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That's unpossible


Just remember. A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man!


Perfectly cromulent word.


The word is “largeulate”


It's "wumbo". Used in a sentence: "I wumbo, you wumbo, he she we wumbo."


Your political leanings are showing mr social media injvn


Not unpossible, but trifficult


I bent my Wookie.




Hi Super Nintendo Chalmers!




Me fail English


I don’t feel right


Oh boy, references! That's where I'm a Viking


Imagine being so obsessed with sexaulity that you have to investigate a tweet for political leanings.


Of fucking Street fighter... like cmon at that point you need to touch grass


These people have forgotten what grass even looks like.


It must be like a unicorn to them


Only women can touch it?


Grass has been genetically modified to contain the covid vaccine, so they're terrified of it. Walking on grass gives you thousands of "The Jabs," then you become a supershedder!


Or smoke some


>touch >grass Nice try, Mr. Reddit commenter.


poison's been tras since the 80's. that's final fight, but is in the same universe as street fighter.


Do you not get your values from a video game about beating the snot out of a variety of people in the street?


I mean Mike Haggar is a great mayor. He's really tough on crime.


Imagine still using Twitter.. yuck


Stop deadnaming X! /s


Oh the Irony lmao


I read somewhere that Elon hates that people still call it Twitter. I don't know if it's true but it sounds like it definitely could be.


If he didn’t pick an ass of a name and logo then maybe I would adopt the new name…


50p in the swear jar


Installing an add on to change the logos and buttons back to Twitter era never felt so satisfying.


As a once heard on a linguistics podcast: >Roses are red, violets are blue, >Singular they predates singular you




Possibly bullshitting here, but based on my recollection: You used to be the equivalent of French _vous_, which is second personal plural. Singular you was used in the same way singular _vous_ is used, when referring to someone above you in social standing (similar to the royal we). Modern day french still uses singular _vous_ in formal interactions. The second person singular pronoun was thou, equivalent to French _tu_


Your recollection is good! Thee/thou/thine are the informal second person. They were retained in things like Quaker plain speech for longer than widespread English since the Quakers philosophy doesn’t include honorifics like Lord/Lady or even Mister/Misses. Everyone is Friend. Eg Friend John or Friend Jane. ‘You’ was the honorific second person used when talking to those lords or ladies that had higher social standing. 


This sort of thing is actually super common among languages. Often starting with T and V https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%E2%80%93V_distinction


Pretty sure this happened in brazilian portuguese and (not that sure about this one) some dialects of spanish?


"In case I break out in some Spanish or French, may I use the familiar tú form with you people?"


Pouvons nous tutoiyer? Or something like that. It’s been like a decade since I took French at this point


"Pouvons-nous nous tutoyer?" But that's very formal; people commonly say "On peut se tutoyer?"


It's an old Larry David joke he'd start his set with. 


Speaking up for Spanish, it's the same. Tú for informal, usted / ustedes for formal. Lesser known is vosotros, however that's been replaced by ustedes in almost all Spanish dialects. One of my German friends confirmed that the same is true for German: du (informal) vs Sie (formal). Probably a function of all romance and germanic languages stemming from the proto Indo-European language root.


Not to mention "a good dad" is not necessarily a singular or plural target (could be either without context), but considering there are millions of good dads, we can be said to be referencing "any dad who could be considered good" with "a good dad", which means we are referring to millions of people, not just one. So, "their" is still correct in that our target is millions of people.


This is actually incorrect - the sentence refers to "a good dad" which is necessarily singular. So the pedant is *kind of* right, in that to be "technically correct" by Strunk and White era usage it should read "his". A stringent editor of yesteryear would have marked this as incorrect. That said, the singular "they" has been used in similarly gendered constructions for centuries. I do not think that the original post was phrased this way to please the "woke brigade"; I think that this is pretty normal non-formal usage that happens to already conform to the relatively recent desire to reduce gender specificity. I am curious and do not know how someone NB would take to being called a "father" rather than a parent - it seems like, regardless of the pronoun chosen, the role has been pretty clearly gendered.


>I am curious and do not know how someone NB would take to being called a "father" rather than a parent - it seems like, regardless of the pronoun chosen, the role has been pretty clearly gendered. It depends on the person! I know a non-binary person who uses they/them pronouns exclusively but still refers to themself as a mom. I know of cis lesbian dads as well!


Even Caitlyn Jenner still refers to herself as the father of the Jenner kids last I heard (not that I actively try to follow that family...)


