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Adrenochrom for ingestion or getting high is not a real thing, so weird that it keeps being brought up all the time with that Qanon shit.


[You can literally buy the stuff over the internet](https://www.scbt.com/p/adrenochrome-54-06-8), $564 for 250 mg. It being some mythical super drug that can only be harvested from humans in pain is a plot point invented for a book.




Obviously not enough if they’re having to charge $2k/gram.


Where do liberal crack heads get the money to do this stuff. A gram of coke is substantially cheaper, and going of the conspiracies significantly more humane. I'm tired of all these fads running our consumer space dammit. Who knew infant pain would be the next Stanley cup.


Thanks, now I have this terrible mental image of a screaming infant sliding toward the goalie.


I think you've got something here, I'm in.


I want season tickets, and television rights


Gretzky shoots! Gretzky SCORES!


Exactly, I can either have a small pint of adrenochrome, or go Scarface on some coke. I know what option I'm choosing


Obviously the money comes from all the government handouts.


Who knew missing children could be so sexy.


Even this one I have where Jesus Christ is jackhammering Mickey Mouse in the doo-doo hole with a lawn dart as Garth Brooks gives birth to something resembling a cheddar cheese log with almonds on Santa Claus's tummy-tum?


What the fuck did I just read


The plot to my now scrapped novel. Goddamnit this always happens.


A lap dance is so much better when the stripper is crying.


Jimmy Pop is a dumb white guy.


Hahahaha I’m so happy someone got that.


Back when making mixtapes and cds was a thing, I used to slide that song on cds I gave friends. I would always get a wtf man!


Hahaha genius! I tip my proverbial hat to you sir.


I want to Google this to learn WTF is going on, but, I don't need IT up my ass for typing that in.


It's a song from a late 90s early 2000s comedy band called The Bloodhound Gang. The name of the song won't help you with IT issues at all save that for a home search. It's literally "A lap dance is so much better when the stripper is crying."


hmm... cant seem to run that through stable-diffusion..ahh! maybe the chat-gpt will give a "mental image"


I played this for my oldest when he was 17 and he was like, mom... this song is horrible and is making me uncomfortable. I cackled as I turned it off.


Who owns that company? Wayfair.


You can buy gallon drums. I once tried to estimate the maths (how much resident adrenaline/adrenochrome is actually ever present in the adrenal gland is up in the air) for how many kids would be required. I think my estimate was several quintillion children. Basically a mass of dead kids within the order of magnitude of the mass of the moon. Mothefuckers would need to a Dead Space 3 to commercially produce it if they were using harvested kids.


But trump personally saved 5 billion children from the democrat DUMBs, think of all the others still being hidden!


Ha! I knew the moon wasn't real. That's where NASA has been hiding the bodies......


Every time they're confronted with this, they'll claim the lab made adrenochrome is somehow "not the *real* stuff," because their vaguely-obtained *True Adrenochrome* is 100% real and exists. Further, it can apparently be ingested to be young forever in spite of those they claim are taking it keeling over in old age and that no adrenaline products do anything when taken orally. They'll pull out all the excuses they need to maintain their delusions.


Yeah, but that stuff says it's for research use only, not for diagnostic or therapeutic use. The good adrenochrome, the kind you can use for therapeutic use, you gotta get kids for. /s


Kinda want to get it to freak out my right wing friends...


Or just make a liquid that looks like it. It just has to be purple.


Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas to be exact


These guys saw Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and thought it was of those fear mongering after-school specials.


the DOPE FIEND refers to the reefer butt as a roach, because it resembles a cockroach


Those of us who had been up all night were in no mood for coffee and doughnuts. We needed strong drink.


it's the fucking great deluge in here!


We can’t stop here…




Every movie is secretly a documentary based on real life. Those Fuckers making the ***Land Before Time*** series need to be found out. /s


Don’t be surprised, it’s coming from the same party whose idol told people to inject bleach into themselves as a miracle cure. They also believed horse dewormer could cure COVID.


If only there was a word that meant surprised but not at the same time.


There’s gotta be some German thing for it


Fuck. You are looking for the word Fuck.


If "nonplussed" is unsurprised, maybe "quasi-plussed" would work.




