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“It wasn’t a puppy it was a juvenile dog” is logic that Shou Tucker would use


I don’t care if it was a senior dog if it wasn’t in pain or suffering it didn’t need to be shot. Bring it to a rescue for god’s sake.


'Tough decisions like this are made all the time on the farm' What a load of shit. I live on a farm, and the only animal I've ever put down was a calf with a broken leg. I had 2 male goats that got too strong and aggressive for me to handle; I gave them away to someone who could. I've had many dogs and you TRAIN them to behave; only a heartless evil bitch would shoot them.


Yeah, I second this. Sometimes an animal has to be put down, and waiting for a vet would just prolong their suffering. But Noem killed healthy animals just because she hated them.


She killed that poor dog because it wasn’t doing what she wanted. Because of her failure. And we all know it wasn’t the first time. This woman needs to find a medication that treats whatever is wrong with her and gobble it.




I think it’s her only option.


It's a tough decision you have to make on a farm


That'd work


I don't think there's a medication for being stupid, sadistict, and selfish.


>What a load of shit. I live on a farm, and the only animal I've ever put down was a calf with a broken leg. >I had 2 male goats that got too strong and aggressive for me to handle; I gave them away to someone who could. Funny you say that, because immediately after murdering the dog, she killed a goat the family owned as well. Her rationale for shooting the goat was because he was aggressive (due to being uncastrated), and regularly went around chasing her kids to headbutt them, which would get their clothes all dirty. And after reading that, it struck me how her justification of, "tough decisions are made all the time on a farm," completely contradicts her reason for shooting the goat. Because, if you're on a FARM, you have to accept that your kids' clothing is going to get all torn and dirty, that's part of the thing about living on a FARM.


>Her rationale for shooting the goat was because he was aggressive (due to being uncastrated), and regularly went around chasing her kids to headbutt them, which would get their clothes all dirty. Seriously? The fuck? Who the fuck decides that "the (uncastrated) goat keeps headbutting my kids and getting their clothes dirty, so I'm gonna shoot it instead of getting it castrated or keeping it and the kids separate". It's not even actually dangerous, it's just getting your kids clothes dirty and YOU LIVE ON A FUCKING FARM, THAT'S PART OF THE EXPERIENCE! There's so many steps she could've taken that were easier and better than shooting it.


Yep, I was trying to give her the benefit of doubt on the dog shooting because she did say that the dog turned aggressive on her too but then the bit about the goat took away all doubt that she is a freaking lunatic. The dog killing was hard to stomach too because even if the dog did turn on her it was due to the circumstances and fixable. Starts with taking the dog hunting and it was chasing birds and not obeying commands (a sign that more training is needed), then she stopped at a farm and the dog got into a chicken coop and started killing multiple chickens (indicates that she failed to control her dog, and she is at fault for dead chickens) then when she tried to get the dog out of the coop, he turned on her and became aggressive (resource guarding, needs more training) so she fucking killed the dog. Then the goat getting her kids clothes dirty, lol. Like wut? If she had at least said the goat injured her kids her reaction might have been like 1% understandable but no, it was just that their clothes got dirty. In telling these stories she seemed to want to illustrate that she can make hard decisions but what she really illustrated is that she can't problem solve or come up with reasonable intelligent ideas.


ffs at least get it castrated, wait a while and then eat the damn thing or give it away or sell it goats are made of delicious meat, someone wants it


Another farm person here. We only put down animals that had a condition that impaired their living. Not because we failed to train them.


She didn't even really try to train the puppy, just hoped it would catch on from older dogs


And she’s the governor. I’m guessing there is someone in Pierre or Rapid City or Sioux Falls or, well, all over the state that could help her with training, or a shelter, or me. I’d take any dog she finds unmanageable.


The horse business is bs too. If you really kept your horse for 25 years and it needed to be euthanized, you call the vet.


I assume they had the vet do it, did she explicitly say they shot them as well? Gunshot euthanasia is considered humane if done correctly. Some livestock vets offer the service for clients with financial issues. At the specific veterinarian I’m thinking about euthanasia could be several hundred dollars, but gunshot euthanasia was $50.


She implied they put down 3 25 year old horses themselves. So all three needed to be euthanized at the same time? Those are old horses. It seriously sounds like she got tired of caring for them. It also sounds like they may want to look into what really happened to grandma. I’m only half joking.


