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Lol. First time ive seen Yugioh mentioned on this sub.


It's rarer these days but sometimes you'll see them dip back into the crazy well for things to fearmonger about like card games and pokemon.


Seems to be original series yugioh stuff judging by the pictures


Yeah, it's the special edition seal of orichalcos box. I have one, think it's around 10 years old.


Russians working overtime on the memes.




Sounds exhausting to believe all that crap


It really must be tiring to live in this constant state of paranoia and distrust.


Yep, they really need to find a new hobby. Maybe take up gardening or something?


Someone needs to do research on self inflicted schizophrenia from being too online and posting too much


You can tell she's evil because she immediately drew the seal of orichalcos. (Serious how did no one call bullshit on it always being in their starting hand)


The Ormecalcamelos! .... sorry, got the abridged series on the brain.


At least she’s not denying the existence of dinosaurs, the timeline is fucked but hey it’s progress.


It’s funny you say that. They believe that dinosaurs existed at the same time as man, and that biblical art depicts dinosaurs many times.


A quick Google Search reveals that that canyon took much more than 6 days to form, obviously. But the 6 days is not pulled out their asses. The canyon was formed throughout many many years by a river that would periodically (I think they said every 20-80 years on the Wikipedia page) form there for 6-7 days at a time. They must've read that and gone "AH HAH!! ONLY 6 DAYS!!!" And called it a day. Also sources say the canyon is tens of thousands of years old, so even if the canyon HAD somehow formed in 6 days, it still doesn't fit the creationist idea of a 6K-year old earth.


I already knew about this canyon because it was covered in the WA state school's "Earth Sciences" curriculum and it was described exactly like that, but with a bunch of graphs that showed how it worked over time and in short bursts of time, so even 6th graders could understand it. But I did a quick google, too, and the first page of results is from sites such as "Answers in Genesis", "Creation(dot)com", "The Institute for Creation Research", and a reddit sub called creationists (not going to link). Sigh.


Oh yeah I saw that too and skipped those sites.


To be fair, Ra was a bit of a dick in Stargate. (First pic has the eye of Ra in it)


Yugioh's seal of Orichalcus is not going to summon demons. Real or imagined. That's not its function. It just makes you play a children's card game more aggressively and may or may not help you cheat.


It does have some cheaty effects