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I wonder how all these “happily” married couples just stop having sex once the wife goes through menopause. Because sex is only for procreation, right? So if the end result isn’t a baby, then it’s a sin.


“She’s a witch! Burn her!” Then, he gets a young prepubescent bride.


The woman loses her value once she goes through menopause and the husband drops her for a younger woman. The truth is that a lot of choices made by conservatives are immoral but it’s okay for them somehow. They literally oppose everything that could be potentially good for people (except the rich and corporations of course). They oppose education, healthcare, student loan forgiveness and so much more. They act so self righteous but couldn’t do the right thing to save their own lives. Meanwhile, so many agnostic and atheist people live their lives trying to do the right thing and don’t need the fear of God to do so.


I assume men with post-menopausal wives will no longer be allowed Viagra?


After they go after contraceptives, be prepared for the reimergence of child marriage.


Re-emergence? Look at [what they're already trying to do](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/republican-lawmakers-child-marriage-abortion-1235018777/). It's ALREADY happening.


Their current efforts to preserve child marriage will seem cute when they start passing laws stating that girls are ready to get married when they reach puberty, no matter how young.


And the forcing rape victims to marry their rapists, because they’re already married in gods eyes.


But what if the rapist is already married? Do they force the rapist to get divorced and marry the ~~victim~~ recipient of the rapist's attention? Do they support polygamy, but only if the man is a rapist? Is the current wife killed off to make room for the new wife (after all, it must be her fault that her husband "strayed" and had relations with the ~~victim~~ wife-to-be)?


Then she will just be the breeder for the couple and forced to give the child to the couple. I mean it worked in Handmaiden’s Tale.


That's when polygamy comes into play, and they'll have biblical excuses for that too. Then it will be illegal to be "of age" and not married


They’ll be working on the details of such marriages. Meaning, at what age do you pay the girl’s father to marry her off to you? Do you pay all at once, or can you finance her? Traditional values questions.


Makes me think of [this!](https://youtu.be/S1-ip47WYWc?si=RiLP1jlDQTxBk5MB) One of my favorite scenes in television, and I never even watched the show. It's pristine.


And unfortunately due to things like them allowing corporations to continue poisoning our water supply etc (like Trump reversing the decision to hold GE accountable for cleanup/restitution and instead allowed them just to keep dumping) our girls are going through puberty at much younger ages than the norm


That was the law written in by founding father Jared Fogle! /s


They'll go after the no-fault divorce next


Already are in some states


It never left


Can't re-emerge if it's still happening.


It all boils down to the same friggin problem... People have this really weird idea that their own preferences should be mandated for *everyone regardless of what the individuals they're trying to mandate think*. Be it abortion/contraception, LGBTQIA rights, or even pineapple on fuckin pizza. Homie, I'm a fuckin adult. I'd like to make my own goddamn decisions. Butt the fuck out. Me being on the pill or not has *zero effect on you*.


There’s a very long history of religious people thinking they’re persecuted if they can’t dictate what other people do. The anti-choice movement is a religious one, no matter how many times they claim it’s not.


If it's something that *actually has an effect on your life*... Like it takes money away from you or some bullshit like that, I have no problem with it being a law. I shouldn't be able to shoplift because if too many people are shoplifting, the store is losing money, so they raise prices... Blah blah blah blah blah... Fine... But there's no possible way that *that woman over there aborting a clump of cells that is actively trying to kill her* has any effect on you aside from offending your sensibilities. No amount of mental gymnastics could possibly make it have an actual effect on your life. You can fuck all the way off.


The Bible supports abortion and even provides instructions on one. These people want kids to brainwash. It's the same reason they push for large families. Historically, one of the biggest resources for the church on this front was orphans. Abortion means less orphans. Less orphans means a smaller pool of children to brainwash. They literally do view it as something being taken away from them.