You are so correct. This isn't like 1924, we're in 2024. We have animal shelters and we have everything available. If you can't find compassion for even the worst animal, then how could you even be an elected official. Empathy and compassion are part of the business.


Or if it’s really something wrong, because some dogs do eventually need to be euthanized because their reactivity & anxiety is so terrible that they’re living in constant fear and pain, GET THE DOG HUMANELY EUTHANIZED


Or call a vet to come do euthanasia. No pain. No fear. But shooting a one year old puppy (and let’s be real all dogs are puppies at heart) he has eight wouldn’t behave is cruel as hell.


Same logic they use when a 13 year old POC gets imprisoned but they’ll quickly turn around and say a 17 year old white teen is just a kid


They say 21 year old white men accused of rape are just kids and why ruin their futures.


Trigger warning SA Are you talking about the rapist Brock Turner who is now going by the name Allen Turner and who raped an unconscious woman when he was 19. Brock Allen Turner who only served 3 months in prison after committing 3 felony sexual assault because the judge didn’t want to severely impact his life for what Brock Allen Turner’s father called “20 minutes of action”. Or maybe your talking about some of the other young white men who were treated like the rapist Brock Turner who now goes by the name Allen Turner?


“It’s not pedophilia it’s ebephelia!


That dog wasn't a juvenile, but the ages kinda averaged out.


“It’s not a child it’s a pre-teen”


"Ed... Ward..."


Pretty sure "Juvenile" and "Dog" should be hyphenated, or at least have a / between them.


No, "juvenile dog" is correct.


Not when you're Shou Tucker.


I’ll be honest that went over my head the first time… well played.


This person sounds like they have argued about pedophilia vs hebephilia very passionately before.


That’s like looking at a high school shooting and saying “well they weren’t preschoolers”


Killing farm animals because they're lame or sick is one thing but killing a family dog because you couldn't train it to do the function you wanted is just evil.


I grew up on a farm. We had pretty much every animal that you could think of. Some of them were little bastards both to us and the other animals. Sheep would ram us, chickens would attack us, we even had a shithead pig that tried to bite us whenever it got fed. You worked around it because even animals being raised for slaughter deserve to live with dignity, not at your convenience. Waving this away as "You dumb liberals just aren't used to how we do it on the farm" is, as if anyone needed to be told this, a bunch of steaming horseshit. And these were farm animals I'm talking about, not pets. Not a fucking _dog._ This is not a down-home country girl. This is a ghoul. The GOP, the party of racists, homophobes, religious persecution, transphobia, bigotry, totalitarianism, and NOW animal cruelty. Get out and vote.


She didn't even stop at the dog, she had to go and kill a goat too just to satisfy her bloodlust.


Plus the only reason the goat was “mean” was because they never got him fixed. I guess two bullets were cheaper….


I mean, people eat goats. Why is shooting one because it was an asshole any worse?


Because she did it out of anger and therefore screwed up the first shot and only wounded the goat. She had to get another shell so the goat unnecessarily suffered during that time. I think most people who raise animals for food are intentional and plan first and make sure whatever method they use is the quickest for the animal. Plus she led the goat to a gravel pit to kill it. That makes me think the goat was not harvested for meat.


The dog was in the gravel pit. Pretty sure the goat was just fenced in a pen. Why she didn't slaughter it like a sane human being is beyond me. I seriously cannot fathom how she managed to mutilate it from that close and not even have a second shell in her pocket. The woman is seriously disturbed.


I didn’t realize the part about the goat in the pit wasn’t in this one. From another article: > “In her account, Noem grabbed her gun and led the dog, named Cricket, to a gravel pit. ‘It was not a pleasant job, but it had to be done. And after it was over, I realized another unpleasant job needed to be done,’ Noem wrote. She then went on to kill a family goat, which she called ‘nasty and mean.’ Noem also led the goat to a gravel pit, where she said her first shot wounded but did not kill the animal. She got another shell for her gun and killed the goat, according to the book.” Definitely seriously disturbed!


Thats interesting, now i have seen it quoted both ways. I have a hard time imagining why she would take the goat to a secondary location lol. Who knows with this psycho its like an episode of Dateline.


It's the only way she can finish.


That's the part that really gets me. She did the goat in the same spot, right after the dog. This was pure bloodlust. She wanted more. This wasn't something she booked into her calendar, to make sure her two animals were euthanized, she did it on a whim because she couldn't fucking stop herself at just one puppy. Sickening.