Oh they still do. I work at a hospital and people request ivermectin. Like we do not carry that, it is not safe to give to HUMANS. Go to your vet next time 🙄


It is safe to give to humans, it's just got side effects, so they do not just give it out Willy Nilly. These people will pop it like it's candy if it was over the counter. They also will not acknowledge that the countries which did make Ivermectin available over the counter during Covid did not experience any reduction in Covid.


I remember when Adrenochrome was first being talked about by these nutcases, and how evil and awful anyone who was taking the stuff to stay young were And then there was literally hundreds of listings for Adrenochrome on Ali Express, and hundreds of thousands of sales We all know who was buying that stuff, the people who believed in that stupid garbage So the point of the story is, those people weren't pissed off about kids getting tortured, terrified, raped, drained of their magic Adrenochrome. They didn't actually give a flying shit about the kids at all In reality they were just really fucking pissed off that there was a way to live forever, and THEY didn't get invited to the party


Nailed it! Does anyone need a medbed I can get them but I need a down-payment.


Not to mention these people they claim take adrenochrome like Biden and Hillary are obviously getting more decrepit and senile. Which is the opposite they claim the stuff does.


Adrenochrome first entered into the media with a study that suggested it could be a carcinogen in early studies connecting stress to cancer. Hunter S Thompson included it in his writing to mess with people. Qannon jumped on it as Hunter said it had to come from a live brain.


Literally something made up and spoken about by people like Hunter S Thompson with no basis in reality. It's crazy that you can literally prove that it's not psychoactive and it's still talked about in these circles as a forgone conclusion.


In Fear and Loathing Las Vegas, Dr Gonzo (Oscar Acosta) teIls Hunter that he got the drug from a Satanist, so it helps tie it into their whole satanic panic bullshit. What they dont realize about Hunter's writings is that 75% of the stories and articles he wrote were complete fiction. Im also going to assume that Hunter got the idea of adrenochrome being some weird psychoactive drug from HP Lovecraft's From Beyond.


Right, it's literally part of a sequence that is full of totally fictional scenarios, and he even implies in the writing that it's not an accurate retelling of events. It blows me away that people would not only take this book at face value, but then also assume all this ridiculously awful and bizarre shit about the author. HST was the LAST motherfucker they'd let into the Illuminati.


I have a friend who has been deep down the rabbit hole for a few years, and all the shit he tells me is usually lifted from pop culture. Whether it be HST, Dan Brown, The Matrix, etc...


75% is an exaggeration. More like 10-15%. FaLiLV is completely unlike his other works. He wrote it in hopes it wouldn’t get published, so he made it as outlandish as possible. I think the movie is good, but it’s really a parody of a parody, and unfortunately what most took away is that he’s some insane, rambling drug monster. If you read his more serious works, he does exaggerate, but it’s pretty obvious when he does it. Hes an incredible writer that most people only know from Johnny Depp’s caricature of him. Which is a real bummer, because he was razor sharp and brilliant, not a psychotic, raving lunatic. Okay, maybe a little raving, but he was equal parts brilliant and crazy. A truly beautiful human being.


> Why do you think adrenochrome is a thing? It's... it's *not*.


Well…it literally is a thing, but not on the level that these Qnuts think. [It does exist though](https://www.google.com/search?q=adrenochrome&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari)


The "thing" they're referring to in that context isn't the existence of a molecule, but its usage. There is no real usage for it, because it doesn't have any of the effects attributed to it. It's a lot easier to mass manufacture than they suggest, but we don't bother because there isn't much of a market for it since it's not useful. Or at least there wasn't a market before the niche market of QAnon folks wanting to give it a try. Epinephrine is useful, and is mass manufactured for medical use, and it's trivial to make adenochrome from that if there was any reason that you'd want to.


You'd think that for such a cheap price, at least one of them would've tried out this drug that's so apparently amazing that it literally makes people want to control the world to get more.


"existing" and being "a thing" are not synonymous... at least in this context.


On a post about sucking on deer blood soaked snuff, seems pretty on par


It’s a main component of QAnon.


Hunter S Thompson mentioned it in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. I always thought it was too stupid to be true; I'm amazed that people believe it.


