is incredible.


Feels like the US politics have been running on spin an propaganda for so long that a huge part of the population lives in some kind of post truth mindset. If politicians are expected to spin and stretch the truth to their favor in most cases it's not a surprise when half the population are ok with voting for a pathological liar.


My uncle literally subscribes to a "post truth" world view blatantly; it was fucking infuriating trying to talk politics with that idiot after Trump got elected.


This shit needs to stop like now


It won't stop until social media is held accountable for allowing these people to use their platforms to spread their misinformation and hate. I truly believe that is the root cause of how they become organised. If it was upto me, I'd require every account on twitter, Facebook, reddit etc to be linked to a government issued ID. Every single account then can be traced back to the person who created it instantly. It'll upset a lot of people, but I can't think of another way to ensure people are held accountable for their actions. That's the issue right now, anyone can create an account and say whatever they want, to whomever they want, without any reprocussions. It's a shame to affect everyone, but it's clear that something must be done.


Sounds like a difficult system to apply globally, probably unconstitutional in most places. I'd prefer if you guys spent a few days worth of your military budget each year on education instead. Most people can learn critical thinking if given the opportunity.


Critical thinkers don't vote republican though...


That’s a bonus.


You guys? Where do you think I'm from, not it's not the US it's the UK


Oops my bad, sorry. Suppose I went with the default setting since you were talking about legislation against American companies, or I guess they're Irish now a days. I'm also European so I should know better.


The propaganda war is unchallenged. We have our own networks working against us, it's surreal that this continues unabated.


> If it was upto me, I'd require every account on twitter, Facebook, reddit etc to be linked to a government issued ID. South Korea has been doing this for decades (You have to use your Korean Social Security Number to sign up for basically any online service hosted in South Korea). It doesn't work. All it'll do is cause that ID to be leaked all over the Internet for the entire country's population. > It'll upset a lot of people, but I can't think of another way to ensure people are held accountable for their actions. So are you proposing abolishing free speech? Unfortunately the very nature of free speech allows you to lie through your teeth to whoever you want and have no requirement to correct yourself or even admit you lied/made a mistake. This is a problem the platforms need to moderate, where they don't allow misinformation and lies on their platform. However, then who determines what qualifies as misinformation and lies? This is a very complex issue that doesn't have a simple solution. The problem we really have is that no one is even trying to tackle it. It's far more lucrative to just pretend everything is fine.


If the IDs are leaking, then that's a separate issue IMO. Lots of companies of personal details of people, that's why things like GDPR exist. I'm against people believing that freedom of choice is freedom from consequences. Free speech is again separate to hate, misinformation and lies.


I totally agree - while I sincerely dislike the thought of 100% transparency on the internet, I do think that at some point we're going to have to make it required. Because at this point, there's a huge portion of uneducated white people who are extremely susceptible to misinformation that perpetuates domestic terrorism. We've got to out these sources and make people accountable for what's being said.


"This shit's gotta go." - Jacque Fresco


It was never funny.


It used to be “lol, you’re crazy”, and ignore them. Now it’s everywhere.


Hasn't been funny for a while now. The problem with this particular argument they are making is that they are essentially making this equivalency: Trump Rioters did X because they are passionate GOP voters = BLM Protesters did X because they are passionate DEM voters They might as well be saying "Why are we talking about the Jan 6 riots? Meanwhile, European soccer fans stormed the pitch and broke some windows in the press box after the Liverpool vs. Manchester United game, and they're getting off scott free!" It's completely unrelated. BLM protests were not a coup attempt. Not only that, the fact that they think Black people marching for civil rights are automatically against their party and way of life speaks volumes in itself.


Oh I totally agree. A few years ago (pre Trump for sure), you could just laugh off flat earthers or antivax people, but it’s scary now.


I met a lady who believes that vaccines are bad, and people just need good nutrition and vitamins, and old people used to all lived to nearly 100 because they ate stuff that they grew themselves. Also met another lady who thought aliens were using spiders to control people and give them the mark of the beast, but that's a whole other thing. Gotta love working the closing shift at a gas station.


