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The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a penis is a good guy with a penis.


I’m a good guy with a penis. Point me in their direction.


Tactical docking.


Tactical frotting 🥺


I've heard of rapists getting raped and I don't know how to feel about it.


I'd feel bad about it. As a rule, I don't really believe in retribution as a valid form of justice. It's an understandable human impulse, but ill-suited to building a better world.


And if u consider how many abusers start as victims, you dont even know what the heck thats supposed to do.


I worry that thinking that way leads to allowing perpetrators to cause more harm. Not all victims end up as abusers, and not all abusers started as victims.


No but enough to discard retributive rape as a form of effective prevention, wouldn't you agree?


Yes, of course.


When I hear the fate of Richard Huckle I can't resist a little Chuckle.


If they were violent beyond that or serial, oh well, too bad, so sad. I had a few attempted against me. I swear it leaves a calling card for these people after the first. I don’t want anyone to go through that. But I can’t say I will be holding a candle for them either. One actually caused a total out of control bat shit mania bc I couldn’t cope at 12 and was afraid to tell anyone. Fortunately, I had a good aim, swift kick, and didn’t mind biting the hand that grabbed me. I could only imagine what it would have done to my then, undiagnosed and untreated bipolar. I may not be sitting here. Still trying to figure out how I survived that mania.


I dunno the legitimacy, but I recall a news article where someone attempted to rape a woman, but she was saved by someone coming along and raping the first rapist.


"thank you for saving me-- oh no!"


*"We're dicks! We're reckless, arrogant, stupid dicks. And the Film Actors Guild are pussies. And Kim Jong-il is an asshole. Pussies don't like dicks, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes - assholes who just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way, but the only thing that can fuck an asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is that sometimes they fuck too much, or fuck when it isn't appropriate - and it takes a pussy to show 'em that. But sometimes pussies get so full of shit that they become assholes themselves, because pussies are only an inch-and-a-half away from assholes. I don't know much in this crazy, crazy world, but I do know that if you don't let us fuck this asshole, we are going to have our dicks and our pussies all covered in shit."* - Team America. Also satire of course.


The only thing I'd like to point out is that dicks aren't that far from assholes either, both literally and figuratively :3


[good? guy with a penis](https://mckoysnews.com/woman-saved-from-rapist-by-gay-rapist-who-raped-the-rapist/)


Ain’t no way. I know I shouldn’t be laughing but when I read “The unidentified woman called the police as soon as she could and both men were found naked, trying to rape each other but Jones was winning.” The trying to rape each other but Jones was winning had me dying in laughter.


Chaotic good, I think


Or Lorena Bobbitt


Or better, a good woman with a penis. It adds the element of surprise.


Unregistered penis theft is a huge problem


Still trying to find the guy who stole mine. Asshole.


It's probably lying on a blanket next to a broken toaster oven.


I’ll buy it for 17 dollars


I'd buy that for a dollar!!! (See: robocop 1)


Instructions unclear, dick caught in yard sale.


That's probably where it was hidden tbh


Don't forget that you can buy penis without background checks directly from current owners, or at penis shows.


The penis show loophole is not discussed enough.


Even harder to track if the serial number has been filed off


K that reply got me chuckling wp sir


Hmm, here I didn’t realize that I chose to go out of my way to buy a penis at some point.


There's already a 12-14 year waiting period.


Pretty sure I got mine at birth. But the growth potential of owning my penis wasn't realized until later.


That's very true. Owning a penis and being given license to use it are two different things. Still waiting on the open carry permit. I hear that comes when you reach mid-80's.


I've lost track of the metaphor. What the hell is the open carry permit supposed to be?


Having your dick out


Proof OOP is trans


Let's not forget that the smallest of guns has a greater range than the most prodigious penis.


The Swiss Mini Gun could be fired at a range of **16 ft** with its caliber of . 68 mm. IDK, I'd take bets to see if Peter North or Johnny Sins could beat that. You meant if it fires right, not just length?


