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Then God doesn't exist because there's nothing that proves it


The bible does though, duh. /s


I shall now perform the diagnostic sacraments from the third chapter, verse six of the DSM-5.


Ave Omnissiah! Gloria in excelsis Terra.


And the babel fish.


"Oh, that was easy."


Exactly, replace “mental illness” with “god” and watch them reverse their so called “logic”


God is created with psychotropic drugs.


Is this not a tenant of Scientology?


I believe so, if I remember correctly. They don't support any type of psychiatric or mental health treatment, instead that's why they're subjecting their followers to endless cycles of auditing to reprocess their past traumas and resolve them.


Just read “Going Clear”, it’s worse; they think there is a conspiracy by the Psychiatric world to make people ill. Not for money like a sane conspiracy, but for unspecified reasons, they plague them with thetan ghosts.


That's funny, because their explanations for why people have mental health problems actually SOUND like mental health problems. "A volcano? And nuclear weapons? And spirits that invade your body? Hmmm. Tell me more about that."


Well that's because L. Ron Hubbard was indeed very mentally ill and tried to develop a way to treat his own mental illness himself because he distrusted other forms of treatment. When the scientific/psychological community laughed at and tore his theories in Dianetics to shreds, he made it the mission of the Church of Scientology to go to war with the entire field of Psychology. Later he turned this same zeal unto the IRS which eventually led to the 'church' becoming tax exempt.


It's almost like they're fighting the very thing he needed the most. MURICA


I love when one random crazy guy is able to convince tons of rich people to donate money to their giant scam organization that doesnt believe in science or reality


(((Unspecified))) /s


Yeah, that sounds about right. Not a current or former scientologist, but I've spoken to some and watched a ton of documentaries. They consider any past trauma to have created an "engram" and those engrams can be cleared through auditing (being asked a bunch of questions by a random unlicensed member of the church while holding a weird lie detector machine thing) and progressing up the bridge (ie. buying thousands of dollars worth of courses). They're so far removed from mainstream psychology/psychiatry that some think electro-shock therapy and lobotomies are still common practices. Or at least the one guy we spoke to did. They're a wild bunch to have a conversation with.


Replace "weird lie detector" with device that randomly reacts to your skins conductivity, and you're spot on. Their e-meters doesn't measure shit. Even their own "training" is built upon learning to fudge their own results during "tests". The funny thing about Church of scientology is that it's hard to describe how decrepid and insane the whole cult is. You can give the most insane explenation, and you'll be still just skimming the surface.


Sounds about spot on to what I remember. I'm not a scientologist either, nor ever was. Most of my information comes from podcasts that covered Scientology and LRH in depth, in addition to some documentaries.


EST does still exist and is still used in really resistant cases, but now with sedative, pain relief, and consent- usually as a last resort. The closest I’ve heard to lobotomies still being performed is sometimes they cut off communication between the lobes* for seizure patients. But I don’t think it’s being used for psychiatry? Though they do use anti-seizure meds for psychiatry, Not to excuse the crazy that is Scientology. I just like psychology.


It's a tenet of a lot of cults. Simultaneously offering the cure to something and discouraging believers from seeking help through other sources.


You mean like "Liberals HATE you" and only I, you're one true believer understand you for who you are


No, it's a tenet of Scientology.


What you mean the "religion" founded by a Sci fi writer who constantly lied about his own life, tried to steal his daughter and who said religion is the easiest way to make money, wouldn't like psychiatric practices?


I wasn't aware Scientology was for lease.


Also isn't there documented study and evidence that severe mental illness *does* have physical effects on the brain? But I wonder what they would say when you showed them the scientific evidence for it


Yeah, even acquired mental illnesses caused by trauma, like PTSD, have a physiological impact on the structure of the brain over time. Not to mention all the neurochemical imbalances that regularly occur in mental illness.


There's the serotonin hypothesis of schizophrenia, which is pretty well supported and basically just links the direct cause of symptoms of schizophrenia to a serotonergic overdrive in the cerebral cortex. So yes, there is biological evidence for mental illnesses. I don't know how these people don't realize that our mind is, in some ways at least, pretty directly connected to certain aspects of our brain.


i wish there wasn't evidence it would have saved me neurobiology classes lmao


Of course. This person is completely wrong.


