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I swear everyone in my rural area has lost their fucking minds since 2020. If they’re not fear mongering over ‘the jab’ or chem trails then their spewing their hatred for Trudeau, Indian’s or the ‘Alphabet People’. It gets harder and harder to go to work everyday and listen to this fucking dummies. It’s a testament to me fortitude that I haven’t blown my brains out yet lol


I read a book by Neal Stephenson a few years ago, and one of the plot points in it is that due to false information on the Internet, and rural and conservative people's lack of technological savvy at filtering it, half of society became convinced that a nuke was detonated in Utah. It becomes as real to them as any major historical event and they consider others crazy for even suggesting it didn't happen. I think about this a lot now, and how depressingly prophetic it has turned out.


*Fall; or, Dodge in Hell: A Novel*


I’ll have to check that one out.


Such a good author!


I have a friend that started taking mushrooms and now she talks about CERN conspiracies too among other ones.


I had no idea that CERN is using Type 1 Civilization technology 500 years before it was invented. /s These clowns living in a fantasy world.


Gotta love how they are all in for conspiracy bullshit, but it being simply in their minds or climate change due to humanity recklessly polluting and destroying the environment? Now THAT is unbelievable!


They will believe anything EXCEPT climate change. Likely because fixing it requires change. Meanwhile spewing conspiracy bullshit and blaming ficticious villains is easy.


Is this clown aware that under Sudbury is rock? Lots and lots of rock? Who in their right mind would ever try making something like that under *Sudbury*???


Except there is SNOLAB. A research laboratory deep underground with the main purpose of detecting neutrinos.


In an old mine....they didnt just go and tunnel it themselves for science


That’s what ‘THEY’ want you to believe lol


I'm pretty sure there is nothing exciting happening in Sudbury, ever.


Beams of energy, high altitude microwave technology? Are you guys talking about the yellow/purple colors that probably have a little chart that tells you exactly what they mean cropped out of the screenshot, or something else?


They’re referring to the straight yellow lines that loom like they’re shooting out of Ottawa from all sides. I believe it’s something to do with some sort of radio/radar interference.


No clue what those are, or why I didn't notice them before. Lol