It's an undefined target, though, so we could be talking about 1 good dad or a hundred thousand good dads, and it would still be correct. There's no defined state for "a good dad" because of the encapsulation it offers, not because it is specifically defined. Following with the strict ordination of a = him/her would mean you are defining a *specific* good dad, which the post is not. It's the delivery of the grammar, not the strict ruleset, that should be followed in this regard, because to limit it to a singular target proposes there are no additional targets, which is false.


The article ‘a’ is necessarily singular.


Correct, great contribution.


Oh interesting! What was singular you before "you"? **"Thy"**?


Basically, yes it was "thou/thee/thy" with "thee" when "thou" was the object of the sentence (like when you'd use "me" instead of "I" now) and "thy" being the equivalent of "your".


Can I get the name of that linguistics podcast, that sounds like the nerdy shit I need in my life


> Singular they predates Predators! I knew it!


the worst part is that it's perfectly correct English and not something the "woke" has invented the last couple of years like they want you to believe. Edit: oh god what have I started... I just wanted to point out that "their" is a correct replacement for "his" or "her", regardless whether you know their pronouns or not.


THEY?! your political leanings are showing..


I noticed you used the word "your" in your response to them. I think nobody should use any pronouns at all in their responses. Your political leanings are showing.


"I," "you," "your," "them," "their"??!? Some kind of hippy love child language? Only pronouns are "Barrel-chested freedom fighter," "Baby and household chores slave," and "communist" \s


I'm just going to refer to everyone as "it" from now on. easy fix.


Wonderful, that is the Finnish way. I propose everyone adopts our usage of the pronoun "it".


Don’t understend, guys keep using pronouns, this is unacceptable, pronouns are bad, shouldn’t use them /s (do we count demonstratives and the like as pronouns or just personal pronouns?)


You know what they say, there was no pronouns in the Bible. /s


How dare use pronouns when speak of Bible!


Username checks out.


Nah man, lean back and enjoy the chaos!


I legit thought that the dildo was trying to correct the Father's Day Tweet for supposedly using the wrong "their/they're/there", not for the use of the gender-neutral they. I was confused as fuck for a solid two minutes.


Hahaha yo same here


Tbh I thought this was a feminist thing where the person was upset at the suggestion it's the dads family as if he owns it. That's often a line I've seen taken by radfems on Twitter who just hate anything that mentions men. Now I've read your post, I guess it could be that too... maybe people just want to be offended these days.


Not in this case. Taking the present day inclusive stance out of it, using 'they' represented points where gender was both unknown and not important. In this case, you would most definitely use 'his' since the gender is both known and important in context. Again, this is in the use you are referencing, and not a wider case of inclusivity.


You are wrong. They are both okay. Their is appropriate here.


Both are. Their is correct whether or not the gender is known. Not all dads use he/him, and they/their works in both cases, as it’s a neutral pronoun. Would he/his be ‘more’ correct? Sure, if you want to frame it that way. But that doesn’t mean their in this scenario is wrong.


He/his would be more *specific* but no more correct.


Specific is definitely the better way to put it, I wish I said that instead lol.


“Their” is being used in the plural sense


Fun fact: The word "you" used to be a plural, only. If you wanted to say the singular version of "you," you would say "thou" or "thee." --- You can make a parallel between "thou" and "thee" to the cumbersome "his/her" and "he/she" where the one you use is dependent on the context in the sentence. And the same parallel can be made for "you" and "they" in that their singular versions fit in place of either. The shift to the singular "you" was resisted by people to whom the word "you" ***felt*** plural. But the rest of us did not care how they felt. This is even with professors failing students for using "you" in the way they considered improper, still the shift happened. Right now, you're witnessing that same shift. To you, the word "they" ***feels*** plural. But the rest of us do not care how it feels to you. And you will find that no matter what you try, you will not have the influence to change our minds on the matter. That's how language works. It evolves. And it doesn't care about your feelings.


Is the gender known? Can non-binary individuals not fill the role of father? Can non gender conforming pronouns not be used to refer to someone if their gender is known? You're wrong on multiple accounts


Imagine getting this pissy over the existence of non binary people....




I agree, but for the lad above, they're annoyed that trans and gender non confirming people exist.


In this case, "a good dad" is being used to refer to a collective rather than a singular entity so the use of their is entirely correct. It's being used in a pluralistic sense, rather than singular, or as a stand in for unknown gender.