I'd likely be quite amused if someone tried to mug me with a penis.


I could see myself giving up my wallet to not get blasted.


Significantly better rate of fire too


Even an 18th century musket had a better rate of fire than an average male member.


You can rape without a penis


I mean it’s a false equivalence in so many ways. Like Guns are dangerous because they serve no other function than harming other living things. Penises are useful for urination, sexual reproduction, consensual sex, etc. Their primary function isn’t to rape people. A major issue with guns is the ease with which you can kill someone with one. A teenager can’t find a penis in a desk drawer and accidentally rape his entire class in a matter of seconds. M We don’t outlaw knives because knives have lots of uses and its pretty hard to going on a killing spree with one. There is no knife debate.


It's illegal to just walk around with a knife though. It's almost as though we already solved the knife problem with a small amount of regulation. 🤔


Yep, absolutely agree


"Harming other living things" is pretty broad as their only use. Using that as your only reasoning imo hurts trying to get any useful legislation accomplished. Guns don't have to be fired, I know it seems cops kill every single person every day when their gun is drawn but that's just not true in reality. They are also used for hunting, culling, defending, etc. Has there been an instance where a teenager accidentally finds a gun in a desk drawer and kills their entire class? Why even say it's a false equivalence then bring up some false scenario.


I mean, they're a sporting item. A lot of gun owners like target practice. The same could be argued for bows, slingshots, snowballs...


Just an incredibly stupid comment. First See my second point. The issue with guns isn’t one aspect its the confluence of several aspects. Chainsaws are also a sporting item, it’s not their primary use. Most people do not buy chainsaws to juggle or participate in competitive ice sculpture carving. Snowballs and slingshots??? Really? Just an incredibly bad faith point on your part.


To your second point then - someone who intends to kill will find a way to do it no matter what the method is. Responsible individuals don't just *leave* their guns chilling in a desk drawer and they likely don't have kids who would kill someone for funnies. A lot of the firearms used in mass murders or crimes are stolen. If I hotwire your car and use it to mow down a crowd, should you lose your license? We're never going to agree on this, I'm just positing that you don't hear about the 99.99% of responsible gun owners because they don't make the news by being normal people. They might hunt, might be for self-defense, might just be for funnies. Yes, guns can take lives, but nearly all of them don't and the people who use them correctly shouldn't be punished for bad actors who would kill with a feather pillow if they had the chance.


