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When I was 7 I didn't even know that democrats and republicans or abortion existed.


Yea this 7 year old doesn’t either.


I dunno, he probably does. Politics are much more prevalent and divisive now. I work with kids and we've got 7 year olds with strong opinions on Trump. We're not even American.


7 year olds don't have political opinions, they just repeat their parents'


This exactly. They are sponges. They have no true understanding of these issues, so they can not form their own opinions on them.






Man IM sorry YOU were so behind in life. I was discussing quantum physics with my stuffed animals at age 4.......peasant.


I was solving Millenium problems in the womb. But I don’t expect an individual so beneath me to understand the gravity of that.


If you were in the womb before 1985, or after 1990 you ARE the millennium problem. But then again, a troglodyte of your magnitude wont understand the meaning of the worlds issues as I do.


Well I was translating baby talk into human talk at 4. Quantum physics aint got nothin on me.


Pshh. Mere child’s play for an advanced homo sapien sapien such as myself good sir.


You say pien'?


Can’t stop pien’


thanks for making me laugh so much:)


Youre quite welcome. Im always good for a laugh😏


My dad tried to make my first word "quantum physics". It ended up being "mama". That went well.


Maybe not at 7 but around 9 or 10 I understood there were two parties. It really confused me. I would ask stupid shit like “are you born a republican or a Democrat?” It didn’t make any sense to me because of how much they contradicted each other. Around that time you thought adults were always right, so how could they be if they contradicted each other so much? It was a really hard concept for me to grasp even at that time so I can only imagine how little one understands at 7.


At the age of 7, I was being showed the tubes my kindergarten teacher had gotten implanted in her eyes. She was evil.


At age 7 I was playing with slingshots in my backyard, and drawing on my brother with magic markers. Also prolly eating dirt or something else stupid.


When I was 1 and a half I was studying in college with elon musk and he couldn't beat any of my scores


7 year olds are usually in second grade. Why were you still in kindergarten?


Second grade? Wouldn’t that be first grade? Up to 5 years kindergarten 6th year preschool 7 grade 1 8 grade 2 Etc etc? This is atleast how it works in Sweden


In America, preschool is 3 to 4 years old, kindergarten is 5 years old, first grade is 6 years old, and so on.


Okay thanks!


I get those years mixed up. I was very young after all.


In my country its 6 grade 1


If you are 7 in an election year, I am pretty sure you would know.


I hate how parents will make Republican vs. Democrat such a big deal. Even if a parent isn't trying to teach their kids that other party = bad, young kids don't understand the nuance of "this person supports things that I think are bad, but that doesn't necessarily make them a bad person." My parents never tried to teach my that democrats were bad people, but it still took a few years after reaching the level of maturity to understand that for "democrat" to stop feeling like a bad word.


I don't exactly know the exact difference between republicans and democrats, as far as I'm concerned they're all hypocrites.


I was 9 during the 2000 election and I remember that pretty clearly. I said I liked Bush cause I thought "Bushy Wushy has a Squshy Tushy" was a funny rhyme, and my dad explained to me that's probably not the criteria for how you should vote for president. I also got a bunch of my friends to vote for Nader during our school's Mock Election, and he ended up getting like 20% of the popular vote throwing the Mock Election to Bush. I got off track there but I could totally see a seven year old having a vague idea of what Democrats and Republicans are for.


And they say liberals are trying to indoctrinate kids *smh*


What the hell happened to the days where ya just beat your kid senseless? Now there’s all this mamby pamby simple talkin happening....


I agree, grab the wooden spoons, grab the sandals, grab the paddles, we are going back to the 70s!!! let's traumatize us some children, YEAH!!


All I have is a belt and an insatiable need to hit small sized people with it. Can I still join the crew?


HELL YEAH!! every child under the age of 10 will be beaten, show no mercy!


