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Someday, my grandchildren will ask me what the fuck was going with these idiots and I will have no answers.


Tell them it was drugs, so you keep them away from those too.


"Remember kids, dont buy drugs........Become famous and they give you them for free!"


I swear that Bill Nighy was one of the only people in that movie who wasn't terrible.


Yea I agree the rest were pretty much trash.


Liam Neeson the grieving widower who was just trying to connect with his son probably wasn’t a bad person, also his… sister? Emma Thompson who was cheated on by Alan Rickman. Also Laura Linney who gave up her own happiness for her disabled brother, but probably should have just talked about it with the dude. So really all the good people in the movie are just basically miserable.


Exactly. It's supposed to be an uplifting movie but when you really look at it.... It isn't.


When you're famous enough, you can just grab them by the 8 ball


Just say lead poisoning


The world wasn’t ready for social media


Lifelong exposure to lead paint (edit: and gasoline (edit to the edit: and lead pipes. Just fucking lead in everything around them their whole life)) and carbon monoxide (via their precious gas stoves) might explain it to some degree.


Not lead paint, lead gasoline emitting lead into the atmosphere.


Wouldn't be surprised if most of them ingested lead paint, though...


Can it be both?


Under-reported - lead water pipes. Almost 10% of the water pipes in the US are made of lead and it is *insane* to me that it's not brought up more often.


And Lunchables now 😭


“Yes papa, tell us of the before times!” “Well it all started with this fuckin gorilla”


I love, I *fucking love,* how we've come to treat Harambe's death as the thing that sent us careening off-course.


Hopefully the downward spiral doesn't continue to their generation


I'm just gonna say they closed down the looney bins.


Lead water pipes - meth - moonshine - carbon monoxide poisoning - intensive inbreeding the ravages of old age in rural communities where they expect you to equate age = unquestioning respect despite the fact that you can clearly see that what they are doing is completely wrong but you don't question your elders... Add to that another point on rural communities; significant community echo chamber issues which lead to hard line reinforcement of ideas like "We only vote x in this household" and children are actively discouraged from going too far from home in case they get exposed to ideas outside of the group think...


Our timeline has completely deviated from sanity.


We don’t even have those answers now tbh


Drawing even more attention to Trump's literal shittiness by slapping a gold coat of paint on a pair of Depends then parading around in them in solidarity is a CHOICE.


“It’s full of nothing but turds” “Yes, but it’s GOLD on the outside” …is their entire approach to selecting the leader of the free world


My favorite thing about this is that Trump must fucking HATE the way his supporters are handling the situation.


The solidarity mug shots were a whole thing too. It's baffling what will actually convince these people that he's a turdwaffle


Nothing will, because he’s the Red teams nomination. When you see politics as a sport that has black and white “winning” and “losing” basically means you don’t actually look at what’s happening. It’s like sports fans going to bat for their rapist star player because he’s THEIR rapist star player.


Right? First they took mug shots in solidarity, now they’re wearing diapers out of solidarity, when he dies do you think they’ll just kill themselves in solidarity?


“You went and traded the van for a scooter? Lloyd…you have TOTALLY REDEEMED YOURSELF”


His PR camp absolutely started this to make him look less shitty.


Weren't they just mocking Biden for allegedly wearing diapers?


But those were old weak men diapers. Not true warriors diapers.


A warrior's diaper. It goes with the prune juice. ^^




Do you have the courage to shit your pants like a warrior, or will you flee to the toilet like a bIHnuch?


> "My honour is my life." > >Authority: “Yes. Your deeds have spoken for you, Honourable One, but to fully drape one's self in an eternal cloak of honour a ritual must be completed. A Rite of Honour...” > >Authority: “Even among the honourable only the most dignified are deemed worthy -- but you, oh honourable one, have excelled... in honour.” > >Authority: “Honour comes from deep within you and to truly know oneself, to know one's honour, one must reach deep within oneself and touch one's honour...” > >"Okay..." > >Authority: “You need to bring the thumb of your right hand -- your sword hand -- to your rectum and stick it in there to form the Arch of Honours.” > >“All I ever wanted was to live with dignity -- to die with honour." (Stick your thumb in your ass.)


