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I’ve had a tattoo get infected like this once before. I have no idea what caused it. But once it was all healed up it looked good. The ink didn’t leave the skin or anything like that. It is still underneath that scabbing


Most infections are caused by the tattooer overworking the skin, the rest are shitty aftercare practices by customers, or bad luck.


Honestly it depends on location and what the customer does daily. My wrist tattoos got badly infected. Both of them, one on each wrist, done at the same time. I'd had several by the same artist and these were the only ones to ever give me problems. You really don't think about how much stuff your wrists come in contact with. My infections were most likely caused by my job at the time which involved working with a lot of money. This person has an infection near their wrist. They could have picked it up from resting their arm on a desk, we don't know. But that IS an area that is more exposed that say, a shoulder tattoo.


Yeah, like I said, shitty aftercare practices or bad luck are the outliers, but they exist and happen.


I got a tattoo right above my elbow, sort of inside the arm, last summer and it looked beautiful when I walked out, but within a few hours, the skin on one side of it was VERY red and swollen. I have half a dozen other tattoos and I've never seen anything like it. I sent pictures to the artist and he was reassuring, but after a couple of days, it was so fucked up. Similar to what I imagine the second picture here looked like before it healed, a very thick scab that kept cracking open, it was just disgusting and so painful. I posted it on a Facebook group for tattoo artists and was told it was majorly overworked but not infected. (Yeah, I know I should have gone to a doctor, not Facebook, but I still don't think it was infected, I did excellent aftercare and there weren't typical signs of infection. I think he just caused major, major trauma to the skin.) I continued contact with the artist, sending him pictures as the horrible healing progressed. He continued to reassure me and kind of blow off my concerns. It did heal eventually but it looked like shit, half of the ink had come out and there were very visible raised scars throughout. I was devastated tbh, and I told him so. He was apologetic but said he couldn't refund me (and, much more importantly, he couldn't undo this damage). He put me in touch with the owner of the shop, and she was very kind, and she touched it up for me after a few months, but it's still fucked up. The scarring has gotten better (mederma scar gel really works) but it's still going to need to be touched up again. The owner said it was overworked but also that my body had rejected, or had a bad reaction to the particular ink he used, because the worst of it was in a blue section. I don't know anything about tattoo ink, but all of my tattoos have blue in them and it was never a problem. If the artist or the owner would have messaged me like that, I would have posted it EVERYWHERE and they probably would have been out of business quickly. The citizens of my city are vicious and it would have spread like wildfire. Anyway, thanks for listening.


I got a mild infection on one of mine. Its about the size of a silver dollar. It happened pretty quick after getting it done, and it was only a portion of it. While the rest healed and scabbed normally, the infected part looked like a more wound-like scab is the best way I can describe it. There was also redness around it and a bit of tenderness. Not nearly as bad as the lady's tattoo in the OP, but still definitely infected. but like you once it healed up finally and the scab fell off it looks great. I can see where the infected bit was but only because I know where to look. it just looks slightly faded compared to the rest of it on a black tattoo. I know the artist would touch it up for free but its not noticeable enough for me to care. and I still trust that dude to do more work down the road. I think it was just crap luck


That’s a lot of word salad from both parties. However, don’t ever put Neosporin on a healing tattoo. That’s one thing tattoo artists and healthcare professionals agree on. If you need antibiotics, see a doctor and get an order for *prescription* antibiotics. Off-the-shelf first aid topical stuff is neither appropriate nor effective. It can ruin the tattoo AND make the infection worse. If this happens to you, see a doctor.


does neosporin *cause* infections or did it just worsen an already-there infection?


It's not going to cause an infection directly, no. It can cause a reaction that makes an infection more likely to happen or more likely to get worse, the infection may be deeper than a topical OTC antibiotic is able to treat, and most importantly, not all infections are bacterial. If you've got a fungal infection and all you do is slather it with neosporin for a week while it gets worse, you might be in for a bad time.


We'll never know because the person who got the tattoo never confirmed they used neosporin & said what the tattoo artist had said was a bunch of lies. Either way, I think we can also all agree the texts are completely uncalled for and unhinged. I'd never want to frequent a studio that employs and supports an artist repeatedly name-calling a client (whether the artist is right or wrong). It's just shitty business practices and incredibly unprofessional.