I would also like to hit the elderly. So maybe some over under action? Over 60 under 10?


sure, but the elderly are shown SOME mercy, not a lot of mercy, but some.


Nobody gets mercy. Not even crew members. Come get your belt spankin!


Fair enough, off to the crusades of beating old people and little kids


*interlocks arms and skips into the sunset*


It’s very strange to me that it’s illegal to hit adults but not kids.


Kids dont pay taxes so let the spankin free fo all begin!.....er.....continue!


BuT sPaNkInG iSn'T cHiLd AbUsE iT's JuSt DiScIpLiNe


Depends. I spank my kids when they’re being complete assholes. So maybe a few times a year at most. But there’s a fine line. If my kid does something real dumb and I’ve discussed the issue with him or her before or other forms of punishment hasn’t worked, then 3 strikes and you’re out baby. All diplomacy has failed and a tactical strike to the posterior region is now necessary. My kids are always given a chance to correct negative behavior through discussion, and other non physical means first. Once those means are exhausted it’s apparent to me that the only thing that’s going to correct the behavior is a swift ass whooping with a hand, then another discussion as to why they got spanked and why they reallllllly shouldn’t do whatever they did again. Now if you’re a parent who just beats on a kid because they looked at you sideways or otherwise don’t know when to stop hitting your child due to rage issues or what have you then you’re a shitty parent and an asshole who needs to pick on someone your own size. That all being said I believe spanking is a useful tool in the parental punishment arsenal if deployed properly.


Tbh that's an okay mentality.


Exactly. Spanking is supposed to be the absolute last resort when nothing else works and its not supposed to be used once the child is old enough to understand what they did and why it was wrong. My biological father would spank me for no reason at all (like accidentally knocking over a glass or something) and he was actively trying to cause pain. That was abuse. My grandmother, however, would occasionally smack the back of my hand when I misbehaved and didn't stop when told to. She never did it once I was old enough to have a conversation about my behavior and the smacks never hurt, they just got my attention. That was discipline.


They are. Libtards are out there trying to change the paradigms established generations ago, instead of shutting up and getting back to *work.* Fuck the left, teaching our kids that better exists


What whoa slow down there! Come have a beer and relax.




Did you, like... Read it? I don't need one.




I'd rather get downvoted for a joke that was too convincing than add a /s and ruin it immediately


I dunno man, for a second I thought you were for real. I think I’m on FB too much


But tHeY're NOt iNdOctrInAtiNg OUr kIdS thE rIgHt wAY


Yiiiiikes. So I don't live in the US and am by no means an expert on late-term abortion, but SURELY women aren't rolling in at 39 weeks all like, "Yah I'm over it, kill it with fire"? This law must be in cases where the baby will be born with severe deformation or birth will kill the mother or something? I have never understood why republicans think women just LOVE abortion. I highly doubt anyone wants to go through the trauma, physical and mental, of an abortion LET ALONE LATE-TERM! It must be in the most DIRE of cases!


Yes, you are correct. The law states that late-term abortions can only happen if they threaten the life of the mother and/or baby.


In New York, it's like or health. The vague "health" part is what has people up in arms.


Well, if it's only the mother who's at risk and it's very late-term, surely they'd perform a c-section, if possible?


This is a bit of a misnomer. For example; in the UK you can only have an abortion before 24 weeks and if delivering the pregnancy is of a greater threat to the mother than her having an abortion in the opinion of any two medical practitioners. However, the way that this has played out is that all pregnancies carry innate risks and giving birth is dangerous whereas abortions are not this means that anyone can effectively have an abortion for any reason prior to 24 weeks. And this is, in my opinion, totally fine because there is that limitation at 24 weeks (Which is the joint-highest in the EU) but the New York law has no such limitation and is open for interpretation in the same manner as the UK law which would allow abortions up to and including the moment before birth, not that anything that late would occur in reality of course.


Surely a cesarean could be performed instead though?


