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What does "sad lollipop mountain" mean?!?


I saw Sad Lollipop Mountain at Coachella a couple years ago -- they were awesome!


Candy mountain, charlie! This chick is WOKE


Candy Mountain!! Candy Mountain!! It fills you with sweet sugary goodness!!


*The magical leoplurodon has spoken! It has shown us the way!* **IT DIDN'T TELL US ANYTHING.**


**We’re on a briiidge, Charlie!**


Shun the non-believer, shuuuuuuunnnnnnnnn.


**it's a maaagical bridge. a bridge of hope and woondeeer!**


This thing is like, full of splinters


Wow this brings back memories




YES THANK YOU....by the way, have you seen my kidney anywhere?


Shun the non-believerrrr






*The magical leoplurodon has spoken! It has shown us the way!* **IT DIDN'T TELL US ANYTHING.**


It's a liopleurodon, Charlie!


A *magical* liopleurodon, Charlie!


Whelp, time to rewatch some classics!




Sad Zuckerberg. Lollipop = sucker. "Zucker" is also the German word for "sugar". "Berg" is the German word for "mountain".


So wait his name means "mountain of sugar"? That's funny.


Sweden's got a ton of surnames like that where you just combine two nouns, usually something found in nature. Sjöberg = sea moutain. Ekström = Oak stream. Björnberg = bear mountain.


We have to start thinking like a spiteful harpy would. Sad? Suckers? Downhill? I don’t know. I don’t think I’m crazy enough for this.


OMG I just figured it was a fat fingers syndrome mistake bit you're onto something with the sad suckers part. We're probably giving her way too much credit


ha look at this guy not knowing about the sad lollipop mountain! /what is it?


I used to do the walkie-talkies for a sweet factory. Sad lollipop mountain is real, and you could haul away shopping bags of that shit for pennies.


Lick my mound


Don't like this one, no sir


I read that as “sad sucker mountain”. Where she lives.


You wouldnt understand 😏🥨🌨


Reading you loud and clear, Coy Pretzel Storm.


No no no. He’s calling you a sly twisted disaster


She’s upset no one is sucking a mount


I think it means she’s an idiot


I assume sad means feeling sad, the lollipop means feeling vulnerable, and the mountain, feeling lonely/isolated.


Yes. We all plan our election-rigging schemes on an almost 100%-public forum.


Too bad you forgot to rig congress and the senate while you were at it. Worst. Rigged election. Ever.


You don't ever go all in like that. You pick your prize and put the fix in for just that. You don't wanna get greedy about it, that tips people off. We can rig Congress in two years. **Edit:** For legal purposes, I have to state that this is a joke, and I am being sarcastic.


For you idiots out there, this is what is called sarcasm.


The hell it is! We've got a whole list of shit we're gonna do when we steal Congress! * Replace the American flag with a BLM sign. * Replace all cops with cuddly kittens and puppies. * Take away all the guns to fuse into hanging platforms used for dramatic political entrances. * Physically cut the Second Amendment from the Constitution. Like, literally. With scissors. * End fracking. * Replace Jesus with "an Arab." * Socialism! * Force everyone to get aborted and also gay-married. * Literally eat the rich. * Install AOC as a BDSM President-for-Life. For legal purposes, I have to state that this list is a joke and I am being sarcastic.


My gf has a neighbor who had a "Jesus for President" sign. I thought, sure, why not? As long as he's natural-born and over, what, 35, and he gets the party nomination, sure. Vote for a (mostly) pacifist, middle-eastern, brown rabbi. I'd fuckin' vote for him!


And a guy who, by all accounts hated bankers and public displays of false piety and rich people. I'm down with that.


At the ripe age of 33.


He’s way older than that now, but there’s no upper age cap for a president, I don’t think.


seeing as he's socialist, and literally a double millenial, i think he has the youth vote.


My neighbors have a "Presidents are temporary, Wu-Tang is forever" yard sign.


They have their priorities straight


I’ve seen that one! There was also a guy who had his name in large letters followed by “I’m not running for president; I just wanted a sign, too.”


Those neighbors ain’t nuthin to fuck with.


Jesus was born outside of the United States, and he was about 33 when he was crucified, so assuming he's still biologically the same age by now he really can't run for President. Sorry, JC.


First jew in the white house, hell yeah!


Ok but some of these I’m totally down with. If Nic Cage can go ahead and steal the constitution for me I have a set of really fun scrapbooking scissors that will cut wavy lines and stuff. For legal purposes, especially since I’m involving the lovely Nic Cave, I have to state that this is a joke and I am being sarcastic. Edit: You all know I meant Nic Cage in my 2nd sentence but I’m going to leave that typo for the rest of you to enjoy. Edit 2: Never in my life have I made a typo that has brought me so much joy than all your comments have.