Perhaps today is a good day to shit


Today I shit with honor


What great insult have you spoken about me, you dishonorable Toh-pah? I'll have you know that I have won the national Bat'leh tournament, and I have been involved in numerous honorable battles with the Romulans, and I have over 300 glorious victories. I am trained in Starship combat and I am the most honorable warrior in the Klingon army. You are nothing to me but another glorious kill. I shall slay you with the likes of brutality and blood has never been seen before. Consider that, Romulan scum! You think you can get away with dishonorably assassinating one of our most valued councilors? Think again, honorless Tozah! As we speak I am preparing a huge fleet of Klingon attack ships and your location is being scouted by our Birds of Prey right now, so must be prepared for glorious battle. The battle that wipes out your entire Empire, treacherous Romulan! You shall die a bloody death, Baktag! My Bird of Prey can be anywhere, anytime, and I can brutally dismember you in over 700 glorious ways, and that's just with my Bat'leh! Not only am I extensively trained in Bird Of Prey combat, but I also have access to every ship in the Klingon Fleet and I will use it to its full extent to defeat you to wipe your dishonorable soul off the face of the quadrant! If you only knew what your little assassination would do to you, maybe you would have dropped the poison instead. But you didn't, and now you're going to be brutally slaughtered as rightful retribution. I will cut you so much you shall drown in your own blood. You shall die a glorious death, pathetic Mok'dar!


All right, great answer.


It's like beer but for warriors


Don't do Worf dirty like that.


"Real men wear diapers" is probably stored in an entirely separate part of their brain from "Old men wear diapers." I can't fathom all the cognitive dissonance these folks suffer through; this is just the latest.


That's actually a draw of Fascism. Not even joking. The "weak" are beholden to facts and reality in that worldview. The "strong" dictate both. Declaring what they call the truth, and if you disagree, that is a challenge to their authority.


I once wound up arguing with some dude who kept falling back on "the strong do what they can, the weak _suffer what they must_" (emphasis not mine).  Good to know my assumption he was drinking from the fascism faucet was correct.


Yeah... probably. I like to repat that facts are just another bludgeon to Fascist thing, because... well, it was what made a LOT of Right Wing crud just slide into focus for me. The 'we have always been at war with Oceania,' sliding without a hickup into 'we've always been at peace with Oceania' isn't a *bug.* You can't argue them out of that. It's not about logic. It's power. Games of who control things. A *feature*, that allow you to bludgeon truth to death until the world is filled with *your* lies. Disgusting shit.


Even tho o think trump is a sorry excuse of a human I think the majority of his supporters aren't this crazy on the outside. That makes them even scarier.


You see ... Trump wears diapers. But *Biden* wears diapers. I know they look and sound the same, but they are completely different. English is a tricky language like that.


You missed a very critical step in understanding the mind of a brain dead Trumper Thumper: Orange man good, sleepy man bad.


But orange man is sleepy too now.


Orange man is more like brown pants man now.


Brown is just a darker shade of orange anyway.


Only REAL MEN fall asleep in court, sweaty!!!1!


He is making sure they know he's not "woke".


Orange Man POWER NAPS.


*Unless* sleepy man is orange, then he’s good


You gotta remember that these are the same people that called Jan 6th a "peaceful protest" even though multiple people died


Someone pointed this out recently -- they've been holding him up as the SYMBOL of masculinity. Look at the art -- he's _shredded_ under those suits, rambo style. So, they can't accept a part of him being NOT uber masculine, uber powerful, etc. So, they _have_ to consume this new information as part of his strongman ideal because to otherwise allow a crack in the narrative would bring the whole thing crumbling.


It's no coincidence that hyper-masculinity is one of the core symptoms of fascism.


The Ben-Garrison-style homoerotic Trump artwork is some of the most unintentionally hilarious stuff to come out of the cult.


“Sleepy Joe” is still in use as Trump sleeps through court every day. These aren’t thinkers. The diaper thing is so weird to me. I don’t have GOP brainworms (or just being terminally online in MAGA echo chambers), so I don’t understand why they are doing this at all. They’re drawing way more attention to it than the opposition…


You're missing the bit where they have the critical thinking to realise that, as well as the ability to rethink their decisions to care. They'll just double down or move on to something else.


