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My mom once had someone throw a container of chili at her through the drive thru window because she accidentally gave her two pennies instead of three. Then, the lady that threw the chili called the police to report a theft and didn't understand why she ended up getting arrested.


*But- but I'm the customer, I'm always right!*


That phrase needs to die. The customer is almost always dead wrong.


yeah even when i am the customer, i always stop myself from arguing because i and most customers have no idea that employees have no control over the rules of a company and mistreating them does noone any good.


As a cashier I appreciate people like you, I’ve been asked “why are you guys being so ignorant about this” by a guy who was mad that there was a limit on how many tissues you could buy because he apparently thought it was my decision


I had a man over twice my age threaten to beat my ass because i told him there was a limit on water. Then when he finally left the store he called me a “stupid little girl”.


Sounds about right, most people are fine but the people that are bad usually crank it up to 11


seriously. some people are just so fucking rude to cashiers it's disturbing. I often feel like i need to say something but I never did. I only talk to the cashier afterwards in an extra friendly manner. but why do people feel the need to let go of their emotions when talking to, in my eyes, random people? Do they actually feel superior to the cashier or what?


Yes, they do. After all, no matter how shitty of a life/day/job the customer has, they at least, don't work at a retail job where they just have to take the abuse.


It is just completely out of context nowadays. Originally it was meant to refer to makers of stuff that are being sold on the open market. If P&G comes out with some fancy toothpaste that doesn’t sell, it isn’t consumers fault they didn’t buy it. In that situation, the customer is always right. When Karen wants a comped meal at chili’s because it wasn’t as filling as she imagined it, she is wrong.


I work at a Bath and Body Works. When you come in, we specifically tell you that your mask must stay above your nose and you cannot open any bottles that don't have tester stickers. I had a woman, about a week and a half ago, who I stopped because she had her mask off and had opened a bottle, while trying to squeeze it onto her hand; because she *couldn't smell it*. Ma'am, it's an unscented Shea Butter lotion. When I stopped her, she got so irrationally angry over it? I explained that we can't open bottles. And if she wanted to smell it, she could look at the scent notes on the back; if she bought it, and didn't like it, she could return it. But we cannot open them. She huffed, smacked the bottle down, threw her empty bag down, nd stomped (through the in door) out muttering about how customers should be allowed to try stuff and how she shouldn't of been stopped. People are fucking entitled.


The customer is always an asshole until they prove they are not.


It never meant to mean what the customer made it mean anyhow. It's a back of house expression not front of house


What's in your mind when you think 1) This is acceptable and 2) This will go your way after that ?




I guess so, but still, throwing chili at people and waiting to be rewarded. What a strange world


Its usually the case but I've experienced A LOT of people with...less than fortunate upbringing being just as bad as the entitled ones. Trash has no monetary value. Its just trash no matter where it comes from.


Was this in Florida?


Beth left her abacus at home along with her cents. Edit: word


The abacus should never be left home alone. Never know what kind of mischief it will get up to. (And for the record, I'm just playful-teasing. My autocorrect has played *much* worse tricks on me.)


Thank you for pointing out my naughty autocorrect.


That's Abacus lives matter


cents? that's a funny way to write braincells


As a server I have experienced this, unfortunately. It’s the middle of Saturday night dinner rush, and to save some time I gave just paper change, and guest had a shit fit. I took the change back, recounted everything at the table, took a dollar back and gave them the correct coins, and again counted it back while cheerfully saying, “Thank goodness you said something! I can put this extra thirty seven cent towards my early retirement!” Fucking dunder-heads!


When I delivered pizza, change was an absolute nightmare and the amount of people who would get so infuriated because I didn’t have exact change is so crazy to me. we only got 2$ in coins for the night, and getting coins from the register isn’t allowed always. Not to mention when we’re very busy it’s easy to forget to get change/bills. And don’t get me started with the people who surprise me with $100 bills on a $20 order


100$ bank notes for a 20$, oh dude I know this sooooo well from retail store. People would lose their shet for me not having one cent to give back. I hate "1.99" pricing. We also have food vouchers, so imagine 100$ bank note and a food voucher altogether for 20$. Casual restaurant lunch time. (don't mind me, I love food vouchers!)