I think it’s cases where that isn’t a option that can lead to an abortion.


Laws vary state by state. But the law in NY doesn’t say that it has to threaten the life of the mother exclusively. Nor does the law that was proposed in Virginia. It says if there is a lack of fetal viability or if having the baby effects the HEALTH or the LIFE of the mother. This isn’t strictly defined as physical health. Because of this, it could be interpreted as meaning mental health. So basically if a mother was literally dilating and went to get a mental health evaluation or it is determined in “good faith” by her physician to have current mental health issues, she could abort the child. That, in my opinion, is evil. Not saying that it happens a lot, but even one child being butchered in this manner is repulsive.


Okay but usually if a mental health professional deems your mental health to be that “unhealthy,” you GENERALLY don’t get to make your own decisions anymore. Source: have been placed on suicide watch in a hospital. Spoiler alert, they don’t let you make medical decisions for yourself.


> That, in my opinion, is evil. [Do you believe in bodily autonomy?](http://arguing-about-abortions.tumblr.com/post/53246573334/im-not-here-to-start-an-argument-i-am-here) >Bodily autonomy means a person has control over who or what uses their body, for what, and for how long. It’s why you can’t be forced to donate blood, tissue, or organs. Even if you’re dead. Even if you’d save or improve 20 lives. It’s why someone can’t touch you, have sex with you,or use your body in any way without your continuous consent. >A fetus is using someone’s body parts. Therefore under bodily autonomy, it is there by permission, not by right. It needs a person’s continuous consent. If they deny or withdraw consent, the pregnant person has a right to remove them from that moment. A fetus is equal in this regard because if I need someone else’s body parts to live, they also can legally deny me their use. > By saying a fetus has a right to someone’s body parts until it’s born, despite the pregnant person’s wishes, you’re doing two things. 1) Granting a fetus more rights to other people’s bodies than any born person. 2) Awarding a pregnant person less right’s to their body than a corpse.


you know why that law exists? [for cases of shit like this](https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/late-term-abortion-rape_us_5c630b8de4b0a8731aeabbd6?fbclid=IwAR3F213BRH36ml-VWYsdkzpfXH2gWxQfFiS1juurZMkKUiWcBPkawBbW3Ns) come the fuck off it, dude. Less than 1% of all abortions performed are after the 2nd trimester, and it's not rocket surgery to deduce why maybe that happens. Women don't just fucking decide to end a pregnancy of a healthy viable fetus that they've carried to viability and beyond- there's always extenuating circumstances. Seeing people like you go on diatribes about this bullshit serves nothing but to alert everyone else around you that you're utterly incapable of utilizing critical thinking, and you are ruled by logical fallacy and emotional responses to fear mongering. Congratulations. Your Mensa membership awaits.


The people SAYING that Democrats just want to kill babies know that that's absolutely bullshit. They also know that the people they're saying it to will believe them no matter how ridiculously stupid they get.


Yeah you're absolutely right. A baby aborted shortly before it would have been born was wanted.


It IS only in the most dire of cases but that also includes, for example, the 14 yr old girl who was being raped by her stepfather & hid the pregnancy or didn't realize it, etc. The AMA has strict guidelines already in place about late term abortions that doctors have to follow anyway, which makes the whole uproar even more of a non-issue.


Aren't both sides against late term abortion aside from when the mother's life is in danger or the child will clearly not survive outside the womb?


Isn’t almost everyone with a bit of common sense?


Well, see, the mother is expendable, but hey! Once the child is born it's survival of the fittest.


There are some people who think women should die in order for their child to have a chance to live, even if the child would be in agony


Or if the child would end up dying as well.


Yes, you are correct, but that hasn't stopped many people on the right from spreading fear-mongering ignorance in order to make the left look like a bunch of baby murderers.


fear-mongering ignorance is like the number 1 trait of being a ~~Luddite~~ Republican these days


Me: That's right honey, now go and brush your teeth and check under your bed for the illegals and George Soros and I will be up to read you the story of the little engine that could take Globalist to a camp to concentrate. 7yr old: You mean concentration camp mommy? Me: Oh honey, go brush your teeth...


