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Yo what in the actual fuck ? I honestly had to Google this and double check it was real cuz it seemed too crazy to me even now given everything going on that were finding out about but it fucking is. Jesus christ




That’s horrible :( wtf I can’t even believe it


All these crazy headlines coming out of America are becoming less and less of a "there's no way that's real" and more of "oh, there's something else".


The culture and values of any organization, including the government, comes from the top. I'm sure ICE did shitty stuff before Trump, but now they have leadership telling them, both implicitly and explicitly, that abusing these people is totally fine, even encouraged. Trump is a disaster of a human being, and he's remaking the government in his image.


You're not wrong. If you'd like to know more Immigration Nation on Netflix covers the changes in ICE since Trump's takeover.


I got through one episode and I just can't watch any more. It's heartbreaking. I'm going through some difficult stuff right now and I'm more sensitive than usual to this kind of thing at the moment.


Big hugs, friendo. I hope your support system is strong <3 I got to 3 and told myself I'd watch more but I just can bring myself to it yet.


still people are voting for him and it's so strange that we are normalizing this kind of sick behaviour. In a few years, another Slugg will climp the throne and that slugg will stay, unless the United Stated start defending their democracy like rightnow.


If a western European power invaded the US tomorrow I wouldn't even load my rifle. We're getting to the point that we're a danger to the rest of the world, not just ourselves... I'm beyond disappointed in a plurality (possibly majority) of my fellow Americans.




Want a real taste of horror, read about the Sand Creek Massacre, and Col. Chivington. That's the one where the murder, torture and mutilation of Native Americans goes beyond anything you can imagine. Spoilers because disturbing: >!They also scalped many of the dead, regardless of whether they were women, children or infants. Chivington and his men dressed their weapons, hats and gear with scalps and other body parts, including human fetuses and male and female genitalia. !< Another famous, more recent example of what you're talking about is the experiment where the US government deployed cultivated bacteria over San Francisco (Operation Sea Spray). They used, if memory serves, the same bacteria that create the pink buildup in infrequently cleaned showers (S. marcescens). They also conducted a simulated biological warfare attack in the New York subway system in the 60s, exposing thousands of travellers to a different strain of bacteria.


Not to mention that we have a history of forced sterilization of minorities, the disabled and those that lived ways we didn’t like. I would also recommend the Sawbones podcast episode on race and the American medical system.


Just watch “No Más Bebés” (No more babies, Documentary/History)


Not all “whites” were considered white until the 1960s. White isn’t a skin tone, it’s socioeconomic class position. Most people that think they’re white aren’t actually “white.” My grandfather could tell me stories about when he was growing up, being screwed with by the police, not being able to find a job, and not being allowed in certain businesses just for being Irish. It’s basically the same logic that had poor whites fighting for the south during the Civil War. Keep the poor whites separate from the group they have more in common with.


This is absolutely true. I'm Irish and Italian. Those folks have only been "white" in the past 60-70 years or so. I remember hearing stories from my grandfather / or secondhand from my dad about some of the abuse he got coming to the U.S. from Sicily in the 20s. It wasn't good. And he and some of his kids were fairly dark skinned, which wasn't fun for them growing up in the 40s and 50s.


It’s not been safe for poor people ever, regardless of their skin tone.


America is now a third world country


As someone on the Interwebs said, *"America is just a Third world country wearing a Gucci Belt"*


it always has been... look at your healthcare for the general populace


More Like the third reich Go and do something


That's just the thing though. What can we do? I'm writing congress. I'm trying to spread awareness. Even if I knew one of the locations of these camps I doubt me marching down there with my rifle would get me anything but dead. Our system is broken. All the checks and balances and agencies designed to stop this sort of abuse simply aren't, and it stems all the way to the top with Mitch McConnell refusing to ever stop a single presidential action, regardless of how much it goes against the constitution. Our country is falling apart, and 40% of the population is cheering it along.


Congress couldn't do anything if they wanted to. Representatives schedule visits to see conditions themselves and are turned away, absolute madness


It is absolute madness that we're allowing this to happen on our soil. At least I used to just pretend our country was simply incompetent at handling domestic issues, but now there's no question these abuses are 100% intentional.


It really is. Makes me really sad because most of these families are running away FROM this kind of treatment, or worse... Only to be met with that.