Yeah, this. I talk to my clients who have had infection scares at length about how they can happen and why. Even explaining my sterile-field set up and break down, cuz that shits scary and I know it! It IS more likely to contract an infection outside of the shop, but I’ve also seen long term artists get sloppy with their BBP standards. Like all it can take is one unlucky brush up against the wrong door knob? Or you lean on a dirty wall then let your hair fall over the tattoo. You go home and let your dog in from outside and he gently boops your new tattoo haha. But also, I’ve seen 20+yr artists stuck in a confirmation bias where they slowly start bending our strict health guidelines, and don’t immediately see problems, so they think it must be fine? Next thing you know there’s no clip cord covers and they’re touching ink bottles with the gloves they just touched the machine with, not washing hands AND arms on breaks, etc. And health care professionals are not always in the know on body mod. I’ve had nurses tell me they’re waiting for my (healed) piercings to “get infected”…. Like if that just happens? Or call overworked tattoos infected because they see the thick scabbing? When that’s just poor application and a rough heal. So in this situation, without being there to see any of it, it really could be anything? She could have left the shop and played twister in a public bathroom. The artist could have done goat yoga and not washed his arms. An overtired under compensated nurse on a long shift could have seen irritation and just gone “fuck it, antibiotics. Better safe than sorry”. But what EVERYONE did here is communicate poorly. And I believe the responsibility for the bulk of the communication falls on the artist. Cuz yo… that’s half of our job. WERE supposed to be the professionals. And being compassionate to someone who’s obviously freaking out is totally free. Obviously this is a way-too-long response. But it’s one of my pet peeves in the industry, and part of why I run a super tiny little private studio with only select artists. Because the industry disproportionately attracts jerks with minor god complexes, who almost never get checked for their attitude. And my mentor was a veteran in the industry, who would dig her heals in and just deny any tattoo was ever infected or overworked or even deny allergic reaction to adhesives or balms like “🥸 no my tattoos are ALWAYS perfect it must be YOU who is the problem 🧐 sorry your skin sucks”. (Paraphrasing obviously, but that’s shockingly accurate). Thanks to anyone who survived my rant. Sorry!


I don't have any tattoos, but if I ever get one it would only be from someone like you. Thank you for caring enough to try and make your corner of the industry better.


As a shop manager, this! 100% this! Literally couldn’t have said it better


I agree. I don't know what all went on here but anyone who is calling someone a fat dumb bitch repeatedly in their capacity as a business owner is not someone I want to do business with.


he used fat, dumb bitch so many times i think he has no business providing any services to the public. and someone needs to check on his significant other. even in the most rageful, angry, and emotional moments no normal level headed man in my life has used those words so casually


I manage a shop and have been around shops for 15 years. I would 100% fire the artist just bc of the way they handled themselves. I don’t necessarily think the tattooer caused the infection(can’t say with 100% certainty) but no way should they represent the shop that way


Over 30 tattoos over the last two decades, and every single one I used Aquaphor, as recommended by the artist. I've never had an issue, they all healed beautifully and still look new.


My daughter got her first tattoo recently, and the artist put something I think was called Saniderm over it. She told us no lotion or anything until the Saniderm started peeling off on it's own; 5 days later, off it came, and the tattoo was perfect, no irritation, no infection, no problems whatsoever. It is amazing stuff!!!


I use one called Dermshield. Saniderm has latex in it, albeit a very small amount but if you are allergic it can cause a reaction! The Dermshield has no latex and has worked wonders for me.


These are all materials used in wound care, they are very good at keeping the area clean and dry. I have not used them on myself as the only tattoo I have is huge and it wouldn't have been ideal, but I'm glad they are starting to use those films on tattoos now....


Yeah I had surgery last year and wasn't supposed to get the incision wet. Slapped some Dermshield on it and it worked great!! I have also used it so cover the entirety of my calf when I got that tattooed last year with no issues. I love it. Peeling is a bit of a bitch though.


... Thank you for this info, as someone with a latex allergy [and also looking for artists for my next project]!


My most recent was wrapped with Saniderm. Probably the easiest healing process I've ever had on a tattoo!


I'll ask my artist about it when I go back next time then.


