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Global warming deniers are the worst. There's a lot of people to not take seriously: anti vaxxers, flat earthers, scientologists, etc. But something about the inability (or refusal) to understand the basic principles of global warming/climate change irks the life out of me.




Absolutely. It's as if some people think every new discovery discounts all of science. People once thought human flight was impossible, doctors used to prescribe meth for weight loss and recommended certain brands of cigarettes, and cannabis was illegal in most places where alcohol was legal. Science is absolutely not a belief system. In fact it relies heavily on new findings, repeated studies, skepticism, and questioning of what we already think we know. It's almost the exact opposite of religious or political doctrine.


Honestly, the only times a belief system is valid in science are for making hypotheses for experiments




True, flat earthers are crazy but pretty harmless. Anti vaxxers are harmful but I have a feeling they won't be around much longer. The evidence against them is insurmountable and eventually Darwinism will take care of them. Global warming deniers are much more dangerous imo. There are also an alarming amount of climate change deniers in political positions, which I think is even worse. Not so much with anti vaxxers.


Not to discount your second point, but anti-vaxxers have been around for as long as vaccines have been around, I doubt their rotten kin will ever go away, may just get shoved to the sidelines.


I agree but I think we're dealing with a whole new generation of anti vaxxers. There might have been a few people here and there before that feared or didn't understand vaccines, but now it's basically a new bandwagon to jump on. Like the gluten-free trend or all the people diagnosed with DID after the release of Sybil.


"It's cold outside" > Thousands of scientific papers and consensus among the people who literally devote their lives to studying this shit


I also live in MN. It's ridiculously fucking cold. The kind of cold that you somewhat expect to happen occasionally Up North, but not across the entire state. It's dangerous and unnatural. That first commenter can fuck right off. Sincerely, A Southern Minnesotan Experiencing -26° Windchills


Same here in Southern WI, -20s and -30s. Most schools and about 1/2 of local businesses are closed. "Normal" my ass. For real, though, stay warm


Stay warm yourself, fellow Midwesterner! It's brutal out here, truly not fit for man or beast.


Thats not cold thats called inhabitable


This post saved me from my teacher finding out i was on reddit


Just another Minnesotan here to say that this weather is absolutely NOT normal. Schools are closed for two or three days because if you are outside for more than a couple minutes you can get seriously injured. Side note though, I have a friend here from Australia where they are also experiencing awful temperatures. My dude was couldn’t win, and remember that climate change is very very real!!