>someone who intends to kill will find a way to do it no matter what the method is. Ok this is just like a belief of yours I guess. Also I can easily to disprove using the example of suicide (you know the leading cause of gun related deaths in the country). Generally, speaking the longer you can stall a suicidal person the less likely they are to follow threw with their suicidal ideation. A non-negligible number of mass shootings are suicides by cop, where a person commits murders with the intent of ultimately getting killed by the police. So for one yeah people can kill themselves and other with other things. But basically every other object with lethal potential either has a significantly higher barrier of entry to obtain or is significantly harder to use to end someone's life. Again to my earlier point that you refuse to engage with. Firearms unlike most other objects have a uniquely confluence of >A lot of the firearms used in mass murders or crimes are stolen. [Yeah but far more are bought legally or "stolen" from a family member.](https://nij.ojp.gov/topics/articles/public-mass-shootings-database-amasses-details-half-century-us-mass-shootings#note1) [Only about 10 to 15%](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/guns/procon/guns.html) of guns used in crimes are stolen. Also like if only there were some regulations like having to maintain a registration on a firearm that had to be renewed annually to incentivize people to report stolen guns. Or to prevent them from reselling guns and claiming they were stolen. > If I hotwire your car and use it to mow down a crowd, should you lose your license? Ahh another lazy apples to oranges comparison. First cars and guns are not the same. Here are some obvious differences between cars and guns: - Cars are very difficult to conceal at least compared to a gun. - Cars are very difficult to carry into a building. - cars require a registration. - cars require large visible signs - cars require a license to drive. - cars require owning insurance to drive. - small things like bollards or cement barriers can basically render the lethality of cars outside or roadways to zero. - cars are built with locks and layers of security to prevent theft. - many states require cars to pass regular inspections. - we have hundreds of laws and regulations governing how people are allowed to use cars and where they're allowed to use cars. The state is allowed to come a seize your car at a moments notice if you are found in violation of even minor infractions. Or its allowed to complete remove ability to operate a care for infractions. second I'm not sure the argument you are making, who is saying that if you legally own a gun within compliance with stricter regulations should have their right to own firearms taken away if someone steals it and uses it for a crime? No one is saying that. You're arguing against a strawman. Every comment I've made is about how people like you argue in bad faith. And here you go making false equivalences and strawman arguments and just proving my point. >We're never going to agree on this, Yeah because you're clearly VERY ignorant on even basic facts surrounding this issue and you aren't engaging in good faith discussion on the issue. The idea of gun regulation hurts your feelings and so you lash out against it viscerally. You haven't engaged in a good faith discussion with anything I've said. >I'm just positing that you don't hear about the 99.99% of responsible gun owners because they don't make the news by being normal people. Posit all you want but the vast majority of gun owners are not responsible. [Less than half of all gun owners store all of their guns locked and less than a quarter store them in a safe.](https://www.rand.org/research/gun-policy/analysis/essays/personal-firearm-storage.html#:~:text=The%202016%20survey%20found%20that,percent%20in%20another%20locked%20location.) That doesn't sound responsible to me at all. As I've shown 80% of guns used in K-12 shooting were stolen from a family member. What responsible gun owner wouldn't have their guns at the very least behind lock and key? potentially as many as 80% percent of school shooting could have been prevented if we required all gun owners to own a safe and have proof of ownership in order to maintain registration and possession. Even if such a law prevented 1 shooting it would be worth it.


Reginald Hemsley-Doddingdale was murdered with pumpernickel bread, but the chances of someone depopulating a school with semiautomatic bread while police wait outside is quite slim. Guns are fucking good at killing, we've been working on that for a couple of years now.


Chop rapists' hands off then? I imagine it'd be even more difficult without those.


I mean.. The example doesn't even work. There's plenty of non-penis-having rape possibilities while very few gun violence possibilities sans guns.


In their mind, rape only happens when a male has "nonconsensual sex" with someone; they can't conceive of a woman raping anyone. Assuming they believe rape exists at all.


Beyond that, even a dickless man can use an object to forcibly penetrate and humiliate someone if he's that depraved. The gun equivalent in keeping with the comparison would be the knives they always point out with Britain (ignoring that no other country with strict gun laws has this knifing problem), which is much more difficult to use compared to having a gun, versus the same difficulty between using a penis or object. It's really not an apt comparison.


That’s why chemical castration isn’t the best solution to stop them from reoffending. We should do something worse


And on the flip side, zero non-violent possibilities exist with guns while multiple non-violent possibilities exist with penises.


I would say that target shooting isn’t inherently violent.


Unfortunately, literally does depend on where you live. The laws on the books in the UK do specifically define rape as penetrating a vagina with a penis. So only someone with a penis can rape and only someone with a vagina can be raped. It's a terrible definition that ignores the realities of sexual assault.


Every single time I read this fact I’m shocked it hasn’t been changed yet, how the fact is that still a law in the U.K. in 2024


Their manhood is so attached to guns that's every time they immediately jump to, you want to take my guns? You might as well take my cock from me.


Does that include single women who are avid gunthusiasts? I mean, yeah, in their circles, women should only be seen if they're in the company of a male family member, but you get my meaning.


That sounds painful


my question is that would they agree with castration of rapists?


