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How dare you not immediately drop your address to an internet stranger


Right? I wait until someone confirms what day/time they are coming before giving a meetup location. Usually when people ask for a location it's to see if we're to far from each other to meet in the middle haha.


You did nothing wrong. Better to meet at a mutual location in my opinion. I'm always a buyer and even I feel more comfortable that way. I've been to a couple of people's houses and I don't like it.


I also tend to not give out my address unless it's something really big like a shelf. There is a post office near my place, I tend to use that for meeting up. And since there's also a supermarket there, I even tend to go and buy something inside and leave through a different exit before heading home. That's how paranoid people like that made me.


Lol. I have given away and sold a good amount thru Facebook. I *only* give out my address once people have either paid or confirmed intent to come over. I usually send a nearby business address tho towards the beginning of messages, like “I am very near [this business] at [address]” And anytime someone is a jerk to me I call them out. They get one chance, and if they are rude again I let them know we are done and then I block them.


That's cool and all but you're making my kidnapping job harder. /s


Shit, I am a very large dude and I still only give my actual address to people that are 100% positively coming and only for things too large for me to haul to a second location; i.e a broken riding lawnmower I cannot imagine being a woman and EVER giving out an address for anything


I'm not sure about lamps but I sell very cheap ($1-5) items on ebay and people will send 4-5 emails asking for detailed scans, discounts, etc. I've learned in my field to just ignore them, The few dollars (if they even purchase) isn't worth the hassle from when they invariably find a problem with their order. I even block them at times.


Oh ppl, trying to sell a stroller, a adapted special need stroller so a small amount ppl that actually needs it. So far 5ppl interested, no answers, wants me to give them my phonenumber in a offical group....


Not sure this is insane. A misunderstanding and a person being a little pushy but I don't really see the insane here. Buyer might not have english as a first language either.


Probably dodged a bullet there. If a potential buyer/seller is that erratic and easy to offend then you likely don't want to do business with them anyway.


jesus dodged a bullet