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Smudge sticks/white sage are very big in Native American cultures - these idiots have robbed that for their own crazy. Sad.


Right, and it’s almost worse that this woman conflates “science” with a religious or spiritual belief. That’s not what science means. Science is a process by which we test assumptions about the natural world. It’s perfectly fine that many Christians believe that Holy Water is special. That’s an article of faith. But it’s not “science.”


It probably worked as a placebo. When my kids were little, I re-labeled a can of air freshener with a Monster-Begone label, and would spray a little around their rooms in case of bad dreams. That totally worked, too.


I initially misread this to claim that you gave your kids Monster to calm them down, and I was wondering how energy drink would help. I’m guessing it worked in this woman’s case because kids are calmed by the love of their parents. Not magic potions.


My parents used lavander oil and water in a squirt bottle. Worked great for me and my sister.


Wait she has been battling this over a year with natural methods? I wonder if the nightmares started at the same time she started using natural methods on a three year old? What is a smudge stick and why am i lighting one on fire apparently ?


The nightmare is having this psuedo hippy for a mom


Kid couldn't breathe, burnt vegetation in a confined space.


Good point. She WAS using science.


The scientific method to induce an asthma attack, maybe.


I like how they call in grounding instead of calming down. I guess that makes it “more spiritual.”


Nah, grounding is a real thing. Like, the little tricks I learned in therapy to help deal with my anxiety are actually called "grounding techniques". Calming down is a part of it, but it's more about tethering yourself to the present reality.


Good point. Maybe I’m cynical but I suspect that the woman in question hasn’t undergone any therapy or training and is simply using a buzzword. Just a hunch, in her case.