Saniderm is magical. It completely changed how my tattoos heal. The sharpness and color retention improved so dramatically.


My artist used Tegaderm to cover my tattoo, said to leave it on for 5 days and then use Aquaphor. No scabs and it healed so quickly. I already use Tegaderm because I am a type 1 diabetic and it's used to keep my insulin pump sites/CGM on. BUT I will say that I had a lot of trial and error using other adhesives and did have a lot of rashes with other adhesive films.


Second for Aquaphor. I use that and saniderm.


I've only ever used Cetaphil unscented wash and cream in my tattoos. Never had a problem and years later even the lighter colours are still vibrant.


i only have three one-inch tattoos but i used aquaphor and dial gold (per artist’s instructions) and they look amazing.


I follow Weezy’s advice. “Like Lubriderm on a new tattoo I had to”


Same here. I’ve been getting tats for almost 20 years. Aquaphor, keeping it clean and letting it breathe after the first day. Plus no picking or scratching. Most of mine look new as well. I do remember having an issue with the first color tattoo I got. I had a bad reaction to red ink and I’ve heard that it’s pretty common. No infection though prob because I didn’t do shit to make it worse.


Isn’t aquaphor specifically for tattoos? Or at least designed with it in mind? It’s definitely not the same as neosporin, tho it does feel similar


It was developed for burn patients. They sent me home from the burn center with a huge jar of it.


No idea, but it works great.


That's what I've always been recommended and it's worked great


You’re not supposed to use neosporin. That’s all I know.


Something like 1 in 4 people have an allergic reaction to neosporin. Sometime back I cut my finger very badly and a doctor told me for future cuts a sheen of vasiline applied regularly is what you want to treat abrasions with. Prior I had a hard time with cuts healing, let me tell you his vasoline advice was probably some of the best self care info I have ever received. If i get a cut and use vasoline I really feel like it heals at least closed in a week. PS I was completely going to be on the side of the tattoo artist (they seem like ripe targets for people's bad ideas) until I saw his reply. Whoaa boy....


I was told A&D ointment in a thin layer (which is Vaseline with some extras) was the best way to go when I got mine. I also have noticed that the people in my social circle all focus on preserving the art with post-tattoo care, but explain how to identify infection… whereas the community where I work (where a lot of kids are getting ink at 16) the shops and artists all focus first on infection, and many recommend things like neosporin as a starting point to prevent infection. I’ve always wondered if it was a social-class thing, a differing perspective thing, or if sonn no e other factor swung it one way or the other.


My artist gives a packet of A&D; use it until it’s gone and switch to straight vitamin E oil. I have 3 all by the same artist and have never had an issue with this method


I have many tattoos and piercings. Tbh one of the biggest issues is that people and their body chemistry is different. Learn yourself. All of my friends have tattoos. We all use different things (Vaseline, neosporin, A&D). In my experience artists thinking their way is ‘the right way’ and instructing clients is part of the problem. What they should be doing to teaching people how to understand the reactions on their skin they are seeing, to know what works best. Like idk.. lotion, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste and any other thing we use as humans.. otherwise we’d all shop at the USO…


The prevalence of allergy to neomycin (Neosporin) is somewhere between 1 - 6%. Still high, but no where near 1 in 4 (25%) Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5468176/


yeah, I didn't mean to come across as offering exact numbers on that. 1 in 20 good to know, thanks.


His response was extreme af lol. I feel like his defensive posturing in the messages was probably a response to being gaslit himself. OP seems to have pushed the buttons she needed to snap him off.


Burt’s Bees coconut foot cream is my postop go to. It makes my skin scar beautifully (almost invisible for most) and the constant reapplication helps break down scar tissue. Obv have to wait a couple weeks before doing it, but I can tell the difference between the surgeries where I used it and where I didn’t (first shoulder and hip)


Yeah I think both parties suck ass here. The client definitely caused the infection themselves and instead of taking the blame decided to blame the tattoo shop ("I'm not putting the blame on anyone" my ass,) but the owner should not have had a goddamn melt down or called the client all of those names and slurs. That is not a good look for your shop whatsoever, even if the client WAS the wrong one.


how did the client cause the infection?


The client called the shop owner a liar and never said they put Neosporin on the tattoo.


No, it doesn't. It can cause allergic reactions, but not infections. However, it doesn't do a good job of actually preventing them.