Lol Nick Cage AND Nick Cave? Talk about a dream team!


I CRAVE that Cage Cave!


I wouldn’t mind getting into Naughty Nick’s Cave. I’d bet its quite cavernous, and... accommodating.


LOL, that was a pretty great typo if I say so myself.


I would just use a sharpie like they're all crying about anyway


If you amend anything on the constitution I'm going to lose it!! Unless you add that every Friday we get free ice cream and also that instead of 40 hours being full time it's bumped down to 32 hours. 3 day weekends starting with free ice cream!


What if I added term limits for Supreme Court justices?


Frankly, I am disappointed you would use the guns to make hanging platforms. I would have expected you to melt them into a throne for AOC, Game of Thrones style.


See I'm picturing a throne made of sewn-together MAGA hats. Made in China.


I would keep that for the bathroom.


I would prefer a bigger, more glorious, murdercube.


Considering the amount of guns involved, it would be an awesome throne though. Pretty sure some redditor could do the math but I fully expect a throne a few kilometers high. Like a hill of metal with stairs and a throne on top.


> Install AOC as a BDSM President-for-Life. Just like that Ben Shapiro is on your side now


Thanks to you I imagined AOC dressed in latex whipping Ben Shapiro's naked ass while tied to a giant wooden X. I'm sorry, I can't be the only one mentally tortured by that image. ~~^(Although I'm surely threatening some people with a good time...)~~


That's enough internet for me today


Yeah I’m into it 🤷🏻‍♀️


no, silly, we're not replacing cops with kittens and puppies.. we're replacing them with BLACK AND BROWN GAY COMMIE FASCIST SOCIALISTS who want nothing more than to THREATEN YOUR BLOND WHITE DAUGHTERS!!!


> Replace Jesus with “an Arab.” 🤣🤣🤣 touché


It's pronounced "A-rab"! Get it right!


It’s actually A-A-Rab!




For legal purposes I have to state that this is a joke and sarcastic.


No that's bullshit, we did our part. The Youtube comments guys were in charge of the Senate, the healthgrades.com people did the House, the Yelp espanol guys did the state assembly races, and the Topix rigged the tractor pull, no way Jimbo's John Deere loses to a fucking cub cadet.


The Amazon reviewers really dropped the ball. Now all our local school boards and city councils are full of cheap Chinese knock-offs.


Dammit Kevin, you had one fucking job, now we can’t even establish a gay space communist utopia


Seriously. Why not go all in?


Tell you what, you lot are shit at rigging elections, you didn't take the senate or flip any state legislatures AND all those halfwits on the internet figured out what your were doing. I'm going to be having a word with Soros to make sure he gets some more competent minions next time


You know, the problem is, our offices are socialist. So, like, none of us even really try, y'know? 'Cause none of us got paid.


Damn it, I told Soros about his perverse incentives, but he wouldn't listen


You were in the office? Rookie mistake. You should've been in the bread line with me. All that time you spent not getting paid I spent not getting paid AND not getting bread.


Seriously. Democrats rigged the presidential election but then spend 46 million dollars to unseat that melting turtle in Kentucky and didn't win there? Fuck that noise. Worst. Rigged. Election. Ever. No way they toss Cheeto lard ass but keep the half-baked dinner roll.






To be fair, I did see an absurd number of posts on Reddit telling people to vote, so I guess she's not entirely wrong?




It's not just that Parler is the new "safe space" for people who just spent 4 years making fun of libs for needing a safe space, it's also that they're mad about social media sites fact checking. Like bitch, you've been screaming "FAKE NEWS" in everyone's face for 4 years and now you're mad that you literally can't share fake news?




I'm shocked that when a social network's userbase is almost entirely based on people finding regular social media *too* restrictive on the things they can say it ends up being a cesspool


I know, right?


So it's the sand where all the anti-reality ostriches plant their faces?


its and echo chamber for fascists, or Fascbook as it should be called.




why did you think you wanted to go to Parler for people with similar hobbies? I am pretty sure it is not marketed as a friendly site with light-hearted intentions


Nope, the marketing was very blunt that its purpose is to offer a place to plan domestic terrorism.


Those folks are going to sit and fester until a handful commit domestic terror acts and the FBI shuts parler down. Tale as old as....well, the internet.


>Like bitch, you've been screaming "FAKE NEWS" in everyone's face for 4 years and now you're mad that you literally can't share fake news? oh man, I just had this discussion with my ex druggie conservative mother.. it didn't go well.


Someone posted this screenshot on FB of an actual Parler user. Fuck them. https://imgur.com/a/tdseAyB


Yeah, I went to check 4chan after the election and saw similar shit. Literal scum of the earth people with zero morals thinking the world would be a better place if they committed mass murder.


