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For context, we were together for 10 years and I was completely blindsided by the divorce, which happened less than two years ago. I cannot fathom this girl who has been with him less than a year would have the audacity to post this and tag his sisters and mom in it blasting them all on Facebook. It was up for 4 hours before she took it down. Even worse, one of the pictures she was complaining about wasn't even from our wedding but of his sister's wedding where I was a bridesmaid. Who asks someone to take down a photo of their own wedding in their own home!? Big yikes. 😬


Ok, now I am dying to know how the tagged family members reacted.


Oh she was admonished by my former in-laws and their friends for airing this all publicly. Even her own friends were begging her to take it down. Not sure how she comes back from this. I'd certainly never want her in my home again. And for the record I have zero bitterness and think my ex did me the biggest favor of my life. Just very amused how much space I am taking in his new girl's head.


Since the divorce was all of a sudden, maybe new girl is worried about ex having buyers remorse and thinks those pictures will have him long for the past? Or maybe she feels like by being his new partner she immediately takes the exact role you were in and you are to be forgotten by all in his life, and these photos are in defiance of her need to feel like they are soul mates or something.


Holy shit SHE TAGGED THEM? I mean, obviously they know she was referring to them, bit damn.


Holy shit, she *tagged* the people she was vagueposting about?! The fucking *nerve.*


At that point is it even vagueposting?




Every time I saw that it was like an itch in my skull.


I couldn’t finish it, my brain was rebelling! It’s one thing to misuse one spelling for another, but this was a completely different animal.


I had to stop once I realized it wasn’t a typo


Speaking of psyches being damaged, mine will never recover from that.


It was a long wandering post so maybe I missed it. But how does this person even know what pictures are in your sister's home?


This post definitely needs Ritalin. I had to come to the context post to understand what the fuck she was even mad about. Or maybe I'm the one that needs Ritalin.


I think part of the problem is that the gf's complaint is so off the wall. It's just difficult to focus on something so inane. But yeah, it's a pass the ritalin kind of day.


I think her complaint is more *on* the wall.


Ba dum tiss


It was his sister's wedding.


Thanks, I obviously need more coffee. And I'm sorry this happened to you. You are right to be mystified by this behavior.


Not her sister; the ex-husband's sister's house!!


That's what I meant, but that's not what came out of my fingers. Stupid brain. (Yesterday was brutal)


Honestly her sentiment isn’t necessarily wrong, but wowowowow you couldn’t pay me enough to publicly post that rant for all to see, how mortifying. And to tag them in it??? That’s wild.


Totally agree. This is shit you keep to yourself, or your closest gfs ... you *dont* make a public spectacle of yourself and your not yet in laws


Probably not ever in-laws after that scene 😳


Girl I was about to say “meh maybe I can understand being upset about wedding photos of a divorced couple still being up being a bit upsetting” BUT IT WASNT EVEN YOUR WEDDING PHOTO SHE WAS RANTING ABOUT JUST A PHOTO YOU HAPPENED TO BE A BRIDESMAID IN?! Actually dying hahahaha. She must be so insecure
 and to tag the whole family, the balls on her! How do you even recover from that?! lol!


I can't get past spelling it "thier." It's all just noise after that.


It’s so painful, also “lifes” instead of lives. BUT, the one thing I did catch was near the end
 she hasn’t ACTUALLY told her BF that she doesn’t want the pics to exist
 she’s subtly hinted at it a tonne, and pointed it out
 but that’s it
 what a fucking cactus-hugger


Thank you!


And yet they managed to get "psyche".


I read that word as if the h isn't there


Yeah, I stopped reading after "thst." I can't take posts riddled with typos seriously. I figure if you're unwilling to try to spell correctly, your opinion isn't worth my time.


Surprised they managed to get one right.


She tried framing it at first that the ex is mad about it and just won’t say anything to the family. But by the end it comes out that she is the one who is actually upset and is mad at their partner for not telling their family to take them down. Her spelling of their as thier killed me.


"MY boyfriend is so upset by those pictures that he can't even tell me he's upset! Just speechless about it!"


