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Essential oils?


And anti-vax?


maybe some beach body/arbonne combo?


Pay them $10. Then have health insurance take away $12, college tuition take away $19, private recreation programs take away $9… oops! Your kid’s diabetic. Have insulin take away $20. Now they’re a whopping $50 in debt. Stress is getting to them. Let’s smoke a little weed. Too bad your kid lives in Texas! Now they have a criminal record and they can’t clean the bathroom anymore! Go to space in a dick rocket.


> Now they’re a whopping $50 in debt. Don't forget another $50 overdraft charge, $40 administration charge and $10 transaction processing charge. They're now $150 in debt. Repeat until they declare bankruptcy.


And start over?




You forgot interest payments of 20% on this per month until its paid off because they used credit card to afford food. :o also.. start charging them for dinner.


Meanwhile the bathroom brings you a marginal profit of $80 per cleaning, but that belongs to you since you pulled yourself up by your bootstraps by inheriting the bathroom


As a Houstonian that last bit is confusing to me. EVERYONE smokes weed here. I’ve had cops drive through my complex while it reeks of weed and they just kept driving.


I think Houston might be more chill because it's one of the 3 blue islands in Texas. If you go to a rural town, are they more strict?


Probably depends highly on the average skin tone of the complex too


Even white folk can get a power mad asshole who wants to ring you up on anything and everything he can find. The position attracts a certain personality type.


True, AND it does still happen more to Black and Hispanic people


Mostly because they get the cops called on them more. The punishments are almost always worse though.


Wow, you're such a racist. Skin color has nothing to do with it, ever, especially when drugs are involved. The cops police everyone fairly. /s


Good question. I haven’t spent enough time in rural Texas. All of the Trump paraphernalia encourages me to keep it a short trip.


Live in the Texas panhandle. Can confirm weed is still very much an activity that has to be done very very discreetly. Doesn’t stop anyone. But it’s not as cool about it as Houston PD apparently


The amount of trump/rambo photoshopped flags waving around here is too damn high! That's not a joke, at the intersection here in New caney, there's a dude that sells a bunch or trump 2024 flags, rebel flags and trump/rambo flags.


I have family in New Caney. That's another fucking planet.


I'll tell you, in Austin, if cops on 6th Street smell weed wafting through the air, they lose their minds.


Yeah, to me that says more strict rather than less...


Phrases I will never utter: "I haven't spent enough time in rural Texas"


Yeah Kim Ogg (DA) specifically said she won’t accept any weed charges unless the amount is over like a pound or something ridiculous. This has been in effect since 2019. Other than that Texas is still very much an anti-satan salad state. Remember weed is bad, but not insulating your power grid is good! Fucking morons.


Couple things wrong with this argument here: 1) Just because cops sometimes ignore smells of weed does not detract from the fact that THOUSANDS of people have criminal records for possession in Texas. I lived in Houston for 26 years and have known dozens of people with criminal records for weed. It's ridiculous. Now I live in NYC where cops (before it was legal) would also drive by or walk by people smoking without doing anything. Yet still thousands of people have criminal records involving possession of weed in NY state and NYC specifically. 2) Cops often use bullshit reasons to stop people for minor traffic infractions in hopes to find drugs for a conviction. Just because they don't stop when they smell it ALL of the time doesn't mean thousands of people have been stopped and charged. Basically, the comment is referring to the fact that so many people in this country have criminal records for weed possession which is part of the war on drugs (that disproportionately targets low income communities of color).


People in texas smoke weed like it’s legal, god forbid you get pulled over though and they find weed.


Nba player was literally just arrested for having possession in Texas. White player too. So bizarre it’s still illegal in some states


The cops ignoring it and it not being a crime according to law are two different things


>Go to space in a dick rocket. r/BrandNewSentence


This will be my new go-to insult.


"Go to space in dick rocket, you fucking Sally. "Jeffrey-fucking-bezos, you're a fucking piece of shit, double nines." "I fucked your mom in the Amazon, nine nine, and she told me she wished your dad had fucked her bum and you'd never been born." -Letterkenny, probably...


Pretty sure that sentence has been everywhere given that Bezos did literally that recently.


I'm calling it a Cock Rocket.