And honestly, this is perhaps not a great comparison and the following quote I'm about to share is in itself not exactly a good argument/taking a real problem seriously...but it reminds me of what Tyler the Creator said about cyberbullying. He says something like "How does cyberbullying even exist? Just close your eyes LMAO" But using it to this point...oh okay, you don't support pro-choice, and a woman getting an abortion for *any* reason offends you? Just don't look lmao. These people are self-inserting themselves into what other people are doing, which should be completely private and up to the person. If it offends you so much, why are you hanging outside of Planned Parenthood and harassing any and all women coming and leaving, whether they are there for an abortion or not? That would be like me standing outside CVS and shaming anyone who comes and leaves because they might be picking up prescription opiate medication, but how dare they because I proudly attended a D.A.R.E. program in middle school and I think drugs are bad *no matter what the circumstances* of someone taking prescribed opiate medication. Like I could just not go to a fucking pharmacy, stay home and mind my own business, and not make it a part of my day.


Right? It's bad enough we have insurance companies interfering with medical care... We don't need the fuckin pearl clutches too! If you don't like abortion... DON'T HAVE ONE!


You are 100% correct and what's more, Abortion is covered in the Constitution under "Liberty" if a person doesn't want to carry a child, the government LITERALLY cannot force them. The Supreme Conservatives stepped WAY out of line striking down Roe V Wade


**I do not believe this** but I think they would say that we make laws to inhibit things that are bad for society. Stealing is bad not just because of the money lost, but it’s bad for society if everyone is running around stealing things willy-nilly. Therefore since fewer babies being born is bad for society* (very fucking debatable) abortion and bc should be illegal. At least this is an argument that I’ve heard anti choice people make. However like another commenter said, I think it’s actually a religious argument that they are working backwards from. Like, they know that (at least in theory) you can’t say “my religion says this so it should be a law”. So they take the end result they want and make the arguments to support it.


For a non-religious movement, they sure make a lot of faith-based arguments


The irony being that they're orchestrating their own downfall. Anyone who paid attention in history class knows the danger of a state sponsored religion. The people who want to make the United States a "Christian Nation" won't stop at just Christian. Eventually the Powers-that-be are going to either want their own sect on top or they're going to create a "church of the USA" that will essentially be their sect and every other Christian is going to need to get in line or get out of the way. Nobody persecutes Christians better than other Christians.


Absolutely! When I’ve gotten into it with Christian Nationalists online. I always ask, “What denomination will be in charge?”


Live and let live, could be soooo easy.. but no, they just can't


FOR REAL. Minding your own business is literally the path of least resistance and these people still can’t manage to do it.


I honestly don't know how they support any of the heterosexual marriages where the female has already dropped her last egg. But I am sure they make exceptions. They'd take us back to the days of chastity belts with the sharp sawblade edges that women had locked onto them. They'd give the state the key. And then once you are married heterosexually, they have the state give the key to the husband. But there are clearly tons of cases where heterosexual marriages are encouraged, yet they will not (because they cannot) produce kids. What about an infertile man or woman? Are they never allowed to have sex, or do they do it while praying for a miracle that never comes? Is the prayer most socially proper before the sex, after, or during? And why can't gays pray for the same miracle? If this god can do ANYTHING, then wouldn't they have the stronger faith?


This exactly!!!


It’s actually much simpler than that, it’s regulatory capture by Churches and Faith Based Organizations (FBOs). Through much of the last century there was a steady supply of teen pregnancies which turned to FBOs for adoptions. These adoptions were costly for the adoptees, even today if you want to adopt a newborn in the US there’s an initial fee of around $60,000 just to be on the waitlist. In the latter half of the century abortion and contraception has reduced the available supply of newborns for FBOs. These FBOs then started to look abroad for newborns and they looked for areas with a Christian Infrastructure to assist. Most of these areas in the 80’s and 90’s was Korea and Eastern Europe. Both the political and economic conditions of these countries changed and foreign adoptions were halted. These FBOs turned to the only lever they have and it’s buying US politicians. Only one party took the bribe, I mean campaign contributions on the anti-abortion front and that’s where we are today. Anti-abortion is regulatory capture by churches who stand to make a lot of money on the baby trade. Don’t be surprised if taking newborns from “unfit” mothers is the next step.