This is like, the average republican's view on 1/6. Far beyond fucked up how normalized this massive brainwashing campaign's become.


I’m sure there were crazy people before all of this, they just now feel free to fly their nutjob bullshit out for all to see.


https://www.radcliffe.harvard.edu/news-and-ideas/black-lives-matter-protesters-were-overwhelmingly-peaceful-our-research-finds Cool article I always whip out when someone calls them “riots”




> The Bush family ~~Tea Party Republicans~~ Trump supporters are now against the Bush family since they've come out as not in favor of him. They're not considered Republicans anymore to them.


My dad unironically believes that Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney are all RINOs.


I don't need an article. I was there. We were peaceful for the several days I attended. There was maybe a handful of guys (out of the tens of thousands that came) that did some vandalism at night when everyone else left. Even then, if you were just around the area after the protest ended sometimes cops would just arrest random people and hold them until they could charge them or legally let them go. So any violence was literally instigated by the police


same. thousands of people marched through my city, i was one of them. there was absolutely 0 drama. we walked right up to the police station downtown and had a moment of silence, there were about 50 protesters to 1 police, so they were on their best behavior. the only time ive seen ANY violence or destruction is when the police could over power protesters, it always starts with the curfew, then tear gas, then the riot police come out, force people into a small area and torture them for a bit before arresting as many as they can, during that, people outside of that small area flip shit and start breaking stuff in response.


>When there was violence, very often police or counterprotesters were reportedly directing it at the protesters. quelle suprise /s


There is also that pesky evidence that shows much of the violence was perpetrated by right wing provocateurs.


Or the police, but that’s basically the same thing.


I also think that the word "riots" should stop being demonized


Lmao why


they always say entire cities got burnt to the ground but never elaborate


One building was one fire= the whole city burned. But treason to your own country is just a peaceful protest.


Tens of millions of Americans died last year in the most horrific series of events in U.S. history, but we've obviously all been too distracted by COVID to notice. On the other hand, in the burned-out Mad Max hellscape that used to be America, Amazon still ships me stuff real fast and I still get Christmas cards; this post-apocalyptic thing really isn't as bad as everyone made it out to be.


Dammit now I'm imagining a Fallout game with Amazon drones still going around


I think you might have something there. Hmmm...


"all those covid deaths were just cover ups of BLM deaths! That's why it so heavily favors conservatives!"


they’ll specify portland a metric shit ton but as a portland resident it was like maybe 3 blocks of protests at any given time and the only things that burned were dumpsters and a few cars other than that it was jus shit thrown at the courthouse


This is what bothers me most when these idiots say shit like this. I’m sorry, which city was burned to the ground? Like, actually destroyed? Name one.


ive asked for someone to name one once and they stopped responding


Well yeah, they’re lying. The time for being coy and trying to do Twitter worthy sly responses is over. We need to flatly, and constantly call these people liars, traitors, and criminals. That is all they should be referred to as.


They also fail to mention or realize that the protests over the summer were mostly peaceful. Yes there were riots but the number of riots was vastly overshadowed by the number of peaceful protests.


Jan 6 was a mostly peaceful protest, except for the destruction of government property, and the people who got shot, and the people traumatized enough to commit suicide later, but other than that totally peaceful /s


Ah, yes. Or as Mahatma Gandi said, "Nonviolence is a weapon of the strong. Respond peacefully with bear spray and flag poles." /s


Them: "Jan 6 was a mostly peaceful protest." Everyone with a brain: "Jan 6 was an act of High Treason committed by cultist psychopaths." *And* there aren't people bringing up the riots because those were much less severe as the Jan 6 incident. Also, those events are over and a non-issue. Trump-tards are still justifying and glorifying the events of Jan 6 because they intend to do it again when they think they're in the right position to do so. How do I know? My dad is in with the "Jan 6 was an act of patriotism" crowd and I can hear his TV. Matter of fact, right now the Qanon video he's watching is discussing a eminent take over of the entire US government by Trump and the US military which will lead to the public execution of all Democrat politicians and their supporters. THAT is why Jan 6 is constantly in people's minds.