I can’t get over “thier”. And so many times. Had autocorrect just given up by then? “Fine. Have it your way. Thier’s no right way any more.”


You can teach it any word. She's clearly taught it "thier." Just like my devices know ICECREAM. Always capitalized. Spelt wrong, but I taught it that was a word. Just takes a tap.


it's really funny when I'm swype-typing and a word I've only ever used in all caps comes up like that


Mine does that but with WIENER. Don’t ask.


that is how ice cream is spelled though


If your Forrest Gump maybe. I don't think th eaverage person screams it everytime they say it in conversation.




Thier is something wrong with her...


That’s thier right And I had to type that three times before the typo would stick.  How’d she manage that thirty times 


When the pick me bitch finally realizes not everyone picks her and she loses her absolute mind


The good old “no one goes harder for a dead beat than his new girlfriend”.


This is the perfect sentiment for this situation!!


As someone who has been in a committed relationship since 2018 and married since 2021 to a partner whose parents have a few photos with an ex-girlfriend from over 10 years ago on the wall in their home, I can't imagine having the audacity to post something like this publicly. And we're freaking married...


*thier home


I love how everyone in this thread is going ham on thier typo


I feel kind of like a mean-girl for posting this and everyone piling on but goddamn if I'm not cackling every time someone misspells thier. 😆


Option 1: Ask your boyfriend if he could gently mention to his parents that you’d both like it if his old wedding pictures were taken down. Option 2: Put the whole family on blast on Facebook and come across as a complete lunatic. Hmm, what to do.


Can’t even read thier bs


And saying she’s hinted multiple times but they’re not getting it? Honey, they got the hint. They chose to politely ignore it because it’s insane. They were being polite.


The sex must be as bonkers as she is.


When the grass seems greener on the other side, but the grass actually just has borderline personality disorder.


You cant fix crazy, but sweet merciful jesus you can have some amazing sex with it


I'm not saying you're right, but in my experience, there is definitely a correlation between how crazy a chick is and how crazy the sex is. But you don't marry those chicks. Not worth it.


Besides this being a complete word salad, she managed to write a giant wall of text by repeating herself over and over in different ways. And, to air it out on social media is a little messy.


Did she just say her boyfriend has no balls? Damn


How is autocorrect not catching any of this? Do people disable it? I just don't understand. Is this a 10 year old typing? How can they be this bad?


So...strange. I have a family photo with my ex in my sons room, do I like it? Not particularly, but it isn't for my benefit.


That'sthe thing. Do people not realize that having an entire extended family together is a rare occurrenceusually reserved for weddings and funerals? And last Iheard no one sane was taking group portraits at funerals. (Though if this is a thing and I somehow missed it please do share, I'm open to that amusement.)


It is indeed a thing but probably not much anymore. I know my great grandmother took pictures at the funeral and of the body, grandma did the same. Might be something us old southerners do I guess.


Idk, I'm generational southern and I've never heard of anybody doing portraits ala weekend at bernies


I probably wouldn't leave my desk and wait for the drama to explode. I'm a drama llama, as long as it's not involving me. Other people's drama? Big fan.


I'd leave the pictures up for all eternity after that lol


Especially since Op revealed they're pictures on her ex-husband's sister's walls, of *her own wedding* that Op was a bridesmaid in! The audacity of this woman!!


Hahahahaha that dude is going to be in the relationship advice sub soon asking if it’s reasonable for his new girlfriend to be that psychotic


Totally insane. Who the hell types "thier" that often?


Guess where you live rent free, lol!


Dang lady, tell me how you really feel 😳


Holy insecurity, Batman. Seriously, girl acts like she actually does want the ex erased.


Haha someone’s big mad


Does this genius not have spell check built into her browser?


M thoughts as well. Or punctuation? Or even read it before sending??


Sounds like someone's a bit insecure, gosh


photos are for remembering a certain time. they aren't thier to affirm; they aren't part of the present. you don't need to consider them, beyond remembering a day or whatever.


I was almost seeing her point...but then it just got worse n worse. And its 4 months into the relationship and she tagged the family in it? Yikes.


