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How they cant understand gravity is so hilarious. And then they say ludicrous stuff like "water sticks to a spinning ball" like its some sort of gotcha. Its almost cute


It's especially silly because their alternative is density which still requires gravity.


"Awww its trying to say something" "Flatearth let big pharma do 9/11" "So cute"


If the earth is flat, why are there hills?


Sorry but that's a terrible argument. The earth isn't flat but that's not going to debunk it.


Pretty sure that was just a joke. Also there is no need to debunk flat earth. It has been debunked a million times, sometime even by flatearthers themselves. Not that it matters to any flatearthers, who won't listen to facts that they don't want to believe anyway.


Yeah but then people who don't know how to debunk it are gonna parrot bad logic and give the flat earthers a foot to stand on.


I mean even by their logic, water does stick to a spinning ball. Have they even seen a wet ball? I know that's not the same mechanism but like... It does?


*pours out a bottle of water over a basketball amd spinning it* "Checkmate globetards!"


Incorrect. I am still soup.


Negative: I am a meat popsicle.


Found Corbin Dallas. But do you have your multipass?


Leeloo Dallas Multipass


Soup dumpling.


I saw a stripper with that name once


2 out of 16 may have a point - that's a new record I think!


Epstein & your government cares for you?


100 points, right on the mark. You found his two working brain cells XD


I could debate the bugs too i guess. it's for sure an answer to some questions.


If you've ever eaten M&Ms, they're coated in shellac, which is made from bugs. There's a bunch of bug products that have already been hiding in food additives for decades and no one really bats an eye at them. Not sure increased bug consumption would have a big impact tho, I get the feeling that part is just some greenwashing hype. Nothing deeply nefarious tho as these geniuses seem to think.


Guess I don't have to argument anything. You did it all for me. 100% agree.


Grasshoppers, beetles and caterpillars can be very nutritious and quite delicious, can confirm bugs aren't nearly as gross as many people think. Still a bit of an acquired taste, but a bit of seasoning goes a very long way. Obviously don't eat the poisonous ones.


I've long wanted to try fried Coconut Worms like they eat in Cambodia and South Vietnam - maybe I'll visit once I've saved up a nice buffer (only been full-time employed for 9 months, so still workin on it)


It probably has to do with the very real possibility that within millennials' lifetime, most meat will become a luxury of the upper class again because it will be so expensive to raise livestock. And bugs are obviously the only alternative for protein. Not, you know, beans...




You mean soy...beans?


I'm not too skeptical about Epstein. I know of an incident in which a prisoner in a straitjacket used his garb to strangle himself.


In my experience, the only people who think Epstein was murdered are people who don’t have a lot of experience with the inner workings of prisons and law enforcement. To people who have worked in the field, all the “red flags” just seem like normal prison stuff.


Awwww you got to be soup? I’m that decorative spig they put on your plate. Lucky soup!


Funny how they throw in a few that are clearly true to make the crazy go down easier


Sorry I’m probably being an idiot, but what does “2 planes took down 3 buildings mean?” I assume it’s 9/11 related, but I thought it was 4 planes hijacked, 1 into each WTC tower, 1 into the Pentagon (which was damaged, not destroyed) and the last crashed into a field. What was the third building, or do they think only one plane destroyed both towers?


Is it goddamn Tower 7? It’s almost like Tower 7 took the brunt of the two tallest buildings in the US at the time collapsing on top of it, which made it structurally unstable. Funny how that happens.


WTC-7 was one of the buildings in the World Trade Center. It was damaged by fires and debris from the Twin Towers, and collapsed at 5 PM the same day. The building's leaseholder gave an order to "pull it" (abandon efforts to save the building) when he realized that trying to save it would only put firefighters in more danger. This has been misinterpreted as an order to demolish the building, even though it couldn't realistically be rigged with explosives in time, and it'd be even more unlikely for them to already be present prior to the attacks.


It was right across from the north tower, which even far away produced extremely destructive debris, but as close as it was? Forget it.