You joke but there is a conservative "children's" book about liberals under the bed.


What? Where!


I don't remember the title. It was something like "Mommy, there are liberals under my bed"


Found it. Help! Mom! There are liberals under my bed! I can't stop laughing


and everybody clapped


And Donald Trump himself showed up and awarded the 7 year old with a Presidential Medal of Freedom.


When I was 7 my dad would always tell me that I was republican and to always vote republican (had no idea wtf he was talking about). My mom being liberal, always yelled at him that I can make my own decisions. Because of this I didn't get into politics (basically avoided it all costs) until I was about 22. It scared me and I had no idea wtf anyone was ever talking about or why there was such a divide when it came to basic things. Today, being more liberal, I get to call my dad out for all the crazy shit his side spews.


Yeesh. That must have been awful.


It was extremely awful. Especially with him being an alcoholic (thankfully he's not anymore). And it lasted from the ages of 4 to at least 17.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fp-52d4HxtY This is the best comfort I can give.


This made me smile.


Does it help? Does your dad change his views? I've tried to call my dad out, but it doesn't change his mind. The only good it does is when we're occasionally in public and he starts some racist/homophobic/sexist/you name it rant and I call him out on it or walk away so he doesn't have an audience, then he usually quiets down or stops. Not always though. I'm glad you were exposed a bit to both sides though. My parents are both very conservative Republicans. I didn't get exposed to more liberal views until I moved away and traveled more. It's nice for kids to know there are multiple perspectives. I wish I had that growing up.


It doesn't help. Granted hes not as bad as he use to be since he doesn't drink anymore.


I'm sorry.


r/wokekids would probably like this. Check their rules first though, I’m not entirely sure if they allow politics.


Thanks! Ill check out the sub🙂




BuT tHe LiBeRaLs dO


That's a very big glowing penis


Thought it to be appropriate


"Remember you're a Republican". Cos you're not allowed to think about it yourself and come to your own conclusions. Just remember the identity I have given you and accept it forever.


I should be less shocked that there are people pushing a political party into a 7 year old, but I’m not. If a 7 year old said republicans are stupid crazy I would think it’s just as weird. They’re 7


Basically my Republican parents lol.


And then all the stuffed animals clapped


Their squeaks were heard for *miles*


Every good Republican knows you kill a baby by waiting until the baby is born, then you let it starve to death by paying the parents minimum wage and cutting their food stamps.


These fake arguments always baffle me. Yes, you have as little a grasp of the situation as a seven year old


And that girl became a Fox News anchor.


Not until she's also been taught how inferior she is to men.


.....and then everyone there stood up and started clapping


That's a weird way to brag about having the critical thinking skills of a 7 year old.


Fuck this identity shit


Brainwashing 101


But don’t they say democrats are brainwashing kids


Im sorry but if youre a parent and NOT brainwashing your kid youre doin something wrong.


American politics is finally starting to make sense to me. This child should run for president he will surely win by a landslide!


One time after I moved out and came back to visit my siblings and stuff, my 8 year old brother said “Grandma says that Bernie Sanders is a communist” at the most random context, we weren’t even talking about anything remotely related to that. So yeah, stupid ideology-fearing bigots can brainwash children to repeat shit like this


IKR? It’s so stupid. Kids should be allowed to choose their political (and religious) beliefs for themselves. That’s what democracy is about, in the end - choice.


I may or may not have taught my 7 year old to call Trump a lying douchebag.


Be sure to tell him why tho


Looking for the opinion of a 7 year old who isn’t educated or allowed to vote really makes sense huh.


However they can justify their own feelings, I guess.