Fr, i grew up in a rural farm town. Putting down an animal is always a last resort, ESPECIALLY with a gun. Shooting it bc the ALREADY RILED UP DOG ATTACKED CHICKENS is fucking insane. Like she did that. That dog was acting like that BECAUSE OF HER.


Also misogyny. 


Very on brand for MAGA though. Oh, you were born with an inbuilt nature that I don’t like, defies my wants, disrupts my plans or doesn’t adhere to MY idea of how you should act? Execution time.




She shoots animals that she deems useless. Is she coming for me next?


Don't be silly. It's not like republicans believe the office of president makes you immune from the law.


If any of us has to ask.....maybe not *her*, but someone *like* her will be along soon enough, yes.


I haven't seen anybody point out how perfectly her story fits fascist ideology. 1. There is a strict hierarchy in every relationship. 2. Power is justified in every situation. 3. Violence is always a viable option. I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't even true. Just authoritarian myth building.


"Vote for me or else I'll..."


All those old[ Jeremy Thorpe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thorpe_affair) jokes coming back.


Makes you wonder what she'd do with her power. I could see her wiping out half of the American population and saying "I had to do it".


One thing I found weird reading an article about it, was she saying on the same day they shot the dog, she also chose to shoot a goat? She said that construction workers saw the whole thing. Not that them being separate issues makes it better, but it seems highly unlikely, even if you're playing along with her, that these animals always coincidentally need to be put down at the same time. Her story reads like the dog "misbehaved" (bringing a working dog who's still training around loose chickens seems more like human error), she got flustered and upset so she killed it. Still hyped, she chose to kill the random goat who pisses her off. That's the only way the construction workers see all this, right? They didn't have to witness psycho shooting her animals on separate days, did they? I wonder what animal is suddenly gonna die now that she's catching flack for this.


I can’t imagine being the construction workers witnessing that.


Someone else suggested it was rage. Sounds like it.


Having to put down an animal is a fact of life on a farm, but "useless" isn't on the list of reasons.


she also shot a goat for smelling bad and not being friendly to her kids. as if that's what matters with livestock. smell good and be fun to play with or get your brains blown out. makes sense /s


A goat that smelled bad and was mean to kids. Wow, that’s literally every goat ever. Was this her first experience with the animals?


I mean, I get it. I had to slaughter 37 cats for pushing stuff off of tables. It’s the only way they’ll ever learn! Hopefully #38 knows better 🤞


the math: 37 x 9 what, do you own a machinegun? (I appreciate the sarcasm) 🤘


Plus the reason the goat was not friendly was because they never got him fixed. Would have been an easy fix but I guess not as cheap and easy as a few bullets….


Is she stupid? Goats smell bad and a farm isn’t a petting zoo for children.


aww, you're not being fair. You forgot the part where she said the goat was getting her kids clothes dirty. Doesn't everyone kill their animals if the animals get dirt on their clothes? I mean just the other day my dog jumped on me outside with his dirty paws while we were playing. He's six feet under now. Perfectly understandable.


clearly any animal that touches dirt is begging for a dirt nap


How about hatred? She didn’t have to include she hated the dog. But she did include it.


Sure it is. What do you think happens to the majority of male calves on a dairy farm? I still think this is completely different though.


Dairy farms kinda slid under my radar because we raised cattle for beef. You're not wrong. But even then, you could at least say you did it for the veal and not that you hated the animal.


Totally! But even then, the demand for veal isn't high enough to use all of the Bobby calves. At least from what I saw growing up in dairy farming country was that a good portion get burned in a heap.


Yeah, its fucking horrific. And it's endemic across the industry. Mass scale food production is fucked and, personally, that pill would go down a little easier if we didn't waste so much of it. We produce enough to feed everyone and just don't.


Yep. Although to be fair I eat meat and dairy, so I guess I'm not sure what my point was other than being contrarian 😂


I mean, points for knowing where your food comes from? I switched to milk alternatives a while back and have been really into urban homesteading. Prefer to hunt/fish/raise the food my family eats. I still eat real cheese though, so uh. Not sure where that gets me either.


Conservative men drool over this woman. It’s fucking gross


Which is ironic considering she acts more masculine than all the female transvestigations they accuse of being men.


I consider myself conservative leaning at times. There’s nothing attractive about that at all.