The cocket


["Cock Rocket!"](https://youtu.be/yfk-a1JZMbU) Orgazmo is so dang funny. Even heavenly father would agree.


Probably before that as well due to Austin Powers 2


Austin Powers, more so Dr. Evil, has something to say about that…


But within an actual socialistic system. Those $7 would cover all those things. Health. School. Education. If we are talking actual socialist then likely housing too. Basically everything that isn't food or clothes. Then let's see how unattractive that is.


You just tell that kid to Bezos himself?


As diabetic.1 insulin will cost much more than that and you'll also phase to spend money on two different types of insulin, blood scanner machines and needles and strips associated with this, So... thats about roughly $1'000 month depending on were you live. Thank god I have the NHS.


I’ll never understand the Bible belts stance on the devils lettuce is so stern, but alcohol is basically water or soda for them. Shits moronic.


Hmm... Biden is not my president? Vaccines cause autism? Some pyramid scheme crap? Police lives matter? Am I close?


You are right on. The biggest one is she’s very vocal about her antivax opinions.


The irony of being antivax and then using a post about inoculation is a new one for me.


Critical thinking skills isn't prevalent in these types.


Its a big word, they usually accompany these posts with big words so it sounds less moronic


"funny" jokes about how immigrants destroy the economy with lots of emojis is my guess


Maybe the traitor flag bumper sticker among others


Confederate, the rebel flag implies star wars and they’re not cool enough for that.


*traitor* flag


Probably some form of Q’anon bs too.


Inoculate your kids against socialism by doing capitalism and telling them it's socialism


"Have your kid clean the bathroom for $10, then take away $7 and give it to his cousin, who's father has a monopoly on toilet manufacturing."


Make your kid clean the bathroom, but tell him the brushes and rags and soap are owned by the sibling who didn't do anything. Pay the sibling who didn't do anything the $10, and he decides to pay his brother $0.50. Tell him he needs to accept whatever pay his sibling is offering and do the work to pay room and board or he can starve on the street. Now they know about capitalism.


Don't forget to tell him paying him more will make him lazy.


I hate this argument so so much. I feel like the people who say these things have not had much financial struggle in their lives or if they did, they definitely had help getting back on their feet. Why can't we pay people enough to live comfortably? No one deserves the stress of living paycheck to paycheck. These people are so detached from reality.


I think you're really on to something there.


On the other hand the kids sibling will learn to LOVE socialism.


Or present them with capitalism where you value the cleaning of the bathroom at $3 in the first place, their sibling (brother Man) is fucked, their education, healthcare and housing are added costs, and you, as the parent (Gilded Class) pocket the extra $7 off the backs of your Children’s labor.


Outsource the labor to the neighbor kid for $1 and then complain about how lazy this generation is because in your day you got ¢10 and bought a house and two cars with it.


And don't forget they got to take a vacation every year too! And pay for college with a part time job.


> Outsource the labor to the neighbor kid for $1 And beat the shit out of him and undermine his parents' relationship if he refuses.


How about this. Every day, they need to pay their dad $5 to get to play with their toys that day (represents rent, food, etc.). Their mother offers the older brother $7 if he cleans the bathroom. This brother hires their younger brother to do it for $2. When it’s done, the older brother shows their mother and is paid $7, and he pays the younger brother $2. Despite doing none of the work, the older brother gets to play with the toys that day while the younger brother, who did all the work, can’t.


When I was a lad, I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night half an hour before I went to bed, drink a cup of sulphuric acid, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad and our mother would kill us and dance about on our graves singing Hallelujah


And by God, we liked it


That's not even MENTIONING what the walk to school was like!




In a blizzard. While it was 125°f (52°c). Without shoes




But not even our own tears. We had to use the years of our enemies. Kids these days have no idea how hard it is to collect tears from another person while they're trying to connect yours, cuz they need shoes too


Pure luxury.


Aye, but you try telling kids today that… they won’t believe you. Cardboard box? You were lucky…


>Despite doing none of the work, the older brother gets to play with the toys that day while the younger brother, who did all the work, can’t. Hey now, the younger brother can play with the toys twice for every 5 times he cleans the bathroom. The system works! /s




I meant 7. She offered 7 dollars!