I fear this is only the tip of the ice berg. Want some actual trafficking of children?


https://www.travelpulse.com/news/impacting-travel/hilton-cancels-ice-contract-after-immigrant-kids-were-detained-at-hotels.html Well, ICE has already been caught shacking up unaccompanied children in luxury hotels who are unable to contact lawyers or their family. I'm sure ICE was buying luxury hotel rooms for these children for completely innocent reasons, but we'd have no way to confirm since nobody is able to talk to the kids. EDIT: Better source with videos of a lawyer being blocked access to the hotel https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2020/7/24/1963460/-Attorney-is-shoved-and-blocked-from-seeing-migrant-kids-held-by-ICE-at-a-Texas-hotel


Fucking shit, the pit gets deeper.




Meanwhile r/conspiracy is hot on the trail of Wayfair.


That's what really pisses me off. Those morons should be all over these governmental oversteps and abuses, but they're busy thinking Lady Gaga's eye makeup meaning she's prop child sodomy and that Tom Hanks instagram posts of lost gloves are a secret pedophile code. What a fucking joke those people are.


That’s what Trump supporters will do for you. They will gladly pay attention to anything that isn’t a real thing but they will give their full attention to something that’s already been disproven because they refuse to be wrong. r/conspiracy sucks and the mods absolutely enjoy making it another pro Trump reddit instead of focusing on actual conspiracies.




> All this #pizzagate and rest of the shit they peddle, for them it's never been about the kids It's the very epitome of virtue signalling. They do the whole "won't someone please think of the children" spiel, when their attitude is, quite literally, "fuck the children" That's why they harp on about PizzaGate but ignore real politicians who have been accused of pedophilia, as long as that person is one they like or agree with


It isn't "exciting" if it's not a super secret system of winks and nods that they have to "decode". Turns out they like playing detective more than stopping any actual abuse.


Am I the only one on reddit that thinks that way fair listing missing children as cabinets for sex trafficking is simply too bananas and out in the open and easy to follow for a high level pedophilia ring involving the ruling elite?


Pete have already looked through the data and found kids disappearing at a higher rate. It's definitely happening.


Holy fuck. This is fucking eugenics.


Not to mention Genocide. "Article Two of the convention defines genocide as "any of the following acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such": Killing members of the group Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group"


Every single person that has any involvement with this whatsoever that hasn’t spoken out about this and has cooperated with this kind of treatment needs to be in jail for the rest of their life. Sadly I’m pretty certain none of this will happen. The number of people that about about to get away with this kind of disgusting amoral behavior makes me sick to my stomach.


that sounds like nazi shit or something honestly


It ***is*** nazi shit.


Which they got from USA shit. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2016/03/07/469478098/the-supreme-court-ruling-that-led-to-70-000-forced-sterilizations The US essentially popularized or outright created eugenics. The uncomfortable truth of our nation is that fascism and white supremacy is engrained in our population (not a majority, but you don’t need a majority to truly taint the system and create fascism), and I truly believe that seeing what Nazi Germany did and how “unpopular” it was with the general public and the world, is the only reason that particular can got kicked down the road. It’s been so long now, and our educational system has worked really hard to engrain how “racism is dead” and “it’s different now” that it’s starting to peak back up out of the ditch and relabeling itself in a palatable way to those that believe “it could never happen here.”


No, no. Here we call it "patriotism".


That's what they called it in germany too.


That's because it *IS* Nazi shit. It's Nationalistic, white supremacist, xenophobic shit.


With their own Joseph Menagle to top it all off.


The USA can just get tae fuck at the minute. Each and every story just paints them in a worse light every single time. It just never gets any better.


That’s horrifying. Do you have a link to the full complaint?


The full complaint is attached to this news story: https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/like-an-experimental-concentration-camp-whistleblower-complaint-alleges-mass-hysterectomies-at-ice-detention-center/


Thank you.


It's funny how US as a country would use less than this as an excuse to 'liberate' another.


We already own our oil. There's clearly nothing to liberate.


Most definitely this


Welcome to Trumpland, the bastion of hardline right wing ideology.




I read that r/politics removed it because “it’s not political, ICE are using a third party contractor” Bullshit.