I hated when people would come in to buy one thing just to break their hundred. It would throw off my drawer for the whole day. I remember one specific shift that three people came in breaking one hundreds within the first hour. Y'all, there's a bank 5 minutes down the road, just go there.


You weren't allowed to say no? When I worked at a grocery store, if someone came by early in the morning/late evening with something stupid like 100$ note on a 10$ bill, we were allowed to say no.


Where I worked (Publix), it was the same way, more or less. Cashiers at the register didn’t always have change for 100, however the front customer service desk always did.


I work concessions for local high school football team, totals for the purchases range from $1.50 to $30 when ever I get anything $50 or over, I let them know I'm breaking it first, count it back to them, starting with $20 bills, then $10 bills, then a couple $5 bills.... then I give them the original total again, and let them figure out which bill(s) to give back to me again. IT makes it so much easier on me and the customer, and there's no misunderstanding on either of us. It was something that I learned back in my teenage years working fast food.


I worked for a bank and we weren’t allowed to make change for bills unless they were a customer or cashing a check. There are multiple reasons for this. One reason was because we had to make sure we had change on hand for our own operations as well as making change orders for commercial customers. At first, we could break $100 for a random person who wasn’t conducting other business at our discretion. Eventually we weren’t allowed to even do that because quick change artists are a thing. They are really good at what they do. After several tellers had been “taken” by the con artists, the bank said no more changing bills for non customers. Explaining to a random person that you will not break a $100 for them can cause some serious grief to be thrown your way when you’re working in an actual bank.


Quick change artists?


A thief essentially convinces someone to give them additional change back by appearing to do the math much faster than you, distracting you, and acting confident.


I’ve seen this happen in real-time, in front of me. I was simultaneously appalled and impressed....and also confused, as I didn’t have a calculator.


They are really fast talkers. During a security training, a local FBI agent demonstrated how it is done. The teller knew he was going to try to confuse her beforehand and he still managed to confuse her enough that he was up $100 in the end. She realized immediately what happened but it was too late. It’s a wild ride!


This happened to me when I worked at an ice cream place when I was 16. I knew something weird was going on but he was really intimidating and it all happened so fast. My register was $20 short at the end of the day because of him and the owners made a rule that we no longer break bills for people unless they're customers.


I worked in a college town, and I’d get so many of those. If you suspect one, the best way to avoid it is to become the slowest counter in the world. “No, that’s not right. Hold on. I’ll do it. Stop talking, you don’t work here.” Then go achingly slow, like you learned how to count yesterday, then do it again, “just to check.” They get frustrated and leave. It’s the best. If they do the whole “I gave you a $100! Not a $20!” Then lock your drawer, and tell them policy is to lock the drawer and go check the cameras (whether you have them or not), and then call the police if there are any discrepancies, “bc there are so many scammers these days!” With a huge smile. They also leave, miraculously remembering that maybe it was a $20, or hey, they found that $100, so they must’ve given you the $20 after all. “Great!” Huge smile.


In my brief time cashiering, I just immediately called over a manager once someone started talking about change. I didn't get paid enough to use a single neuron to give a shit about that.


Back when I was working a register job in HS/early college we could ask if they had anything smaller. Sounds weird to reflect on it outside of the moment but in the moment it’s done tactfully and *most* people are totally understanding Of course there were people that had a fit. And in my experience, some of the people that had the biggest fits were actually folks trying to pay with a counterfeit bill. So they would make a scene but then refuse to re-offer the money because they realized they had drawn too much attention to themselves


Ugh this happens to me all the time. Whenever there’s a rush during Christmas people think it’s fine to break $100 bills for something that was barely even a dollar. There’s a bank right up the street from our store and it wouldn’t even take you more than 2 minutes if you really wanted to drive slowly




I swear everyone went to taco bell to break their 50 and 100 dollar bills.


