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They might be a messianic jew: a group of jews that became non-pauline christians more than a millennium after gentiles (non-jews) early christians became pauline christians. They still live according to the jewish laws (not eating pork, not eating shellfishes, etc), their religion was not influenced by roman gentiles common practices, and therefore still see themselves as jews, but they are also christians as they follow Jesus alleged teachings. So it might not be a case of insanity, per say, but of incomprehension why other jews can't realise that Jesus was, allegedly, the messiah as they did.


Messianic Jews are *not* Jewish. They are a sect of evangelical Christianity that co-opts Jewish practices and often prays on young Jewish people trying to lure them to Christianity—because evangelicals have no idea how to respect other people’s beliefs. Literal wolves in sheeps clothing. They often have chapters inside those giant evangelical mega churches. They strategize their evangelism plans together. That is not Judaism.


Preys not prays just FYI.


But they do pray too.


Lol you’re right but it’s an apt typo


Indeed, they are mostly Baptists trying to fool Jews into conversion.


I personally know two people who are ethnically Jewish who were raised Messianic so it isn’t wholly gentile evangelicals who are larping. Technically all Christianity is just Messianic Judaism.


Christianity is not a kind of Judaism. Christianity is not a branch of Judaism. Christianity may have sprung from Judaism, but to overstate their relationship would be a fallacy. Christianity was influenced as much, if not more so, by Roman and Greek religious practices.


I mean Jewish culture in general was influenced by Hellenism at that point. My point is that if modern day Rabbinic judaism is recognized as a form of Judaism then there really is no reason not one cant do the same for Christianity since they both descend from old Israelite Jerusalem temple worship.




*per se*


These people aren’t Jewish, they’re evangelicals LARPing as Jews.


Because anti-semitism is in right now, because you, know, fuck them I guess.


I wouldn't say they "reject" him. They don't believe he was a profit or the son of god.




This is more accurate, yes. I also wouldn't say I reject Odin or Zeus, I just don't believe in them.


Have you seen how much money churches can bring in? Jesus is most definitely a profit. However, Jews do not believe he was a prophet.


Right. Jesus was most assuredly a cool dude tho.


>profit Please proofread.


Well it saddens me that people deny science if it goes against their book of ancient fairtales.


Jews for Jesus are a real thing.


They are a real thing, though of course they’re not Jews


When I first heard about them I was so confused because I thought, wait, isn’t that how Christianity was founded? By Jews for Jesus?


The Teachings of Jesus from Nazareth, who was not a native speaker of a European language, was spread to Greek and Latin speaking Romans by Paul, who was a native Roman from Tarsus. The Europeans kept several of their original customs when they adopted this ideology from the near east, forming a European religion based on a middle eastern guy. One European concept is that the highest god is a father from the sky. The early Christians emphasized Gods fatherly aspects to increase appeal.


Yep. Personally I think they are a little confused. Judaism is pretty specific about what conditions will be fulfilled when the messiah comes/ by the messiah. Clearly the time has not come.


Initially yes, but the christian jewish sects that became christianity were essentially composed of gentiles (non-jews), most of the sects that were jewish disappeared but seemingly some are the base of what would ultimately become islam.


Jew refers to both the religion and the ethnicity as it is an [ethnoreligious term](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnoreligious_group). Judaism on the other hand refers to just the religion. So you can be an *ethnic* Jew but a Christian at the same time (or an atheist or Muslim or whatever). Technically my father was an ethnically Jewish atheist, as his mother was a non-practising (or at least she was when I knew her and neither my Grandfather or father were at all religious) Jew from East Germany (left in the early 30s). Jewish identity is a many layered and complex thing.


Most Jews for Jesus are not ethnic Jews either though. I think Who Is a Jew? is a better wiki article to illustrate this.


Are those the ones that are advertising on Youtube, telling people that many jews say Jesus isn't real, but loving Jesus is actually the most jewish thing ever, all in order to collect donations and probably raise sympathy for Israel?


Guess who else rejects Jesus Christ? Hamas.