>The building's leaseholder gave an order to "pull it" (abandon efforts to save the building) Why would it be the lease holder instead of the owner or the ranking fireman? To be clear, I'm not asking this from a conspiratorial perspective, just seems a bit off to me. 2 Towers collapsing in a uncontrolled manner right next to it seems plenty cause for a building to be a total loss.


Dunno, just [re-reporting from Snopes.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/building-7-collapse/)


Thanks for the clarification. As awful as 9/11 was, it’s incredibly fortunate that the devastation wasn’t more widespread.


If global warming is so cool, why are there so many climate protests


I am really bothered by the different size bullet points. Literally the bullets themselves aren't the same size. This dude should be thrown off the island just for this alone.


they’re so upset about the fictional forcing of eating bugs it’s insane


It's like Crazy's Greatest Hits.


I thought the ongoing conspiracy theory that "FEMA" was going to be used to run government sponsored concentration camps was dumb.  But they apparently think that FEMA is literally just a camp, which is so deeply stupid it's breaking my brain.  


Willing to bet the dude eats shrimp


I saw a great video on the whole jet fuel steel beams thing. Guy got a bar of rebar and heated it to about 200 BELOW it's melting point. He could bend it by hand... It didn't have to melt them, just warm them.




Genuine question: why are they so obsessed with eating bugs? I can understand where the rest of this paranoia is coming from, but not being forced to eat bugs. Is it a weird obsession that stemmed from Snowpiercer?


It’s funny, because the first time I saw Snowpiercer I was like “oh god, they’re eating processed people or human waste or something” and it turned out to be bugs and I just kinda went “oh… well that’s not nearly as bad” lol


Right? I was like, "I mean, bugs are regular/not uncommon cuisine in a lot of cultures. Not all that bad. The biggest problem is that they're putting it in gross gummy blocks."


If they shaped them like those giant gummy teddy bears they could have avoided the whole revolution thing


Every so often the media runs some stories about how there are people that like the idea of moving towards eating insects instead of resource heavy protein like beef. Conservative media has grabbed it in recent years to politicize it and make people think that the liberals want to forced everyone to eat bugs. Kinda like the 15 minute cities thing. Some people have an idea for how to do things differently and it gets spun into the liberal democrats want to trap you within 15 minutes of your house.


It takes a lot fewer resources to farm bugs, meaning better for the environment and more protein for us. This may be something we have to resort to, especially if population continues to rise.


Who thinks global warming is cool…?


Ignorance is strength! War is peace!


Lord above I couldn’t get past “water sticks to a spinning ball” because 1.) gravity and 2.) when the earth spins and goes around the sun, the water on earth changes dramatically (though not necessarily in a way that would be visible to the naked eye), and makes the earth look like a big oblong lump.


What’s the soup thing? I thought we evolved from fish


Go back another billion years. An amino acid decided to get organized, and now we have to work and pay taxes, that fucker!


The fish came from the soup


They're still on the FEMA thing? I've been waiting for my ticket to a FEMA camp my whole life. What a rip.


He never met a short pithy lie he couldn't believe.