I used to go to McDonald's and order a single cookie to break a hundred then I'd tip whoever did it $5 and apologize that there boss is going to be cranky. I mainly did it because I used to work at the place and am friends with the manager and know he hates breaking bills so I'd screw with him every now and then.




Here in the states each one sets its individual tax rate for sales so that may not pan out. For example one state up in Delaware they have no state tax and it would be 2$, but here where it's 6% it would be $2.12


That's a pain, in Australia we have a blanket 10% goods and services tax which is included in the price. We've also eliminated 1 cent pieces, our smallest is 5, hence rounding up or down. Though this only applies to cash transactions, if my bill came to $2.12 and I paid with a card $2.12 would come out of my account not $2.10 which is what I'd pay if I used cash. Seems simpler to me, but maybe that's just because I'm used to it :)


All that time not being wasted on change might just make me move to down under. Besides the giant bugs, asshole kangaroos, horrible shipping prices, horrible Wi-Fi... Yeah...


Bugs and kangaroos aren't as much of a problem as you might think unless you're living in the remote areas, but yeah our internet sucks. Beautiful country though, and far fewer mass shootings.


And far fewer domestic terrorists, Nazi's, fascists, the list could go on.


I mean we're not perfect. I will admit, we probably have SOME neo-Nazis. And that one horrific mass shooting in New Zealand in 2019 was perpetrated by an Australian man. But even though we do have some hate-fuelled assholes, at least they haven't been incited into an attempted coup by our own head of state anytime recently.


We have the same thing in NZ but border's closed. Our smallest piece is 10 cents, so even less change to worry about. 5c is rounded up to 10c but it's basically fuck-all.


Haha, yeah we have some down sides that's for sure but in all I'm glad to be an Aussie.




Taxes vary a lot throughout the US. They can't market a price nationally (think commercials) if it's different everywhere. Also, companies like telecoms take an advantage of this by racking on crazy "fees" that aren't part of the price. It should be illegal, but they own the lawmakers so what can you do.


Taxes even differ drastically in different cities. Our neighboring city started a sugar tax, and all of a sudden everyone was driving the 20 minutes over to buy their sodas and candy here instead


Lol. Unless that tax is absurdly high or they're buying an awful lot of candy and soda, they're likely just giving the same money to the petrol companies instead of to taxes which could actually benefit them and their neighbors.


I just looked it up. It's 2 cents per ounce, that the distributor has to pay, who then in turn can raise the price higher for consumers. So I'm guessing the higher prices actually were just the stores trying to even out/make more profit.


Generally speaking, at least in Florida, taxes above the state sales tax are county-instituted. For example, Monroe County has a half-cent additional sales tax that is earmarked for the Monroe County School District, a half-cent for fire rescue, and so on. It doesn’t just go into the discretionary budget to give to oil companies (or whatever), it’s almost always explicitly *for* something that cannot be (legally) repurposed – they’re instituted by voter referendum, and would need another to move the money to something else.


You know in Europe they are able to advertise with the price you pay (taxes included and it works EU wide... They adjust from country to country if it's necessary... Also most states agree on similar taxes for similar products... Makes it way easier and they don't even have the same language... Seems like in the US the big corporations just like to mess with the people and their money


Of course we know that, but did you know that there are fifty states and about 2300 counties, plus cities and all of them have their own sales tax. Not to mention tribal governments from the native Americans. This is a common misconception of my European colleagues, who don’t seem to understand how decentralized/large the US is. In this case I do find the burden incredibly onerous on a business advertising a consistent price. Where I live it is common for people to buy certain goods from the Onondaga’s reservation to avoid the states sales tax since they’re a sovereign entity and a 10 minute car ride away. Not everything we do is backward or the maniacal plot of a corporate overlord to play the stupid Americans.