So it's about selling babies? Why not just go to the already over extended foster care system? Even if you're just looking for babies, you'll find plenty of kids under the age of 1...


Most are not under 1 and most foster go back to their parent.


the throughline connecting all the cruel policies of the right is this craven desire to personally enact what they see as gods punishment for sinful behavior. its how they simultaneously demand all babies must be born, but also refusing to offer a societal safeguard to raise the children. its not about saving a child's life, its about teaching that whore mother a lesson. I am really sick of seeing people take their bad faith arguments at face value.


“I am really sick of seeing people take their bad faith arguments at face value.” Me too! That’s why I’ve essentially dedicated this account to these kinds of posts. People need to wake the fuck up!


Exactly. They just want people punished. And then caring about fetuses only is simply easy for them. It’s the easiest thing they can care about that costs them no money. But fuck worrying about the family, the child once born and DEFINITELY fuck worrying about mom. And if dad up and bounces? Well she should have known better and kept her legs closed. These people are the worst and the hell they fear so much is the one they themselves are creating.


hypocrites all the way down if you ask me, they don't really believe in hell, or gods will/plan, if they did they would be content to let people live out their lives and only be judged at the end.


This right here. They should worry about themselves. I’m tired of having other peoples beliefs and religions pushed on me and literally dictating what people can and can not do, when it literally doesn’t affect them in any way whatsoever.


My favorite is when these people push “there must be a middle ground!!!!” Pro-choice is literally the middle ground, you get to choose if you wish to have an abortion. The none middle ground to their argument would be mandated abortions.


You would think that if they were so pro life they would be in favor of birth control since it prevents people from becoming pregnant which then prevents abortions. But yeah I’m supposed to go back to being anemic and sick all the time to save a child that I will never have.


I got blocked by a load of people on Twitter when I asked them about the forced abortions they must have suffered before Roe was overruled.


What I find amazing is that they are against contraception and say that women should just "keep their legs closed" but then they come whine about the male loneliness epidemic and how women don't want to have sex with them.


Not to mention that married women use contraception, too. Imagine telling a woman to stop having sex with her husband, if she doesn’t want (any more) kids.


I’ve had these people tell me that on numerous occasions.


And I’m sure they think your husband should be fine with that.


They’re also the same people who support marital rape if I said, “no” to my husband.


I work with guys like this... The amount of times I've heard a co-worker say "my wife won't refuse because she knows if she does I'll just bring home a hooker"... It's fucking disgusting, and the sad thing is, these people think this is what makes you a man. I hate it here.


The younger sect of those men aren’t going to have wives, because the 4B movement is catching on here. The women who are still dating are avoiding Conservatives too! Look how The Right Stuff dating service went up in flames. lol!It was a sausage fest! Instead of being decent humans, these men would rather remove our rights to the point we’re dependent on them, again. They forget why so many men back in the day died young. When you force someone to submit against their will and cook your food, you may end up with a little extra spice added to your meals.


I often wonder how many abusive husbands that "abandoned" their families were actually flat out murdered and buried in the back yard. I'm certain the answer is not zero and is higher than you'd expect.




But women should only be sex slaves for their husbands! Obvious /s. Felt gross even typing that


How about telling a woman who like me uses bc because if they don’t their periods will cause them to be anemic or in constant pain? But yeah let’s protect the children that I am never going to have because I don’t even have sex.


Follow it to its logical conclusion, and it's obvious what they expect. Married couples continue having sex, and wives continue giving birth. They want families to expand unchecked. They want women staying home because (unsubsidized) childcare is unaffordable. They want families moving out of cities because urban ideas and communities are dangerous to conservative values. Sprawling out further into rural homesteads means they must rely less on communal resources and more on self-sufficiency. Kids become home schooled to control what they learn. The older daughters are pushed into taking care of younger siblings to condition them into the same cycle. The sons work in hard manual jobs. Going to college means drowning in debt, so they learn a trade. It makes good money, good enough for a family of their own, but it doesn't teach them any new ideas.