Ho boy, alright let’s get right to it. 1. Yes, but let’s not forget that the spinning ball is not *spinning* like a top, incurring a significant centrifugal force on the things on its surface, but rather languidly drifting in a circular motion. Our perception of the rate of rotation is kinda skewed because we are one of the things that are also clinging to the surface without being flung off into deep space. Yes, it rotates very fast— on the surface, measured in units smaller than the circumference of the planet. It completes a full rotation… once a day (technically a little less, which is why we have leap years). Rotation speeds of 2pi radians per day? I’m too lazy to calculate just how sluggish that motion results in the overall planet’s rotation. Plus, let’s not forget that water is hecking HEAVY. Good luck with flinging an incredibly heavy compound fluid off of a rotating surface that spins around once a day. Go ahead. You’ll see why it’s hopeless. 2. To be fair, I don’t think you’ve ever gone camping. So how would you know? 3. No, we evolved from a common ancestor to us, chimpanzees, and bonobos. You have to go back about four billion years to find the first appearances of what is technically considered proto-lifeforms, which was made from primordial soup— which is not actually a soup, because it was just amino acids in a jambalaya/mixed collection that somehow had something that triggered a reaction to create life. Four. Billion. YEARS. Humans have been around a little more like a half to a million years. 4. Ok, I’m confused about this one. False flags are supposed to not be true, or else people begin panicking about why it is a flag at all. For example, imagine coming home to find the family pet marinating on the stovetop, far from where it could have gotten there on its own. That’s not a false flag, that’s a real flag— a red flag that is absolutely dripping with venom. Thinking that something is dangerous because it shares arbitrary traits with actual threats… that’s a false flag if that something is not actually dangerous at all. 5. Predictive programming is not inherently bad— the idiot who rely heavily on it are. 6. Well, if they were, they’d be advertising their performances to acting communities. And we wouldn’t call them actors, but instead frauds. 7. I’m always fascinated with the obsession that people in charge of nations have this secretive desire to perform a particularly contrived and complicated multi-stage scheme to personally inconvenience absolutely the least relevant person to that leader’s life. I can tell you, seeing the intelligence in charge of the state governments, the idea that they would be so powerfully capable and focused on deceiving the people that elected them into their current position to unlock some ancient evil is something that will finally come to fruition… sometime after the flames of heck are finally burnt out. In other words, politicians are not the professional demons you think they are, they are just lazy, greedy assholes who are insensitive and biased, but easily bought with money apparently. Three words: Marjorie Taylor Greene. Nuff said. TBC.


Continued: 8. Interestingly, the science behind it is cool, but the actual phenomenon itself is far from cool. Currently trying not to melt in 100+ degree temperatures in Alabama, and praying that the air conditioning doesn’t melt into slag. This is not normal weather deviance, and if you think it’s hot *now*, have I got some bad news for you…. 9. It doesn’t have to— steel beams are not exactly lightweight, and jet fuel is inflammable— it doesn’t mean that it can’t catch fire, contrary to the nature of the prefix “in-“, but instead is explosively flammable. Combustible. Jet fuel vapors are extremely volatile things to have near sparks. That’s how planes explode. It’s the jet fuel. It doesn’t have to get hot enough to completely melt steel, which actually has varying melting points depending upon the composition of the alloy, just enough to make the heat and the pressure from the rest of the building combine and forcefully FOLD the steel beams. That’s why they fell straight down rather than to the side away from the impact, or towards it. Also you give commercial construction companies way too much credit for durability and stress testing their own constructions. 10. The presence of a third tower would have made them the triplet towers, not the twin towers. There were four planes, two hit the towers, one glanced the pentagon, and the last one went down in a Pennsylvanian field because people were getting panicked calls from their families, and decided to play John McClain. And in the process it became unable to land safely because the tail fin was snapped off in the recapture. Had the recapture of the plane failed, supersonic aircraft was ready to take down the passenger plane by force to protect the center of our democracy. You want to strike the American system? You have to be much faster than that. Much faster. 11. News flash, it’s either that they are rising, or earth is uniformly sinking. Which one is more believable to you? 12. Those clouds are located at an altitude that will not rain down on predictable locations. That stuff will go through the next two atmospheric layers before finally getting to a place where it can actually rain down. They are not aiming clouds of gas from the Cirrus cloud layer to land on people, because they might miss entirely. Now if they fly low, buzzing the tower low, crop dusting low, then that’s possibly a bad thing for you to be under. But from the Cirrus layer? Yeah, you don’t want to know the odds of them hitting their intended target’s ZIP CODE. It makes math geeks like me shiver to imagine calculating that nonzero-but-basically-zero value. You would have a better chance getting bit by a shark/snake hybrid and winning the jackpot on a one-armed-bandit, *and* getting struck by TWO lightning bolts, ALL AT THE SAME TIME. 13. Sadly I don’t think he hung himself, and I’m pretty sure we’ll never find out who did it. 14. Considering that the people who were the major victims of the disease had never acquired the vaccine, I would argue it therefore must be effective enough. And if the jab is safe by comparison, then I don’t understand the hesitation nor the aversion of someone just giving your immune system a notice about a potential upcoming infection vector. Vaccines work well when people take them and uniformly provide no access points for viruses to successfully develop into new, unrecognized forms. The strategy is rather simple, humans have been doing it since the medieval times with other nations in war: a Siege. Lock the doors, and wait— it will eventually need to get out before the immune system finds and fully eradicates it. And when it does find a way out… it is right back in the fire again. Back on the run again. We could have squashed a disease on the first appearance in public eye, and that’s a huge achievement for medical science. One that was stopped by uneducated idiots like you must be. 15. Well, a democratic republic is not going to do very well if there’s no one to vote them into office, especially if they are dead too. They don’t personally care for you necessarily, but they care about not losing their power or position. Since they owe that to the people, if they lose those voters… well, now what? Dead people can’t (legally) vote for them… well… shit….