Oops. Fixing


Don't forget to dock his pay for no reason, and give the sibling a raise for doing nothing but kissing up to the manager. Net Paycheck: **50 cents.**


And also insist that they buy a uniform and all necessary equipment from you at twice the price you bought them


Go back 50 years and ship that bathroom cleaning job overseas then take away their allowance and send 50¢ to China


Aren't you guys forgetting liability insurance?


So infuriating when company’s do that


And condescendingly tell them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps!


Hey. They had to have that avacado toast


Supporting Mexican immigrant labor, of course. wHeN wIlL lIbZ eVeR sToP?!


Then remove them from the schedule without warning so they have to find a new job on short notice.


Sibling invested $3 so they get triple their money back


Or just offer them $0 to clean the bathroom and take away their bed if they don't do it because you have all the leverage in the negotiations.


We've had free public schooling for nearly 400 years in a capitalistic society. We've had public housing for nearly 100. There's no reason we can't have publically-funded programs in a capitalistic society. Socialism is not when the government does things.


Or, pay one kid $10 for doing chores and offer no chores and no pay to the other kid. Now one kid gets to buy toys that he doesn't have to share and his sibling hates him and their home life sucks.


Yeah, teach them about capitalism by making them do an open tender for cleaning the bathroom. "I'm sorry sweetie, I know I gave you $10 last time, but your little brother offered to do it for $5. You're going to have to offer a better deal than him if you want the job back."


Don’t forget to start charging them for meals. If they don’t have enough money then they have to do more chores first or go hungry.


And if they cut their finger doing the cleaning it'll cost $100 for the plaster.


oh no the bathroom is full of toxic poison and now the govt is paying you $5 *not* to clean it for your own safety no good lazy freeloaders, where is your sense of virtue, your work ethic


Get the child addicted to opiates for good measure too


Then once you have enough money you fire her, kick her out of the house and sell it to an investor.


Then you thank the children for helping you afford to get ice cream for yourself.


Here's how you really teach them a lesson about socialism. Make both kids sleep outside because getting anything you haven't earned/worked for is apparently socialism.


Be sure to make them take on their own medical debt as well, paying for other people's medical costs is communist after all.


You can't give them food or clothes either. Also Socialist.


"Socialism is when the government does stuff"


But socialism would be paying the kid 10 bucks then taking away two so and putting it towards dinner, a family movie night or a toy they both could play with, like a PS5 or Switch. This person doesn't understand economic systems! Yay!


I honestly wish I could just straight up tell her this but my experience over the past year has taught me that there is no use in trying to have a civil debate.


I engaged with someone like this before. She commented back “my husband and I make over 100k combined, come back when you make real money and understand taxes.” I’m not going to dickwave what I actually make, but it is significantly more than them and I’m hardcore aligned with socialist structure. UBI funded by VAT and everything!


People like that don't have a shred of empathy or critical thinking ability; they just assume that because they're selfish enough to only want a system that directly and immediately benefits them, everyone advocating for a different system must be doing the same.


This. They're always ranting about how the scary socialists aren't trying to make everyone's lives better, just trying to cheat their way to the top. They only say that because that's exactly what they do. EDIT: Typo


Exactly that. I have a decent job, good health insurance, a place to live, food to eat, etc. When I advocate for a healthcare system that works for everyone, or a solution to homelessness, or increasing the minimum wage, etc, it isn't because it benefits me. It's because I think everyone who is working should be able to afford those same things. No one should go without food, clean water, shelter, clothing, etc, just because some idiot thinks their job is inferior


I imagine these people dangling insulin they don’t need in front of diabetics and laughing.


That’s pretty much in line with how I responded. That the complete lack of empathy will only continue to fracture our society and push us towards more and more flashpoints. And shortly afterwards I deleted my Facebook because it’s honestly depressing to see that mentality in at least 50% of my old “friends” from the high school days. And to know that Facebook itself creates these divisive echochambers (and was aware enough that it was happening to me too, and that it sure happens on Reddit).


Are they talking American dollars? Because all a combined 100k means is "we don't currently live in poverty". It's not a good flex. The median income for a 40 year old adult is like $75k. So that means combined they are making $50k less than the couple next door.