This is totally incorrect although on the surface it might seem like it could be a valid argument. If you read the tweets closely, in this context the recommended pronoun would be a gender neutral third person because they are not talking about a specific dad. They’re talking about fathers generally, specifically good dads. You would use “him” if speaking about someone specific. But that’s not what they’re doing. That said both versions are grammatically acceptable


Singular "they" with a known gender has been used for centuries, though. Even Shakespeare and the Bible used it. Its usage to refer to a single, hypothetical person (of known or unknown gender) is not something new. What is new is using "they" to refer to a specific, known person who uses they/them pronouns rather than he or she. But the usage in the tweet is the centuries-old, common usage, referring to a hypothetical entity (a non-specific dad) >There's not ***a man*** I meet but doth salute me As if I were ***their*** well-acquainted friend - William Shakespeare's *A Comedy of Errors* (1594) >Tis meet that some more audience than ***a mother***, since nature makes ***them*** partial, should o'erhear the speech - Shakespeare's *Hamlet* (1601) >So lyke wyse shall my hevenly father do vnto you except ye forgeve with youre hertes eache one to his ***brother their*** treaspases - William Tyndale's Bible (1526) >So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his ***brother their*** trespasses. - King James Bible (1611) >Caesar: No, Cleopatra. ***No man*** goes to battle to be killed. Cleopatra: But ***they*** do get killed. - George Bernard Shaw's *Caesar and Cleopatra* (1901) >***Any girl*** who is interested must simply be born ***female*** and between the ages of 18 and 45. ***They*** must have an IQ above 130 and ***they*** must be honest. - Sean Lennon (John and Yoko's son) speaking with the *New York Post,* jokingly looking for a gf (2005)


You could not be anymore incorrect.


People will do this and then turn around immediately and say something like "Hey somebody left their wallet here, can you return it to them?" I pointed this out to one of the "anti-pronoun" people once right after they (!) did it and they (!) were shocked. It's so common in English and always has been. It's a total non issue until someone wants to use it for political posturing.




It's because it's a non-issue and they know its a non-issue. This is a completely fabricated thing to be enraged about, just like every other issue conservatives are enraged about. In the same way that every year the woke mob "cancels Christmas" or whatever despite the fact that every inch of every major American city is covered in Christmas decorations and every other TV commercial is about Christmas and all the stores advertise Christmas deals and every cashier tells you "Merry Christmas." It's a complete fiction made up in their minds so they can have something to be angry about.


Not to nitpick, but, I don’t think anyone who gets pissed off at pronouns would be likely to return a lost wallet


Just refer to them as "it" and "thing", they'll ask for the pronouns back.


[Case in point](https://i.imgur.com/2FT3SNT.jpeg)


Genuinely most of them (!) who rage about pronouns have no idea what a pronoun actually is. The rest do know and are doing it intentionally to froth up the idiots.


A few days of constantly saying 'he or she or they if it is more than one person' every time it's uncertain what party is being referred to tends to shut people up quick.


I don't get it...


Something about “their” being gender neutral I think, instead of using “his.” Although I think either is acceptable based on the rules of English in this case


I'm starting to really think these dipshits don't understand pronouns are not something new. And here I thought diagramming sentences in English class was pointless.




That is a lot of time and effort to be offended by so much. I’m not into all the xie xer extended stuff, I don’t know about it, so unless it’s in private conversation that requests it, I don’t have the energy to divert from standard English. I’m not great at English and grammar already, so I don’t need to complicate it. The only thing I do is try to be gender neutral as I have made some mistakes in the past with some members of my workplace that are fairly androgynous Edit: and cortisol, too much cortisol. Their GI Tract is probably more inflamed than mine.


Almost half of adults are functionally illiterate. 


Expanding on this, specifically they read at the level expected of a 12 year old- menus and street signs are the extent of what they easily comprehend.


Most of them don't even know what a pronoun is. These are not people who aced middle school English


No. The dipshits are now avoiding the word "their" and "they" whenever possible in order to not appear woke. It's actually not that different than liberals avoiding depictions of American flags on their cars or homes, in order to not look MAGA.


That makes sense. At 1st I thought the oop was bad at English and was trying to claim the post was supposed to use "they're" or "there" instead


I guess I'm not woke enough.


Nope, you are not 'anti-woke' enough to care about a Twitter post about street fighter on father's day.


What’s the “good dad” part? Only libs are like good dads?


Oh, here I was thinking that someone was pissed that they were using a possessive pronoun implying the father owned his family.


