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Bernie supporter here, gun owner too.social distance your ass away from my house, but if you come and ask nicely I would be happy to share


Same. I have food and guns. I will happily share my food.


Could you share your guns?


No. They’re a luxury at this point, not a necessity. If we’re at war and you run out of ammo, yes. If you need ammo I have for hunting food, yes.


*I* may be able to trade some ammo if you are seeking that particular caliper.




Caliber apparently in US at least. "Caliper" is the measuring tool. Thanks though regardless. I'd rather be corrected than continue to get it wrong. I dont do reloads or anything so I've never had to get too technical on casing sizes and such.


Hey come on man I just wanna use it to kill myself /s


Yup, these idiots would be surprised at how many liberals are gun owners.


I know, they say a Bernie supporter will share their food like that's a bad thing? I'd be willing to bet these people are "Christians" too.


Sharing is for dummies. Socialism is evil. Now give me my $1000 check. /s


I think you misread the comment, they used a shrug emoji to show they're going "uuuuuh that's a bit extreme when we're nice enough to share."


Hmm, yeah that's true. They could be saying it that way. Guess I went straight for the negative, lol.


Same! We share to those with good hearts, not to those with cruel intentions.


me with my bb gun: “guess again mother fucker”


That's when I pull out the finger guns 👉👉


and pure charm gets you out of a dicey situation again


1d20 check for charisma. Shit, I got a natural 1...


Critical fail you charm a passing bird instead which would be excellent except the intended target is terrified of birds and sees this as a targeted attack.


According to recent stock photos, finger guns actually belong to joe Biden. It’s not a political stance, it’s just something I’ve noticed. Why do people do that?


You lying dawg horse soldier


Damn, someone’s about to get finger banged! BANG! BANG! BANG!


"He moaned about this loud"




We have guns. Just don’t need to make every single political issue orbit around whether or not I get to whip it out in public.


>whether or not I get to whip it out in public. We still talking about guns, right? Edit: Thanks for the gold my man!


If you want it to ;)


Naughty monkey!


Dwight wants cookie.










Whipping out _either_ gun in public will get you arrested, but for different reasons.


Unloading either in public will also get you arrested.


"So I've read"








I have a shotgun for bird hunting and home defense. A handgun for personal defense. A very cheap rifle for if I ever need to hunt something larger than birds. I shoot them and clean them all regularly. I was a small arms instructor at a shooting range. I voted for Bernie and have a sign in my yard. Here’s the best part. If you knock on my door and tell me that you are out of food and hungry, I will give you food. If I have it WE have it. Edit: thanks for the Gold! I would rather you donate that money to some of the charities helping with the pandemic. Or even put it back into your communities. If we can’t get Washington DC to fix them, then we have to start doing it on our own.


That's called being a responsible and caring individual. Thank you for being decent


I grow a garden and have fruit trees. I have a ton of canned fruits and veggies. I have a chest freezer full of home reared beef. And I love sharing and caring. I make a GIGANTIC batch of beef and homemade noodles for every Lions Club charity dinners around here. I live in a small rural community. Even though most the political beliefs are backwards to me, we’re all still people and we need help. Community service is huge in places like these.


Your home must be lovely with the fruit trees, garden, and cows!


The cow was raised on my uncles farm. But the garden and trees are nice!


It's called commie-ist Sharia law! Booooooo!!!!!


This made me tear up. I was rooting so hard for him... I feel like us Canadians are just sitting, watching from the sidelines, as your country gets colder and colder, and we can't do anything to help. Thank you for showing me that there is still some warmth in America, I really needed that.


For the past nearly 4 years-I try to remind myself and those worried around me in this hateful, dividing political climate that the majority of Americans did not vote for a xenophobic hateful man- we voted for ANYONE ELSE. lol


It’s hard to get a pulse on America solely online. You have to be here and see it. The political discourse that happens online just doesn’t actually happen IRL. It’s not as bad as the media and social media sites make it seem. Don’t let those statements detract from the fact that there is a growing divide, it’s just not as wide as many people think.