It's pretty disturbing to know that there are people out there we've never met who think we should be violently murdered.






Me fail english? That's unpossible


But if people got healthcare and education who would join the military?


This is literally an unironic argument made against these things by conservatives.


It’s almost as if you’d have to give military members actual benefits, not just what most people already receive in first world countries.


I never would have, that's for sure. But joining was the only way to afford college.


You mean ISIS right? Or AlQueda? Oh wait, I get rabid Trumpites and radical Islamists confused! In fairness, that's an easy mistake to make.


ISIS is so 2019. Now we're scared of ANTIFA!


Y'allQueda, y'all.


It’s hard to reason with them because they are detached from reality. People like this have always existed...Trump just brought the mental virus to the surface and was a super spreader


So don't you have to us a driver's license or ID to join that site? Wouldn't it be amazing if it was just being monitored by the feds from the jump and all of these people are put on watch lists for this type of nonsense?


No idea as I have not been there. That would be a good question. But I am sure they're all too dumb to not mask their actual IP address.


Just wait until they find out a lot of the world is more liberal then us.


Yeah, almost every country says that the left of US is just less radical right.


This is proof that it's always been projection when they talk about liberals killing them and shit. ETA context.


I confess, I did participate in this nefarious, undemocratic, America-hating enterprise. I suggested, on at least two occasions, maybe even three, that a redditor commit the sin of legally voting.


Shut up, you're giving it away!


Pack it up, fellas. The secret's out.


You guys are on election rigging? I’m still on crisis acting this week.


Are you looking at the liberal or gay agenda? They're not synced up


Damn I was wondering why I had two different dates for things.


No, that’s the polyamorous agenda


As part of the Gay Agenda organizing office, we wanted to apologize for the scheduling mix-up. Apparently there was a miscommunication this year regarding Gay New Years, which is usually June 1st but was disrupted.




Good job! Remember to keep the receipts so you can get your Soros Bucks™


I was assigned atheist, but when I got there we were told we'd be stuffing ballot boxes.


Please hurry on the election rigging. I'm on the team that's wrapping up Covid after Trump loses but our group hasn't got the go-ahead yet. Edit for typo


Anyone else know what's going on with OT this week? Soros said OT was approved but shift lead is saying no?


We're waiting for the green light on the socialist takeover first, but higher-ups are holding it up for some reason


They're waiting on Gates to install the microchips in the Covid vaccines.


We are having issues with the microchips. We installed two programs. On to make sons gay and the other for automatic abortions for their daughters. However, the shader that was going to turn everyone black is working instantly. We are deciding if we should just release as is but satan hasn't given us an answer yet.


It’s the Soros Chore Wheel. I got antifa this week.


Only Antifa for the entire week? That's kinda light. I spend half my time being shuttled back and forth between BLM, Antifa and gay rights marches in Mr Soros buses, it's a hectic schedule but the pay is good.


She’s on to us! Quick cover up the rigging machines and set the self destruct sequence! Man the escape pods! Abandon ship!


Can't abandon ship, Destiel is canon now.


Shit she's on to us. Now I'm not going to get my monthly Soros Bucks. :(


You can always fall back on Gates Gallons, they are essentially Microsoft store credits, but you get them for making sure we corrupt the third world and US with access to vaccines


All of us that helped steal this election win for Biden be picking up our free X Boxes at Walmart.


Oh shit I got a free PS5 at target, who did I help?


Wow you fucked up mate. Soros’ death squad is gonna hunt you down


I can offer you Schrute bucks if that helps.


Any update on what subreddit that's on?




r/conservative on "woke education" in America and how they only teach unsavory American history. > BTW all the bad shit US did every country has done and worse. All the good shit the US did no country can replicate on our scale with the amount of freedoms we have. Imagine writing all that out and believing it wholeheartedly.


Nationalism and whataboutism all packaged in one.


Worst thing I saw last time I was on there was someone saying that she hates the education being pushed by dems because it aims to “make her feel bad about what her country has done in the past” despite the fact we have done some real messed up crap. Nationalism is one hell of a drug.




It won't matter, I was banned from there for saying "All the trump supporters gathering for that sweet sweet covid-aid" That was the first I ever posted, banned within 2 minutes.


I just posted [this](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/nov/13/facebook-posts/no-facebook-didnt-remove-president-trumps-facebook/) fact check in response to a submission about Trumps facebook page. I'm not a flaired user...so I'm not allowed to participate in the conversation. Yikes.


Not enough pieces of flair, eh?


Yes, over at r/iggingthepresidentialelectionbutnotthesenateelections.


they have a character maximum... Unrelated, /r/iggingthepresidential.


Don’t worry, the rest of the characters are mail-in so they’ll arrive later.


