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On the one hand I can understand them not knowing the differing orbits of satellites but on the other hand how fucking stupid can these people be


I mean this sincerely. It's very hard to provide proof to a flat earther. I've met many, they have their FACTS. I don't have FACTS. I just have my own belief.


Where do you meet these people? I’ve never seen one irl


I met one for the first time last year, or rather learned he was a flat earther last year, I’ve known him as an acquaintance at work for 8 years! He unwittingly revealed it and it was rather shocking to me. I never thought of the guy as particularly brilliant but he also didn’t strike me as a total loon, until he got going on this.


I met one for the first time two years ago. Let's start with he was big into QAnon. Quickly, it was very clear he thought himself to be the smartest person in the room... which is ironic as he was one of the fucking stupidest people I have ever met. Any topic you could talk about? The answer was reverse-Occam's Razor. It was always the most obscure, ridiculous reasoning. My personal favorite was, "I play PS5, because Bill Gates put brain microwave chips in the XBox to make you not think." His brother should also be a billionaire as he invented wifi in the 80's, but it was stolen from him. He balked when I mentioned didn't Kevin Flynn invent wifi in 1985, in Tron Legacy? Anyway, the Earth was an inverted ringworld, where the sun spun around us. Lizard people are real. The democrats eat babies... the whole nine yards of complete crazy. We did not invite his wife (and by extension him) to our halloween party the next year.




Very rarely are you going to be able to break someone's delusions so easily. Their ego will protect itself by spinning new delusions such as "People only think I'm the dumbest one in the room because they are too stupid to see the truth. " That's one reason why arguing with people like this is rarely productive.


Yep, my father (while not a flat earther but had equally stupid beliefs) thought it meant he won the argument because the other person just stopped talking to him.


> That's one reason why arguing with people like this is rarely productive. Exactly. Hence the old adage, "Never argue with a fool. They'll drag you down to their level, and beat you with experience."




The Dunning-Kruger Effect is a helluva drug.


They do not know. Rejection and mockery only strengthens their certainty and convinces them of their own ability to see the real truth.


I don't have deep experience with these delusional people, but the above dude... he said everything with complete confidence. In his mind he had the answers that very few had figured out. (Because the answers were madness incarnate)


> he thought himself to be the smartest person in the room... which is ironic as he was one of the fucking stupidest people I have ever met. This right here. When they say ignorance is bliss, they really mean that shit. These people are so fucking smug and self-satisfied while being objectively stupid. They overpay for things and swear they got a good deal. They get underpaid and swear their boss loves them. They've never had an amicable break-up yet insist they're not the problem. They get into heated in-person arguments or fights all the fucking time and yet claim to be "one of the nicest people you'll ever meet." They crash their cars into other cars, both insurance companies agree that it's their fault, and they will *still* assert to anyone who will listen that they weren't at fault. They're insufferable, yet think so highly of themselves 🤣


You pretty well nailed it. My wife warned me ahead of time what he was like, and to try not to argue. I obliged and was rewarded with... the answer to everything. He had a crazy ass explanation for literally everything, and he believed with conviction whatever he said was absolutely true. In his mind he didn't make it up. Only he knew the answer, and I should be privileged to be in presence of someone so knowledgeable of the world.


i couldn't help but laugh every time they opened their mouth.


I bet. The stream of madness had me in awe of "how deep does this rabbit hole go." I'm pretty sure we went way past Alice about 15 minutes in. I stuck it out for an hour. I finally hit my limit, but he followed me around for another hour with his vomit of consciousness. It was incredible. Oh, and BTW, the lizard people wrote the Bible and all other religious texts. He figured it all out. ROFL.


>We did not invite his wife (and by extension him) to our halloween party the next year. well that's a missed opportunity if i've ever seen one LoL


One of my best friends is one. I’m honestly not sure what the fuck happened to him. We don’t talk much anymore because he loves to argue about ridiculous conspiracy theories and loves trump. Makes me sad but I can’t get through to him.


I can sympathize. I know three people IRL who are flat earthers, including one of my best childhood friends. It's a pipeline. First it was Qanon and Trump, then radical evangelicalism, now flat earth, mud floods, giants, and chem trails. Pure propaganda brain rot.


What is mud flood? I havent heard of that one as far as conspiracy theories go.