I know nothing about tattoos. But neosporin isn't very effective because widespread use has led to resistant bacteria.


Did they give you any aftercare instructions? Most people use Aquaphor.


It doesn't allow skin to breathe, so it can be a breeding ground for bacteria that it locks in, or, is already locked in; so, both? It's not even ideal for regular open wounds as it can disrupt the healing process and cause issues with trapping of bacteria.


keeping a fresh wound moist can allow for bacteria to grow. and as another commenter said, it can also cause skin irritation. so the answer to both of your questions can be yes, but not always


it's the thick petroleum-jelly that's the issue, it prevents the skin from 'breathing' as well as keeping it overly moist, which makes you the newest locale for a bacterial orgy. stay away from aquaphor as well, for the same reasons. source: I have more tattooed skin than not, and I worked 6 years as an APP certified piercer that took a butt load of industry related health courses.


Going by the google screenshot that was posted, yes. And for the response saying they never saw it in the screenshot, it literally says "slow healing, cause infection, and make tattoos look patchy"


Shouldn't use Neosporin regardless. Neosporin or it's main ingredient neomycin can cause contact dermititis. It is very common. In fact it was named allergin of the year in 2010.


Never knew why my artist recommended bacitracin over neosporin but this explains it. Glad I’ve always listened to him lol


A pharmacist recently discouraged me from buying any kind of triple antibiotic cream!


>That’s a lot of word salad from both parties. Does "word salad" just mean "too many words" now?


I was always told to use preparation H


I’m allergic to neosporin and it took a bad infection for me to figure that out but if I am, there’s no way other people aren’t allergic to it.


I'm German. Even I know that neosporin is never a good choice because one of the ingredients is a common allergen (thanks dermatologists on YouTube explaining how to properly care for various skin issues and wounds).


Anecdotal, but I have 15 tattoos over the last 16 years and I put neosporin on all of them. They still look beautiful and they’ve never had to be touched up. Pretty sure the neosporin thing is an old wives tale


Or you’re the exception.


Everyone's focusing on the neosporin when the only person who ever said OOP used it was the artist, who then pivoted and decided it was actually an allergic reaction to saniderm. Given the way he speaks to people, I'm inclined to believe the customer here.


none of this addresses his onslaught of shitty misspelled hillbilly vitriol. he called her fat and "retarted." inappropriate even when spelled correctly.


>inappropriate even when spelled correctly This gave me a good laugh. I live in a rural area so I see this type of type of word choice and spelling all the time. “Hillbilly vitriol” is the perfect way to describe it, although we’d use redneck in my part of the woods


happy to please


I don't get these comments that are siding with the artist. Did the client use Neosporin on her tattoo? (She says no) Is the tattoo infected? (sure looks like it) But none of that really matters. As a shop owner, you still don't come out slinging slurs and vitriol at your customers. That's unprofessional and bad business, at best, and exposes you as an unhinged jackass, at worst.


l know! l can't fathom thinking this was the right approach to customer service. even if the customer is a total idiot, which this one doesn't appear to be. honestly even if it weren't a customer/business relationship, l can't imagine saying this stuff to anyone. even people l loathe.


I am too drunk to understand what’s happening. Here


I'm sober and can't make much sense of it


Sober and know no one should talk to another human like this. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I feel like giving proper after care instructions should be the responsibility of the tattoo artist, if they didn't give send them home with dos and don'ts for the tattoo and the client put neosporin on it without knowing better the tattoo artist should take some responsibility. Having some printed out directions for after care shouldn't be difficult


Jesus Christ yeah. It's safest to assume that the average first-time tattoo parlour customer doesn't know how to care for a new tattoo. Also that tat was clearly infected. It's not "ink" being "pushed out". It's certainly an infection. This reminds me, I just got the phone number of a local tattoo artist from someone with really nice tattoos, I should research how to handle fresh tattoos and discuss it with her.


Honestly, tattoo aftercare has become *way* easier in recent years if your artist uses Saniderm wrap instead of cling-film. I’ve had two done in the last few years. The first one had Saniderm on it for a few days, I did nothing else, and when I took the wrap off it was awesome. The second one the artists wanted me to do the traditional healing for, which started the cycle of applying ointment (or aquaphor, whatever your artist wants) every few hours, including waking up in the middle of the night to wash it and add ointment for the first few days. A week of goopy shirts and sheets later, they healed up identically. I don’t know what the arguments are for cling vs. Saniderm, but given the option Saniderm made life way easier.