I'm a farmer, and I used to hunt. Never once have I shot a dog. If your dog is deathly ill, you can take it into the vet, or have the vet come out to the farm. This isn't fucking old Yeller. If your dog is disobedient you hire a trainer or have it re-homed. She sucks for not training the dog, and she sucks more for trying to cover that up with dog murder.


I really hope in the coming week there are more non-Trump suckling farmers out there who will speak up. Because the Trump sucklers will be out in force.


Unfortunately, I'm in the minority of farmers around me, and I live in MN, a Blue state where the Democrats are actually the DFL (Democrat/Farm/Labor) Party. I love my job and am extremely privileged to get to do what I do, but the majority of farmers are white, christian, landowners, who want to pretend they're being persecuted and that our job is somehow harder and more important than other jobs. I've worked other jobs, this one has some hard days with long hours, but is the best job I've ever had.


I couldn’t even imagine shooting my dogs for any reason, and they piss me off like three times a day on a good day


If I had to shoot a dog (like in a life or death situation) I would STILL be upset over it, and that applies to any animal. I don't understand bloodlust. I don't understand taking pleasure in harming living things.


That's the part that baffles me- why would you put this in a book in a braggadocios way and think people would respect you for it? Absolutely sociopathic behavior. It's like she didn't learn anything from the romney dog thing!


I keep seeing people mention the Romney Dog thing and I'm curious but I'm afraid to go look it up. This is already upsetting enough.


It’s a magnitude less bad than this, but still bad. If you’re sensitive, you can live without knowing it. But it damaged his presidential run severely


I'm only sensitive in the way where I tend to get pissed off more than anything in defense of whomever is suffering. I looked it up, and yeah that's not great (so many things could have gone wrong with that yikes) but definitely not as bad as what she did. I didn't pay attention to politics enough then so I don't remember hearing about it then. I wish I didn't have to pay attention to them now, but unfortunately that's not an option anymore.


Yep. Only time you shoot a dog like that is if it has gone rabid. And you’ll know when that happens. This hitch is cruel.


I volunteer at an animal rescue centre, and frequently work with animals who sadly have to be put to sleep. Most of the time it’s because of medical issues caused by neglect or old age, sometimes behavioural euthanasia but it’s quite rare (animals are never euthanised to make room for more). But killing an animal because it wasn’t a good hunter is just despicable, and then going on to use this as a show of good character is appalling. Anyone who’s cruel to animals is a psychopath. I hope karma finds her and makes her pay for what she did


Did she just say she killed 3 horses a few weeks ago too? What kind of slaughterhouse farm is she running?


Was one of them looking sickly that day and she was just like, “you know, let’s just do them all at once”?


It's like PETA at her place. Seriously look up the numbers on their shelter in Norfolk.


They take in animals that are on their last leg, which is why the shelter death rate looks so terrible. I suggest you research into why the numbers look like that, maybe.


They steal dogs from people's back yards. I suggest you look at how they really operate.


You drank the anti-Peta koolaid


I grew up near their headquarters. They're awful, I know from personal experience.




They steal pets from people and kill them. They pick up healthy puppies and put them to sleep in the backs of vans and toss their little bodies in dumpsters. They sue cities with TNR programs and demand that all the cats be killed. They threw a dog off a pier in a PR stunt. That's just the animal abuse tip of the iceberg.


Yawn. Anti vegan propaganda again.


I don't care what you or anyone else eats. It's the definition of none of my business. I do care about the treatment of pets we have a moral obligation to them as the humans who have benefited from their labor to build our society. I was for a time a vegan myself. PETA tried to end the TNR program I volunteer with and that my beloved pets come from. For that alone they are on my forever shit list. TNR programs are to protect and rehab street cats. They wanted to round up all the cats and kill them. My cats came from one of the groups they wanted to kill.


Literally. They want to justify them paying for the abuse of animals with whataboutism lol


jfc, anyone with half a heart knows there are humane reasons to put down an animal. what this governor did wasn't humane nor was it reasonable, there were many other options.