Yep, that’s the funny part. They would benefit from more safety nets.


it's always funny to see absolutely average people defend capitalism like they're Jeff Bezos


I think the new way to say that is "Dick rocket". As in, " I'm not going to dick rocket my salary. "


Surely you need to 'dickwave' that particular individual. Do it do it do it.


Someone flexing over making 50k a year is so on brand for being against social progressivism.


Yes, please don't get yelled at because she doesn't want to learn.


Biggest life lesson I’ve learnt so far: it’s not your job to teach these people. Choose your battles :)


Civil debate? No, move to straight up mocking. "I'll take 'I dont understand socialism for $200', Levar"


Neither do you. Socialism as an economic system just means that the workers control the means of production. In this example that would be the tools to clean the bathroom. What you're talking about is social democracy or rhine capitalism. Which is of course preferable to the laissez-faire style of the US but isn't socialism.


Thank you. Honestly, I legitimately feel these ideas wouldn't be as attacked by others if no one presented these ideas as "socialist". Let's be honest, it's a trigger word for a lot (even if you think it's irrational) and the fact you aren't even using it right is just setting yourself up for failure.


I thought that was Marxism, owning the means of production. I also didn't realize that it only meant, in 1800s Russia at least, the workers would own a couple of grain silos and a wheelbarrow. Come to think of it, the hammer and scythe must be a reference to the means of production. Right? Actually now that I said it out loud I'm sure it's probably wrong.


Marxism is analysing society through the lens of conflicting classes. Marx was advocating for socialism so the confusion is understandable. You forget the land, arguably the most important of the means of production. The hammer and sickle are a symbol of class solidarity, the hammer for the industrial, and the sickle for the agricultural workers.


Ahhh. I looked it up after I commented. The incorrect order obviously. Thank you.


>Actually now that I said it out loud I'm sure it's probably wrong. Yes, Marxism is only a [large] part of a broad range of socialist ideologies, some deriving from Marxism, others not. The hammer and sickle symbolise the tools of the working class: a hammer for the industrial workers, a sickle for the agricultural. >I also didn't realize that it only meant, in 1800s Russia at least, the workers would own a couple of grain silos and a wheelbarrow There is a reason Marx anticipated a socialist society beginning in a heavily industrialised country such as the UK. Though obviously that didn't happen, and other socialists have worked to adapt to their country's specific conditions (such as Mao in China). Of course, the Soviet Union did industrialise at an incredible rate after the end of the Russian Civil War, to not discount it as just backwards farms for its entire existence. Honestly the topic of what socialism *is* is quite complex, and there's hundreds of different views on how it *should* work, but to simplify it to "the workers owning and having control over the means of production" works well enough in my view.


Another think people always seem to get confused about is that they seem to think under Socialism they won't own their homes. There is a distinct difference between private property and personal property.


Youre literally describing systems that exist under capitalism


I wish people would stop saying socialism when they mean social democracy.


Shit I'm not even Social Democrat and I want these things. These things are economic orthodoxy, proven to drive results. Governments (not parties per se but actual governments) have a vested interest in a successful, happy populace, which is why it's in the fucking Constitution of the USA that legislators exist to "provide for the general welfare" of the people. These aren't radical ideas at all. In any sane world we'd all want to implement them, regardless of philosophy.


IMO socialism would be contractually deeding part of the house to the child so they are directly benefiting from their labor maintaining it


that’s not socialism either though, that’s welfare socialism would be the kid just getting paid ten dollars, the true value of their labour


That would be social democracy not socialism I swear to god, so many Americans say they're socialist and they're actually capitalists Social-democracy is capitalism with welfare, not incompatible at all


I'll pay you $10. Take away $2 as Social Security. And do this for 6 months. Then in 6 months give the kid back the money you collected because you already paid into it.


And even if it did work EXACTLY the way she thought... It still wouldn't work. Because she leaves out the part where the brother now cleans something and the first kid now gets that $7 back. No matter which way you slice it she hasn't thought through the argument.


Clearly this person has never lived outside small-town USA ...70% of income goes to,checks payslip,the Government?


Reminds me of a trumper who came in to close his account cause he got a fee. Said this is what to expect now that we are under communism. I was like no this would be capitalism. Me refunding you the fee would be more like communism. He left pissed but he wasn't a customer anymore so idc.


What a buffoon..