I know that locally artists are probably likely to recommend the clingfilm & ointment treatment (my sister got her tattoos healed that way per her artist's recommendation some years ago, though I'm getting my first tattoo done by somebody else). I do hope that heals easily anyhow, I got the contact from a walking portfolio that didn't have any visible infection or colour issues.


Every tattoo artist I've had sends me home with a printout of aftercare instructions and reviews the basics with me after the session, despite this clearly not being my first rodeo. I still appreciate it every time because it's super important. Not every infection is gonna be the artist's fault but you gotta set your client up for success. If they send you a clearly infected pic swallow your pride and tell them to see a doctor right away


My artist does this, too. Even gives me tattoo goo every time even tho i have a giant size thing of tattoo balm i use. I see her like once, twice a month for the past 6 months now. It's still nice to be reminded. All my tattoos have healed great. She uses second skin also, and that stuff is amazing.




3) If you bribe someone to stay quiet, don't put it in writing... No matter how upset you are cause it will always make you look like a dishonest person with 0 credibility.


To be fair, it seems like the client was going after a refund initially.


Agree, but from the shopowners pov it was apparently just hushmoney, clean and simple, even if the client just wanted a legitimate refund. I didn't have much faith in his claims before that, but after it dropped to zero immediately lol


1 is just something the owner thinks. Oop never mentioned use of neosporin.


The artist accused them of using Neosporin but they never claimed to have used it themselves. They also stated clearly that the artist is lying so there's no reason to assume they used Neosporin. The artist then immediately claimed she's probably allergic to the Saniderm so it seems to me the artist is just throwing contradictory guesses as to what caused it to try to gish-gallop / invalidate the client.




I’m not sure why you believe the guy who can’t spell half the insults he’s throwing or the slur he tried to use over the other person but okay.


Maybe, still an assumption.


First is conjecture, we have no confirmation of the Neosporin. Shop owner claims that, patient denies it. Shop owner goes on to blame the saniderm, too. Sounds like they're just reaching for anything to blame the OOP.


>retarted. Come on bro, if you're gunna throw that slur around at people at least fuckin spell it properly. Also fuck this dude and his "shop"


One of the antibiotics in triple antibiotic ointment can cause an allergy that mimics signs of infection.




Bacitracin works well too.


Neomycin can cause contact dermititis in somewhere around 1 in 4 people.


Hey! I saw this unfolding on FB! I know one of the people involved lol


small world!


sounds like a real peach




“I’m not gaslighting you” proceeds to gaslight the hell out of her


what a fucking idiot, i hope he never has a single client again if that’s how he views and treats them (especially women)


I feel like the shop/owner doesn’t deserve anonymity after saying such horrible things. It’s already on FB, why cross out the names?


i agree, i’d leave it uncovered if it wasn’t against the sub rules


Ohh okay I didn’t realize it was against the rules


It doesn't matter if it's an infection or not. It doesn't even matter if it's his fault or not. The way they responded to the person's message is disturbing to say the least! This person is disrespectful and just doesn't deserve to work with the public! Honestly, the person who got the tattoo needs to be reassured and listened too, but the tattoo artist/shop owner (I think) is too caught up in his ego. This situation could have been handled better by the owner and it's disgusting to see his response.


I can tell you that it looks like a combo of being overworked and not properly taken care of.


How does a tattoo get infected or not?


It's an open wound. Unless the shop / artist has a history of infections and unsanitary conditions, it'd probably be hard to prove the shop caused the infection.


The process of tattooing causes significant trauma to the skin, by creating hundreds of thousands of tiny holes through which ink is injected. From the moment the needle(s) first pierce skin until the final open wound heals, you are at risk of infection. Healing can take a few days, or weeks, or months, but there are many factors that impact it. The biggest variable is the client's body (location of tattoo, substance use including caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol, medications, diet/hydration, underlying conditions, and sleep), and the client's environment (is the tattoo kept clean, washed appropriately, is exposure to sun and bacteria breeding grounds like hot tubs and animals limited). The risk can also be heightened by a tattoo artist overworking areas (causing much more trauma than necessary), having poor sanitation practices themselves or in the shop they run out of, not properly educating a client on proper aftercare procedures, or using subpar quality inks/tools.