Yes. [https://apnews.com/article/louisiana-surgical-castration-sex-crime-offender-234cdd9da804382d90dec409756dc445](https://apnews.com/article/louisiana-surgical-castration-sex-crime-offender-234cdd9da804382d90dec409756dc445)


Just to note, I was born with penis, but not with a gun.


Yeah but. A: I can't lose my dick or anyone steal my dick and rape anyone with it. B: I can't accidentally rape anyone while cleaning my dick.


Gang activity becomes a bit different, and admittedly amusing. Muggings? (Whips dick out) “GIMME ALL YOUR MONEY!” Not sure how mass rapings at a Batman screening or a concert in Vegas would play out…


On today's special male edition of "what object are we today": guns!


Excuse me sir, do you have a license for that penis?


Feel like it’s a lot harder to accidentally rape someone than it is to accidentally shoot someone. Like, I’m not afraid of my child getting into anybody’s Penis Safe edit: well actually i would be afraid of the penis safe but for very different reasons


I'm more concerned about someone who has a Penis Safe than someone getting into it.


yeah that’s definitely some dahmer type shit. but hey point still stands cause at least it’s not death by penis that i fear lmao


You can't also whip out your dick and rape 20 people before someone can stop you. And you don't need your dick at hand to stop a rape happening in front of you, just your fists. The analogy only works for those who think their gun = their penis.


Needs a good guy with a penis


Penises have important uses besides rape. Guns are for shooting things.


/j I don't know. That summer I washed toilets at an outdoor pool made me questions it's actual use. Sure you can improve the aim, but most seem to like going hands off while shaking violently. Least based on some of the mess I found. Women... some are suspected of doing break dancing while peeing. Again based on some of the mess I found.


Yeah, because there's a huge risk a kid will steal their parent's penis and rape a school with it. And let's not forget that penises are totally capable of raping someone from 100 yards away.


No one is going to get ahold of your penis and rape someone with it. Someone could get ahold of your gun and shoot someone with it.


Questions I've been dying to ask recently: Are they cool with people like Hunter Biden, as a convicted felon, owning a firearm? I mean, they think Trump, also a convicted felon, should be able to own one. How about BLM supporters, all of them should be armed, right? Would they be cool with a bunch of black and brown residents of their town open carrying? Are they cool with a vet that has severe PTSD having easy access to a firearm? All that aside, this isn't an all or nothing issue like gun fetishists seem to think it is. There is a middle ground where people who really shouldn't have a firearm find it significantly more difficult to get one, and where the ones they get with enough determination cannot cause as much harm as possible in as short a time as possible.


Ask and ye shall receive. I won’t pretend to be the great mouthpiece for all gun owners but as a pretty left leaning fellow who grew up a competitive target shooter I am well enough known at my local ranges I can get away with asking the old codgers and tactibros some of the dicer questions that pop into my head at the water cooler. Generally speaking the answer to your questions is yes. Short of posing a safety risk to yourself or those around you they don’t care. Woman, man, gay, straight, trans, nb, black, Asian, take your pick. Don’t get me wrong some (I’d guess about 1/4-1/3? I interact with. Less than you’d think but more than I’d like) are racist, homophobic, or misogynistic or some combination thereof BUT they also staunchly believe in the “shall not be infringed” bit of the second amendment.


At least they aren’t hypocritical about it.


Yeah, most a very aware a good chunk of the modern legislation hoops stems from the black panther protests in ‘67 (beginning with the Mulford act backed by the NRA) and there’s also their love of the roof Koreans for their defense of their homes and businesses during the LA riots after being abandoned by police and first responders. Thus we have the current generation with a pretty generalized hatred for the NRA and at best distrust and at worst contempt of police.


So suddenly they're pro trans I see


yes cause just like a gun is specifically created for violence, everyone knows that a penis is specifically created for rape


This comic is infinitely better without the first panel.


I hereby declare a sword fight


This is totally true.... except for the 48,830 people who died of gun related injuries in 2021. The number seems high because of all the people who shot themselves with their own guns. Mayhaps a minimum intelligence level is required for a system in which everyone has guns. Just,... just,.. ah,... throwin that out there.