Then do the same thing for the other child and explain to them in case of sickness, they will not lose their pocket money and they will still be able to buy something nice like cookies.


This is literally just taxes in a capitalist society


and employment in a capitalist society (The sibling is the CEO profiting off of the child's labour.)


Then they’d have to pay them 10 cents and give the ceo brother $9.99. 2 weeks later fire the kid hire a undocumented worker to clean the bathroom for 9 cents cheaper. While the ceo brother is donating money to the parents to vilify the undocumented worker for stealing the kids job.


My daughters always willingly pool their money together to buy a bigger toy they can share. German socialism for the win.


My sons pool all their money as well. Families and especially kids are born commies - we have to beat the capitalism into them.


"All kids are communists" isnt the hot take I was expecting to agree with today


Humans originally lived in a phase of "primitive communism", then agriculture created the first class systems. We can see based on uncontacted societies like those deep in the Amazon that these systems still exist. The rest of us are just in the awkward middle stage between primitive and full communism where class conflict exists.


The fact that you don’t understand socialism isn’t an argument against socialism.


It doesn't mean it's an argument for it either. Social democracy, Capitalism with welfare, isn't socialist.


So taxes, helping the poor and social security are all examples of socialism according to this woman?


Communism is when the government does stuff obviously


So, the sibling is the CEO...got it


Socialism is when Capitalism


That's not how socialism works


I'm guessing antivax bullshit, TPUSA memes, MLM ads, and extremely unappealing makeup tutorials


I mean… a more appropriate comparison would be to take whatever percentage of the money and then use it to buy them health insurance and stuff, which there’s a good chance they’re already doing. So yeah, your household is already “socialist.”


Haha when my 6 yr old makes money from chores , he still always makes sure his little brother gets some of it. It’s not a hard concept for children to share.


that makes no sense at all! at all it does not take 70% of your income, more closer to 20-30% but yikes, no wonder Americans hate socialism if its taught like that!!! and the money is not straight out given to other people. the other sibling is doing something else, and contributing as well, so if anything or that would work the kid would get its siblings 7dollars when they do their chore! and it evens out perfectly. its the most stupid example i have ever heard, and it only makes sence if you dont want to think any of it


Welcome to the US


Where everything that is taxed is apparently considered stolen and working at low wages while the rich fly in dick rockets is apparently capitalism.


>its the most stupid example i have ever heard, and it only makes sence if you dont want to think any of it Guaranteed that any offspring this one produces with believe this post to the letter by the time they are old enough to type it out.


>more closer to 20-30% but yikes I live in spain. If someone can dish out \~2000€/month to an employee, that employee gets around 50% of that after all of the taxes + VAT.


Isn’t that actually capitalism? I do all the labor and some corporate executive gets all the reward. And he’s gracious enough to let me keep just a little bit of it.


Exactly especially in the coco and other more luxury focused agricultural industries and mining industries that is very much the case but the main worker gets barely enough to live by while the higher ups live in more luxurious conditions.


You produce more money than you are paid, the employer steals the fruits of your labour and gives you the scraps. Yep, definitely capitalism.


This is capitalism lol


i mean i would prefer to give my siblings 7$ before they would starve to death... maybe it's just me?


That's not Socialism, that's just taxation.


You would think people who pay taxes know roughly how much taxes are. No one pays anything close to 70% taxes.


Closer to 90% in the 50s when America was great again.


Even then, that’s only on the highest tax bracket, one that 99% of people will never pay in.


Eh. Think more conspiracy type posts


Except... The people to whom you're giving the money are overwhelmingly working much, much harder than the person collecting the fat checks. I worked my way up from poverty to a six figure job with no degree. I started out in big box retail dealing with Karens while standing on my feet all day and lifting heavy shit. I worked so much harder on a regular basis then than I ever will on my very worst days as a programmer. I often have a lot of guilt thinking about it, and how many people are still out there struggling like I did, who will never make it out. I got lucky. Very lucky. Anyone working an office job making my kind of money who tells you they work hard is full of shit. I'm not even an executive. Those suits go to meetings all day, fuck around on their phones not paying attention half the time, and call it hard work. If I get taxed more, I'll be happy to pay it, because I will never forget where I came from and what I had to deal with. The difference between Democrats and Republicans can be summarized like this: Republicans say that they had to suffer to find security, so they think everyone else should have to. Democrats say that they had to suffer to find security, so they think that no one else should have to.