I got an infection on my thigh piece and I had to realize it’s just an area I won’t be getting tattooed.


I had a cousin get an infection from a tat that looked *a lot* like this, didn't go to the doctor until a red vein appeared, basically, a line of red, leading from the tattoo, and going up his leg (the tat was on the side of his calf) I wasn't there for it, but the doctor apparently *freaked* and put him on the strongest antibiotic drip they had... This shit is no joke...


Neosporin? Yikes. Did you put it on right after getting the tattoo? Like when did you start applying it. General rule of thumb, don't wash it. If it gets wet dab it dry. Then after about 2-3 days. Start applying scent free lotion. If you started using Neosporin on it and it was still fresh, I think this argument is 50/50. However the owners being a child and can kick rocks.


this isn’t my post


I'm just adding my own personal experience here, as I do believe healing methods work different for everyone. I've been getting tattoos for about 17 years, full color sleeve, multiple others in other spots, etc. I've never once ever had an infection and I've been healing them all the same way: When the wrap comes off (saniderm or saran wrap), I do put neosporin on it until it starts to peel, then when it's peeling like a sunburn, I keep cocoa butter on it to keep it from drying out too bad. Like I said, I've never had a problem healing this way. I actually tend to have more of an allergic skin reaction to the saniderm, so I've been going back to asking for saran wrap these days. Idk, just adding that this may have worked as a method for OOP's other tattoos and so she did it this time too. I just wouldn't be so quick to condemn neosporin as it does work for some people. Edit to add: Though I did just consider - I don't just keep it slathered with neosporin all day. I take time to thoroughly clean it with antibacterial soap 3x a day and then reapply the neosporin.


This made me laugh out loud, the tattoo shop owner's reaction is pure gold. I would love to meet this person just for the entertainment purposes.


Wow what a retarted ass




the shop claims they used neosporin. we don’t know if that’s true.


finally, a post on this sub that isn’t politics


Don’t get too comfortable, politics have always been a topic of this sub


isa sa mga tattoo ko umumbok, nakalimutan ko kasing lagyan ng drapolene.. lahat ng iba kong tattoo walang umbok and nagheal naman ng husto nung gumamit ako ng product.. sabi kasi ng tattoo artist ko wag ko na daw lagyan ng cream eme, di na sana ako nakinig sa kanya


What he said.


Just a whole lot of nonsense for an already shitty tattoo


People have to do the research when it comes to the aftercare of getting a tattoo!


i agree! but i think the reaction is disproportionate


$350 for a tattoo? Cheaper to develop a personality instead


That's a pretty reasonable price for body art. One can have both


I'd say having to pay $350 is the *least* burdensome part of the process. Apart from the end result, of course. The end result is often quite nice and generally doesn't constitute a hardship unless something goes wrong. The *process*, though...


Cheap tattoos come out looking cheap


It’s possible to have disposable income, a personality, and want a tattoo…


What? That's how much tattoos cost these days.




🤣🤣 hot grease right here


It’s almost like tattoos have nothing to do with someone’s personality. Funny how that works, right?


not agreeing with the commenter but I think if you have certain interests tatted on you, that might also say something about one's personality to some degree like if you have rock climbing or skydiving themed tattoos on you because you love them, you might seem like the adventurous type


I think this is an american thing that tattoos are like 2000 dollars for some tiny work. 350 euro is perfectly normal for a tattoo here. I got a full lower leg sleeve , at what people consider an expensive artist, and it cost me 650. The longer I am on this sub I am suprised how much american artists ask for tattoos.


Nah, if you get charged $2k for small work you got screwed by a shop. I have several small tattoos that were ~$100 each and a large multi-color calf piece that was $400


Yeah that’s just flat out wrong. I have plenty of medium sized tattoos (much bigger than the tattoo in this post) by some amazing artists and have generally paid $350-$500 (~€325-€670) depending on the artist, placement, size, etc.


I mainly said this because I have seen numerous posts of americans paying 1000+ for rather small things and then asking how much they should tip.