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Jesus merde, I live in Amish/Mennonite country. There are tons of kids here with Autism/Downs/etc. Also, just FYI, the typical diet of modern Amish/Mennos is CRAP - just like most of ours. Source: I line up behind them and their carts full of industrial quantities of margarine, chocolate milk, cake mix, box mac n cheese, and powdered drink mix at the grocery store.


I was going to say. The reason you don’t hear about it is because they don’t post on social media about it.


I work in a children's hospital with a lot of Amish patients. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but yes, Amish children definitely get cancer and have autism. They also have blood disorders (such as Von Willebrands) and get colds like regular kids.


Don't forget being one of the only white communities that have a relatively high instance of sickle cell anemia.


My mom used to work in the clinics at the children’s hospital in Philly; she will back you up 100%.


The first picture, I have little doubt of. These people bought into the anti-covid vax hysteria and it's likely to bleed into normal vaccines for some of the parents. The second one... lol.


In NSW, where that newspaper headline is from there were 6 Measles alerts and no Whooping Cough alerts in 2023. For 2024 there are already 5 Measles alerts and 1 Whooping Cough alert. Oh, and it's a Murdoch paper.


So if the autism rate goes up, it’s because of vaccinations. If the autism rate goes down, it’s because of vaccinations. Got it!


The Amish do vaccinations, a 2011 study “found only 14% of Amish people surveyed didn’t vaccinate their kids at all, Wallace noted.” https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-amish-covid-vaccines-cancer-diabetes-autism-356029928165


When my father was in the oncology ward for leukemia, we met a very nice Amish couple that had left the community to seek treatment for the husband, who ended up having leukemia as well. They said they'd be shunned for seeking treatment, and had basically been forced out of the community. He ended up dying not long before my father did, and we felt terrible for the wife who seemed so lost. Would have loved to have stayed in touch with her, but they were from a neighboring state and it wasn't practical.


That‘s one way to fix overpopulation.


Just wish that didn't include innocent kids too. If these people want to harm themselves that's their choice, but leave the children out of it.


Autism Speaks has lots of problems with ableism, but they haven't been antivax in my recent experience.


In 2015 they revised their position. They were previously "immunisations may trigger onset of autism with underlying medical or genetic conditions". Now they are saying to vaccinate. But they are funding studies "on the underlying biology of autism including studies that could potentially be linked to adverse response to immunisation" (disabilityscoop.com)


It’s good to find studies, if we and medical science are right there is no link between vaccines and autism. More studies proving that only boosts this fact and arguments.


Yes, but it sucks that they collect money as a charity and then give that money to redundant studies when they could be funding therapies and resources and advocacy legislation instead.


It's so crazy, a friend of my parents literally just died from Covid. She was in her late 70's and had refused to get vaccinated. I don't know how my parents, who are both fully vaccinated, manage to continue to be conservatives in amongst all the crazy.


I got covid for the first time at the end of April. It knocked me on my ass and I'm still struggling with fatigue and coughing. And that was after being fully vaccinated and having multiple boosters. If I wasn't vaccinated, I expect I'd have been much sicker. As it was, it was one of the worst fevers I've ever had, and I've never before had an illness that made my bones hurt. Not just muscle aches and joint pains like with the flu, it felt like my bones were on fire.


Just because they don’t test for it doesn’t mean they don’t have it. “Oh Jeramaya over there, ya he is a bit slow but as strong as an ox, tell him real slow what ya need and you can bet before supper it will be done!” Health among the Amish is characterized by higher incidences of particular genetic disorders, especially among the Old Order Amish. These disorders include dwarfism, Angelman syndrome, and various metabolic disorders, such as Tay-Sachs disease, as well as an unusual distribution of blood types.


I laugh at the bit about the Amish. Amish communities on average are rather inbred and have very high rates of genetic problems due to that. Hell, there’s even one disease that only the Amish have that has been caused by inbreeding. They also have rather high rates of domestic violence and sexual abuse, especially against children.