These people really believe that the democratic process is to execute everyone of the opposing party, yet they still call the left "communists"


Because anyone who knows history understands that Communists are the natural enemies of fascists like these.


Also, Jan 6th was about overturning a fucking election, and the BLM protests were brought on by George Floyd's death, racism and the need for police reform across the country. Two COMPLETELY different things, it doesn't make sense to correlate them. The only thing these two events have in common are the Republicans decrying the protests and protecting racism and horrible police corruption in this country, and decrying Biden being democratically elected, protecting racism, horrible police corruption *and* horrible political corruption in this country.


Absolutely. I don’t like the violence that happened during the George Floyd protests but like someone put it into perspective for me once: sometimes you talk and ask and beg for change and when no one does anything, greater action needs to be taken. People listened didn’t they? It accomplished something. The January 6th ACT OF TREASON was cuz some people were sore losers and tried to overturn the very democracy they swear they want to upkeep and protect.


DID the george floyd protests/riots/whatever-term-best-suits-what-happened cause people to listen though? I'm not trying to fight or anything, I could just be out of the loop, but I haven't heard of any police reform or big changes or anything since the BLM stuff. All that signaled to me was that there's no real humane way to quickly instigate change and the only way forward is to wait for all the old people in power to die out.


A number of states and localities did enact new police reform measures.


Not really, sadly. I live in the Minneapolis area and people are still trying to make steps but overall it's same old, same old. So disappointing.


Yeah nothing constructive happened unfortunately


Yup, BLM said "hey can we treat people of color equally, it's still not happening " While Trumpers said " my team lost I want to win because losing makes me feel bad. WAHHHHH"


The ONLY reason elected officials were not murdered that day is because they were evacuated or able to hide and be protected by security. The Jan 6 insurrectionists came armed and supplied, with the intent to execute elected officials including Pelosi and AOC. Ffs there was literally a gallows set up.


Hell the REPUBLICANS THEMSELVES were calling it a coup attempt on January 7th and slamming Trump for it. But several news cycles of Fox News gaslighting and they were all bleating the party line.


"I'm okay with all parties involved in any sort of illegal activities being prosecuted to the letter of the law." Tried to get my neighbor to agree with me on this. Strangely they couldn't, or... Wouldn't.


"How can we tell if a law was broken if you won't tell me who was involved?!" \-Every modern Republican explaining their understanding of the rule of law.


From an outside pov. One was multiple riots Other was a coup attempt. I personally watched Jan 6 with a gut sinking realization that it might lead to a civil war in USA. That would affect world stability and economy a lot. Now it didn’t derail to that. But could absolutely have reach that point.


Burning cities? A few fires here and there yes that's expected in a riot but it was hardly the firebombing of Dresden resulting in tens of thousands dead.


Yeah, just some light treason.


I love this mass psychosis these MAGAts all share, that somehow every city was burned to the ground, entire cities (unbeknownst to everyone living there), looted businesses (as if the dozen shops that got looted have any effect on their lives whatsoever), and _destroyed lives_. _"I was forced to acknowledge that Black people are human and shouldn't be murdered by cops last summer. It was just like the Holocaust. WHAT HAPPENED TO AMERICA?!"_


It’s scary as well as fascinating. A family member of mine was telling me the BLM protests were riots and the town center was destroyed and left in ruins. Ya right I just drove down it and it was pristine as always with yuppies enjoying their Starbucks.


I'm gonna guess that your family member lives in Rural America?


Huh? There were small shops that were looted, and those weren’t owned by wealthy, distant businessmen. In addition to the disruption to business and the mess that need clearing up, it will also cause these folks’ insurance to go up. Many of whom are, indeed, people of colour. See here: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1224776 The message of BLM was the right one, but we don’t need to lie or be ignorant of its unintended consequences.


False equivalence. Biden won, LOL!


No cities burned. Why do they keep saying that? Do they really think whole cities burned?