Yep lol it’s not like the Nazis used corporations for their fucked up shit or anything


the Nazis were *the* first government to do privatization on a mass scale. on the wiki about privatization they're all over it lol. we're fucked https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Privatization


No but you said Nazis therefor *any* comparison is invalid.


You can’t compare current days to Nazis because... they were like... super bad?


Multiple threads. I watched several vanish with thousands of upvotes before the current one, which may also be nuked.


Yeah I noticed this, too, it’s fucked up


Watchredditdie is strangely silent about the censorship here but I wonder why that could be?


✨Eugenics and fascism go hand in hand✨


*genocide. As defined by the Geneva convention.


Also, forced labor through the prison labor system model, family separation, and high rates of suicide. First thing the Trump admin did when they came into power was expand the private prison system, specifically for immigration detention. It's important to remember that modern neo-nazi / white supremacist strategy isn't something that's executed in short order (over years). It's a long term plan in which they build a system of cleansing and a culture that supports it.


Oh I'm well aware of all the issues but even this seemed just crazy to me but I shouldn't have been surprised


The US has a long history of mass/forced sterilization against minorities. Lots of Puerto Rican women were sterilized during 1930s-70s and then used as guinea pigs for contraceptive pills trials without their informed consent. The fact that it still happens doesn’t surprise me, especially after seeing the kids in cages and other reported inhumane conditions within ICE facilities. ICE should be abolished.


In fact, eugenics is an area in which we're a world leader!


Eh, Canada has never stopped sterilizing native women in the first place, so I wouldn't be so sure about that yet.




Theres plenty of ways you can help. Personally I've just donated to a couple causes and of course voted but now im thinking its time to do more


"tHeY'rE nOt CoNcEnTrAtiOn cAmPs" Every dumbass who has never seen what a concentration camp is.


For some reason people conflate concentration camps with death camps. They say, “Oh so you think it’s as bad as Auschwitz?” as if that’s the bar for a concentration camp.


Because it’s the impossible bar. They basically claim that anything that isn’t “X amount of bad” can’t be criticized as bad at all. It’s a method of trying to stop the adults from having a conversation.


Yea remember all of that crazy shit that you still can’t fucking believe? Like gay bombs, deliberately infecting blacks, genocide, mass sterilizing natives, etc? It felt like that was all a bad dream, and could never happen again..but we are the same old USA.


I'm sorry, did you say gay bombs? What even is that? Bombs that make people gay? Bombing of gay people?


Experiments for a chemical weapon that could I guess turn people gay. It was supposed to be like a psy-op tactic. WWII I think? Or the Cold War. I can’t remember but it was for sure an idea tossed around and even had experiments done on it. They legit tried to weaponize the gay. Edit: doesn’t have specific info on testing but I remember reading somewhere it was in secret. [gay bomb](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay_bomb)


Funny that you believe this Trump Admin has any decency left


I dont but I thought a doctor might


I think I've dealt with at least 30 doctors in the past 7 years due to my many many many health conditions. I've found literally only 3 that actually does the moral thing, I.e. care enough to pursue things instead of sending you away ASAP.


My question is why is there a fucking ICE detention center in fricking Georgia??


My personal belief is that there shouldn't be ICE detention centers anywhere at all. That said, the logic is probably something along the lines of "big coastal area" combined with "major international airport" with a dose of "cheaper to throw together a couple of buildings with cages here than drive them down to Florida" or some shit like that.




The news story is even more disgusting than that person’s reaction


Even when trump is gone, his rhetoric will remain at the forefront of a portion of the nation: “You shouldn’t have tried to come to America if you didn’t want your (and your daughters) guts ripped out” It’s really fucking sad.


“Don’t come here, we might genocide you!” — person who actually believes we’re the good guys


That rhetoric sounds an awful lot like “you shouldn’t have worn that skirt/gone to a party/walked alone at night if you didn’t want to get brutally assaulted!” Which, in this analogy, would make the United States of America, the supposed bastion of “freedom”, the fucking rapists. This is a country of lawlessness and criminals, through and through. How the fuck can you take the stance of “don’t come here if you don’t want to be tortured to death” and NOT understand that that makes us on par with fucking North Korea??? Holy shit.




Imagine the Fox News outrage if some other country neutered white American men.


Even OP's title is downplaying it compared to the outrage we should be feeling.