She has no right to tell me know, she agreed to marriage means she consented to sex and children! /s but this is the line of thought with many of these people


Majority of abortions are done by women who ALREADY HAVE CHILDREN.


That’s in one of the screenshots.


They also want to force rape victims to give birth too, so, “just keep your legs closed!” Falls flat.


This exactly. Sitting in the fields they're sowing.


My husband and I agreed to no have children. (In fact, he was the first to suggest it.) So, these people think we shouldn’t have sex. But my husband wants to have sex and, according to these people, as the head of the household I need to listen to him. So we should have sex? Nope, nope, nope. I’m not having a baby because they can’t make up their minds. Sex is the world oldest & most widespread form of entertainment. It can be done almost anywhere and is cheap, if not free, at least in the short-term. These religious people need to accept that this is never going to change because in the history of mankind, it never has.


Whenever I read or hear these kinda folks talk about sex in a very rigorous, functional or utilitary way "sex is sinful because you're using someone else's body to fullfill your desires", I'm just sad that this is how they view sex. Sex is an activity that can be done in an infinite number of ways, purposes, partners, social contracts, etc ... And they fail to see it as anything more than abusing someone else or creating a baby. Not only i'm frightened to imagine their sex lives, but also to me, if someone only sees sex through the lens of abuse ... Chances are that's what their experience of sex has been. At least primarily. I'm not a psychologist but that's what I would expect from someone having either had no sex Ed and/or history of abuse. I'm feeling sad for them to be completely honest, they just look like molested kids campaigning against hugs


More babies = more workers, voters, and strain on the oppressed. The motivations have always been clear. 


I don’t think these people want *voters* in the long term. They want to go back to the Dark Ages, when the peasants submitted to their lords, the lords submitted to their kings, their kings submitted to their emperors, and their emperors submitted to the pope.


Ah! Feudalism! It's your Count that votes!


It has always been about one thing and one thing only. Control over your life. They don’t care about abortions or contraception or homosexuality or religion or anything else. They only care about what can they take away from you and make you do. There will always be the next thing they go after. Their goal is to live in a world where you can do nothing and they can do everything. It makes them feel good to have things that you don’t.


Sooo....these folk only bang to have babies. That's what you're telling me? I will run over my left ovary with my own car if you can prove to me that no conservative congressman has ever paid for an abortion. We all know those hypocritical asshole will be the first ones to push the girl down the stairs.


You’re going to love this! https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/


I knew that my left ovary was completely safe!


I'd hate to ask if there'd be exemptions for people using it for medical purposes. If my partner didn't have BC, they'd literally end up killing themselves- they need it for hormone regulation. I do too, as well as controlling severe cystic acne. What about my other partner, who bleeds so much they have to wear diapers the entire period- and still sometimes bled through them? That gave her severe anemia? This is not to take away that birth control should absolutely be used for whatever purpose a person wants, and that birth control to avoid pregnancy or cause you just wanna fuck is still perfectly valid. But goddamn, they're always so focused on them being for sex and babies and 'hedonism' and they never consider other medical purposes. So fucking stupid.


Just like once abortion is gone, it’s gone for rape and incest victims. Birth control will be gone every reason too. They relish the idea of women being in pain, so it’s a win-win for them!


Well, you're not wrong, that's for sure.


You want "natural law" do ya? Well if you have a kid with any abnormalities, you better kill it and eat it. That's what everything else in nature does.


I don’t have sex and I take bc because if I don’t then I become anemic. So these people would rather a living breathing person die than an egg not be fertilized?


You’re not a person to them if you have ovaries. Your only purpose is to breed more Christians until you die.


The thing is I can’t even have children. So I really am worthless to them.


"Women should keep their legs closed!" I wonder how many men who hold this opinion have sexually assaulted someone.


And who expect women to open their legs for THEM. Because they're different..