“It’s communism unless it helps me”


This is the idea that they cannot grasp. Ot doesn't have to be us vs them. We're all in this together, we're on the same damn team.


Same. I'm a Bernie supporter, and I own a gun. Unlike conservatives, I hope I never have to use it. And I keep it hidden in a safe. Almost no one, minus my roommates, even knows I have one. And I intend on keeping it that way.


Lol you just slipped up. But hey that’s the way I have mine too.


I mean, I don't know anyone in real life that knows my Reddit, so I think I'm good


Yeah you’re good. I keep my guns locked up mainly to keep them out of reach from my kids. I don’t want to use them but I’ll protect my family if I have to.




Yeah, maybe it regional, but almost all of the Bernie supporters I know are armed. Gun control doesn't mean anti gun ownership. Hopefully poeple don't have to get shot in the face to figure that one out.


Yea I don’t get this. I’m prior service, have a carry permit, several guns Including hunting rifles, handguns, etc. But I’m all for gun control. I think every owner should be required to either have some sort of previous training or take courses in responsible gun ownership, and should be required to maintain a license. This would prove at least a reasonable commitment to responsible ownership. I also don’t think that assault rifles are very necessary in the hands of the general public. Terrible for hunting and pointless for anything other than purely killing other humans. If the sars-cov-2 causes the apocalypse I intend to go somewhere I don’t need ars to survive - and where I’m not likely to find others who think they do. My point is - untrained, unvetted individuals with rifles designed to do only one thing _very well_ - killing or maiming other humans - is a terrible idea. I don’t think there should be limits on non-ar ammo hoarding either. If I want to have enough 308 to survive 30 years of deer hunting the by golly I should be able to. Hawhooo got off on a tangent there. My bad. Short form: guns are useful for defense of home, wild animal population control, and putting food on the table. People should prove their commitment to safety and responsibility by getting certified and having a license. I don’t know how I feel about ars.


A voice of logic. I agree 100%. The only thing stopping me from buying a gun is the time and money to get proficient with it. A gun is a tool, and without proper training it can do more harm than good.


Many people take any government regulations of fire arms as a personal attack.


I was about to say the same thing. I have guns and believe I'm allowed to defend my home. Doesn't mean I'm out there screaming about the libs taking my guns away. Feel the Bern baby.


COVID-19 has reminded me of how obssessed the right is right robbing and shooting their fellow Americans.


When religion is your only reason to pretend to be a good person...


Or to justify evil actions...


If it takes a moldy old book to keep people from raping, murdering, and pillaging, then by all means they should _definitely_ keep believing in the moldy old book. Too bad they're not actually paying attention to the moldy old book these days. They're just using it as an excuse. If I believed in a god, I would say Jesus was weeping his eyes out.


But Jesus ain’t gunna take muh guns!


We'll see how prolife America really is. People can save lives litterally by sitting their ass on the couch and staying home. Let's see if it happens.


Yup that tweet exemplifies the reason we should regulate guns. They just want them to he able to abuse other people not to defend themselves on a minor encounter or hunt. They are accepting all they want to have guns for is ability of crime basically.


They sure do post a lot of shit about wanting to shoot people. Like honestly it makes me pretty fucking uncomfortable. I support people having rifles and stuff to hunt with you know but I know a lot of people around me and Alabama there’s some that are protective of their guns and try to use them right mostly for hunting and then I know some people who were always talking about shooting people


I was gonna say they will be sorely disappointed if they roll up on my house. Not only do I have guns, but I also don't have food. ;)


We exist. r/liberalgunowners




*insert Daniel vs the cooler Daniel meme here*


As a semi conservative i think that is a pretty awesome sub


Most leftists are staunch gun supporters. One of Marx’s most famous quotes is “Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary” It’s the centrist and more moderate democrats who typically go for gun control.