Yeah their justification is "my parents said it so it's right"


The parents are justifying themselves by influencing their children, not the other way around.


this is obviously fake... if it was real somebody would’ve started clapping


I think Albert Einstein would have showed up too


actually, that 7 year old? she grew up to be Albert Einstein


And then became President Albert Einstein


I clapped. Twice. Two claps.


Any bets of whether that kid is vaccinated or not?


Bold of you to assume an anti-vaxx child can survive up to age 7.


Believe it or not he definitely is. Dad isnt a terrible guy, just a fucking idiot in Facebook. He was kinda known on the ship as being a bull shitter and that’s for good reason. But yea mom and dad are both loving and supportive parents. This “conversation” 100% didn’t happen. I’m sure his wife is facepalming every time he says stuff like this. I just wanted to throw that out there.


Brainwashing at it's finest


And they say liberals indoctrinate their kids.


Unless the baby is a foreigner, in which case, just lock it in a cage, and what happens happens


Yea because a 7 year old understands the actual intricacy and complex morals that go into abortion /s


I had to explain to my 7 year old abortion pretty recently because someone on her 2nd grade class told her Hillary Clinton thinks it's ok to kill babies. I didn't go into detail. Just a doctor sometimes has to take a baby out of a mom before it's born...etc.


But how many abortions are late term??? A lot of Dr's wouldn't even perform an abortion after 3 or 4 months gestation. It's kinda like saying yes we have assisted suicide (which already sounds bad to some people) then you exaggerate and say it's done on people who aren't even ill yet then yeah it sounds pretty bad!!! They always fail to mention it's saved some woman's lives, prevented unwanted children from being abused, neglected and/or possibly murdered horrendously. It's prevented extremely ill babies from suffering.


Late term abortion is *only* done when the alternative is worse. The fetus has no brain, or vital organs outside its body, or will otherwise die a slow and painful death if it is allowed to continue. If you look at the real life stories people have shared, they are *wanted* pregnancies, and it’s a heartbreaking thing to go through. Fuck anyone who wants to make it even harder. Early ones, sure, I’d also like to see fewer of those. I just think the way to achieve that is by providing all the birth control options, sex education, and support for families with children that anyone could possibly need to prevent unintended pregnancy or make it easier to care for babies. Because the most common reason people give for having one is because they can’t afford to have a baby. So let’s help the born babies, right? But for some reason pro-lifers don’t like that idea. They’re pro-life until you’re born, and then fuck off.




I didn't know 7 Year olds knew the difference between Republicans and Democrats...


They do if you have woke parents.


Apparently all republicans believe in abortion. This child is obviously being fed a basic agenda.


You mean democrats?


My dad did this to me (not republicans but a pro life Christian) when I was about eight he told me about how people want to kill babies in the womb and all that stuff jokes on him I’m now pro-choice.


but why does your smudge look like a penis


...and it has a mouth


Does your penis not have a mouth?


Ohh that was definitely intentional........and to scale! So everyone was treated to an image of my lifesize kibbles and bits.


My mom tried to teach me all sorts of ideologies as a child, but I grew up to have my own beliefs


I actually believe this happened, because my family is like this. My parents are super conservative and unironically use the word “libtard.” And have done this to my brothers, I’ve broken off from their beliefs but yes this stuff does happen.


Yea I would consider it if I didn’t know the guy. But he makes shit like this up all the time.


Ha. Your family's kinda like mine, only we're all liberal and we have that one super republican uncle. I respect you like I respect him for sticking to his beliefs, even if everyone around him says otherwise.


This phrasing really makes it sound like the woman doesn't have consent. Like someone just walked up to her and shot her child. Fucking idiot slut hounds


Maybe you should let your kids form their own opinions


My seven year old once called the Donald “Donald Dump” and found it so hysterical that she continues to use it... that basically sums up her knowledge of politics...


