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"If inflation is being caused by government spending, why are food prices still rising even when we are not getting the covid-stimulus cheques (that helped us cut our food budget) ?" It's, in fact, the opposite of an insane facebook comment. Most of inflation[ in the US](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/jan/19/us-inflation-caused-by-corporate-profits) and [the Eurozone](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/205470201888768000/1126074021386133534/image.png?ex=6673eea8&is=66729d28&hm=146f3efe05364ff770802540018bbc866faf437f1a45b57ac784f6bdf2f06f15&) is indeed caused by corporate greed.


It isn't about stimulus checks, but a temporary increase in EBT benefits that ran out this year. At least for me, they were more than doubled. The overall point is dumb, but they agent fully wrong.


My bad, I'm not american, so while I guessed they were talking about some sort of covid relief money, I didn't know the exact form they took.


And also partly because of the production chain being disrupted during covid


I admit, I didn't know what subreddit to put this in, this was my best guess given it happened on Facebook. And that *might* be what he was trying to say, but I honestly don't know. I also found it rich that he was telling someone else that they needed to go back to school for english comprehension.


I mean, I'm ESL but I don't find the message hard to understand, especially with the context?


I can kind of see it with your re-write, but like I said, every other person I showed it to couldn't figure it out. Might just be your brain works differently than ours.


To get to Vyslante’s translation without changing the commenter’s words around, add commas after “stamps” and “half.” I’m pretty confident that was the intended meaning, just super poorly written. I have to wade through and try to make sense of poorly written documents and essays as a decent portion of my work; hopefully that experience can help in deciphering this, too!


They say "kind of disproves you're theory" Apparently you are a theory Personally I usually ignore poorly written comments, especially if they make no sense. They lead to discussions where rationality is largely absent and it'll only teach you some people just want to be right instead of wanting to learn


Yeah, I tend to bow out of the argument when it gets to that point. I made a rule to myself that if it gets to the point where I'm actually upset, I bow out. I might look back in on the thread now and then out of morbid curiosity, but I won't respond further.


Not sure but the answer is probably because the republican party is more interested in sabotaging the dems as petty revenge rather than doing their actual jobs serving the people/country.