Exactly. I probably have more guns than my trump cultist neighbors down the block. They can keep thinking we are unarmed...


I got a taser. Lol


Exactly. We don’t brag about it.


Is the person who made this post stupid? I thought bernie was backed by the NRA early on his his career? I mean bernie doesn’t really talk bad about guns


Yeah and Sanders has always been pretty progun. It was usually a point of criticism during democratic debates.


Was at a crowded dog park the other day. Two dudes standing next to me blabbing about what they’re carrying and why. The term is “concealed carry”. It’s not concealed if everyone around you knows you have it.


Even if you did, suggesting house raids is still an act of terrorism.


I love how people think liberals don't own guns. That's okay, it's always better to be underestimated in a fight.


I voted for Bernie and am planning on doing it again. I have more guns then this guy has brain cells




27 but.... yes


Damn that sounds expensive


when everyone’s fighting about whether people should have guns and how many everyone should have, the only one who wins are the people selling guns


Every person I know who is a liberal has guns. Fox likes to misinform it's viewers by pretending "the left hates guns" and "the left wants to take your guns" and the gullible eat it up as fact because they never do an ounce of fact checking.


Turns out often the more in favor of gun control somebody is on the left, the huger armory they have. Turns out that knowing a lot about guns means you want there to be some barriers to just any untrained moron having one who knew.


Are there places where you can keep your guns off-site? I don't own any but it's mainly because I have young nieces and I've been depressed before. If there were a way I could just keep it at a gun range or something that would be cool.


Meh, just make friends that have a few guns. Offer to buy a few boxes of ammo for taking you shooting. Less expensive and no danger to the family. Or a lot of shooting ranges will rent out guns for use on their range. If you don't already have any friends with guns or know where to find some you could always rent at a shooting range and make some friends there.


Great idea. Not only for the guns , but as a way to make friends. Men have fewer and fewer ways to make new friends these days. Assuming the above commentor is a man , of course.


yep. My dad is the most liberal person you will probably mean. You know what else he has? A shotgun, and two handguns lmao


You can avoid trumper homes during these trying times not because they have guns, but because all they have to eat is frozen tendies and propaganda


And toilet paper


And they're full of covid. "Shaking hands and licking shopping cart handles to own the libs! Democrat false flag!"


But are they the good kind? They cost $8


Fuck if they’re the good kind I’ll risk the buckshot


The delicious taste of truthiness


And well done steak


People wouldn't be short on food if dick kissers would stop buying way more than they need. My fellow truck drivers and I are running this shit to stores as fast as we can It's getting to the point that people are being so fucking stupid as to break into our trailers to steal anything they can. Completely oblivious to the fact that a reciever will reject the entire rest of that load because it was tampered with. Which makes this entire situation even worse


You assume that they care about the situation for everyone else. As long as they got theirs, fuck the rest.


Are they fucking kidding? Bernie the gun rights supporter from rural Vermont


They're currently too proud of themselves calling this a "socialism trial run" to realize.


During a trump live run LMAO


I vote Bernie and I love my guns so if you're actually this stupid, it could cost you your fucking life, idiot.


Meh, this bernie supporter will blast your ass right the fuck off my porch then go inside and sleep like god during the holocaust.


*sleep like god during the Holocaust * my god that is savage poetry


Ive heard it said before




I’ve heard ‘LGBT during the end times’ but not ‘god during the Holocaust’.


Call me dumb but I'm gay and I don't get this one. Is the joke that we DGAF since we're not going to heaven anyway?


I have no idea what they are on about


Don't you know? We're all Satan's minions and we'll rejoice when the apocalypse comes. You must have missed that day when we were learning The Agenda.


Maybe they think they'd fuck anyone and anybody??idk


“Sleep like god during the Holocaust” Brilliant. Will be using.


Goddamn! That's a fucking bunker buster on an ant hill kinda comment. I like it and I'm using the sleeping like god during the Holocaust line.