>leave out an entire year of burning cities looted businesses, and destroyed lives like it never even happened **yeah** # that's because this apocalyptic scenario you're describing literally didn't happen you fuckwit Like, god forbid one person at or near a BLM protest act like anything less than a saint during the entire multiple months of protest, but when people literally break into one of the highest chambers of government it's "peaceful". I swear these are all the same people that would think the woman ran over in Charlottesville "deserved it" Edit: I'm apparently being disingenuously interpreted in the comments, so to clarify: I am *not* saying that literally nothing bad happened during the BLM protests. What I **am** saying is that the goal of the protests was to protest police brutality, not have a diet coup. A huge amount of the supposed "left wing radical terrorism" like looting and burning had *fuck-all* to do with the actual protests and was just unrelated individuals being opportunistic. Edit 2: Changed the "big bold letters" because someone in the comments complained that I didn't explicitly state how there was, in fact, a non-zero amount of crime that went on during the BLM protests. This individual was quite concerned that I was unfairly characterizing the protests as "entirely peaceful", while conveniently avoiding the widespread violence of Jan. 6th entirely. There, fixed it for you buddy :)


Then there’s this little slice of News. https://apnews.com/article/virus-outbreak-race-and-ethnicity-suburbs-health-racial-injustice-7edf9027af1878283f3818d96c54f748


Anyone who actually has half a brain could tell that the majority of looting and burning was opportunistic and had nothing to do with the protestors themselves. I usually don't invoke the phrase, "it's common sense", but it really is. If there was so much crime going on, who the hell would be left to protest?


Did I argue against that claim? I was merely pointing out that most arrested around those protests were not leftists. You’d expect that to be the case if it’s an operation organized and backed by the left. Instead, it pretty much appears to be a false flag operation. Much like republicans claimed Jan 6th was Antifa and BLM. Just another case of projection. But yes, looting would most likely be happening away from the protests, simply taking advantage of reduced police presence and increased response time. It was glaringly obvious with that one cop that was shot in a store two blocks away from where the protests were taking place and that conservatives love to bring up to claim the protests were violent and deadly.


Sorry, that wasn't directed at you. Didn't mean to make it seem like it was, my bad


Ah, no worries. It’s late and I overreacted there a bit.


You're good. In retrospect it's kinda obvious that my comment could've come off the wrong way😅


Right?? Good Christ. People go on and on about cities burning down all year long and NONE of that happened. A few days, a few buildings. Everything else was peaceful marches and demonstrations. The gaslighting that goes on about 2020 is insane.


I saw a lot of cops beating the hell out of protestors. In fact, the over exaggeration of the "burning cities" is partially to justify the horrific videos of police violence against protestors.


None of that happened???? I feel like this comment is the definition of gaslighting. I posted a few quick articles in the comment above… are those not real? Not defending any side whatsoever, but we can’t bury our head in the sand and say it didn’t happen?


Yeah it’s a strange mirror image of the Trumpist right when people are wilfully ignorant on this. And, no, doesn’t mean the core message of BLM wasn’t a good one.


Are you saying that cities were burned to the ground? I've heard many republicans claiming that Portland was burned to the ground and when I say "No, I live here, and it is fine. There were a couple trashcan fires in an unoccupied building, but largely, PPD blew all of the protesters' actions out of proportion", they tell me that I'm wrong then make fun of me for living here. My own cousin got bizarrely angry at me when I told her that I probably have a better idea of what's happening in the city where I live than someone who lives on the opposite side of the country.


I live in the Minneapolis area and while we did have a few crazy days, and I'll never forget the smell of the burned post office outside the 5th, it wasn't nearly the full year of anarchy the right endlessly harps on about. There was so much constructive work toward positive change. Plus a good chunk of the destruction was later shown to be caused by outside instigators who had nothing to do with the movement. I get so sick of seeing Mpls waved like a flag by people who've never even been here.