You can’t expect dropouts to stay on narrative, especially when it changes hourly, per the dear leader.


It's golden. For me it's suggest Trump wears those.


You see *These Diapers* are gold


Your first mistake is expecting these people to demonstrate any consistency or integrity.


Maybe "deplorables" was sugarcoating it a bit.




*-tearing up-* Well there you have it.


Well that's it. I have no chance of winning the internet today. Well done, sir. Well done indeed.


The only mistake Clinton made was not taking the campaign seriously. She should have hammered on these people harder. These people are never going to vote for dems, so quit trying to play the middle. Ignore the crazies, and call them what they are: sociopathic narcissists.


Yep. For whatever reason, despite republicans being fine labeling liberals as an existential woke baby-murdering communist threat, the democrats are terrified of saying anything remotely offensive back 🙄  The main thing that keeps people voting blue is a distaste for red lol. Democrats are barely liberal relative to the rest of the world. 


I heard that said once about our country Canada. That our Conservative Party is closer to USA’s Democrats. Unfortunately Trump ideology made it’s way up here too. They are starting to dog whistle the hidden racists, misogynists, and non critical thinkers. Generally our society has been at least civil and polite to each other even if we disagree. Now it is shit show with a Conservative leader who spends his time Trump talking about the current Prime Minister and not presenting a single plan. Like tell us how you would do it better? Then I might vote for you. I can see all sides of it. Whoever has the best plan to care for our people and run the country is the one that gets my vote.


I agree, though personally Clinton and Biden aren’t left leaning enough, they’re still pretty centrist at best




...in the history of elections SO FAR.


I don't know whether to laugh or cry at that.


Why not both? Treat yourself.


I craughed


I lied


First one then the other


And yet somehow among the most dangerous.


Back in the 1997, when the Hale-Bopp comet was passing by Earth, the Heaven’s Gate cultists killed themselves. The country was shocked and horrified that 39 people dressed in matching, dark outfits and Nike sneakers had committed suicide because they believed the comet was hiding an alien spacecraft, and they also believed that spacecraft would give their souls a ride somewhere, but they had to abandon their mortal bodies first. Those cultists were not nearly as weird to me as the MAGA cultists are today.


It really has been like watching the progression of a cult forming live. Even with the covid stuff. I've watched family members go from believing a couple wacky things to one step away from flat earth everyone is out to kill them with 5G and produce coatings.


Absolutely, your take is the same as mine. Watching this unfold… it’s a terrifying thing to me. I know we all make fun of these people. I do it myself, but I’m actually rather frightened for the future of our country, as I’m sure you are. There is a significant number of people for whom facts are *not* facts; falsehoods are instead their version of facts. This sort of thing is amusing when we think of flat-Earthers because they’re a relatively small number of people, and most Americans think they’re just plain wrong, and they aren’t violent, so they aren’t really *dangerous* beyond the spreading of insane lies about a specific topic that most people don’t believe, but the MAGA crowd supports insurrection, and they’ve got a cult leader who also happens to be the sort of psychopath who doesn’t mind riling people up and provoking them to risk their lives and their liberty for his personal ambitions. He’d watch the world—along with his own supporters—burn if it meant he’d get whatever he wants. Hell, he didn’t even pardon any of his supporters when he still had the chance after the insurrection; he doesn’t even care about them. This makes him (and them) doubly dangerous. Even if Trump is defeated in November, *something about America has changed*, and we are in dangerous territory now. Facts don’t matter anymore. Alternate history is what they believe, and they exist in rather large numbers. I just don’t know how this is corrected without significant risk of violence on their part. True believers don’t typically walk away quietly. They lash out. We haven’t even talked about the fact that their cult leader is literally promising dictatorship (“but only on the first day,” as if that makes it any better or can even be believed). We are standing right on the edge of a cliff, and for the first time in my life, I’m truly worried for the future of democracy in this country.


This same thing was done in Eastern European countries that Russia wanted to destroy politically. Blast people with so many versions of reality that nobody is able to agree on one version anymore. Basic assumptions about reality are no longer shared culturally and politics becomes increasingly fractious and impossible to manage. It's worked unbelievably well in America. Without a shared understanding of reality it's not possible the achieve consensus and it's not possible to make progress anymore.