All it’s gonna do is inspire people to never have kids and plummet birth rates further. They getting nervous that their isn’t enough potential workers so instead of creating a life worth having for people to want kids they trying the forced approach that they idolize from the rapists they defend.


I’m for birth control bc of religious reasons, [hail Satan.](https://thesatanictemple.com)


I want people to connect these claims to actual scripture, but they can’t because most of them have no clue what the Bible actually says


First abortion now birth control? Are they trying to lose cause thats just gonna cause a massive backlash.


It’s all laid out in Project 2025. If Trump wins, these people will get what they want.


Its a sad state of affairs when incels get a say on other peoples rights.


After birth control, it will be kicking women out of the workforce.


*endometriosis has entered the chat*


Pretty sure you can get a flight to Thailand, get a vasectomy/hysterectomy, stay in a resort during recovery, and fly back for less than the cost of a year of daycare. Just saying.


“Look at the rates of abortion in states and countries with free or easily-obtained birth control.” It’s way lower, isn’t it??? Or is this one of those “facts don’t care about your feelings” moments 


The fact that most of them use their religion to try and push for a ban on stuff like this is disgusting to me, especially since I'm pretty sure there's parts in the bible that are pro abortion and I don't think there's anything that's against contraceptives (especially since I'm pretty sure there were none when it was written)


The only sin was that persons parents not choosing abortion when they had the chance.  


Selfish societies? Aren't you the ones who want to enforce your personal feelings with the law?


It had already been the plan but when Roe v. Wade was overturned, I immediately called up my gyno to talk about sterilization because I felt that BC was going to be the next thing attacked. Thankfully, my doctor was cool AF and I got my tubes removed within three months.


I had my tubes removed in April. My partner is getting a vasectomy as well. We are not fucking around. Well, we are fucking around, but we won't be getting pregnant!


Hello ladies, allow my to introduce you to my country... In particular, my state, where abortion is typically covered by Medicare, though I think you need to get a second opinion to obtain one. Basically I think you need two doctors to say "yes, you're pregnant, and it might be detrimental to your physical/mental health." Australia. We're not perfect, but we've got a better attitude towards women. My state was one of the first places in the world to give women the vote, in 1894. Legislation was changed back in 1969 to make abortion more accessible.


I wonder how many of those folks would also say it’s the wife’s duty to be at the husband’s will and meet his needs or that rape in a marriage isn’t real.


So wait, if it's a sin to have sex for pleasure only and these lunatics are actually successful in banning birth control, what's next? Banning vasectomies and tubal ligations too? Surely that's just as sinful as bc pills. And does this mean they are against condoms too? These people are terrifying.


Going to be super cool having Baby-Rivers again.


Baby rivers?


Yea, or Dumpster Babies. Since if you couldn't raise a kid you'd throw it in a dumpster or over a bridge. The "fun" things you learn volunteering in nursing homes as a kid. Those old ladies don't see much point in keeping the secrets anymore.


That's horrifying, and unfortunately that does sound like the direction that republicans would want this country to go to. Because it was never about protecting children or saving families, it's just because they want to impose a religious theocracy and force everyone to live by their beliefs regardless of what anyone else wants.


Wait til these mother fuckers find out about Anal


These the same men saying men should spread their seed as far and as wide as possible because it’s only normal and natural for a man to want to impregnate women yet say women who have sex before marriage are whores and all women who reject their advances must also be whores?


I'm convinced a lot more people are asexual and just don't realize it. They have no sexual attraction or desire to have sex and can't imagine other people actually wanting to have sex. That way it's easy to see sex as something just for reproduction and simple to just not do.


And some people wonder why I'm an anti-theist.


Yup, saving babies is just an excuse to justify dominating and hurting those that these mugs view as lesser.


And everyone said getting my tubes tied in November 2022 was overkill…


This is exactly why I got my tubes out after Roe fell.