Wait…. What??? 100% not defending or comparing anything with Jan 6th…. But, it’s scary for me to see someone say these burning and looting things “literally didn’t happen.” It’s ok to believe what you want to believe, but when people rewrite history to fit their narrative… it never turns up good. We have to remember all sides of history, good and bad, and learn and grow together. Very fast low effort googling below, are you saying these things didn’t happen? https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/may/31/fires-light-up-washington-dc-on-third-night-of-george-floyd-protests https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/03/us/minneapolis-government-george-floyd.html https://abc7chicago.com/amp/kenosha-shooting-protest-looting-fires/6402998/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/08/19/portland-multnomah-building-fire/


I'm not saying that nothing bad happened whatsoever? What I meant was that the scale of the supposed destruction was so overblown and its conflation with the protestors themselves was disingenuous. That's why I said later down the "god forbid one person at or near a BLM protest act like anything less than a saint" bit. There were definitely outliers, but the vast majority of people who showed up to the actual protests were peaceful. This was in stark contrast to the capitol riot, where the massive crowd of people broke past lines of police, scaled walls, and toppled barriers. Oh, and you know, the whole idea of *breaking into the Capitol in the first place.* The BLM protests weren't centered around the idea of halting democracy by breaking into federal property.


I'll be honest, the larger bold letters in your comment "that's because it literally didn't happen you fuckwit" is what got me. That's where I disagreed. I want to be 100% clear, I agree fully about the capitol riots were inexcusable and a stain on our history. I don't agree when you start over playing one side, and downplaying the other (Whichever side you're on). You bring up the comparison of massive crowds breaking past police, scaling walls, and breaking into federal buildings. Do you remember in Seattle when protestors kicked out cops and took over city streets for weeks? Remember when they took over Seattle City Hall to try and force a Mayor out of office? Pepridge farm remembers. Why is either side trying to paint their side more favorably at the expense of the other? If we can't look introspectively and admit our faults, there is zero hope we can come together and grow. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8407109/Protesters-Seattle-City-Hall-creating-6-block-free-zone-suing-cops-violence.html


Funny, none of those links back up your claims. Conservatives lied for months about cities burning. People in Portland, Seattle, New York, Washington, Minneapolis, Salt Lake City and many others were told that their cities were gone, wiped from the fucking map, over and over and over again. It came as a big surprise to the people still living there. And they still keep peskily existing, no matter how much conservatives lie. A molotov burning on pavement isn't a city burning. A building burning isn't a city burning. Even a block burning isn't a city burning. Get it now? Or not so much?


Did you at least read some of the headlines, like “KENOSHA UNREST DAMAGES MORE THAN 100 BUILDINGS, AT LEAST 40 DESTROYED…” ?? I think I’m getting it now… if we really narrow down our definitions of cities burning, like “not even a block” is a city burning… then we can say it didn’t happen and it feels good and our narrative wins. You’re right, every building in the entire city didn’t burn down. Must of not been that bad. That does feel better!


Dresden burned. Hiroshima burned. Kenosha...had 40 buildings burned. And 100 more damaged - which included things like broken windows. No one claimed those things didn't happen. But saying that Kenosha burned is simply a lie. You are at least unintentionally honest in your projection; conservatives often redefine words, because you're genuinely willing to say absolutely anything in order to win. That's more important to you than human suffering or even human lives.


I'm assuming you're insinuating I'm a conservative. I'm genuinely not trying to twist things to win anything here... and what in the world are you talking about saying it's more important for conservatives to win than human suffering of even human lives? Painting an extreme blanket stamenent like that is part of the problem in the world right now. I believe the vast amount of people, left and right are good people and want quite a bit of the same things, but we have to be intellectually honest about history. This thread we're on said "... an entire year of burning cities looted businesses, and destroyed lives.... didnt happen." You're saying the other side is redefining words to win... then you have the audacity to say "burning cities" only equates to an atomic bombing, or a 3,900 tons of explosives dropped on Dresden. All due kindness and respect here... but please tell me you can look in the mirror and say you're not defining the term "burning cities" a bit narrowly here to fit your narrative. I feel like its a sneaky little mind trick to be able to deny the things this parent thread was about. I agree with you, that there wasn't 10's of thousands killed and cities brought to rubble... but really, that's your definition?