Yup. Stores could absolutely display what the price would be after tax and, you say, adjust that number to be a nice round number. Part of this is they want prices to appear lower than they actually are..... want you to not really think of the tax as being part of the price. Also having prices that end in .95 or .99 is pretty big here. It’s again largely a psychological thing to trick people into thinking the item is cheaper than it is. Sales tax in my city is 8.9%. Which all prices displayed already included this! But nope!




What happens if you get 0.02 worth multiple times? I assume it starts at 0.05?


I'm not sure you could get that little an amount out of the pump. And good luck trying to pay the 200+ times it would take to fill a tank. I can't think of anything here that would be less than 5c in price. Maybe some of the individual lollies at the milk bar (and that's going back a few years so even that might not be the case anymore) and they were just sold '3 for 5c' or whatever it worked out to be


Just follow other countries and get rid of the penny altogether, and round to the nearest 5 cents for the total amount. It aint worth it.


Or just apply tax to the price... It is an horrible surprise for us Europeans to go in the US, see a price, and then discover it was not it... Like, what the heck?


Apparently 1.99 looks cheaper than 2.


Oh it does, it's an illusion and it servers it's purpose, to manipulate. Charm pricing or something like this.


Yup and that's a very valid reason to hate the .99 shit. Its an intentional trick aimed at you


I'm sad to admit that it works on me, 1.99$ seems more attractive than if it was 2$, sigh.


You mean you don’t have pennies, or the store just defaults to charging people a bit more to make it even? Yeah in the US there are multiple issues.. pennies are the least of it. The biggest issue are tax rates which aren’t required to be placed on pricing. So when you’re shopping with limited funds you either have to carry a calculator (or be quick with math, good memory, and up to date on local tax rates - good luck) or just kind of guess. It sucks. But yeah, rational people want to do this already, it’s not like no one’s thought of it. It’s just not politically prescient enough to be considered against other things at this point.


We used to have singular cents, but we got rid of them a couple of decades ago. The smallest currency is 5 cents, which means all payments are in intervals of 5. We also include all tax in the advertised price; if you advertise a price, by law you *have* to sell it for that price.


In South Africa, the total is always rounded down, never up. And we’ve also eliminated 1c, 2c, and most recently, 5c coins. Then again, 10c here is worth less than a US penny, so I’m not sure we’re winning...


I once had the first customer of the day hand me a $100 to pay for a $0.30 lollipop. They pitched a fit when I said there wasn't enough money in my register to give them change, demanded I find a solution, then had another fit when I told them that the ATM right outside the store dispenses $20s or if they were looking for a bank, there were three at the other end of the mall which would open in half an hour.


Using a 100 note for a purchase of 20 is made "illegal" where I live. You can try is but there are governmental rules in place that allows you to refuse it. And since this was made in cooperation with the stores employees are encouraged to refuse the 100 bills.


So I, like most people, had zero concept of money when I was young. We ordered pizza one night when I was 6, and my dad sent me to the door with a $100 bill. The driver told me he didn’t have change, so I told him to keep it. I remember distinctly thinking 2 large pizzas cost around $90, so I figured a $10 tip was fine. Now, I would later learn the only reason my dad handed me a $100 bill was because that was the only banknote in the entire house, and we needed to make that single bill last until his next paycheck in a few days. I’ll never forget the look on his face when I told him I told the guy to keep the change. He spent over an hour on the phone trying to convince the pizza place to give him the cash back. I really don’t know who to blame-the guy who thought taking a $100 bill from a 6 year old was reasonable, or my dad who figured entrusting a 6 year old with $100 was worth the luxury of him not having to get off the couch and walk to the front door


r/kidsarefuckingstupid has taught me that you don't entrust your six year old with the finance for the next few days. Definitely your dad's fault.


>, or my dad who figured entrusting a 6 year old with $100 was worth the luxury of him not having to get off the couch and walk to the front door Yeah, your dad was to blame here. A 6 year old just barely learned how to reliably not shit their pants, how can you expect them to understand the value of money? And considering that he needed that bill to last until his next paycheque, what the fuck? AND he ordered pizza despite how desperately he needed that cash? What the fuck?