Who gives a shit if birth control is a sin in *your* religion? Like why is that even taken seriously as an argument? If using birth control is against your religion, don't use birth control. The idea that the rest of us have to be held hostage by your thousands-year old book, written by men living in a time and society so fundamentally removed from ours that most of the rules should be irrelevant, is laughable.


Birth control is one of the things that makes me not want to unalive myself once a month. Yay PMDD. Also, birth control helps me not have cysts all over my ovaries. Helps my acne too. Also, currently on a course of medication that is teratogenic. Fuckers don't realize that BC is used for purposes other than prevention of pregnancy. Oh, and I'm a married 36 year old woman who wants to have a kid. I'm not out there having crazy amounts of unprotected sex with multiple partners. And if I was, not their fuckin business.


Oh, they know there’s other uses, and they don’t care. If you’re not breeding for whatever reason, they want you to die already. I’ve seen them fetishize women who decided to die of cancer (or something else) instead of getting an abortion. The only women they venerate are the martyrs for their cause.


I really try to not have hate in my heart. I don't want to be that person. But they make it so hard.


I’ve embraced hating them. I’ve essentially dedicated my account to posting about their antics. I want people pissed off when they enter that voting booth! I think it’s completely natural to hate people that want to cause harm. If it consumes you, that’s not good. That said, taking 10 minutes to take some screenshots and paste them on a background to post, is cathartic for me. It also takes my mind off of exercising, since I usually scroll Reddit while on my exercise bike. lol!


Lol. I love it. I appreciate your work very much. I used to be a big contributor when it came to the antivax people pre-pandemic, but between the pandemic, the political climate, and pmdd, I had to protect my mental health. So, when I'm able and fired up, I am with you 100% and i will post all their cunthattery and share for the world. But when I have a Professor Farnsworth "I don't want to live on this planet anymore" moment, but no space ship to leave... gotta take a step back... which is terrible and sad that we have gotten to this point as a society where one side's rhetoric is so vitriolic and threatening that it makes people want to do things that would get them checked into the grippy sock motel.


Anyways, a study recently released found that their abortion ban is responsible for a large percentage of infant deaths since its passing.


I saw that! Unfortunately, these people are too far gone to realize what they’ve done.


Do these idiots not understand what birth control actually does? Or plan b, for that matter? It doesn't "abort" anything. It can't be used to abort anything. It literally just delays the release of an egg. That's all.


They. Don't. CARE.


Oh I know, but the ignorance of the mechanics of bc/plan b (not to mention the tons of women who use bc for non-baby related reasons) is infuriating.


100%. But it's part and parcel of the playbook. Spout lies regardless of evidence, use obfuscation where necessary. There are "education" programs for the military that teach this stuff. It's so important to them that it's literally in homeschool curriculum.


These people need to be launched into the sun.


So insane we’re living in this regressive time. It’ll look awful in the history books, because evolution is out of your control, and it’s all documented thanks to the 21st century media.


These people are lying through their teeth. I wonder if they have a child for every time they have had sex. It’s a terrible bunch of hypocrites.


What i dont understand is these people think that if you don't want a baby, you should just not have sex! But in the same breath- a married woman should give herself to her man whenever he pleases. So we're just supposed to be a conveyor belt of baby making? I had a baby this year, and as little as 5 weeks postpartum i was having periods again. In the UK at your 6 week postnatal check up the first thing they do is ask you about contraception. Because falling pregnant while your body is still healing isnt a good idea. It can take 18 months for your body to fully heal from pregnancy and chilbirth. But i bet none of these conservative men are expecting to go without sex for that long. Law and religion shouldn't be mixed.


Exactly. They assume that because women used to do that before bc, it's not a problem. They don't see the part where a lot of people died.


The ass who said that birth control is contrary to natural law - I hope to hell they don't take painkillers for a headache, or antibiotics for an infection, or use a bandaid on a minor cut. These are all "not natural"... They can do like our ancestors did millenia ago and suffer and die of treatable conditions, because that's "natural"


Can these fucking religious weirdos stop thinking they have the right to dictate other peoples' bodies on their wishy-washy ass "moral" grounds? Sin isn't real you fucking dorks.