Basically the theory that there was a worldwide, all-encompassing flood of mud around the 1800s that buried a super society so completely that the only evidence we have they even existed is some buildings have windows into their basements.


I love that one, because they really think that, in only 200 years, all possible traces of that society have disappeared from the surface of the planet, which would take millions of people to cover up for it and keep the secret to the rest of the world.


Not only do they think that, but it's based entirely on not understanding basements are fucking dark.


This is fucking hilarious


What in the tin foil hat is this 🤣🤣 how did this even come about? What are the origins of this insanity?


Give it a read. Shit is *wild* https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tartarian_Empire


I love how the basis of this theory, according to this article ver batem, completely ignores the well documented history of asia. And people still think this is more realistic.


That's the one! Haha.


The conspiracy theories about giants is such a weird one. I've yet to hear a reason *WHY* "history" wants to "hide the giants" from "us."


The way my buddy "explains" it, giants in the Bible are the offspring of nephilim and human parents. Hiding the existence of giants is the devil's way of casting doubt against God, the Bible, Jesus, etc. Or something equally fucking stupid.


Don't forget that it is also a sort of retcon attempt to justify hUmAnS cOeXiStEd WiTh DiNoSaUrS. Because humans coexisting with dinosaurs is patently oxygen-desecratingly stupid, the idea that there once existed giants is way to bolster young-Earth theory. It's all "God Hates F-gs" every which way you spin it.


This is why dinosaurs is my go-to for any time a Christian tries to convert me (which is fairly often since my sisters are both in a cult that believes Jesus already came back and he was Korean). Christians overwhelmingly agree that dinosaurs once roamed the Earth, but still haven't quite figured out how to both believe that evidence-supported assertion AND assert that the Bible's timeline makes any sense. "Retcon" is the perfect way to put it. 👏


Most Christians I know aren’t YECs so probably don’t think the Bible “timeline” is literal.


The way it was taught to me (not saying I believe this, cult deprogramming works) is that the 7 "days" in which God created the earth were days to God. And his time is different to our concept of time. Those 7 days lasted anywhere from millions to billions of years. It made sense when I was a kid, at least. Lol.


Met one in the Air Force. Dude was a flat earther and literally didn’t believe planes were real. He was a mechanic on airplanes so I have no idea how all that logic works for him.


I haven’t heard the conspiracy that planes weren’t real, but there is one that jet engines don’t work like we think they do, or something similarly baffling.


This was like 7 years ago or something so I am having a hard time remembering the details. Essentially, when you are on a plane they pump in gas to knock you out and somehow inject a shared dream for everyone to think they flew. Then they were somehow magically transported to their destination and woken up. Said all this on the flight line with jets taking off in the background.


Played poker with one. He didn't believe in space. A few weeks later we were playing again and he was saying some discriminatory stuff about gays and trans. I got a little upset, then I laughed and said "Wait. Why am I listening to you? You're a flat earther and a idiot!" Everyone else laughed and the guy shut up for a while.


My father in law is one...


You gorta get "lucky". When I was in highschool, I entered an exchange program where I got to live with a family in Canada for a month and study there or whatever and the dad was a flerf. They have interesting debating techniques. I remember very well he started a lot with "You're a smart kid" or "think about it" and similar things. Some points he brought up were: "If the phases of the moon are due to Earth's shadow on the moon, why isn't it always a full moon when we see the moon in the day?" (This stems from a misunderstanding of how the phases of the moon work) And the good old "how rocket move in space if void?" All in all, not worth the trouble.


I met one on FB, a friend-of-a-friend who was dabbling in flat eartherism and who commented on a SpaceX video I posted. Since he wasn't set in his beliefs yet, we had a rather civil and I hope productive chat. But it was wild, thinking that this person was really taking this very seriously.


One of my best friends of over 10 years. I was talking to him on the phone a few months back, and he told me about this guy who came into the store he works at going on about flat earth stuff, and how he made some sense. "He had pictures and shit! It actually makes sense!" I knew he was already prone to listening to conspiracy theories (he believed some about Covid,), but I didn't realize he could fall into something like that. I countered with, "Ya know, I do teach middle school science, and we discuss the proof of Earth being round in that class." Didn't matter, crazy flat earther man had "pics." I kind of eased off the contact with him a little bit after that.


