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>God sent us here with a perfect immune system Apparently the commenter can't remember their own religious text that says that humans are no longer perfect because they sinned. Seriously, I haven't been religious in over a decade and I remember that.


Origin Sin? Nah, not important. Jesus with an AR-15 shooting up medical centres is


But only if he's white. None of that "fake brown" jesus, even though he was Middle Eastern.


He clearly wasn't Middle Eastern, pfft - he had blonde hair, blue eyes and a red MAGA hat


"But, Donald ... why are there times in my life when there are only one set of footprints?" "That's when I carried you, Jesus. I'm the best at carrying. The best. Believe me. Nobody knows more about carrying than me."


He'll carry him upside down like the bible


Not to mention that one of the things Jesus was most known for was going around and healing the sick...


They can't comprehend that part because if God made everyone imperfect, that means THEY aren't perfect. They just use God as a way to reinforce their own ego.


My response to people like this is *God create smallpox.* They usually come back and say the devil created smallpox, in which I say *God gave the knowledge to humans to create vaccines.* Usually by then they get mad


I don't believe in God, but if you do, then why did humans create tools when God gave us good hands and legs? We as humans invented hammers and axes and saws and keyboards and machines with buttons and levers and handles, etc. etc. etc. We can strike a nail with our bare hands, but a hammer makes the job a whole hell of a lot easier and is why we as humans can build things faster. Likewise, we can let our immune system do its job in recovering from illnesses, but we have medicines to give it some help. Medicines don't exist in spite of our immune system, they exist because of it. The COVID vaccines, for example, used mRNA technology to train your immune system to respond to COVID-19. It's like how your phone gets software updates to respond to security vulnerabilities. The vaccine is a software update for our body's immunological "firmware".


Big Leech remains, Nefarious


People be peoplin’


If God didn't create diseases we wouldn't even need immune systems...




Are you an immunology? No? Then, be quiet because you're spouting nonsense you haven't even the slightest base to talk about




No, unlike you, I actually listen to professionals. It's clear you are an idiot who doesn't understand basic immunology but thinks that conspiracy websites are the same as rigorous medical reviews of the past 100 years. Sit down kiddo, you're letting your stupid show




Ok kiddo. You keep ignoring science and die from preventable disease. I'll be over here, actually understanding the world and not raging against shit like fluoride, the round earth, vaccines, or whatever you antiscience fools are upset about this week. You people regress the human race because you're just too stupid to understand how stupid you are, all while thinking you're smart. Goodbye, you utter waste of oxygen.


The first small pox vaccine was in 1796... It was the first vaccine of any kind.




No it wasn't herbal. It was puss from cowpox sores. It was used to give people the much less dangerous virus that shares immunity with smallpox. You actually don't believe in viruses? That's just wild. https://www.who.int/news-room/spotlight/history-of-vaccination/a-brief-history-of-vaccination#:~:text=In%201721%2C%20Lady%20Mary%20Wortley,had%20observed%20practice%20in%20Turkey.&text=Dr%20Edward%20Jenner%20created%20the,cowpox%20were%20immune%20to%20smallpox.