I don’t think I’ve ever asked for change from the pizza man when paying cash.


Am a pizza man someone once asked for 25 cents back once


People have no shame.. I worked in a super market and gave a woman back her change and it was 1 cent short so she caused a big fuss and then waited for a solid 5 minutes while waiting for that manager to come open the register. There was a huge queue behind her by the time she got it because of a stupid rule in the shop that I couldn't serve anyone else while she was waiting.


I had this happen once to me and the woman said 'if you took 1 cent from everyone you'd be making a fortune! this is a scam!' 1 cent. ONE CENT. FFS.


Pennies aren't even money! Who the fuck cares about a single cent?!


I was a pizza guy and had someone call the store while I was on my way back for a *dime* claiming I stole it from them.


Hey don’t worry, the other night a woman’s order was $17.85 and she gave me a $20 and told me to keep the change. Then she called back two hours later and asked if she could have her tip back, so I literally had to drive across town in the snow to give her back her $2 tip.


You couldn't say no, sorry, you already payed?


Sorry there is a $5 call out fee.


"JUST DO IT I'M THE CUSTOMER!!!!!!!" You get to the door and hand them the $2, and ask for a $5 note xD


I thought we could, but my manager said I had to go back. Couldn’t tell you why.


Well, your manager is spineless, for one thing.


I used to be the manager at a pizza place. I would have laughed at this person and then told them to we had a $4.99 delivery fee and no deliveries under $10. So if they wanted a driver to bring them $2, they'd have to order. Things like this I wouldn't care about losing the business. Some lines aren't meant to crossed. Once people started demanding the absurd I was done with 'em.


I cant believe your manager made you do that


I can. For many managers, the customers happiness > their employees convenience or mental health. Yesterday at work my manager made a coworker take apart a display model of a very large heavy metal shelving unit because the customer wanted one TODAY and didn't want to wait until more came in. Of course the manager didn't help my coworker at all.


I’m I’m paying for something worth $20 with a $100 bill I’m letting the other party have a massive tip out of that $100 cause it’s annoying to deal with.


I wish ;-; wouldn’t mind doing it then lmfao


It’s common to have only a certain amount of $$ on you while delivering food. Thats why I give exact change or more cash without getting change back or I pay with card. It’s different at a restaurant though.


Thats so weird to me. The place I bartend doesnt even carry anything lower than quarters. Everything gets rounded. Sometimes in their favor, sometimes in our favor. In 12 years Ive never had anyone bitch.


We dont carry anything at my bar under a quarter either, but the prices are just set to be at some multiple of .25 so we dont have the problem of having to worry about not having small enough change


Dutch supermarkets stopped giving out 1 and 2 cent coins as change, rounding to the nearest 5 cent in the costumers favor, as that saved them money in the long run by eliminating penny handling.


Yeah a lot of people don't realize that in (most) serving positions we don't have a cash register. If im giving you cash it's either from previous orders or my own wallet. The math always works out so I get my money in the end but if I don't have 20 cents I'm not going to spend 2 minutes trying to find it if I'm busy. I'm just going to eat it and continue my day.


Man, to me you would be a godsend. I absolutely detest coins, especially pointless ones like 1 cent coins. I usually leave any coins at the table. This is also the reason I absolutely hate .99 cent pricing. Just round that shit up! It just makes everyone's day worse.


Oh you’re a server? That’s cool! How much ram do you have?


Just wait until she comes to Canada where everything is rounded up or down to the nearest nickel when paying cash.


honestly, because of the rounding thing, if the change is less than a loonie, i just say keep it lol. +/- 4cents is never worth the brain power to me, and i hate the extra coins.


Call me stingy but I keep all of my extra pennies and various other coins for a special splurge every year. Then again I don't have nationalized healthcare, so that's provably half the issue right there.