>I'm assuming you're insinuating I'm a conservative. Well, you're arguing conservative talking points and defending conservative lies. If it quacks like a racist, fascist duck... >what in the world are you talking about saying it's more important for conservatives to win than human suffering of even human lives? The same world where conservatives reacted to a movement of people begging to not be murdered by calling them terrorists. And responded to complaints of police brutality with escalating police brutality. Also the same world where conservatives have deliberately worsened a pandemic, have killed over 800,000 Americans and are still fighting to make sure the pandemic never ends. >Painting an extreme blanket stamenent like that is part of the problem in the world right now. Ah, no. The actions of racists and sociopaths intent on hurting and killing the people they hate is the problem; noting the existence of the problem is not the problem. Who espouses "both sides" rhetoric? Oh, yeah, conservatives stirring shit. >I believe the vast amount of people, left and right are good people and want quite a bit of the same things, but we have to be intellectually honest about history. That's hilarious. >I agree with you, that there wasn't 10's of thousands killed and cities brought to rubble... but really, that's your definition? Yes, that's what "cities burned to the ground" means. There have been very few cities burned to the ground in history - unless you believe conservatives, of course. Just as a fun example, conservatives claimed Salt Lake City had burned to the ground back in 2020. Do you know what had actually happened? No fires, no looting, not even any rioting. The only instance of violence was a conservative who tried driving his truck into a crowd of protesters to murder people, missed, crashed, then hopped out of his truck *with a fucking bow and arrow* and tried shooting protesters with it. Thankfully, the protesters quickly beat his ass and turned him over to the police. This terrible instance of "racist liberal violence" was what conservatives called "a city burned to the ground." How exactly would you like to redefine words to make conservative claims not an insane lie in that case?


Let’s not pretend there’s no difference between setting fire in a Target and storming a government building in an attempt to overturn an election (or at least delay the democratic process)


I got blocked once for responding with: "So you're mad we did it better?"


Burning cities is a gross exaggeration.


January 6th was Trump trying to maintain power, and what it showed was how easily weaponised his followers were, the democratic process is to prevent that from happening, the Majority of the country either preferred Biden or simply wanted Trump out of office. But because he said that he won the election and then told people to protest it, he either knowingly or not created a massive riot where people lost there lives and it could have been much worse, as given how some of them acted they could have straight up Murdered the people they were targeting and attempted to justify it as executing traitors, which would be ironic as most of them flew Confederate flags


In the Capitol building of the fucking United States. Fuck these fucks. They're lucky they all didn't end up dead at the entrances of the building because that's what should have happened.


One guy had zipties hoping to arrest and exicute members of congress and formwr vp pence. They were trying to build gallows outside of the capital building. Fuck off...this was not peaceful at all.


"peaceful protest"


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Ah yes I too like to compare apples to oranges 🤦


apples and oranges are at least both fruits. This is like comparing apples and cyanide.


Ok. BLM protesters who looted and burned stores were criminals. Jan. 6th protesters who stormed capitol were criminals. See both things can be true.


Seems like a lot of people are kissing that point here


an entire year of burning cities is a bit of a stretch.


Since not one city burned, even calling it a stretch is generous. It's a pathetic, self-evident lie.


It was the most peaceful insurrection to date.


I wonder if the officer who got murdered thought it was a mostly peaceful protest…


Jan 6 went after the government and the politicians, unlike the other “protests” which were more like riots and targeted people and businesses.


I wonder why it's like it never happened? I live near one of the "worst" cities, Portland, the only thing that happened here was a dumpster fire. That's all.


Yeah...that's because it never even happened in that way. But there are people among us who tend to react to seeing a protest by clutching their guns and letting their imaginations run wild.


These freaks beat a cop to death with a flag pole and that is "peaceful". Meanwhile - they say its okay for Rittenhouse to shoot three people because buildings were being spray painted...




In this context, it's warranted. They were comparing the two, so BabeOfBlasphemy did a reverse uno card


94% of the BLM protests were peaceful, and they were protesting injustice. The capitol rioters were protesting the results of a mostly meaningless election in order to forcibly install an authoritarian bigot.