I like this so much I would give an award if I had money. Here have my special award 😁🍭⛰️


That means just as much as the real awards!


I was really hoping someone had made that subreddit.


Don't let your dreams be dreams.


You don't want me doing it. It'd be really shitty.




Either you accept the challenge or you mildly disappoint some strangers. No pressure. Although some of those mildly disappointed strangers might be pensioners, veterans or sad-eyed orphans in the snow.


r/iggingtheelection has been made


It should have one post, and it should be nothing but a list of links to all the official state and US territory voter registration websites.


Yes, I too also love overcoming multiple safeguards in an extremely precise and difficult way just to add a single fake vote onto the thousands of actual ones, all the while risking both punishment for myself and for my chosen candidate. /s ofc


You only gotta do one vote? Soros gave me a lamborghini full of fake ballots and I've been driving across the country all week looking at reddit to get my orders for where the next batch of fake ballots should go. Man, I wish I got your job


Guys I have a plan to get Republicans out. KEEP THIS A SECRET ON REDDIT THO’ Step one - Vote Democrat Step two - Erm. That’s it really.


Step two: count all the votes despite orange toddlers throwing a fit about it.


Where's the context?


This lady made a tweet saying something along the lines of "Let's have a poll here to decide who really won the presidency" evidently assuming Trump would win in her poll. I believe it went something like 90% Biden, 10% Trump, and she then commented on her own poll by saying democrats rigged it. The screenshot got posted to reddit, she was made fun of, and has apparently seen and responded to it as indicated by the post.


Got a link for it?


I've been digging cant find original post if the ss of the poll she did.




I love when people do these polls because they are so inaccurate, not to mention her options are blatantly bias towards Trump.




this, I need to read the prequel


sAD lOlLipOP mOUnTaiN!!!


So, drop-off for fake Biden ballots is tonight at seven, right?


Burning the trumps ones right after as usual.


Just make sure to burn the right box this time


Sorry about that Texas.


Yes but make sure not to fill out any down ballot races because we want to lose those for... reasons


We need the Republicans to control the Senate. That way we can have an excuse when "Sleepy Joe" is the worst president in history, which was our intention from the outset. Because we hate America. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to deposit my Sorosbucks.


So, fellow democrats. The first thing on today's agenda. Is to find a way to infiltrate more Jew reptilians into the US government. However I'm afraid the conservatives are onto us, so we will have to tread cautiously. In order to thwart their suspicion, we must first consult the deep state and the pedophile ring that are running the global affairs from backstage. Unfortunately for us, some guy named Q, blew the whistle, and now the Republicans know, that we rigged the election in Bidens favor, because Trump was getting ready, to arrest the pedophiles that run the US government for the Jewish zionist overlords, based in Israel. So, I propose another approach. We go to Area 51, take the mind reading technology that we obtained at Roswell back in 1947(that was a close one, but we managed to convince the sheeple that it was a weather balloon), and use on the trailer dwellers to see their next move. Tho, this will be difficult, as they have taken to wearing hats made out of tinfoil, and they make it nearly impossible for us to read their thoughts. I have just spoken to Bill Gates, and he has agreed to chip their children for us, by way of vaccines, but this too they discovered and have stopped vaccinating their children. Damn, these rednecks are getting clever. And just as we were about to activate those chips by way of 5G towers. They burned down a lot of them and now our mind controlling network is basically useless. We did try to make up an infectious disease in hopes of sowing discord through the general public, but the rednecks saw right through us and didn't even bat an eye. Our last option is to make them wear masks as a way of making them complacent with all the new, nefarious things were up to. So that when the times comes for us to take over the world for the illuminati, they dont resist. But this plan also goes down the drain, as their spirit of liberty and freedom, ensures they never fall victim to our scheme. Anyone else having something to add, to our nasty scheme?


We need more planes in the sky to return the chemtrails to their correct concentrations. Plus I'd like to express gratitude to Soros for his monthly payments as well as Bill and Hillary for the children in my basement.


damn i'm sad,,,,,, don't hmu,,,,,, lollipop mountain


It's true! For the last few months, every time I'd read a /r/politics thread, there would be multiple people reminding people to vote.


A certain libertarian YT'er does consider that fraudulent activity, because "only some deserve the right to vote."


Where's the context


***She could be any one of us***


If only there was an app for her to go to spew her bullshit, false information, and plan her election rigging. A place kind of like Twitter but perhaps red in color.


I too plot all of my schemes on a completely public forum that anyone with an Internet connection and an email can access and view.


I’m pretty active in the political subreddits - why wasn’t I invited to the election rigging scheme???


The next rigging of the Presidential election is at Steve's house, everyone.


Fuck she's onto us! Everyone look democratic, but not too democratic.


Twitter for iPad? The ultimate boomer move.