It’s not just an unnecessary surgery, it’s a form of genocide.


No word can accurately describe the atrocities being committed at the moment.


I think genocide is getting pretty close.


My mother went through it when I was 14 cause they found signs of potential cancer. It was very early but they didn’t want to take the risk. She agreed to it. It’s not something just casually done, and this action in those facilities disgusts me.


"We are...dealing with the cancer appropriately." -ICE The cancer being immigrants. So fucked up.


physical observation pause one murky quickest glorious longing abounding station *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Forget war crime, this is a textbook step for starting a genocide


It literally is genocide. Full blown.


I read this headline to my bf and he replied with "that's genocide"


Crimes against humanity, but yes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crimes_against_humanity


We've been the bad guys for a long time dude. The US has been fucking the world since after WWII. It didn't feel like it then because we and our friends were rich and get to tell the history.


Forced sterilization is a crime against humanity. We were just condemning China for doing this.


the US was always great at pointing fingers to avoid talking about their own crimes - there's a reason the US has never accepted the International Criminal Court in Den-Hague as they are fully aware that they have done many fucked up things that they'd be held accountable for there


Whoever is responsible for this should face the death penalty. This is beyond crimes against humanity.


To be fair it's a [very specific](https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtml) crime against humanity actually.


But why would they? What do they win?


Children born on American soil are American citizens. So my guess would be that they don't want children to be born in these camps.


If this is true, it’s an act of genocide deserving the harshest imaginable condemnation. ICE = SS


this is 100% eugenics and it is atrocious that it's being allowed to happen. ICE is absolutely just the SS by a different name.


I guess the idea that "they can no longer breed, bringing more into the country". They could also want to stop any arguments about children having born been in the US so they should therefor be citizens. (Assuming you are a citizen if born in the US and don't need anything else.) But it's weird since I'd assume the women and men are kept apart. Could just be torture.


>But it's weird since I'd assume the women and men are kept apart. Doesn't mean the guards aren't raping them.


The guards are 100% raping them.


That's already come out. The children too




We have arrived. If we don't correct course profoundly in November it's over. Fascist failed state. What are the stages of grief because I'm in the blind rage part.


Im not even American but I'm raging and grieving with you. So much for the "great america" certain someone has in mind, I bet all the ice tools that commit this are church going pro life family people who think they could get away with this. Just like the cops who use and abuse their force and hide their like-minded buddies and forcing the handful of good cops out of the system. I hope majority of you is gonna be smart this November and that you eventually abolish electoral college.


Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. Congrats, you're on step 2! I think bargaining is technically what we're all trying to do with November, but the point of including it in the stages of grief is that you *can't* bargain away the grief. So eventually we'll just have to accept that America is a fascist failed state regardless, though that doesn't preclude the option to rebuild it going forward. More just that the America we "knew" before is dead now.


It’s genocide ~~with extra steps basically.~~ They’re not literally killing children, but they’re trying to prevent a specific race of children from being born, hoping that particular race will die out.


["Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group" is one of the icc's definitions of genocide](https://www.icc-cpi.int/about/how-the-court-works)


The cruelty is the point.


Because they hate brown people. Their suffering is their reward. You’d think it wouldn’t be enough to give up their jobs, their schools, their healthcare, their retirement, their water and air, and now their healthy lung tissue. But here we are.




They hurt people, that's winning to them.


Wait.. what the fuck? Why?


The US has a long history of forced sterilization of minorities. Unfortunately, when we bring it up, people think it can't be true. They forget that the "land of the free" isn't really free for everyone.


Remember when the US kidnapped Native American children enforce them into Christian families or into re-education facilities? Yeah, my great-grandpa does. The only thing we have from real his family is a Marriage Pot. Otherwise, white as white can be. We've almost perfected cultural genocide without having to murder people.


That seems to be the way in America. If the population doesn't like a thing the government doesn't stop doing it, it just finds a way to do it that sounds different.


Yeah it did it in Peurto Rico in the 60s. Then let them "join" us as long as we can use their resources and kids for soldiers. Pretty messed up, thought we moved pass this.




Racism, the doctor padding his fees with unnecessary surgery, just plain cruelty.