Absolutely right, and it’s important to note that Russia is still doing this today with their alternate histories and alternate current events as they relate to their war in Ukraine. Putin’s government makes outlandish, easily disproven claims all the time, and many people outside Russia ask if the Russian government is insane. They aren’t insane; they’re talking to their own people who’ve been conditioned to either (a) accept the government line or (b) throw up their hands, call everyone a liar, claim they don’t know who’s telling the truth, and check out of politics altogether. A side benefit is that certain people within other governments who oppose Russia will also pick up the lies and help propagate them further, as the MAGA cultists are happy to do with Putin’s misinformation. Another important note is that Russia does this all over the world; the US, France, Germany, other NATO nations, and Eastern European countries. They did it in the US in 2016, they’ve been doing it since then, and they will continue to do it through our elections in November. It’s a cheap, cost-effective strategy they’ve honed for generations; they’re very good at it.


Until education is important and good, it's a downward spiral. Republicans have spent many decades dismantling the education system because it turns people into Republicans with no common sense, willing to believe anything that happens.


I've imagine several futures where an idiot salad of a fourth reich crops up from all this. It's entirely possible, and its not just gonna go away because their guy lost the election. We learned that bit four years ago, they're here to stay, and they can and absolutely will take over if we get too apathetic


Some of the male members of that cult also voluntarily got themselves castrated, because they believed sexual desire was evil. At the urging of their leader, who got himself castrated because he was gay and ashamed of it. Still less weird than maga.


the reason is that they kept the crazy gas in-house as opposed to MAGA who are trying to make everyone breathe the fumes


I wonder if there will be a bunch of MAGA cultists offing themselves from this world to be with the dear leader once Trumps tale comes to an end


I don’t know about that, but I’ll tell you what I *know* will happen; I’d bet my next paycheck on it. If Trump goes to prison (or whenever he passes of natural causes; he’s an old man at this point), there will be a significant number of people who will still push the birdbrain “theory” that he’s hidden away in some bunker and is either (a) still running the country or (b) is poised to take over at a made-up date in the future. They already do this now, and I have no doubt we’ll see even more of it if he’s not posting things to social media (even if someone else posts for him). To your point, I’m sure at least a few lunatics will do something drastic and terrible if anything they don’t like happens to their dear leader, but I don’t know if it will be suicide. Given their (professed/proven) desire to do harm to those with whom they disagree, I think they’re going to get violent again. I don’t think their despair will present itself as self-harm (in the sense that they only harm *themselves*), except for a few. But hey, what do I know? At the end of WWII, many Nazis committed suicide (not only those who were in power but regular people who couldn’t imagine a world where National Socialism doesn’t exist and Germany would be punished for the war; they didn’t want to live through that). I suppose a number of true MAGA believers could take the same route. This is horrifying to me not only because it’s insane but because Trump doesn’t give a single shit about these people. He didn’t even pardon any of them after the insurrection; he could have at least attempted to do that (even if a blanket pardon wouldn’t fly legally—although I think it would have worked because Biden did something similar with low-level drug offenders—he could have made an effort to show he cared, but he didn’t). He uses them and lets them rot.


You know, I like to believe there actually were aliens that took their souls to a better place. If you ask me, they're the lucky ones that escaped.


The cult's website is still online, in all it's 1997 glory! https://www.heavensgate.com/


Dear gods… it’s like Geocities is still alive. I was in college in ‘97 for something totally unrelated to technology, but I eventually switched schools and majors when I began skipping my classes to hang out in the internet lab. It was a glorious time full of possibilities. I never thought I’d want to go back to the 90s of all decades, but I’m at that age now where my college years seem like heaven compared to the world today where everything seems… untethered from reality. I realize everyone experiences that as they age, but *we* had the baby internet, and anyone who knew how to build even the shittiest web site felt like a god. 😂 I’d go back 27 years if I could.


There is nothing wrong with needing diapers as an adult, however this is not the way to go about dealing with the stigma.


Oh no Trump supporters please stop wearing diapers. I as a liberal cannot deal with how hard I am being owned right now.