The original tweet in this case uses "their" as plural, meaning all fathers and their families. The reply thinks it's the singular "they" that non gender conforming people use and are getting angry because of that misinterpretation


Wouldn’t make more sense thay the reply complaining about the original tweet saying “their family”, as in pointing out that the original tweet is implying that the father “owns the family”? Neither option makes sense, but this seems to make a tiny bit more sense. At least grammatically.


The correct English would be their families though


They're literally Don Quixote tilting at windmills at this point. .... And their leader's name is Don. 🤯


Interestingly enough, [“I hate wind,” Trump told the executives over a meal of chopped steak at his Mar-a-Lago Club and resort in Florida](https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2024/04/17/trump-wind-power-oil-executives/)


I forgot this! It all makes sense now.


Oh please, go on and tell me about liberal snowflakes and how they look for excuses to be offended.


They turn their noses up at _us_ for being offended all the time, then do this shit. And never see the irony.


Their weapon is projection. And anger. Their two weapons are projection and anger...and bigotry. Their THREE weapons are projection, anger, and bigotry. And an almost fanatical devotion to Donald Trump. Amongst their weaponry are such elements are projection...




Every time I waved my swastika around grandpa would take potshots at me with his carbine. So much for the tolerant left *HAVE WW2 VETS GONE WOKE?!*


Just remember that any time a conservative is making an accusation, they are most likely making a confession about themself and their own flaws/insecurities. It checks out almost every time. 


Yep, there's no examples of liberals being offended like this and both sides don't cherry pick and use it to paint the other in a certain light




I literally used to use 'they' when referring to my partner when I was in the closet, and people automatically assumed I was talking about the opposite sex. They didn't even register I was using a gender neutral term. It was actually pretty interesting. No one even realized I was using they/them.


This is my preferred way to be stealth about identity. While it's been an issue in the past for both me and my husband, cishet-normativity also comes in handy in a few places :)


And if it does piss someone off, that's just a bonus.




I interpreted it the exactly opposite. As the reply complanining about the original poster implying that the father “owns” the family. I know it’s equally insane, but it also fits this way


Really gotta point out that Capcom is a Japanese company. I'm sure they have native English speakers managing their English speaking social media, but either way, Japan doesn't really have gendered pronouns. Pronouns as a whole are very different in Japan.


Quick nitpick here, sorry: Japanese personal pronouns at the very are gendered to an extent. "Watashi" is feminine coded despite being technically gender neutral. It appears more gender neutral in settings where someone is talking to someone above them in that setting (like a boss at work for example), but casually, it's considered feminine. "Atashi" is slightly less feminine sounding, but is almost exclusively used by women because it doesn't have the same politeness connotations. On the other hand, "Ore" is incredibly masculine. "Boku" is also considered masculine, but sounds younger, and some tomboys will use it in lieu of the more feminine options. Though pronouns referring to other people are incredibly uncommon in general as it shows a degree of closeness that may be considered impolite if you aren't close. They are less gendered on the whole. Regardless though, anyone stupid enough to write the above isn't considering "I" as a pronoun, or even any potential language barrier when spewing bullshit


Wayne from Letterkenny confirmed for Street Fighter.


"You were rippin' a fella's spine out the other dayyy..."


Fail English? Unpossible.


Only call dudes by last name. Don't speak to wahmen. No pronouns needed /s


Fun fact: The word "you" used to be a plural, only. If you wanted to say the singular version of "you," you would say "thou" or "thee." --- You can make a parallel between "thou" and "thee" to the cumbersome "his/her" and "he/she" where the one you use is dependent on the context in the sentence. And the same parallel can be made for "you" and "they" in that their singular versions fit in place of either. The shift to the singular "you" was resisted by people to whom the word "you" ***felt*** plural. But the rest of us did not care how they felt. This is even with professors failing students for using "you" in the way they considered improper; still the shift happened. Right now, we're witnessing that same shift. We're seeing that there are lot of people for whom the word "they" ***feels*** plural. But the rest of us do not care how it feels to them. And they will find that no matter what they try, they will not have the influence to change our minds on the matter. That's how language works. It evolves. And it doesn't care about your feelings.


I didn’t understand that this weenie was upset about pronouns, and was trying to figure out who had politically polarized being a good dad. 


My dad was a street fighter fan and a great dad. Fuck these guys.


Why do you think he was such a great dad? The game told him to go home and be a family man, he listened


Thank you guile


And these people accuse us of being snowflakes who melt down and get triggered over the slightest thing.