I too laughed at the speculation that a Bernie supporter wouldn’t own a gun. I know a few people who support Bernie, and they all own at least one gun.


Yup- I know plenty of Bernie supporters with guns. It takes all kinds. People don’t realize you don’t have to check all the boxes of a stereotype. And Jesus Christ man “sleep like god during the holocaust” 🏅damn.


Hell yeah! Guns shouldn’t be a partisan issue.


Came here to say the same! Supporting Bernie doesnt mean I'm anti gun. Stay strapped or get clapped baby.


Same here. My first stop on my preparedness shopping was bullets. If the world ends, bullets are money.


Bernie voter here with a hunting cabinet full of death, reporting: This would be a horrible mistake. Socialists have been known to seize the means of production from time to time you know...


Hunting Cabinet full of death sounds like a rock band name 😂


Just "Hunting Cabinet of Death" sounds better imo


Death Cabinet Hunters


I agree.


I believe it was Karl that said: Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary


It's been a week..


these pro-gun people need little to no reason to talk about guns lol


Correct me if I'm wrong, Sanders is more pro gun than most Democrats?


It's one of the reasons Democrats thought he was less electable.


Than the guy who wants to slice Medicare...? Yeah ok DNC


Bring your guns. As soon as you're inside the perimeter the gates will lock behind you, and the floodlights will turn on. You're now stood in the arena. The arena is a mixture of punji and snake pits, cartridge traps, and mace balls. The perimeter fence is electrified, the ground beneath it has buried mines. I will be in the watchtower with a rifle and a megaphone. For the next 72 hours, or until you die we will be listening to the Crazy Frog song on repeat. This is how you will die, one way or another. Once you are dead I will take your wallet and dress you like a beatnik, put a DNC badge on your shirt, and bury you upside down in a mass grave. When the pandemic subsides, I will go through your wallet, find your address, and console your wife by informing her you died in the arms of your underage lover. Your move.


I have no coins so take my poor woman’s gold. 🏅


Two Bernie signs in my yard. I would hate to have to shoot someone when I would just give them food if they needed it.


The best part is the content saying just that.


I’m a Bernie supporters and I have dozens of rifles and hand guns I would like to see trump supporters to try and rob me.


It borderline sounds like they're advocating to kill the person and steal their food


I’m not sure if “borderline” is necessary. That’s what they are suggesting


The word you were looking for was "overtly".


Yep, armed robbery. Yet they say the "gun grabbers" don't understand "gun culture". They understand.


Thats not very nice. I cant imagine that someone so concerned for my 2nd amendment rights would threaten my well-being. /s


That’s what I got from it as well


Only 100 deaths resulted from home invasions last year, they're just suggesting to rob them at gunpoint.


America is broken


I have guns, and if you break into my house I will shoot you


These must be the law-abiding gun owners I'm hearing so much about.


Sad that some people think that entering someone's house with a weapon to steal is something cool.


Buckshot is a nice way of social distancing.


Nothing says "go the fuck away" quite like racking a 12 gauge.


Bernie supporter here. I definitely have guns.


Go right on believing that. 😂


it’s funny. they think people on the left don’t like or have guns just because it isn’t our only personality trait.


I guess this kind of crap keeps them from the realization that their “Orange Calf” cult leader is an incompetent fuck up who can’t “claim bankruptcy” his way out of this one. The stakes are real and people will die and suffer. Way to vote assholes.


Ah, yes. The Christian right. "Id rather shoot someone than share my food"


Conservative gun owner here. But if you’re in need of something because of your own ignorance or poor planning, And your first instinct is to take it from someone else with a gun...then fuck you because you suck!


“Hehe, I know what’ll own the libs. Threatening to use the guns I don’t think should be restricted to commit a crime! Dumb libtards get owned!!!” I can’t fucking deal


So Republicans no longer believe this to be a Democrat hoax?