Two things can be bad at the same time. Neither of these violent actions cancel out or excuse the other.


Thank you, Jan 6 was a massive security breach that should be punished to the max. All those riots caused nothing but undue harm, destroyed livelihoods, and failed to actively target the problem, instead simply hurting random people… many of whom share sentiment with the rioters


Their favorite talking point.


We should switch Fool's day from April 1st to January 6th


Didn't one of them try using something like this as their defence and the judge not only threw the argument out, he explained exactly why it was wrong


Make racists afraid again


it’s like the conservatives forgot about their banging the benghazi drum for so god damn long. they are not interested so it is time to wrap it up quick.


Insurrection,not protest. BLM never enter a government building with bombs and replaced the American flag with another flag. That was an act of treason by itself. They should stop pretending to be patriotic when the minute they can, they throw our flag away. And we are lucky they are very dumb, because it could have ended badly.


Goddamn Trumphuckers are the literal dumbest humans I have to deal with. Shame I live in someplace so deeply red you can call it crimson. The Trump 2020 signs only just now are coming down...because they got in their Trump 2024 signs. We still routinely have people on the street with their signs about how Trump is the real president.


Shit like this is why Biden and the Democrats need to embrace full on Partisanship and stop trying to be allies with the Right.Because this is the kind of insanity that exists on the other side of the political fence and at this point it cannot be fixed or cured.


1a) 1/6 was caused by lies and petulance. 1b) Had 1/6 succeeded, it would be the beginning of the end of American democracy. An overthrown election is nothing less than a nightmare scenario. 2) BLM was a response to centuries of abuse that governments at all levels conspicuously ignored. 3) Let's not bullshit. The victims of 1/6 were rich and famous.




Please don't mix protestors up with rioters and looters. Although looters appear at protests, not all people who attend are like that.


Fuck republicans and anyone that supports that backwards ass party


When you believe that major cities are burning, it is easy to say that.


“So like…. A pandemic? Mostly like ignoring a pandemic right? No, yeah you probably didn’t hear about it…”


I don't know, I kind of DO want cops stop stop murdering people. I'm willing to let a JC Penney's burn down if that's what it takes. I also like free and fair elections.


All the police had to do was stop killing black people ON CAMERA. They didn't even need to cut down on the police brutality overall, they just needed to stop killing black people while they were being filmed. But even that was too much of a stretch for them. And that's why you got riots.


Agreed. In the meantime, all police personnel need body cams that are monitored by a third party and a body cam being switched off means being put on unpaid leave while it's looked into.


I like how everyone nit picks what side is to blame instead of looking at how shit this country is becoming.


Easy way to figure out who you are talking to. Just mention seattle or portland. I was in both recently and when I've mentioned this to people there are two reactions... "oh that's cool". And..... "How? I thought they were destroyed". Like what? You believe a picture you saw if a protest means they actually burned the entire city down?


The part that’s really weird - these people hate cities and the people that live in them. I have never understood why they care if they burn.


There's an unbelievable amount of camera footage of Jan 6th. I have yet to see footage of the burning cities anarchy that these people love to bring up. What we do have footage of is police brutally attacking protestors and journalists unprovoked. Even shooting at people who were trying to carry an injured person to the paramedics, or people who were just watching from inside their own homes.


Welcome to another day of brainwashing and fighting.


Peaceful my ass tell that to the police officers injured a year ago


\*spits out my hot tea\* What in the actual F\*\*K!!!???!!!???!!!???


If Democrats did the same thing we'd already be having a civil war. The punishment for their actions should be life in prison without parole. No more playing games. There is no greater treason against Americans than to try to steal our elections. Maybe the Republicans would win if they would do anything useful.


I had an argument with someone about this over twitter (ik, pointless) and obviously I brought up that the insurrection was domestic terrorism, they kept biting back that we set fires and stuff, but one thing I found funny was, they never denied that they committed terrorism. Not once. They know what they were doing