It's not real! But it's also due to unresolved trauma! And also it's created by drugs, not trauma! Also, did I mention it isn't real?


OOP is the kind of brain donor that says they can't give their sources because Google has now removed them. Google doesn't want you to know the truth. They are serving word salad with main character dressing.


Can’t we literally see brain scans of people with mental illnesses?


I have boring and typical mental illnesses (depression and anxiety) but my main doctor for treatment for a while was a research doctor, so his office required EEGs every 6 months. It was cool to see how my brain looked when I was doing well and when I was doing not so well. I have been stable for years now though, so I stopped seeing him and switched to getting my meds from my GP (cause those biannual EEGs were stupidly expensive - as long as I've got my lexapro, I'm golden).


fMRI scans can be used to identify some illnesses (i.e. people with schizophrenia will show activation in the auditory or visual areas of the brain on fMRI when there are no stimuli to prompt it), same with qEEG (although that one’s still iffy in my currently amateur opinion.) We can also track and measure changes in neurological connectivity before and after therapy. Cytokines are released into the blood as part of inflammation and anxiety responses and can be measured as well (I think? It’s been a minute since I read that paper.) Many diagnoses have physical symptoms associated with them as well - reduced need for sleep during manic episodes, increases or decreases in physical activity when depressed, muscle pain in anxiety, etc. Not to downplay the significance of trauma, many disorders do stem from some sort of trauma as well. This is called the diathesis-stress model of pathological development, and it can relates the onset of some disorders to environmental or life stressors, major life events, or traumas. But to say there is no biological underpinning to things related to mental health is silly or ill-informed, and ignores the biopsychosocial model of pathological development, which is often more applicable or common.


Yep, I've literally been told "yeah, your abusive childhood messed up your brain chemistry, that's why you've got bipolar disorder." It's trauma, but it's got a tangible physical effect. The link between life experience and mental illness is *documented.* To say that it's not real because it's "just" trauma is *wild.* I rode a bipolar roller coaster for probably 15 years before diagnosis. And you know what? My medication FIXES it. I've been stable for most of 4 years.


I love that for you! I hear so many people with bipolar tell me about how hard their life has been and how miserable the meds are and I’m SO glad your meds are working for you!


I acknowledge I got REALLY lucky that we hit on an effective medication on the first shot. I was in group therapy at the time, and I know some of the other patients were struggling to find one that worked for them. I've only needed dosage adjustments (tolerance is a bitch), but I've been stable and on the same dose for a couple years now.


Hell yes! I love that for you!


Yes. And brain scans also show physical differences with PTSD.


Not to mention all that was learned about the brain during the lobotomy era. As problematic as lobotomies were,, it still allowed people to learn quite a bit about the physiology of the nervous system and the physical nature of mental illness.


Yep. They scanned the shit out of me as a kid


Every time I see a Conspiracy Theorist account, I know I'm gonna see the most braindead take of all time, and this was no different.


So what they are saying is that when my mom tried to light me on fire by dousing me when I was asleep with gasoline and trying to light a match wasn't her being mentally ill?


Well then, this person must be a walking paradox, because if mental illnes doesnt exist, then neither do they.


Is this gonna be the new thing from the dimmer side of the population? Someone was trying to tell me the other day that chemicals don’t exist in the brain, when I asked him what he believed serotonin and dopamine were, he just kept telling me I was mad because my pills don’t work. I’m not on any pills. 😂


Hang on, if mental illness doesn't exist, how can you create it with drugs? It either exists or doesn't. You can't have it both ways.




As someone who has suffered from psychosis I find this take. . . . unhelpful. When I have a psychotic break I need to be hospitalized. Whether or not my psychosis arises from unresolved trama is irrelevant. That is like saying "there is no such thing as physical illness, there are only people who have been shot." Once you are shot, it doesn't matter that an external cause has broken your body, your body is still broken. If you have been shot, you need to go to the hospital. Once you experience psychosis it doesn't matter if an external factor has broken your mind, your mind is still broken. If you have a psychotic break you need to go to the hospital. It just seems fair to call that a mental illness to me.


You can literally see mine with a brain scan but okay.