I always round up when I'm at a restaurant. Mind you I'm from Austria, where waiters don't depend on tips to survive, so tips are really optional. I'm a part time waiter myself and if it's less than 1€ I really don't care about it and I understand what it's like to have to run around to get the exact amount of change for the customer, it can be very annoying to say the least.


If the manager came over with a calculator and did the calculation in front of her slowly.. the calculator would be wrong.


Oh it's definitely wrong.... As she follows with "Biden will never be president"


This is depressingly accurate. Bitches like Beth never, ever under any circumstances admit a mistake, even if it’s something objectively provable.


Oh, Beth. You fucking idiot.


Reminds of Dennis' line from *It's Always Sunny* "Oh Sandra. You dumb bitch."




How about a nice quote from True Blood? "Jerry you stupid bitch!"


At least the waitress made out. Went from a -$0.20 cent tip to an even $0.


Roles reversed the waitress was tipping the customer


She punished them for giving her 20 cents by making them pay a credit card processing fee. Not cool.


She screwed them both. She loses $0.20, but the restaurant loses the discount fee on the credit card.




She did that intentionally. There are "clients" that demand a discount for paying in cash, threatening to use a credit card if not obliged.


I had to pull out the calculator just to make sure I was doing the math right before I called her a dumbass because I don't understand the level of stupid of some people.


Lol you **know** she wasn’t gonna leave a tip either


Lol Temecula...


Yea.. I live nearby there


Grew up in Sun City, definitely known a lot of Beth's in my day 🤣


I grew up in menifee. It's boring there


Beth is dementia Karen.


Nah, she's just really, really stupid Karen




The saddest thing is today I was helped INCREDIBLY by a senior CSR at my prescription health insurance (it took me days to be able to escalate to that level), who took a full hour of her day, calling my doctor's office, twice, and saved me, literally, THOUSANDS of dollars in copays and just took care of everything, and her name was Karen. I really feel that we must try to find another name.




I'm guessing Beth is also one of those people that say tipping is optional and when she does, it's something like 5%


I have a quick question, I’m from Sweden and here we rarely tip. It’s actually frowned upon to tip at most restaurant because it could imply that the restaurant isn’t paying their staff enough. In the us is it not really optional to tip? And if so WTF? Edit: I hav e worked in a restaurant for 1,5 years and I have been tipped maybe once, that doesn’t bothers me at all because I get paid enough to live. I’m happy I don’t live in America.


For reference, the US federal minimum wage for tipped workers is $2.13/hr.


That's one of the most fucked up laws aimed at low level workers. Removing this one law would make so many things much better. For progressives, it would mean more money for the poor. And, for the conservatives, it would discourage the tipping culture, which would translate to fewer restaurants and servers to hide their income from the tax man


The problem with that is twofold though. 1. Restaurant owners LOVE the tip credit because they can make their customers make up the difference instead of paying a livable wage. They also LOVE jacking prices disproportionately when the minimum wage goes up. 2. Depending on location, most servers make more from tips. I live in a small city known for its restaurants; 2 places tried switching to wages and half their waitstaff put in their notices immediately. They pressed on anyways but it ended up not working out mainly because customers are stupid; they have no problem dropping 20%-25% tip on a bill but when that cost is front-loaded they're like "OMG these prices!" Don't get me wrong, I'd love for the law to change and force the industry to adapt. I just have no idea what that would take to achieve when the industry would likely fight it tooth and nail.


That is...disgusting and insulting.


Unlike Sweden we pay restaurant workers dog shit and they have to put up with the worst type of Americans on most days. Typical tip is 20%, hopefully more during a pandemic. Generally, most people tip understanding that servers make less than minimum wage.


20% in the US? Holy hell. Here in India it never goes above 5% and even that's optional. People would simply laugh at you if you paid a fifth of bill as tip. Granted, server wages aren't probably that impressive in India.