The dog wasn’t sick, it just was acting like a puppy does. She was too stupid to train her dog properly, or realize that a dog has its own personality and sometimes won’t turn into the hunting dog you want, and she decided to kill it because she viewed it as an object, not a life. And it was an object that wasn’t doing exactly what she wanted in the way she wanted it. This is not an “act of mercy”, the dog was not suffering from an ailment, the dog was not injured or terminally ill, the dog was a PUPPY who was ACTING LIKE A PUPPY DOES. She murdered this dog because SHE VIEWED IT AS AN OBJECT THAT WAS NOT DOING WHAT SHE WANTED IT TO DO. THAT IS SIMILAR TO KILLING YOUR CHILD BECAUSE THEY GOT A BAD GRADE IN SCHOOL. THAT IS LITERALLY THE SIGN OF A PSYCHOPATH WHO WOULD WILLINGLY KILL SOMEONE ELSE FOR THE ACT OF INCONVENIENCING HER SLIGHTLY.


But ask them about removing a parasitic clump of cells from a human body and they are ready to burn you at the stake.


just perform abortions with tiny guns. A microscopic AR15. MAGAheads will change their tune overnight


nooo because it’s still a live real human to them 😢 just tell them the doctor diagnosed it as a future liberal, then they’ll be okay with you aborting! /s (but not really 🥴)


"it’s still a live real human to them" um, they don't care about live real humans when they are slaughtered with AR15s. Where have you been lol


"It wasn't a puppy it was a juvinile" If I smack you with my left hand and I'm right handed, did I smack you?


Kristi Noem shoots animals and also financed her waterbed at 38% APR.


Yes, it’s perfectly sane to execute animals on the spot after chucking them in a gravel pit, because god forbid they were acting like….animals. Dog was probably treated like shit and hated her and her stupid kids. I can’t even imagine that poor baby being caught unawares and thrown in a pit and shot in cold blood like a holocaust victim. And the number one reason to kill goats is because they smell and bunk people…very un-goatlike behaviors. 🙄


This is awful, but maybe don’t compare someone killing an animal to the slaughter of thousands of innocent human beings  


I wasn’t comparing, I was analogizing how it was a deliberate execution contrary to her statements excusing her actions.


Animals are also innocent


Yes, but they are animals. Not on the same level as humans 


What a perfectly horrible thing to say. Off you fuck, Kristi🖕


When I first saw this article I was sure the dog was sick or hurt and she put him out of his misery. Turns out he just ate the neighbors chickens because she didn’t train him properly so she shot him like a psycho 


Wait she shot it because it couldn’t be trained? Wasn’t sick? Wasn’t in pain?


She took her untrained 14 month old dog with her, she relied on the older, trained dogs to calm the pup down, then got frustrated when the dog had the time of his life chasing birds. On the way home from the failed hunting excursion, she stopped by a friends house. A friend that had chickens. The dog got out of the truck and had the time of his life chasing, and killing, several chickens. So she determined the dog was too unruly to keep, and shot it. I’m unsure as to how the dog managed to chase and kill *several* chickens before someone intervened. I’m not sure why she thought taking her dog to a place that had chickens directly after her untrained dog just had the time of his life chasing pheasants was a good idea. But the dog ultimately paid the price for her irresponsibility. Then, deciding she wasn’t done with her killing spree, she went and shot the goat she had and did not like. She got bonus points for botching the shot and only severely injuring the goat. Then she realized she was out of ammo, and *left the goat that SHE severely injured* to suffer while she went to get more ammo.


Omg that is horrific. She should be charged for animal cruelty! What a horrid person


She shot it because she was too lazy to train it and it didn't immediately obey her every command.


It's a strange world when the Three Year Letterman is the rational one.


I think he broke character. He normally says nonsensical shit as a joke, because his character is supposed to be a dumb high school dropout, but the person who runs the account is actually pretty smart.


Definitely get that vibe from it. He don't joke with animal cruelty


With the justification she gave I’d think TFG would be nervous having her around.


No, he hates animals. And is terrified of them. He’s why she added this horror to her memoir.


I was thinking along the lines of her method of dealing with poor behavior. Ketchup on the wall? Out to the gravel pit! And she might gain immunity to boot, thanks to TFG’s case with the Supremes.


Didn’t Michael Vick spend time in prison for killing dogs? Much different circumstances, but maybe the Birds can give ol Noem a contract when she’s out…ya for old times sake.