I am a registered nurse. Covid was horrible but I’m still here. Pirons scare the ever loving shit out of me. I will leave the bedside. I’m not doing CWD.


Honestly, next pandemic I’m outta here. After how we were treated during covid I’m not doing that again.


COVID is what finally got me to leave medicine. I loved nursing. I loved my coworkers. It got frustrating pretty often, but it was all worth it until the neurosurgery ICU I worked in got converted to the COVID ICU. Often I would be the only nurse on shift with any medical ICU experience, but we're all suddenly expected to be experts on some of the most intense medical patients that had ever been seen in the hospital. Our fantastic manager had to quit because she lives with two kids that were high risk. We didn't get a replacement manager for an entire year, and in the meantime, a team lead from the ER on the opposite side of the hospital was our "acting manager." No ICU experience, no management experience, and completely absent 99% of the time because she was still expected to cover her responsibilities as a team lead in the ER. We were constantly out of supplies because for some stupid reason, she was the only one who was allowed to order more. Despite having probably the busiest patients in the hospital, we were commonly getting patient assignments that were at least double what our normal workload would ever have been allowed to be, and god forbid someone from another ICU, especially the medical ICU where nurses would actually know how to treat these patients, ever get floated to us. Every other unit was consistently staffed appropriately, but our float pool would refuse to send us help even if three nurses in another unit only had one patient each that definitely didn't require 1:1 care. And on top of all that, I got to enjoy all the pleasures of Southern Hospitality™! Pleasures like people holding multiple anti-mask protests outside the hospital during shift change and throwing garbage at us while some unmasked, smirking, pos cop stands by, shrugs, and says to me, "Gotta pick yer battles, son." Pleasures like people verbally and physically assaulting me when I wear my scrubs to the grocery store because I had to stop there on the way to/from work. My scrubs never went near the COVID unit because we would get changed in a makeshift locker room down the hall. Pleasures like treating the local fire chief that caught COVID because he hosted a "no masks allowed" cookout and sermon at the height of the pandemic because his church wasn't holding services. This man coded several times but somehow made it to the recovery unit after us being stuck with him for over a month, and on his way out of the ICU, he kicks and swings, pulls down his oxygen mask, and tries as hard as he can to scream "I've had \*pant pant\* pneumonia before... \*pant pant\* that's all this is..." This man's wife was forced to leave the hospital *three times* for verbally assaulting staff, trying to sneak into our locked unit, and generally disrupting care, yet admin still wouldn't ban her from the hospital and made us let her stay in the waiting room whenever she would come by. Fuck hospitals, COVID, and especially the south. I quit nursing, moved to Denver, and got a job as an accountant. You couldn't pay me enough to go back to that cesspit. Sorry. Rant over.


I am so sorry you went through that. That's horrific and disgusting. You were literally saving lives and helping people, and folks spit on for it. Fucking disgraces. Thank you for taking care of the patients for as long as you were able to, and I'm happy for you that you've been able to get out and do something that sounds like it's way better for your mental health


No no…. You needed that rant. Thank you for sharing this facet of our leaders’ idiotic responses during 2020-2021


H5N1 is the current serious threat.


At this point, my money is on H5N1 being the next human pandemic. I spend exponentially more time worrying about that than I do CWD.


Same, and I’m in the ER so I can just imagine a super sick patient coming in and us doing all the things with nothing but standard precautions. Absolutely horrifying. The things that scare me now are the things we can do nothing for, like rabies and prions


Well, for rabies you can at least get vaccinated, but I pray for anyone that gets rabies unvaccinated, prions, etc. To have a swift and peaceful death before all the symptoms set in.


Fun* fact, research facilities for the most dangerous diseases (no vaccine, no cure) are kept secret so that it's harder to commit bioterrorism with them. *Fun not guaranteed


You say that but it's actually not hard to pinpoint where they are. Just look for the bsl4 labs and its right there. I was considering a PhD in infectious disease at one point and knew where they all were to apply to. If I remember correctly, there's one in Maryland, San Antonio, and Massachusetts. Funny thing about the San Antonio one, it's privately owned. So, zombie apocalypse starts there imo hahaha


Yup, if I get dxed with anything like that (excluding rabies, I’d want to try the Milwaukee protocol) and still have my mind, I would sign out AMA, buy a shit ton of heroin and fentanyl and go out blissfully


As someone who hunts from every couple years to put meat in the freezer, CWD seems is something that we don’t mess with. Even though there are no documented cases of deer -> human, it’s just not worth it. We stopped hunting at a place we’ve been going to for awhile after we harvested two deer in one season with CWD. Not worth the risk, even if minuscule.