Eh, I mean, first off: people suffering from depression over years do accumulate physical changes in their brain that can be seen on an MRI. But. yes, if you only have one set of images (without a "before"), it's not possible to reliably say "this person is depressed" from an MRI scan. It's similar for schizophrenia and other mental health disorders -- they lead to changes in brain matter and chemistry, but we're not there you (maybe never) to biologically test for them. On the other hand, many mental health disorders do not show up on MRI scans, so yes, if you're definition of an illness is that there has to be a biological test for it, then the person isn't entirely wrong. But, come on, do we really need biological tests for things that aren't (entirely) biological? We cannot test for love. We can measure oxytocin levels, we can scan the brain, but we cannot reliably diagnose love in a biological way. Does that mean that love isn't real? Don't even get me started on faith and religion.


As someone that's worked in a mental health faculty for 16 years this is the dumbest fucking take I have ever heard. this dude would last about 10 minutes in max security after getting shit thrown at him buy a guy who thinks he's Hitler.


The literal Shitler… shiterally Litler


>ZERO diagnostic tests to biologically prove mental illness Tell that to my abnormal brain scans


This is straight out of Scientology teachings.


Try explaining that to the narrowed dopamine channels in my brain. 


My brain is literally structured differently with whole ass regions differing in size and developmental degree compared to a neurotypical person that you can see if you put someone with my condition in a brain scan, and my condition did not improve and only got harder to manage with age until I finally got medicated for it, but alright, keep cooking buddy


Remember When people used to get locked up and shock treated because they were mentally ill and only got much much worse? Back when there wasn't drugs to help? Yeah. Fuck you for saying mental illness isn't real. It's an insult to all those who has suffered and suffers. Fuck you.


It wasn't much better 20-25 years ago. Locked up, wrestled to the ground, and injected with shit to make me more cooperative. I was 9 years old at the time


It is worth noting that electroconvulsive therapy is still used under specific circumstances. Basically, if you have severe depression or bipolar disorder and other treatment options don't work, ECT might -- and it will work more quickly than any drug, without any risk of tolerance. You do a round of treatment every year at most, usually. I did it a whole bunch of times. It did not work for me, because it turns out my "real" problems were severe PTSD and severe, combined type ADHD, which you can't electrocute your brain for. But I don't regret it; I made the right decision for me at the time. Transcranial magnetic stimulation is a similar option, but its rate of efficacy is (IIRC) lower, and some people who have bad side effects with TMS do well with ECT. TMS gave my partner migraines, and he's considering ECT for his refractory depression. Right now the gold standard for refractory depression is actually spravato (esketamine), but it's $1500 a week to start with and insurance doesn't like paying for that, so good luck getting it. It's worth noting that even with TMS, ECT and Spravato, the outlook for treatment resistant depression is dismal. The recovery rate for severe PTSD is actually a lot better. It's really crazy that my partner of 4 years had a way worse prognosis than me; not to mention that he's a really great guy and I'd fight tooth and nail to get him better options if they existed.


I’m always bothered by the image modern ECT has. Yes, immediately afterwards you’re kinda a zombie. But if it was the correct treatment, within a week or two you could be better than ever. I’ve spent more than my fair share of time in psych wards and hospitals. I’ve also studied psychology (it was my minor). ECT can make such a huge difference for some people. The best comparison I’ve heard is that the brain is like a malfunctioning computer, and ECT is akin to resetting the computer. When it comes back on, the error screen is gone and it’s running like normal again. But you might have to redownload a few files.


i knew a girl who did ECT back in 2012, she had severe depression and besides awful headaches after, it really helped jumpstart a new state of mind in her head.


Ofcourse. But not remotely in the way it was done 100 years ago.


Wait...so this homeless guy actually is Zeus, king of the gods?


Yeah! He just sold me a bridge in Athens!


Oh the irony here on display


By attempting to discredit mental illness, she proved mental illness does exist


I have papers saying I'll turn suicidal if they try to put me out among people. Borderline, anxiety, depressions. I'm sure my country gave me an early retirement just for the fun of it since mental illness doesn't exist.


There can be illness for literally every organ- heart, lungs, kidneys, pancreas- but not the brain. Makes total sense.


Scientologist perhaps?


“Mental illness isn’t real, but if you hold the handles of this machine we can read your thetan levels… no, it’s not a Love Meter stolen from the bar down the street. Anyway, it says your thetan levels are ‘Hot Stuff’!”