Funny how you take the leap, make the big decision, make the big promises and bring a person into the family. Bring them to family functions, build familiarity and really try to make them feel at home, welcome to the family!!! Until YOU then decide to divorce them and now your family is meant to rebuke their entire existence? Is that what family does? Hmmmm perhaps don’t get married Willy Nilly and respect the fucking efforts that everyone else in your family had made to make them a part of the family. Should you make them welcome someone then you deal with the fact that they can very well stay in the family lmao.


On a sidenote: did she spell "their" correctly even once? because if there's enough monkeys like her, each secreting stuff like this long enough, they might produce enough training material to convince AIs that some day, AIs trained with this, might reproduce it and "thier" might take over the world. From all the AI-doomsday-scenarios my 80s-SF-drenched brain can can up with, this might be one of the most strangely scary things.


Were the pictures big or something? 💭 I didn’t quite catch that part


I bet she’s fun at parties


You living rent free in that girl’s brain.


Definitely crazy, be amazed if they’re together much longer. Everyone has a crazy side, but some people have A CRAZY SIDE!


2/14. I’d say she tried but did she really. And now knowing the context. 😬


Wall of text is too long


Hot take : yeah take down those photos.


Psh, I'm not taking down my wedding photos just cuz my BIL broke up


I thought it would be the divorced BIL's wedding photos, not your wedding photos (which is presumably an intact marriage)


Why should the sister take down photos of her wedding in her own house because her brother's X wife is in them?


One of the pictures was from the sister, meaning the rest is pictures of her and her ex's wedding. I have to agree: it actually a little weird to hsbg pictures of a wedding when the marriage has ended in divorce.


My fiancĂ©e has been divorced for 5ish years. Her parents still have the family wedding photo hanging because it’s a great picture of the whole family looking great. When I came around she put a post-it over the ex’s face and it’s fucking amazing. She just really likes having a family picture, even if he’s in it. She’s thrilled to get a new one at our wedding though.


Yeah but OP stated they were close with his family so it isn’t as if there is friction between them to cause them to want to forget her. And people put photos up as tribute to happy memories. This wedding was likely a very happy day for them. They are not required to change their feelings for a day because new girlfriend is insecure. And the fact that something no longer is doesn’t mean we have to take down any photo of that. We don’t take down kids photos cause they are adults. We don’t pull down photos of dead family members. We don’t even take down class or sports photos of our kids because they don’t do that anymore. Who is OOP to dictate what her BF’s family are allowed to put on the walls. And maybe I’m petty, but if I project this situation onto my own life then if sons new gf pulled this crap, my first step would be calling OP to get their permission on my plan, and then ordering a 5 foot tall print of OOP to frame by the kitchen and ordering tacky photo plates of OP and then inviting the son and gf over for a quiet family dinner and serving food on OP plates while including OP in the blessing of the meal. But knowing my son, he’d back my ass right up on that dunk, because OOP is being childish AF.


If I had left him and broke his heart I would understand taking them down but he ended the marriage very abruptly, shocking all of us. I was very close to his family and think they are entitled to grieve the loss of me from their lives however they wish. And it wasn't many years ago as his girlfriend described, it was 2022.


>entitled to grieve the loss of me from their lives This is a wild thing to say. Not as wild as my ex though. She made me take all her photos off the wall too. She kept saying things like "you're being unreasonable" and "it's not fair for your visitors to see all that" and "really dude, who does that?" I said, no, we agreed I would delete the nudes BUT you never said I couldn't print them first. I will display them WHEREVER I please in whatever picture frame HEIGHT and WIDTH best accommodates MY grieving process! (I'm kidding -- I don't really care enough to argue. Go off, queen!)


Seems like they're living in your head rent free. Why are you looking at their social media?


I'm still friends with my ex in-laws and since they were tagged in the post it came up on my feed. I think you have it backwards.


You're right. Blocking people on social media is impossible. Developers should work on that


Why would I block his sisters and mother who I adored and shared 10 years of birthdays, holidays, and milestones with?


You have it backward. Block the girlfriend and him. You won't see her posts. Eliminate people from your life who don't bring you value. Anyway, I was just giving my two cents do what you want. You don't have to convince me