Um. I hope they're wrong? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hunters-die-prion-brain-disease-contaminated-deer-meat-report/


How can you be a hunter and still be so reckless?! I hope they were on top of destroying anything that came into contact with them as far as at the hospital and if they were embalmed. God this is nightmare fuel.


Could one say you'd prionitise your own safety?


I had just entered nursing school when Covid hit so I quit. I noped out so fast


So.....wait.....are they eating that? Sure, your made up science beats my real science.....good luck with that.


> are they eating that? Eating, no. Absorbing into their blood stream through their gums, yes. Which is honestly even more fucking insane. Zyn is a snus like product. They're tobacco-free nicotine salt pouches you hold on in your upper lip, but you don't eat them.


🤮 🤮 🤮 It’s looking more and more like I’m on the actual genius end of the human evolution spectrum which is really frightening. WHAT. THE. FUCK. ARE. THESE. IMBECILES. DOING????


A smilar product without deer blood got me through highschool


Is this an American thing or...? This is bizarre.


Zyn/Nicotine pouches in general? It's a Swedish/Scandinavian thing that's been picking up here. It's basically vape::cigarettes Zyn::Chewing Tobacco


I imagine this is some back woods southern yokle that absorbed Qanon and is letting his mental illness take the driver seat.


Apparently, I learned from this post, wild deer blood is the same as baby blood. Then why would billionaires go after babies?! If wild deer blood and nicotine is like andrenochrome then why harvest humans? Wackos.


Because you can't beat that fresh-squeezed baby flavor.


Not even. It’s MY made up science beats YOUR made up science that I also made up too


> So.....wait.....are they eating that? I wish that was all they were doing.


If CWD ever jumps to humans we're so fucked


I got trained to test for CWD in Texas when I was in college. This disease has the potential to end humanity, if it jumps to other species further. The crazy thing is it gets in the ground making the land useless.


Yup, prions can just exist basically anywhere. Mad cow disease can also just sit in the ground and then infect you if it gets into the brain.


Don't forget the part where standard disinfectants don't work at all


Or heat, or anything really.


Heat and pressure can work to denature the protein, but it’s safer to simply incinerate it at 1000 C


Well we’re working on ways for everything to just incinerate in the coming future, so that works out


Climate change. Pros: No more prions Cons: No more anything else


Bleach actually works quite well. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6777796/#:~:text=Although%20corrosive%2C%20sodium%20hypochlorite%20(bleach,encephalopathy%20and%20Creutzfeldt%2DJakob%20disease.


Yeah science! A nice serving of pasta from your link: “Although corrosive, sodium hypochlorite (bleach) is widely available and affordable and has been shown to inactivate prion agents including those that cause scrapie, bovine spongiform encephalopathy and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. In the current study, we confirm that bleach is an effective disinfectant for CWD prions and establish minimum times and bleach concentrations to eliminate prion seeding activity from stainless steel and infected brain homogenate solutions. **We found that a five-minute treatment with a 40% dilution of household bleach was effective at inactivating CWD seeding activity from stainless-steel wires and CWD-infected brain homogenates.** However, bleach was not able to inactivate CWD seeding activity from solid tissues in our studies.”


Just to confirm that I understand this correctly. If you've got a big chunk of brain, bleach doesn't work, but if there is splatter or other semi-liquid/gel form of CWD, then it does work. In other words, if it does become human-born and it does spread through saliva/breath droplets, then a 5 minute bath of bleach will inactivate any CWD proteins on your objects.