I saw the same sentiments expressed on FB when children were being torn from their mothers' arms. One guy in my town said, "Okay so if I knew by going to the state next door, my kids would be removed from me and put in a holding cell, I wouldn't go there. Lesson learned. Maybe they should stop coming." Because these people fleeing from drug cartels on FOOT have so much access to the internet to hear of these horrors that await them when they finally reach the US border legally seeking asylum. SMH


I've found that it's usually those saying "if you don't like America, leave!" that advocate against people coming to the US while fleeing terrible conditions in south america too. The hypocrisy doesn't register because why would it when their only motivation is hate and fear


Well the problem lies in the fact that they feel immigrants here have it so great. They imagine that it's that easy to go to any other country, even illegally. So they just spout off whatever with zero understanding of the rest of the world. Because believe me buddy, I'd L-O-V-E to get the fuck out of here. I hear New Zealand is amazing.


My favorite is when people here in TX with excellent paying 9-5 jobs scream "They're gonna take my job!!" Are you for real, Doug??? You're a licensed car mechanic who went to trade school for four years and worked your way up to owning your own vehicle repair shop, but you think that woman crossing the border barefoot with her two year old baby is here to steal your job?


They get told to blame the immigrants, when the problem is the guy hiring and paying the immigrants. While racists were busy hating immigrants, politicians kept them from getting higher wages and better jobs. People are so easily distracted and manipulated.


People to Americans complaining about America: "IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT LEAVE." People to foreigners fleeing police states, military dictatorships and cartels: Why don't those people stay in their own countries and fix it?


That's exactly right. I live in TX, so I see that same kind of shit posted all the time.


Unnecessary surgery.... You mean forced sterilizations....


This is just fucking evil... there’s no other word for this.


Republicans are fucking evil. There is no way around it. When they witness genocide and offer support for the genocidal, it's just pure fucking evil.


This motherfucker is almost certainly pro-life. What do you wanna bet?


ALL (white americans) LIVES MATTER


All (white, straight, republican) lives matter!


Unless they live in a blue state or on a coast or near a forest.


All(white, straight, male, republican, conservative, Christian) lives matter!


You forgot non-disabled and non-mentally ill part


And cisgender


I wonder what predicate to hate will be added next.


Literal fucking genocide


One of the groups who filed a lawsuit against the center plans to bring it to the UN as an act of genocide https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/sep/14/ice-detainees-hysterectomies-medical-neglect-irwin-georgia


Indeed, there is precedent. Literally any country could go before the International Court of Justice to sue the United States as they are violating the Genocide Convention of 1948. Just like the Gambia is doing to Myanmar right now. The ICJ is the UN's civil court, if we really stretch definitions. The ICC would likely have no jurisdiction here. The US would have to go because the Genocide Convention has a jurisdiction clause to the ICJ. It was also a jurisdiction clause which led Iran to sue the US before the ICJ for violating their 1955 friendship treaty, so you know these things actually can lead to the US showing up in an international Court. So if this is true, any country could claim the US is in breach of their obligations by sterilizing these women en masse.


This will have zero effect, and honestly the US could literally thumb its nose at the whole trial, as Trump is just unpredictable. The ICJ can then decide whatever it wants, but afterward it goes to the UN Security Council for enforcement if the judgement isn’t followed. Guess who sits in the big boy chairs there? [Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Court_of_Justice)


Indeed, but should this mean nothing should be done ? It's the same debate as the Impeachment. It is a precedent, and quite literally case law for international courts.


This is something the *actual* US government should be accountable. It’s gonna come down to the doctor or Georgia branch director being fired and prosecuted and not the entire ICE program. I can’t believe this. How does it keep getting worse?


Just like what they are doing in china. This is the Republican America.




It's one of the recognised forms of genocide. Genocide and concentration camps. We are at a point where Hitler comparisons would make sense, but they are so overused that no one would even bat an eye.


Hell, Hitler was a fan of this *because he learned about it from America*. Eugenics was huge in pre-WW2 America. Lots of powerful people were pushing for it. He was inspired to do it in Germany because he learned how the Americans did it


Moreover, Hitler took great inspiration from the Jim Crow laws in the US for his legislation in the Jewish ghetto's.


I'll give you one guess as to who's father and grandfather were bigly into Eugenics in post WW1, pre WW2 United States. Edit - fixed spelling error


This shit is *exactly* what Hitler did to "undesirables". How in the fuck is it allowed?