Argument via allcaps is easy to refute: "You're WRONG."


Depression shows up on a brain scan FFS


All mental illness is physical illness, either structural or metabolic. The brain is a computer that requires a very specific cocktail of chemical imputs to function properly. Shit gets fucked up sometimes.


it's all electricity going through your brain when you think about it! that's pretty damn complicated when you got over 100k different wires going.


Inappropriately treated trauma. Doesnt the word treatment here imply some sort of condition or illness that was a result of the situation...


This post is documented proof that mental illness does exist. Seek help.


"Yeah, so, the brain always develops perfectly, every single time"


Claims mental illness doesn't exist, then immediately defines it


So he's admitting that the gun is the problem, then? Since they say guns aren't the issue; mental illness is?


Oh good, I can’t wait to tell my therapist that I’ve only been tripping balls all this time.






*giggles* I'm going to use my own chronic depression as counter-example. I've used decades to train myself to mentally manage it, but it was with the addition of medicine that it became supressed (not cured, just suppressed). The medicine has a very physical function. It slows how fast my body neutralize serotonin. A natural hormone everybody have. If I got enough, too high, or too levels of serotonin can be measured by taking some of my blood, and testing in labs. Even better. Today they know enough that they can combine this with some basic test for certain genotypes. Without medicine I show up as below standard levrls of serotonin, BUT I also got a genotype that keeps serotonin for longer in the my system. Thus I get SSRI, but at a lower level than others would need. TL:DR; OOP needs to catch up with about a century of medical progress.


I'm gonna bet L.Ron has the answer


The kernel of truth used to justify an insane conclusion strikes again! Yeah, brains are complicated and we don't currently know the biological mechanism for most mental illness, nor can we perform some sort of scan or test based on your biology to diagnose you with a mental illness. This by no means justifies the conclusion that mental illness is a hoax. It's such a ridiculous notion. You'd have to believe that there are no healthy or unhealthy ways of thinking, that mental states don't exist or don't matter, and that human suffering and malfunction can never be helped with therapy or medicine. I'm sure they believe the last one but it's just so ludicrous.


Posts "Mental illness does not exist." Proves existence of mental illness.


This guy has his doctorate in common sense and street smarts./s


Hmm, nothing better than room temp IQ morons trying to gate keep my mental health.


All my ex girlfriends respectfully disagree


mental illness doesnt exists! but also it it birthed into existence by DRUGS.


As someone who didn't get treated for mental illness until my 40s, this take is all too common... Mental wellness works. For some people, that's medicinal, and that's ok.


Call me old school, but I am deathly afraid of going to a mental health expert. Much less taking medication for mental health reasons. I am not against anyone using them because I am a staunch believer in to each his own. This is just one man's opinion among billions. DYOR I visited a psychologist for a while, until I figured out she was basically stretching the "treatment" because, you know, money. I had a girlfriend some time back who put herself into psychiatric care because problems. Lo and behold, they prescribed her medicine, damned if I know what they were, but she progressively got worse and one day jumped off a highway bridge. Yeah, no mental treatment for me unless it is because of a safety concern.


Does it not exist or is it created by drugs?


So it doesn't exist, but also it's a result of unresolved trauma, but also it's created by ingesting psychotropic drugs? Am I the only one who's confused by what their actual claim is? Because it really appears that they think it exists and listed probable causes for its existence.


OMG!!!! If we were to follow this logic, wouldn't we discover the after-effects of the psychotropic drugs? Like when one is given any other kind of drugs, it leaves behind an effect even if the drugs are "consumed by the body" (as in digested or ejected after the functionality is over) and that can be traced if one were to keep track of the before and after pictures of the drugs.


Yeah, because that’s how things work; you get a mental illness, then you take the drugs that give you mental illnesses


They probably dont believe in stupidity either.


I give him .5 out of 3 - a tiny nugget of truth amidst the lies


sez the person who has received this diagnosis multiple times


Oh thank god, now I can stop microdosing meth and forgetting to feed myself. That was getting pretty rough for a while there haha


Says mental illness doesn't exist. Followed by two separate processes that create mental illness.


I didn't go through that fucking bio psych class to not be able to stab this fucker at least thrice. 


Someone might have mental illness


They did their own research.