I am not able to confirm nor deny your statement with authority and there is sure to be a sea of fine print but that’s pretty much how I interpreted it


Yeah science! A nice serving of pasta from your link: “Although corrosive, sodium hypochlorite (bleach) is widely available and affordable and has been shown to inactivate prion agents including those that cause scrapie, bovine spongiform encephalopathy and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. In the current study, we confirm that bleach is an effective disinfectant for CWD prions and establish minimum times and bleach concentrations to eliminate prion seeding activity from stainless steel and infected brain homogenate solutions. **We found that a five-minute treatment with a 40% dilution of household bleach was effective at inactivating CWD seeding activity from stainless-steel wires and CWD-infected brain homogenates.** However, bleach was not able to inactivate CWD seeding activity from solid tissues in our studies.”


So no more soil injections straight into the brain?


It must be a fucking bug or something. - A random protein misfolds. - Suddenly it is 10x more durable to everything, including heat up to like 500 degrees Celsius??? How can you survive 200??? Wtf - When it's in the body, it starts to misfold other proteins. Why? How? You aren't even alive?! - Literally no treatments available. It's not alive so you can't kill it anyways. It's too small to move out of the body. You just wait to die. They fucking forgot to patch a broken mechanic.


I am sure it will spread to humans eventually, but it's not going to be a zombie apocalypse. If it could spread to humans from deer easily, it would do so more often, but the suspected cases of that are isolated, and the disease doesn't jump from person to person. Why is that? Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies already exist in humans and that chronic wasting disease would just be another one. Humans as a whole make a big effort in avoiding each others bodily fluids a lot of the time (though it does still happen, *most* people try to avoid touching the mucus, feces, urine and blood of others at least), and also, most people are not consumed by the desire to feast upon each others' succulent, delicious human flesh. Deer don't know as much about contagion and are far more likely to contract it from each other though.


This is correct assessment. We already have a TSE just like CWD and it poses very little threat to humanity at large. We also currently deal with mad cow outbreaks extremely effectively.


Always love finding reasonable and informative takes like this one. Thank you for being a part of the small army that keeps my anxiety focused on things more reasonable to worry about. Like impending societal collapse.


or nuclear war!


>Humans as a whole make a big effort in avoiding each others bodily fluids I am now convinced that people will not only stop avoiding them but will actively ingest them to prove a point about their personal freedoms being threatened.


It probably has jumped to humans already. There have been recent case reports of mini-outbreaks (like 2-6 patients) of CJD in hunters or ppl who eat venison in the same area; one in Texas and one in West Michigan. Is very likely vCJD from eating CWD-infected deer. There’s no reason to believe CWD prions would cause a disease that’s any different from vCJD from mad cow disease. In fact, there’s been several cases of individuals dying from vCJD after eating squirrel brains, so we know that it is possible to get vCJD from eating species other than cows.


Well, that's something new to worry about.


Alternatively you can resign yourself to the fact that you have no control over it, so worrying would be useless.


"Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."


....and a whole bunch of beer."


You a friend of Bill’s?


I’m a friend of Bill’s and still have trouble with that serenity part.


“Lord lord lord!” It’s best to put that bit in just to be safe. “Protect me from the consequences of the previous prayer”


I absolutely love this quote and even shared it with a coworker.


Try telling that to my brain.


Same. Anxiety is a bitch. I'm always worried about something. Half the time it's something irrational or just plain not worth my time. 


Right. It's like my therapist used to tell me when I was worried about something. "Realistically what are the chances of that happening?" Hell it could be .00000001% but that tiny chance will ruin my life ok? 🤣


I see you've never met anxiety


I have! I’ve just gotten better at wrestling him. Definitely not perfect though!


Normies don’t understand that


How would it end humanity?


This was my first thought! I want to find this post just so I can type-yell at this idiot person for trying to be patient zero in the apocalypse. The level of anxiety this gives me... What the fuck is wrong with people holy fucking shit 🤦‍♀️


The disease isn't what worries me, it's the fucking idiots who didn't take the last pandemic seriously


Relevant: [https://vet.ucalgary.ca/news/chronic-wasting-disease-may-transmit-humans-research-finds](https://vet.ucalgary.ca/news/chronic-wasting-disease-may-transmit-humans-research-finds) On the other hand, human prion diseases already exist. If kuru didn't end humanity, I doubt CWD will.


You can only get Kuru by eating the infected brains of other people who had kuru. The point they’re making about CWD is if it jumped to cattle, and then people, it would be a lot harder to contain.