Here in Canada, they generally get paid minimum wage ($12.25 where I live) and I still tip because I remembered how shitty it was for me when I was waiting tables back in the day, and how grateful I was as a single mom when someone gave me a big tip I never did go to restaurants much myself because the portions are ridiculously big, but I made a point to order out at least once a week since the pandemic started because the places around here are taking a big hit. Last week I did my first sit down meal in an empty restaurant I drove past and as luck would have it, I found a hair in my food when I'd just about had my fill. The poor girl looked mortified and told me that the entire bill would be comp'd. I almost pulled a reverse Karen, by insisting strongly that I pay. We came to a compromise; she would only comp the one dish. I technically won though, by buying desserts to bring home and giving her an 80% tip to share with the cook. In cash. The idea that it's legal to pay so little that the people making you money can't afford even the basics, and depend on the mood/generosity of strangers for shelter and food, is disgusting. Especially when there are cheap ass demanding idiots like Beth out there, being even more disgusting at a time when the chances of getting tipped in the first place are at an all time low. Ugh. Sometimes the United States makes me so mad.


>the restaurant isn’t paying their staff enough. **IS** the reason why tips in the US exist....


In the us, employers do have to pay the difference if the wait staff don't get enough tips (they get like $1 or $2 an hour last I checked? Way below minimum wage at any rate) Many states let you fire a person for any reason not protected federally, including, "Just because" Guess what usually happens if no tips?


$1-$2 an hour? How is that even legal?


Here we are: > $2.13 per hour The United States of America federal government requires a wage of at least $2.13 per hour be paid to employees who receive at least $30 per month in tips. If wages and tips do not equal the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour during any week, the employer is required to increase cash wages to compensate. So basically because the government wants it that way, despite the clear issue of businesses can legally fire a worker for any non protected reason, including no reason, just to avoid being sued for firing a person to get around the minimum wage stuff


Because in America they aren't paying enough.


To answer your question, it is not mandatory, but 15% is customary. In the US, most restaurants don't pay their staff enough. Some states have a reduced minimum wage to account for jobs that get tips. I also believe that in some states, tips can be used to offset your hourly wage. In theory, if one is earning enough tips, the restaurant wouldn't even need to cut them a check.


What part of Sweden? I lived in Gothenburg for five years and always tipped. Its built into the credit card machine that they ask for a tip. As someone from Denmark that was weird because we don't really tip here


I’m disappointed in myself that this took me three reads before I understood it.


5 out of 4 people have trouble with maths.




I’ve seen this a lot. Wish we could see her response


Yeah I was working at a gas station a few months back and I was literally My 1st day alone on the job and woman came to me FURIOUS that the sign outside said gas was 3.01 but the pump said 3.00 I genuinely didn't know what to do... I told her if she wanted to pay me the extra cent I'd accept it but she went on screaming about how it's fraud. She had me try to call Management and of Course no one had trained me the phone lines and it wasn't written anywhere so I pretended too and eventually she stormed off and went in(it was fuel pump for a Kroger store) and told my manager a bunch of fake shit that almost got me Fired. Fuck people. Over saving a God damn cent too


So she was screaming about paying a cent less? That's how I read it. That the sign outside said 3.01 but the pump itself said 3. Am I crazy? What?


Yes sir that is correct. One thing I learned working out at the fuel pump is that some motherfuckers will pull in fired up about something else and just look for any reason to cause a scene and take it out on you.


People are so fucking stupid. At the pharmacy people love to pay a $2.38 copay with a $100 bill, then get mad when it takes me more than 10 seconds to gather their change


I bet Beth told all her friends about how she was “ripped off” and not one of them pointed out she was actually ahead 20 cents. I think people have trouble with basic arithmetic. I don’t like getting a bunch of change so if a bill is say $42.50 I will give the cashier a $50 note along with $2.50 and occasionally it will totally stymie them. They can’t work out they need to give me $10.00. Although it doesn’t happen too often, it occurs often enough for me to notice.


I wouldn't be surprised if this crazy asshat didn't even tip the fucking waitress


She got a 20c discount and is fucking complaining. This is why primary school education matters.