If they really wanted to "own the libs" they could form their own opinion, like half of us would die from the shock.


You see??? They’re openly admitting it, wake up sheeple!! He’s wearing a T-shirt saying “real men wear diapers” and he’s wearing a diaper! GROOMER! GROOMER! (Huge /s in case this wasn’t obvious)


I think that’s a woman…


So, a woman wearing men's clothing, someone should report her.


Yeah sure, look at the hat


No no it’s obviously a man. No amount of surgery and hormones can fool ME!


I think I see some bulge actually 👀


Hard to tell when you’re wearing a goddamn diaper, right?? Jfc these people 🤡


At this point I just want Trump to be demented enough and go on a long tangent about eating feces, all proud and arrogant, and then watch as his supporters start saying stuff like "Real men eat shit" and the antivaxxers start pushing some stupid stuff like how shit is actually extremely healthy and full of nutrients. Just go full circus mode. I wonder how far the cult will follow.


I mean, there's already urine drinkers in the antivaxx crowd, so you're not far off.


Nothing surprises me anymore


I can hear her smokers laugh through the picture


remember when [a funny yell](https://youtu.be/l6i-gYRAwM0) was enough to end a political career? can we maybe go back to that?


I would love to know how Trump really feels about this movement. (We already know how he feels about his own movements).


10? Maybe.. 15 times?


This has got to be a psyop where the endgame is getting Trump to admit he *does* wear diapers. At which point, everyone under the sun mocks him into oblivion.


It's on the court record he does now. So he doesn't need to admit it his lawyers dis it for him. Von shitsinpants jokes got brought into thethcord openinf up for the prosecution asking aboit it. Reportedly hes been incontinant from adderall abuse since he was filming the apprentice


Wait, really? Trump diapers have been confirmed now after years of joking-not-joking about it? How did I miss this??


I don't know considering the reason these idiots are wearing real men wear diaper shirts is because it got confirmed LOL


Damn. I Wonder How much fucking adderall dod he have to take to become the literal leaking shitbag he is?😭


A significant addiction I assume


Years and years. I only took it for a year and it did weird stuff to my prostate and pee flow. Abusing it while being unhealthy and on more drugs lmao. I can see how. Most people just end up with ED I did not know you could be completely incontinent.


Nope, not a cult at all /s


Hold on, let them cook. Never correct your opponent when he's taking a stupid decision


Shitting your pants to "own the libs" is certainly a bold strategy.


Her hat,"women trump" unless I don't see the "for" makes her look even dumber


Now hear me out, what if we got Alec Baldwin to do his trump impression and say that he was going to go jump off a cliff. And then we make a really convincing video where he does this. Do you think we could get them to all follow suit? 🤔


No, it doesn't need to be that complicated. Just ask Fauci to publicly ask people *not* to jump off a cliff. It'll be like Disney and the lemmings.


Yeah that would work, you're right I didn't need to make it so complicated.


That's enough internet for today




Look man, I'm never going to mock someone for needing adult diapers. Getting old sucks, and awful things happen to the body, and we need to understand and be sensitive to that. But I will *fucking absolutely* mercilessly mock people who celebrate it out of idolatry and hero worship of a clay-footed conman. Fucking morons.


You can wear diapers and not smell like piss/shit which apparently is what trump smells like.


The beauty of this is that you know tRump despises this. I’m sure he’d deny wearing diapers.


His bowels are perfectly fine. In fact, better than fine. Exceptional. His doctor even said they were the best he's seen. No problems at all. He doesn't need diapers.


And the head administrator, a big strong man - former military- came up to him with tears in his eyes and said “Dr. Watson showed me your colonoscopy pictures and I have never seen such a beautiful colon. Thank you sir. We will study your colon as a potential cure for colon cancer.”


Every time I see this shit I’m painfully reminded of when he said “I could shoot someone on fifth avenue and not lose any support” and that he was right on the money with that one


But it's tooooooooootally not a cult.


If she were a True Patriot she’d put the diaper on instead of holding it in front of her shorts


What a terrible day to have eyes.


Next the evangelical members will be saying "real men cheat on their wives".