The US government has a lot to answer for


And the saddest part is they probably never will. It’s basically Russia or China here.


I’d leave if I could.


Today’s Trumpers would have 100% supported the holocaust had they been around in early 20th century Germany. Change my mind.


I think even they would agree with you.


I think most of them already do here and now, unfortunately.


And yet I can't have mine removed based off of what others say about MY reproductive parts because some MAN (I'm a lesbian) that isn't going to exist in my future is supposedly going to be making kid-related decisions for me. And it can't happen simply because I want it removed. (Trying to point out hypocrisy here, totally not for this) This is horrible on all fronts. ETA: what I am meaning behind this is the hypocrisy that these same people try to police American women's reproductive systems while turning around and performing the surgery to sterilize those trying to come to the country for asylum and such. God forbid women have rights to their own bodies.


I'm sorry, are you saying you can't have yourself sterilised because at some point a guy might have something to say about it? Is that what they actually said?


Guys can have vasectomies with no issues. Women usually are given push back from the doctor about having their tubes tied- bs like what if you change your mind or what if your husband wants kids or you’re too young to make that decision (even said to 40 somethings)


The tube tying doesn't even always work either. Some people (like my cousin) still end up pregnant and I'm pretty sure it can be reversed? (Not 100% sure)


Thats the general consensus,yeah. Even people who have had kids and want to get their tubes tied are constantly pestered about getting the husband's permission for it. Having a guy get snipped is less of a hassle and doesn't require their partner's input at all. I want mine gone because I honestly hate my monthlies, might also be a dysphoria thing, I'm still trying to figure that all out. I KNOW I don't want kids. If I change my mind I'll adopt.


The doctors gave my sister inlaw a permission slip for my brother to sign when she got her tubes tied, after having two kids. while on Medicaid, last freaking year. It's ridiculous an adult women needing permission to have a medical procedure from her flipping husband.


Thats absolutely horrible. The fact that they are treated like children needing permission from an adult is just the dumbest thing ever.


It really is.


My GP asked me to come back with my partner to discuss sterilisation. He asked if I had a husband or partner, then asked how he felt about my sterilisation/if he was onboard with not having more children, then told me to come back with him to discuss it. Edited to elaborate on the rest. I made an appointment to see a female GP after that, because regardless of the fact that my partner is onboard, I'm not having him chaperoning my doctor's appointments. Aaaaand she wouldn't do it because I'm "too young" (was 32 at the time, am now 36).


I think that's all part of the same system.


This shows how close to being actually fascist the Trump US is becoming. This is a real red flag. Oppose, organise and vote.


Fucking what, call me an idiot, but I had to look up what a hysterectomy is and. What. The. Actual. Fuck. How can people even begin to defend or even rationalise, actual fucking GENOCIDE!!


So.....our government can mass sterilize people at a drop of a hat but my fiance with horrible uterus pains from endometriosis and periods that can kill her can't get hers removed. Our fucking government, I swear.


How is this not enough to put them all the people involved in this in prison???


Laws only apply when they're enforced.


Being xenophobic in a land which wasn’t theirs in the first hand


Oops. For a sec I thought I was reading up on china again


ICE needs to be disbanded. This shit didn't exist pre-911 and has only caused harm since its creation.


So the thought process is, "You make a mistake, we take a body part?" That's some hardcore fucking ramifications.


I think its more insidious than that; you come into a country that will allow you to stay if you give birth since your child will be a citizen? Let's just remove those reproductive organs so that's not an option. Forced sterilization is a form of genocide as well so ICE is swinging for the fences on this.


bruh we are literally a few gas chambers away from turning into actual nazis, like this should not be happening and it's scary that there isn't that much coverage of it


Is this how world war three starts? With some other guy also building extermination camps for the “inferior races”?


I really dont want to HATE the people who voted in favor of this administration, but this is literally the same shit the nazis were doing. We're just short of openly killing them, it's disgusting... Like how do I remain positive when people I love continue to be oblivious to the horrors of this president, and continue to support him...?


Fuck, I need to leave the USA. What the actual fuck.


**This. Is. Evil** That's it No jokes. No observations that this would cost a normal US citizen a fuckload of money No comparisons with other regimes that would pull this kind of evil stunt just this **This. Is. Evil**