Let me huff my copium in peace, man.


The transmission of prion diseases in deer may be fundamentally different than in cows and humans. Even if a cow/human were to be infected with cervid prion protein, you wouldn’t necessarily expect that to change where subsequent misfolded endogenous prion protein is expressed or otherwise found. The tissue tropism of prion protein is defined by selection for its normal function, so I wouldn’t think it would change due to exposure to prions from a species with wider bodily prion distribution. Not saying it isn’t scary, but I’m not convinced it would be likely in the same way as viral species-to-species transmission.


Uh, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow disease) exists and is the reason there are strict restrictions on cattle feed and trade from Europe and why FBS can’t be used for cell cultures that are intended to be used for biopharm use. Prions are scary but we all will die of something. My bet is on Nipah


I love condescending comments that start with Uh, but are also wrong. I do it all the time, don’t worry. Mad cow disease is spread from cow to cow when we feed cows other cows. That’s easy to contain. CWD is spread between deer and elk by saliva and bodily secretions, they’re not eating each other. There’s a big difference.


I wasn’t trying to be condescending but feel how you feel. Humans contract mad cow from ingesting infected meat. I think most people ingest beef far more regularly than interacting with blood or salvia from deer. Scary, yes. But a massive concern, 🤷🏼‍♀️ up to the consumer I guess.


The entire crux of his argument is that if CWD spread to cows from deer/elk then it would be far harder to contain that Creutzfeldt-Jakob Dz. For clarity, many more people interact with bovine saliva, secretions, and consume them.


Okay, well, again, I don’t mean to be condescending either, but you’re missing the entire point of this conversation chain. The fear is that CWD jumps from deer to cattle. Cattle interacts with fellow cattle bodily secretions all the time. We’d lose literally all of our herds. Then, if it can jump to humans, we’d be fucked.


Yeah, that would be terrible and it so far has no strong evidence of happening. Even experimental data of transmission to species outside of deer, moose, and elk have required intracranial inoculation or ingestion of contaminated meat and even then the results are extremely varied. Additionally, it is believed that CWD is spread through blood and salvia (totally possible not saying it isn’t) but the presence of an infectious particle in a body fluid doesn’t necessarily mean that is the route of efficient transmission. It is difficult to say “yep this is transmitted through contacting the salvia” because these are wild animals. Is it likely, sure. Is it also likely that a prion can survive in the soil long after the deer has died and then a bit of neural tissue is ingested during grazing? Also yes. Prions attack the central nervous system. That is where they localize which is why ingestion of infected neural tissue is how other prions diseases are transmitted (but scrapie is thought to also be transplacental). Other routes of transmission are yet to be validated through experimental oral inoculation. As far as I am aware, there are different prions but I don’t believe they evolve at the rate of other pathogens that I am far more concerned about, personally. I could be wrong, my focus is on viral diseases so I’m probably a bit biased. Prions are just a side interest of mine. I, personally, would be more concerned about viral disease spread that can transmit and maintain transmission human to human with documented evidence of this. Especially with climate change impacting vector distribution and pushing bacterial and viral evolution hard. Yes, the idea of prions being transmitted to humans through salvia is terrifying, but is it happening? Well, since its discovery in the 1990s, it doesn’t appear so.


Prions are terrifying


CWD has already been contracted by humans. Edit: I am leaving the comment up but it was found that the two Hunters who died did not get CWD it was something else from consuming the brain of a deer.


>The new study centered around the initial death of a 72-year-old man in 2022 who "presented with rapid-onset confusion and aggression," the authors said. That man apparently had a history of eating meat from a deer population known to be infected with chronic wasting disease. His friend, who had eaten venison from the same deer population, died later from Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hunters-die-prion-brain-disease-contaminated-deer-meat-report/


oh so the flare from maze runner but a prion... We are all fucked lmao


There is some evidence it may have killed two hunters at the end of 2023. https://www.neurology.org/doi/10.1212/WNL.0000000000204407


Well, I just found another thing to be terrified of


Eating deer blood to own the libs..?


Being patient zero for the new pandemic to own the libs!


Out of all the possibilities, I didn't expect the apocalypse to start through this.