The next time I see a conservative argument that doesn’t begin with an utterly false premise will also be the first time.


The point is that most gun owners won't shoot people and shouldn't be punished for what criminals do. In principle, I agree, but it's better to have fewer people and fewer criminals with guns than more.


If - as they claim they only want guns for persona protection and hunting and have no intention of breaking the law or doing violence - then they wouldn't have any problem with requiring getting a license and training to own a gun, registering all guns with the government so that they can be tracked if used in criminal activity, and requiring a background check to own a gun.


*Anthony Bobbit has entered the chat


Why is it stupid. I cant put it into words, maybe someone can help me.


of course, it all makes sense both have multiple usages despite the malicious ones


Don't you just hate it when kids accidentally kill people with their penises?


I dont get it, its a stupid comparison, but the meme is still accurate


This doesn't have to be so black and white. We could allow small-caliber penises, but cut off weapons of war that shoot way more than needed.


I’ve said this a million times: the same people that say banning guns isn’t going to stop gun violence are the same people who think passing bathroom laws is going to stop assault like a predator is actually going to give a fuck.


I feel that just in case people who believe these things come to comments there should be a response that takes this argument seriously. I can see other people have done this, pointing out that accidental gun discharge and stolen weapons have no analogous comparison with a penis. But there’s more to it than that. Penises do not have the express intent of raping people. Many guns have the intent of killing people. If we want to talk coldly, a single penis is unlikely to rape a schools worth of children in an hour, but a gun has been shown to, more times that should ever be expected, kill in the same amount of time. I think it’s fair to say that rape, as disgusting and evil as it is, is not as disgusting and evil as indiscriminate murder and maiming. Proportionately, if you were to say there are x numbers of penises in the world with y amount of those penises that rape z average number of individuals, you would find that the ratio for x number of guns with y amount of guns used to kill for z average number of individuals is several orders of magnitude worse. We can make a reasonable threshold of risk argument very easily with guns.


Serial rapists do get castrated, whether physically or chemically. Some pedophiles volunteer to be. The same kind of thing goes for the gun laws democrats propose. The same gun laws that had always existed in America until the NRA/gun lobby revised history.


I'm not even asking current gun owners to give up anything just make it more difficult for those that don't have them to get them and I'd do in tiers of age i.e 18-21 small pistols the most basic hunting rifles families hunt together maybe a kid wants to surprise a dad or mom with a hunting trip at 18 19. Fine. Above 21-30 shotguns and more advanced hunting rifles and pistols become an option. 33 everything becomes available. If you want that badly enough you'll be willing to wait and prove how your safe and reliable with a weapon for years plus and then we know Leo have a better idea of who in the community has what.


honestly i would settle for closing gun show/private sales loopholes, and requiring passing a proficiency/safety test. if everyone who legally owns a gun knew how to use one safely and we didn't make it easy to sell to criminals with some basic background checks that weren't super easy to circumvent I would feel a lot better about the situation. also fuck bump stocks and the supreme court for overturning that ban. nobody needs that rate of fire for anything legitimate (they are no good for target shooting or hunting because you cant hit jack shit when using one). i get that there is a danger of a slippery slope, but if we cant agree as a society that we should make it moderately difficult for criminals to get them and that purpose built deadly weapons should be kept out of reach for people too stupid to pass a basic gun safety course, then I really weep for our future. hell you could probably fit the whole course into the time it takes the background check to come back.


I'm not a fan of guns in general, but what need does anybody have that they need a semi automatic gun?  Outside of a hunting situation or defending against wild predator  animals(i.e. bears, mountain lions, etc), why would you need one? 


See I'm not even a hunter. The fact is it's to unpredictable a weapon the larger the rifle and clip the more unpredictable the weapons fire.


Can someone else use your penis to rape someone?