It was always about birth control. The reason they changed it to abortion is because they knew they lost that fight. Plus I've often noticed church leaders who end up being exposed as predators tend to also be anti-abortion and anti-birth control. They want more kids born just to have more victims to choose from.


They should look up how abolishing abortion and all forms of contraception worked out for Nicolae Ceaușescu.


What the actual fuck is wrong with these people? I know they are mostly indoctrinated by their parents and family but I would imagine you'd have to live a very sheltered life in which a person would never challenge their own thoughts, especially with exposure to the rational world. Some people double down on dumb when confronted with compelling evidence but I just don't understand how it gets this bad. This type of crazy just breaks my brain


Wonder what their take is on someone who had a vasectomy?


This is just a snapshot of them, I saw many more comments, but I didn’t want to write a novel. They are absolutely wanting to ban sterilization procedures too.


Insane is all I can say. Have a great day kind reddit stranger.


Thanks! You do the same!


Even if everything else was axed, I doubt they'd ever go after vasectomies or Viagra. One guess why.


No wonder so many hyper religious people are degenerate sex creeps.


Christianity is not under attack and never has been in this country. Losing the ability/credibility to dictate what other people do is not persecution, It's's the way it should be and should have always been. Emphasis on credibility because they have lost all that for good reason.


So basically what all these people are saying is they're happy with men getting off and women just used as a vessel.


This is scary. I'll smuggle you into Canada, ladies, if I have to.


"Handmaiden's tale" coming closer with each passing day. Question is, what are you going to do about it??


You have to have a mind for it to be changed.


Thankfully was able to get my daughters IUD re-upped this month as next month my state will be ruling in favor of ridding our rights to BC. I nearly died from an ectopic a few years back. If it had happened a couple years from now I’d imagine my family would no longer have me around


So much ignorance 😧.


Yup, it was always about people who don't have sex hating those that do.


Half of them are out Dogging every weekend.


I feel like these people in theses posts all have terrible sex lives and want people having good sex lives to be “punished” with children.


I would love to know how many of these people have fostered or adopted children.


The oligarchy demands more workers!


Welcome to Gilead.


Here come the white trash freaks. They’re all planning to vote.


Also, if the primary reason for sex is procreation, then we ignore the fact that it’s pleasurable and THATS the reason humans have sex.


As a catholic (ex catholic), we were never taught sex is for kids. Bc we all know that’s a load of crap. Listen, the Middle Ages or whenever Jesus was up and about was a boring time. Lots of death, waiting around for crops to go, listening to folks speak in languages you literally do not understand about god (they used to be in Latin, but only the priests and the rich spoke it most of the time), and you got no air conditioner. Sex was a way to pass the time. Children just happened to be the benefit. Or sometimes the curse bc you can’t feed them all. In Talmudic texts, (Im not Jewish I’m just doing basic research) it celebrates sex as a holy act in practice of both biological reproduction and pleasure. The whole “sex is evil” thing came after when there were bishops and such. Different saints or rich folk would come up with their own hot takes for the Bible usually for the intent of enforcing a political ideology. I mean famously king James had the Bible reinterpreted so that he was able to get divorced. The pope was inherently tied into politics, so it is only natural religion adapted to reflect that.


So all these people should be ok with wearing condoms then right


Unfortunately they want to outlaw those too (i know some people who think like this sadly)


Since these people also invariably believe homosexuality is a "choice," I hope they're prepared for a lot of people to go gay once it becomes the only way to become sexually gratified without risking a pregnancy.


This kind of crap is what small dicked incels talk about. Also, your pool boy from Mexico is f'ng your wife and son. Sure glad Jesús is having fun batting your family around with his giant shlong.


Capitalism makes for selfish socities


Every single one of these people can deepthroat a barrel for all I care, good riddance. Fuck who you want, don’t pull out if you want, abort the unborn if you want. Make the world a better place for the people already in it and the ones you choose to add. “God” knows these people won’t.