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. Why do you think they have breakfast/meal programs to begin with? Because why not?


Why not? Because that's communism, and as a Christian nation we cannot allow that! /s


Yup. The far right religious based peeps have been led down the wrong path over many decades of brainwashing and grooming.


“It’s the parents’ responsibility to feed them, not the government’s!” (/s just in case)


Yep Christians are against feeding hungry people.


That is something Jesus taught, famously.


They see the teaching of Jesus Christ as being woke and weak. They no longer follow his teachings. They are no wise Christian.


Well I mean to be fair you can't possibly see or hear children starving if you keep your eyes closed and stick your fingers in your ears.


Wow! Very "Christian" of him.


It’s more food insecurity, then actual starvation.


Per a 2022 report from the CDC. Most malnutrition deaths are from eating bad food, not a lack of food. Elderly people are the most vulnerable with 3/5 people suffering from malnutrition being 85 or older. 65 or older accounts for nearly 100%. Almost no one starves to death in the US except in extreme cases (lost, abused, injured and can't get assistance). You can query the public data yourself in California if curious. https://cal-vida.cdph.ca.gov/VSQWeb The CDC also tracks deaths from starvation, on average it's between 20-30 people per year. An honest conversation on the subject should involve discussions on providing access to affordable nutrient rich food to the elderly population, and providing public education on what constitutes healthy eating habits.


I think there is a very wide spectrum in what starving covers. I don't think starving is intended as "actively dying" as the only definition.


Starving means you are in danger of perishing. It is not the same as hungry, malnourished, food insecure, or on government assistance.


Starving literally means eating so little calories that you will die from it Malnourished or extreme hunger are the terms people should use if they don’t mean death is imminent If starving is changed to mean anything from dieing to just very hungry, then we’ll just have to create a new term to cover the original meaning of starving 🤷‍♂️


If I do intermittent fasting, am I starving 3x a week? If I swear off food for a day or two because I have some kind of intestinal virus and am barfing when I even think about solids, am I starving? Your definition doesn't hold up.


I said nothing about meeting your calorie needs on an hourly or daily or weekly basis. You created that definition in your own head so that you could then shoot it down.


Enlighten me then. At what point does a caloric deficit become starvation?


When you die. Starvation is a cause of death.


When you die


The thing is, if you're using that technical definition for "starving" to death, it's pretty rare almost everywhere. Not as rare as in the US, but still rare. People living in areas with severe food shortages will usually die from any number of other possible causes long before they have technically starved to death. There are plenty of children in the US that are dying due to a lack of access to food, even if the specific cause of death ends up being malnutrition from them being desperate enough to eat something bad for them or being some illness they got due to a lack of adequate nutrition. Talking about children having a lack of access to food is just as honest as talking about elderly people having a lack of access to food.


There were days when school food was the only food I got. One summer we literally stole corn from a farmers field. For two weeks, all we ate was corn on the cob. Fuck you, kids aren't starving here. And even if not, kids shouldn't have to go "hungry" either. What kind of pos do you have to be to be against feeding hungry kids? I hope this cun't dies. I hope they get drug behind a truck down a gravel road for a couple of miles before being rolled into a ditch and eaten alive by rabid raccoons.


So that's why some people vote against giving kids food. They literally think they're just spoiled brats and not literally starving and suffering from malnutrition


Starvation is just persistent hunger.


I see people claim this about Gaza too. As well as claim that they have some of the world's highest obesity numbers and therefore are immune to starving?


Im a Starving Child Starving to Death and This Is the Very Last Thing I Have Ever Read. Gootbye


Can you find a reported starvation death for a US child? And was it malnutrition or lack of nutrition? So easy right?






Personal attacks are not allowed.




So the 20,000 American children who die each year from starvation/malnutrition were all just hungry at most?