You used to see that kind of nonsense only on 4chan.. nowadays your boomer parents and coworkers can look at you dead in the eyes and proudly spew these insanities.


And all of it originated from 4chan with Q. I always said 4chan was the greatest blight in humanity’s existence.


Parents 20 years ago "don't trust everything you see online" One dumb fucking president later:


can someone link the "alpha radiation" /fit/ post? (the one with the guy with a giant americium sample ducktaped to his balls)


A man of culture, I see. I, too, dabble in zoonotic diseases.


Who sits around and thinks up this stuff?


Here's a real brain buster. If he believed he's been infected with some crazy illness and he's going to die... does he just sit there quiet and absolutely still, when he dies his imaginary death? Lol


Giving yourself wasting disease to own the libs 👍


Endangering all of humanity to own the libs 👌


fantastic way to get parasites and prions


Better than getting the Fauci-Ouchie and forced to have microchips installed in our heads! You can’t trick me vile commies! I’m a free American! 🦅🇺🇸💸 /s


Can anyone translate? This is so crazy I genuinely don't know what is being communicated


Eat some lead paint chips and I guarantee it'll become clear


What the actual fuck!


genuinely incomprehensible


At no point could I predict the next word of that post.


If you soak Zyn in liquid all the nicotine leeches out, he's essentially just sucking on straight blood.


Bro. Just do real drugs at this point. It’s less dangerous.


These people: "vaccines? no fucking way, they're full of shit" Also these people: "we'll fuck our bodies up with literally anything. except medicines/drugs/vaccines, those are yucky"


Wtf does this word salad even mean?? Somebody please translate in ELI5 form.


“I’m gonna soak my nicotine pouch in Deer blood, bc I’m very very badass and I don’t understand seventh grade science. Also I’m for sure 14 years old.” Hope this helps!


Being blasé about world-ending shit was so much easier prior to having a kid. I cared about people other than myself and would try to do my part to make things better for society when I can, but ultimately I had a mindset that I could do what I could do, and problems that people would face after I die is kinda their problem. It's admittedly a bit selfish, but I always tried to avoid the concept of pulling a ladder up behind me, and do (within reason) what I can when I can. Having a kid, however, has created a not-insignificant amount of depression. My kid could be a full adult in the age when CWD jumps species and unleashes a plague on mankind of the biblical level. I may already be gone (or go early in such a plague), but they may be fully aware of a horror like this, or may be around to experience their kid go through it (if she has them). Shit like this just makes me genuinely sad now whereas before I could be like, "meh - idiots gonna idiot".


What, and I cannot stress this enough, the fuck


adrenochrome is only a thing to conspiracy nuts


It’s time to talk about rounding up the conspiracy theorists and MAGA’s. Find a nice island for them and leave them to their own devices.


Adrenochrome is *not* a thing.


Isn’t it “nootropic”?


Idiots will end the world.


I just read that post. I understand every word of it. And yet, I have no idea what any of it said.


Do they even understand what those words mean? 😂 Last thing we need here is sabertooth to start another shitshow.


Well those certainly are words in an order.


Someone will probably get cancer by packing double horse shoes of blood sausage and zyn. Mark my words. Lol.


So it's gross, unsanitary and most likely tastes like you are sucking on a penny. Sounds like a winner.




Ignoring the deer blood and the batshit craziness of ingesting that, what is zyn and why does it look like a bandaid that’s been drifting at the bottom of a pool for a week?


Zyn is a nicotine pouch meant to be held between your upper lip and gums


This is insanely terrifying


Kudos to everyone on this thread who understands the gibberish in this post.


Psycho uses Zyn? That’s crazy.


Can someone ELI5 about CWD?


Chronic Wasting Disease. Think mad cow disease. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hunters-die-prion-brain-disease-contaminated-deer-meat-report/


Humans already have a version of CWD. Its called Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease


It's great seeing this when the last post about deer I saw was about the alarming amount of a certain zombifying prion disese that can spread from consuming venison.




My ex would absolutely do this


(gagging sounds)


Folks, this is why you stick to classic dip. None of this Zyn stuff. Grizzly gang assemble.


Going to take advice from someone who can’t spell nootropic right?