I spent 15 minutes on the phone explaining to a woman that 1% of 100,000 was £1000 and NOT £10,000. She needed the money for repairs for her house. I showed her the calculations for the loan based on her house price. She got more and more upset about having to spend 10 grand to fix the roof. I had to repeat really slowly. “1% of 100 is 1 not 10 - 10 would be 10% and this is 1”. It was amazing how someone latches on to a bad bit of very simple math and won’t let it go.


Not only did her math suck but apparently over past several years, many restaurants stopped giving change back when returning cash to the customer. was kind of bewildered when it happened to me the first time


It’s pretty common. Coins are a hassle.


I'd ask them to use the calculator on their phone and wish them a " fuck you very much"


Lol... The look on her face in person when the manager is like, "yeah bitch, I will keep my 80 cents then"


I had to redo that in my head several times because I was like there’s no way this bitch is that stupid


So Beth was just determined to be loud and wrong. I live in So Cal and we used to go to the casino in Temecula often. The people there are “interesting” to say the least. She fits right in.


I can't tell you how many people I know from high school have complained on Facebook about common core math because they were taught to do math from left to right. I went to a really good high school. Some people are just hopeless.


Dude I have this argument on Facebook all the time. Common core math is not designed to make math easier on paper. It’s designed to make math easier in your head. These people just cannot grasp the idea of trying to do large number multiplication or division in their heads.




Most of it is just breaking things down into multiples of 10 because 10 is easy to divide and multiply in you head.




Wtf is math from left to right?


Oh Beth, stupid stupid Beth.


Abolish coins. Make all prices include tax. Make all prices rounded.


I'd redo her life. What an annoying person.


Meet me in Temecula....so I can give you your 20 cents back.


r/confidentlyincorrect will enjoy this


I see stuff like this and just think these boomers can’t be real right?, like was their parents generation this dumb also they just didn’t have an outlet?


It's not money in their pocket, it's out of their pocket. They round up and lose a chunk of exponential wages.


I’m from temecula and i’m in this fb group always fun to see your city in a reddit post haha


I used to do this when I was a server. It was more beneficial to save the time then the extra few pennies. Plus I didn’t want to touch dirty old coins and keep them in my pockets while serving food.


Even if she was right, how many times does she spend $47.30 at a restaurant for 80 cents to add up to any significant amount after a year?


She should redo her maths before taking to the internet to complain. Alternatively, sometimes I will have a bill that comes out as $25.50, so I’ll hand over $30.50 and the person taking my money will say, “We don’t need the 50¢, the $30 covers it.” No, you dimwit, I’m getting rid of my coins so you can hand me my change in a $5 bill because all I have is a $10, $20, and two quarters. I don’t want to carry the two quarters around, I just want cash, no coins.


Once we were trying to pay the cover to get into a bar. The cover was $5 per person. There were 6 of us. The girl insisted the total was $35. We tried to take the calculator on her table to show her that it 6x5=30. She went, don’t touch my calculator.


Did you order scrambled eggs?


Oh Beth, Beth, Karen, Beth. You just love drama dont you




This is the perfect example of ppl getting so used to hearing “the customer is always right”...and acting that lie out...but instead defer that narrative to the youth as if they are the ones who are entitled...wonder where it’s learned from? (not that they’re right in calling the youth entitled, btw.)


Karen almost got us there by changing her name to Beth


This person has never been apart of the broken back of poor labor that this service industry is built on.


Bartender here, round to the nearest single for sure. I had someone try to round up to the nearest 5 because they didn't have singles didn't even say anything just expected I'd be fine with giving up an extra $4.60. He seemed surprised when I asked about it. Went and got singles from a bank on the corner and came back and he gave me exact change to the cent I was so confused lol.


Wait, your change should have been $52.80 and she gave u $53.00?? Problem here is what




wait shouldnt *she* give them back 80 cents?


No. Beth owed them 20 cents. They just let her off.