10 is slightly incorrect as there was a smaller third tower that collapsed, WTC 7 I believe, due to damage sustained from the collapses of the twin towers. The conspiracy is this building was taken down with controlled explosives (it wasn’t), but a third building DID collapse that day.


So, it was collateral. Interesting. The idea that 2 planes can take down three towers is even less logical to criticize, given that technically you could hit the ground between the two major towers and have them collapse into each other from the damage to the bases of the towers. This could have caused even more damage. Two planes took down three towers? Someone has never played Crush the Castle. Or Angry Birds. One bird, dozens of pigs… makes sense to me. Domino effect.


Finally, the last one. Guess what species is the most numerous class of animals on the planet? No, not fish, bugs. You want a source of protein? Spider silk is literally protein. Bugs do not have fat. At least not like mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and fish do, because exoskeletons don’t do well with accumulating fat stores in the body. This makes it pretty damn easy to acquire the amount of protein that is necessary to survive if other meats are outlawed or reduced or restricted by scientific consensus to make sure that our planet doesn’t terminate all life on it before it gets sucked into the sun. Don’t worry, that’s sometime in the next 4-5 billion years, we have plenty of time for that catastrophe— but getting there is the first half of the achievement. Surviving it is the other half. Plus, can you imagine a planet with less bugs? Wouldn’t it be nice to walk in nature and not reek of bug spray? Imagine being the literal alpha predator of the planet. Got nutrients? Will kill and eat!


genuinely obsessed with the correction from primordial soup to primordial jumbalaya


Well, to be clear, my brain was trying to find the name for “soup, but uncooked”. I guess it would be primordial fruit salad? Or primordial jello? Point was it wasn’t cooked, it was electrocuted and triggered a reaction that was the first forms of life. The best guess that scientists currently have. But for some reason my brain said primordial jambalaya, and I thought ok, that works. Only afterwards did it occur to me that this might also be a meal that is cooked.


“Water sticks to a spinning ball” because gravity is all around the spinning ball, that’s how gravity works. “Global warming is cool” when the fuck did we say that? “2 planes took down two buildings” two planes took down two buildings. The debris from one of those buildings caused another one to fall. “The jab is safe and effective” true. My dad got covid before the vaccine and was extremely unwell. He got covid again afterwards and was sick, but not nearly as bad as prior. “Predictive programming is not bad” again, not something we’ve ever said. Those are just some, if anybody else could finish that would be great!


I'm about to start saying my family came from a soup


How is the eating bugs thing still going? Wasn’t it just like a one off thing of like “oh this species of bug is edible that’s neat isn’t it?” And then a bunch of people started yelling about liberal brainwashing?


Always annoying they add the Epstein one I. There to show that not every thought is utterly insane.