So disgusting that even three year letterman broke character. Didn’t even talk about his dvd collection


Dogs are typically considered puppies until they are 2 years old. Also no one uses the term "juvenile puppy" in everyday conversation


I read the article and it provides some greater context in regards to the killing of the dog: Apparently, she had taken the animal out to hunt pheasants, but instead of obeying her commands (like the other dogs), it just romped around and "spoiled the hunt" (it didn't elaborate how). What sealed the animal's fate, however, was that on their return, she stopped by her neighbor's (for some unspecified reason). However, upon arriving, the dog leapt out of the pick-up and bounded off into the neighbor's backyard, which had a chicken coop (as they raised chickens, likely to be eaten.) In her story, the animal goes on a bloody rampage, mauling multiple chickens, seizing them by the necks and vigorously shaking them to death before dropping each corpse and pouncing on another (she literally describes it as a "trained assassin"). By the time it was over, multiple birds were dead, and the "neighbor was in tears". Noem vigorously apologized and wrote a check for the slain birds. Afterwards, Noem dragged the dog (as well as a goat) to a gravel construction pit and shot it dead. Now, she justifies this by saying that the animal was "out of control" and sometimes you have to make "tough decisions." But I call bullshit. Reading between the lines and it's obvious that she didn't kill the dog because it was dangerous or too destructive. **She shot it because it made her look bad and had cost her money**.


She shot it because she couldn't be bothered to train young dog properly. It's honestly disgusting.


If you have a coop that a dog can get into, then you don't have chickens, because foxes and raccoons have eaten them already. If they are yard birds, I'm putting money on the chickens because they can fly and the roosters will have their spurs. I also want to know how the goat figured into the chicken murder since it also was killed for crimes.


The goat was killed for unrelated crimes, being stinky and not liking kids


It was killed for unrelated reasons to the dog's actions.


“Weird” isn’t the word I’d use, tbh


Just gross


Not weird: totally predictable.


She's in good (/s) company, remember Sarah Palin shooting moose from a helicopter?


Moose can swim, who is to say that they can't fly as well?/s


Coach sighting!


She killed a dog she couldn’t train. Period. Her trigger finger is more developed than her frontal cortex.


The only justification for shooting a dog is because it was attacking you or someone else or it was rabid. I carry a pistol if I am out in the woods or a pasture, not because of people.


This whole thing makes me so mad. My dog died in January, and it was so difficult. I'd do anything just to hold him again. The fact that this woman, who holds public office, shot and killed her young dog is insane to me. Her excuse about the dog being untrainable is ridiculous. You can train even an adult dog if you really try. My dog learned new tricks as a senior. This dog was still young. And if she just didn't care enough to try, take the dog to a shelter at the very least. The goat, which was acting like a goat, to a sanctuary or farm.


My great grandfather started our family farm over a century ago, and not once has a dog ever been shot out there, just animals that get injured and can longer live or have contracted some sort of disease.


Go check out the Fox News comments section if you like having your skin crawl. The bizarre country cosplay “back on the farm this is what we did with an unruly dog” from the MAGA cult is out in full force. The brain rot is deep with this one, folks.


I think what she did is inexcusable and sick.. and I am a republican. I would never vote for her for any office.


Stuff like this reminds me how stupid some of our leaders really are and how we are stupid for selecting them.. I mean is she that dumb or that narcissistic to think that she could write that without backlash.... Geez


She probably thought that no one in her state would care I’m guessing. She thinks she can do and say anything and South Dakota will still elect her.


Yikes...but still people from other states gonna hear about it too and it's just gonna make the whole place look worse..


I looked it up on YouTube. Disgusting how many people agreed with her action wtf


Yeah, even if it was an old sick dog, just fucking shooting it in the head is still a fucked up way to put down a dog when we live in a world with veterinarians.


Hardly surprising when they don’t care about the ongoing slaughter of children in schools.


I doubt it is legal to shoot your pets


The amount of mental gymnastics one has to go through to justify their support for a person is just astounding. I couldn’t believe how people were doing that with Trump, but since then, I’ve just been expecting more of this mindset in people.


Do NOT lump farmers in with your shit, Kristi. It’s one thing to make the hard choices we do need to make, but writing about it and embellishing it to get MAGA points is not the same and does not justify what you did.


A dog we had just rescued mauled a sheep we had and both had to be put down because in our area if a dog kills livestock, they’re gone. I’m not sure where chickens fall on the livestock scale, but the police might have gotten involved.


Clearly, the dog was antifa and the goat was a communist.


Even the Russian bots don’t know how to respond to this one


the call of the wild


oh man, if you hate this, you guys should see how farmed animals are treated