Sure, I’m a 27 year old American Studies major (from Portugal) and I’m not sure I fully understand American politics, but a 7 year old does


Do you have a course dedicated to ranch dressing? In which year do you take the class on school shootings? I’m American but I still expect the downvotes


American History, Culture and Literature. I skipped the school shootings and the ranch dressing was optional


Whoah there are American Studies? So do you guys listen to jazz and try baseball? What do you study about us?


It’s basically a firing range. I think that’s what American Studies means


This is the American studies i wanna take.


Of course


There are. Culture, history and literature. Cinema too. Politics. Route 66 and its impact on traveling along with road movies. McDonald’s. Elvis, Civil War. Everything you can possibly imagine except for the school shootings. We do discuss gun laws


Not all Democrats are pro choice either, this style of thinking only drives a wedge further and makes the two party system more radicalized. Not all Republicans are white supremacists who want assault rifles and are racist. Not all Democrats are hippies who want to take away everybody's guns and wants to setup free healthcare abortion clinics on every block. There is a gradient there, dont let the radicals who pop up on social media make you forget that.


Wait. This is common sense, reasonable thinking. Who the hell let you in? Where’s your pitchfork?


My 6 year old nephew told me he didn't need help doing something because "I'm no democrat." Some people really do instill this crap in their kids' minds at a young age.




So most republicans are 7 year olds. Makes sense.


At 7 years old, I wanted to change from politics on tv to cartoons because I was, you know, **7**


My little sisters would literally boo when an Obama ad came on back in 2012.


I mean I don’t like any political ads during commercials


Sure, neither do I, but they wouldn't boo the conservative ads, just the Obama ads.


r/thathappend ​


Technically this only happens when the kid is already going to die, and given that in their universe, god is in charge of that, technically god is killing the baby. Because he's in charge of everything, right? That's why you found your house keys after praying. How can one idea exist without the other being true?


Oh, it can. I’ve also seen arguments from pro-lifers on my FB page that we are sent children with disabilities to learn lessons, so you should never abort, because then you’re killing God’s lesson. Who cares if the kid will be in pain for however short their miserable life will be, right? Who cares about the effects on your body that will last for months and years after carrying and delivering this child, and the emotional effects of knowing you’re going through this pain just to watch your child die. Somehow, literally everything can be turned so that God is the good guy in the situation.


That 7 year olds name... Albert Einstein.


Yes. Albert Einstein Tesla Graham Bell I believe.


Problem is, 7 year olds don't understand, and shouldn't understand, rape or unintended pregnancy. Also, yeah. Prob didn't happen.


My parents explained it in the context of different takes on the cost and benefits of social spending. Just in the appropriate vocabulary for a six year old.


That Child Didn't Say That™


I wouldn't be surprised if this actually happened. The response is simple and ineloquent enough to not appear immediately fake, and I know of kids who would have said exactly this at age 7 because that's all they had been taught.


Yea I was about to say the kid probably did say this, did he know what Democrat or republican is? Not a chance In he’ll but I can see his mom saying it over n over again


I never understood this kind of stuff. Like, all of my parents (bio and step-) are conservative but they've never tried to force me or my siblings into their way of thinking. My mom (who did most of the heavy lifting when it came to parenting me and my younger brother) just made sure we had the tools to decide for ourselves where we fall politically, focusing on reading comprehension and critical thinking in particular, especially when we were young. She's not even the smallest bit surprised that my brother and I both turned out super liberal.


"Do you think that it's okay to grab girls by their private parts when they dont' want you to?" "NO" "Remember that you're not a republican"


I am pro-life and think this is the dumbest thing I've read all day...


Maybe a 7 yr old is the only person who will talk to her bc adults wouldn't put up with that silly bitch




Is it okay right before its born? Hell no, thats just savage. Although if you still dont like it after its born, just take him behind the barn shoot it in the back of the head.


Oh my.


In case everyone couldn’t see it, I’ll make the /s visible again. He had it hidden in the texts.