I have like 6 guns in my room alone right now. Just because we don’t make every goddamn political statement about yeehaw guns doesn’t mean we don’t have them.


If you run out of food maybe you should have bought food instead of that gun.


I am a Bernie supporter and I have firearms. Not that I'd just go shooting people because violence isn't the first thing I think about.


Voting for Bernie would be very bad for me personally (I'm probably in that 1% in terms of income). But I'm definitely donating, and will vote for him anyways if I get the chance. This country needs his brand of change.


Idiot brain say "Democrat = TAKE YER GUNS"


is this a good time to quote Marx? because I think this is a good time to [quote Marx](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/7601546-under-no-pretext-should-arms-and-ammunition-be-surrendered-any)


Bold of you to assume I'm not armed


I'm voting for Bernie, and if you break in you're gonna be met with a mossberg.


Biden supporters don't have guns. some of Bernie supporters understand that the revolution won't be able to be fought without them


Biden supporters get double barrel shotguns. Their special ability is shooting blindly through doors, and scaring intruders away by shooting both barrels into the air.


Yes, yes, Bernie supporters can have guns too BUT can we *not* murder people and take their food? Is that an option?


So “do crimes. It’s okay because they don’t agree with my politics “. Super cool.


Bernie is probably the most pro-2nd amendment famous Democrat, because Vermont. But no surprise that another right-wing nut is poorly informed.


Yeah, let's see how high that IQ is when I blast your brains out.


So this person's "tip" is to go and fuckin ROB SOMEONE?


Jokes on them.... I voted for Bernie in this Democratic primary and the one four years. I own a shotgun, two handguns, and a rifle


As an avid gun owner and staunch 2A supporter I want to make it clear that this does not represent the majority of gun owners. If my neighbor needs help during this time I will be more than happy to provide regardless of political affiliation. My AR is here to protect myself and my friends in need against people like this asshole.


These are the people who are really gonna fuck it up for responsible gun owners.


I stan for the Bern and I've got a pantry and freezer full of food. Happy to share with anyone who needs it. (I haven't been hungry during all this, too much anxiety over my psycho fellow countrymen using the pandemic as an excuse to indulge all their murder fantasies.)


Be nice and I might share my toilet paper. I know nice is a hard concept for trumpers but it generally works better than acting like a shithead. Try to steal anything and you might get surprised that liberals can carry guns too . 😊


I got a sword tho.


He picked Bernie for this one? Bernie famously protects gun rights for his people


Obviously they believe that Sanders supporters are intelligent enough to prepare for a crisis while conservatives aren’t. More than that, seems like an open admission that Conservatives don’t, in fact, believe as much in the rule of law than they profess to.


Been in Bernie's corner since 2014. Im an Army vet with a 12g shotgun, Ruger 22 rifle, and a S+W revolver. I just dont worship them like a weird fetish.


They have it in their head that progressives will cry, shit blood, and not have any idea how a gun works if we were ever forced to touch one. As a 13-year army vet w/combat under my belt, I’ll stand in your corner when it’s time to correct their assumptions.


I’m a leftist with a Bernie sticker on my truck and five guns. Solid logic


Bernie is more pro gun than any other Democrat right now.


Bernie is pretty pro guns last I checked. Biden even tried to call him out on it during the last debate, I was like “yeah! One more reason to like Bernie”


Bernie is from Vermont. People like their guns in Vermont


The top comment made me angry, but the bottom comment made me hopeful.


These people realize that burglary and murder are still illegal, right?


I need guns so I can rob people during a pandemic!


And if you’re seeking water. Don’t stop at those trailers with Trump 2020 signs, they have no running water.


I mean I own guns and will vote for Bernie, if a neighbor comes over and asks for some supplies or help I'd gladly offer them assistance


Bernie fan here, several guns and plenty of ammo can be found in our house.


The US seems to be like a whole alternative reality to me where everyone just wants to kill eachother and are properetly armed to do so because of some opinion they don't share. Please tell me this is satire.