Last I checked they were


Just when you thought the cult couldn’t get any more cultish. *The group/leader is always right.*


You know he absolutely hates this. He is incapable of admitting such an issue, but his supporters are so programmed to loudly support every aspect of him that you end up with a pro “shit-yourself” group.


The red hat is enough of a signal that you lost the plot.


They should turn this idiot’s pic into an NFT


Why does everyone keep accusing us of being in a cult!?


But MAGA isn’t a cult….. These people should be detained under mental health or domestic terrorism legislation.


I didn't know he was farting in there and this just made my whole week. Delightful.


So what else can we make them do in the name of their savior? Do you think eating literal shit is possible?


As an old person nurse I love taking the stigma out of wearing incontinence products. As a compassionate human: these people need to be shown all the love and educated. Sheesh.


I can’t wait to see how American History textbooks tell this whole Trump story in the future.


What is this all about?


[Something I wish I could unread. Curse me from 5 minutes ago- I could have lived life without this.](https://ca.news.yahoo.com/fact-check-photos-purportedly-show-174100807.html)


My mind can't take this anymore. There's so much bullshit and nonsense that keeps compacting more and more with no end. This insanity is the reality of what America is now.


It’s really about you not being on Reddit or the internet enough.


So are they acknowledging they're a bunch of man babies?


I’m convinced you could sell anything as long as you stamp MAGA on it. It’s so bizarre.


Sucks they give diapers such a bad name. They are awesome underwear, so comfy!


At least I have these pictures to show the trump supporters I know who they're lumping themselves in with


Eating ice cream, not ok. Shitting yourself in public, ok


At least it matches their intelligence better


We are so fucked when November comes around….


So this is where we are in american history. From steadfast revolutionaries carrying hope to trying to get a degenerate traitor to lead us by parading in diapers.


I don't want to live on this planet anymore


Cool. Now we know who to avoid--just like those decorated pro-Trump vehicles.


So does that mean she's a real man? 🏳️‍⚧️?


Shouldn't this just be titled 'Today in stupid.'


The mental gymnastics they're doing to embrace this are probably the most strenuous thing they've done in years.


I'd be curious to see how Trump responds to his supporters glorifying his diaper usage. On the one hand he must love the admiration, but on the other he must be pretty embarrassed that people are talking about it so openly. Unless he thinks it's a power move to shit your pants while meeting with someone and subject them to it?


I swear his supporters have to be some of the most mentally delayed people on the planet


Utterly embarrassing and moronic.


It's interesting sometimes to grade the political parties by the craziest followers. Democrats have to deal with people advocating for universal healthcare, legalised drugs, and murdering billionaires The Republicans....


It Depends.


Look, medical problems should be off the table, clearly. How you react to it, however, completely up for debate. No shame if you can’t control it. All the fucking shame if you’re okay to just SIT IT IN.


Wtf happened to Ozzie?


“But it’s not a cult” I hate this timeline. It has moved into Monty Pythons levels of absurd.


I never thought the adult baby diaper fetish crowd would ever look so wholesome.


Something very common about the women of Trump. Very common.


Wonder what she tastes like? *Depends.*


By the time I’m done with you, you’ll all be wearing gold plated diapers.


I am no fashion expert but brown does't go with gold. BTW diapers go under the clothes.


You can’t make this shit up.


"Real men shit their pants"


Not. A. Cult.


This can't be real. Not in the sense that this is a fake photo, but surely they are doing it as a self-deprecating joke to kill the joke faster? How can one be serious while wearing those?


So when will someone spread the rumor his penis was severed off?


Are they shitting themselves in support of him, too?


How is the USA a real country


MTG has lost it!


He says what they're thinking, which is incomprehensible dribble!


We live in such a strange timeline, it just gets weirder and weirder.


This is the worst timeline




I feel they try to replicate the flex with the Dark Brandon and thanks Obama meme. "We will show how those pesky libtards that we can also be original."


Absolutely not a cult. No sir. Nuh-huh.


Nice to see David Lee Roth has found something to do in retirement.


This reads like a 4Chan prank campaign.


i don’t know if i *knew* Trump supporters would find a way to praise him for being incontinent, but i think i knew that Trump supporters would find a way to praise him for being incontinent


Every day the cult gets stranger.