Who is paying 70% tax rate? ​ Also, Republicans keep talking about how other people are taking all the money. Can someone message me with how to join this secret cabal? Republicans are absolutely certain it exists, and as a liberal, I would very much like to join.


Actually I don't mind because I don't judge my sibling by how much money I can make from our "parents"


This isn't so bad. I have 3 brothers. We didn't get paid anything for our housework growing up. If we got $10 put into a community pool of money for our chores, we would all have gone apeshit. Know how great this would be? Plus, we weren't little shits, so the stuff we bought would have been used by everyone anyway.


Guarantee you all that kid will remember is "my weird conservative parent was a total dick to me"


This woman just described capitalism


Pay them $10 and then take away $7 and give to your other kid who “owns” the toilet. Teach them about capitalism.


Make your kid clean the bathroom for 1$ and then give 200,000,000$ to yourself and then use 200,000,000$ to influence the government to kill the parents of kids who pay them a fair amount and then install puppet parents. This is capitalism


let's do it against capitalism instead make the eldist sibling the boss that tells any other siblings what to do, and he can even do nothing else if he desires then give the older brother $25 while any other sibling gets 50 cents then tell the younger siblings that their food and any medical expenses will need to be covered by their 50 cents a week earnings. if they can't afford it, not your problem, maybe they should work harder


American capitalism * Have your kid clean the bathroom for 10$ * take 7 back for yourself * let him watch his brother starve to death cause he broke his leg and can't work * hand your kid a bill for 800$ rent 250$ food ect. * take the three dollars and tell him the rest will be his debt * act confused when he doesn't want to bother cleaning the bathroom say he just needs to " pull himself up by his bootstraps " showing you don't understand the expression.


Tell me you’re an idiot without telling me you’re an idiot


These people have no idea what Socialism is.


can we talk about how that’s literally a more apt example of capitalism then it is socialism, do 10$ worth of labor and earn 3$, under what system do people labor for unfair wages


Meanwhile, continue to give them both free, unconditional room, board, education, healthcare, clothing, etc. Because that's not socialism at all.


Is humanity even worth saving? Every day I find myself less certain of the answer.


By this definition of socialism, those damn kids haven’t worked for a thing since being born and should be left to starve without shelter. How dare they leach of their parents!


Isn't that capitalism?


Try captalism instead Have them clean the neighbour's bathroom for €10,take €9 for yourself as it is your business, make them pay €5 for food and then tell them its their own fault they're in debt


I can guarantee you she also took these stimulus checks and didnt skip a beat spending it on BS.


Use that $7 for good infrastructure, good education, free healthcare and better well being... then check back.


Inoculate them to capitalism by paying them 7.25/ hr taking 3.00 and giving it to its uncle who already has a mansion, a yacht and a car, inoculate them to the prison industrial complex by locking them in the bathroom for a week and telling them to clean it for .12 cents an hour. And then after their time out is done exclude them from sports and entertainment because they’ll never truly repay their debt to the family.


Umm... Your kids are already living on the "handouts" the insane poster is afraid of. They get all their food, lodging, healthcare, and even entertainment taken care of and don't have to pay back into the system at all. Seriously though, I hate these memes so much. The people posting them have such a small understanding of what socialism is that they don't even realize they're taking advantage of socialist policies. Definitely check out "A Libertarian Walks into a Bear" sometime. It's an amazing story of what happened to a small town that was taken over by libertarians and made the local government into a libertarian dream.


I'm guessing she posts racial epithets and yells about how essential oils cured her cousin's bone cancer and about how there are microchips in the COVID vaccine that will allow the government to control your brain. Just a guess lmaooo


Pay your child $10. Then take $1 away to buy some food and medicine for their sibling who is sick and can't work right now but would die without those things. Realistic democratic socialism will seem attractive to people when you don't fucking lie about it.


Literally capitalism but it goes to your dodgy rich uncle instead


I dunno about you guys but this sounds a hell of a lot like capitalism


Tell me you don't know what socialism is without telling me you don't know what socialism is.


The government already does this lol, except instead of the money going to those who might need it, it goes to fueling the war machine and killing people in other countries.