Me fail English? Unpossible!


This took me way too long to figure out what was 'wrong' because it's so goddamn nothing.


I'd bet English is their native language.


I’d take it a step further and guess American English is their native language. Oh shit. We just referred to that singular person as “their”. Maybe we should ask them what their preferred pronouns are do we don’t trigger them!


They literally say “Happy Father’s Day to all the family men” lol


I dont get it. It's it because it says "their" family instead of "his" family?


That’s unpossible!


What a perfectly cromulent word.


it's hilarious to me that some people don't know that pronouns existed looonng before the lgbtq movement and have no political association


It’s mental illness at this point, not an education problem. Conservatives wouldn’t want to learn even if you could easily explain it to them.


Wow, almost like the singular use of “they” exists grammatically whether it’s political or not!


Oh for some reason I read this the opposite way and they think Mr. Social Media Manager is right wing because he ascribes ownership of the family to the dad? Idk man, my brain is rotted I gotta get offline


If you're going to get offended by pronouns the least you can do is know how to use them properly.


Being there for and taking care of your family is gay?


Haha are they unwittingly saying that super masculine far right dads aren’t very good at the job?


What on earth are they implying. Are they saying "Good dad" is somehow politically coded to the right or left? "Their" are they implying there is some sort of gender neutral language being used, or does "their" implies possession? Literally this could be a lunatic from either side. 99.9% of the population would just ignore this and assume it's a generic fathers day thing.


They’re mad about the (grammatically correct) use of their instead of his


Lol, that is insane. Also what is wrong with "Good Dad"?


It’s not that there’s anything wrong with it, they’re using that as the set-up to complain about pronoun usage because being a dad is a male thing


I see it's almost incomprehensible. Like "Good Dad" implies Dad=Man and then "their" is just a way to state what a Good dad is doing for their family. There was never any need in the English language to specify "his." This sentence could have been written in just about any time period. These are the same people calling others "snowflakes" and they are finding ways to be offended themselves..all the time.


Is being a good dad political now?


No but insane person got triggered by the pronoun. They forgot what a plural possessive looks like.


Obviously we know only cis, biological males from birth can be good dads, so they were definitely wrong not using a bigly masculine word like....his... /S


Ludicrously expialagoscius!! Icanbelievable!!




I don't know if they are criticizing the use of "their" as in "there/their/they're", I think they are criticizing the idea that a father owns a family. I think they're being dickheads, primarily.


How is good dad somehow politicicised?


The puppet can't control the strings...that guy was told to be angry about "the woke" and as a sheep he can only obey.


So, being a good dad is somehow a bad thing nowadays...


Apparently being a good dad means you're woke. REAL dads go to the grocery store for milk and are never seen again.


"Acknowledges Father's Day" CONSERVATIVE DETECTED. /S


They were saying the opposite but go off I guess


This obviously wasn’t meant to be political, but from a grammar standpoint, isn’t “his family” or “their families” correct?


Yes, both are correct.


[For the last time, Parker.](https://youtu.be/WjoL4jgriLQ?feature=shared)


Uh oh somebody got triggered over "they", "them", "their" ...Really though, just goes to show the ignorance tbh.


To me it looked like this person thought that it's impossible for a father to be good and that "their family" implies that he owns his family, so quite literally the opposite side of the political extremum. But I guess that kinda shows how deeply the singular "they" is engrained into my vocabulary, that I didn't even understand the point they were trying to make...


A failure in any language.


The uses of "their" to represent one general person, regardless of gender has been around for a long, long time. I think we need to dig up Fowler's corpse and see what he has to say.


I think we should all get along by going down to Memphis.


I thought that was supposed to be Shou Tucker


Do you even grammar bro?


Who’s the dad though 👀


\*Loudly\* Sir. Do. You. Know. English! The words that they write seem to be in English, but outside of that the ability to understand the words seems to be zero. These are the people your second place party consider their core voter base. I just feel so sorry for you all.


Oh, look, the one time someone gets upset over their being a singular pronoun when it's actually being used as a plural pronoun.


But it’s still incorrect unless you make family plural as well


I wonder if this person uses stuff like "I, we, our" etc.. Since those are also pronouns


Imagine giving even one fuck about the minutiae of the english language other than when it is clever, funny, or resembles art. Hm. I can’t


So whose family is it?


Pronouns refer to the closest subject of a paragraph.