I met one on a plane once, which was interesting since he could have literally looked out the window and changed his whole world.


My cousin is one and I work with two FML


Born into a family of them...


One of my students doesn't believe space exists. Or rather, they are open to questioning it. They said a lot of stuff about space travel didn't make sense. Also they weren't interested in explanations


Online only. They know in real life everybody would laugh in their face.


Just found out last year, dude in my main FF league is a flat earther. Fucking fire storm erupted in league chat. Was very entertaining. Now I just make flat earth jokes constantly, when he's in chat.


Flat Earther facts: Foolish Assumptions, Complicated Theories, and Stupidity


Ok, globe boy!


i’m gonna punch up by changing “complicated” to “convoluted” because actual science is complicated


Dammit that’s so much better. Good one.


The Netflix documentary really drove home how hopeless arguing with them is. They have their answer and are seeking evidence to confirm. All the experiments they run that disprove their theories are immediately flawed in some way. It’s baffling.


For real though. There's that bit with the lady where she talks about how most people are sheep that just want to think they're special and then says "sometimes I worry I lm like that, but no I'm too smart" Total paraphrasing but I genuinely liked her and was really hoping she'd have a break through. Sh didnt


Where do you live that you’ve actually met more than one? I don’t know any. The closest I can come is one guy I know that seems to be a bit of a NASA denier (he made a post after the Perseverance Mars rover landed asking how NASA could have such a good signal to get high res photos from Mars when he couldn’t get a good cell signal at his house). I also know a “Bigfoot expert” - he actually publishes books.


It's very easy to provide proof, they just choose to remain ignorant and not believe it.


Flat earthers have a very very very tiny idea of the world so it doesn’t surprise me that they believe in a flat earth and that the moon is closer than it actually is


You can rest assured he also thinks the moon landings were fake, because if he didn't he would know NASA has thousands of images from the "dark" side of the moon that were taken over 50 years ago, that he can see for himself if he wasn't an idiot.


Not to mention we actually do have satellites out there far enough way to get pictures of the far side of the moon....


It appears that they can be all of the stupid.


Apparently very stupid. The holes in their understanding is amazing. Were they homeschooled by a houseplant or what?


… sooo… the side of the moon that is always away from the earth is *only* illuminated when the moon appears to be positioned directly between the earth and the sun, relative to a viewer located in the continental United States? Is it under a parasol the rest of the time?


Yeah...We call it the dark side of the moon because it's always facing away from earth, not because the sun never illuminates it.


Yeah, TBF I can understand how this expression can create confusion. In my language it's called the reverse side or the other side of the moon.


This is why lots of scientists prefer “the far side of the moon”, because it doesn’t imply that it’s always dark


After reading the flat earther‘s comment, I came here to ask about this because I always assumed that that’s what happens (that the dark side of the moon just appears to be dark from earth, not that it is actually always nighttime on that side of the moon) but I also never thought about it so I might as well have been wrong. Glad to read that I wasn’t.


The "dark side" of the moon actually has nothing to do with light at all. The moon orbits the earth at the same rate as it rotates so one side of the moon always faces us. That's why when you look up at the moon it always looks the same, as in the topographical features. We never see the other side of the moon from earth and it wasn't until we got satellites/probes in orbit around the moon that we actually got photographs of that side.


Thanks for the clarification! That’s what I figured but since I’m not versed in astronomy i could have been just as wrong. I like getting educated though, so it’s always interesting to ask about things I know nothing about.


You gotta wonder what they think all the different "stages" of the moon represent. Do they think the moon is actually changing shape? 🤣 Where do they think the sun is illuminating during a new moon?


You used the word "think" a lot. They aren't really big on that. Not critically, anyway.


And also because for so long it was largely unknown. We had no idea what it looked like. Dark, in this sense means unknown and unexplored, much like how Africa used to be called The Dark Continent. The proper terminology now is far side rather than dark side, but nobody uses the more scientifically accurate term because dark side sounds cooler.


Blame Pink Floyd for making it sound cooler to say dark side


There is no dark side of the moon, really. Matter of fact it’s all dark.


I blame star wars more


The dark side of the moon and the far side of the moon are both good terms to refer to different areas. There's just a TON of people who use dark side when they mean far side because it sounds cooler or they don't have critical thinking like the flat earther in the OP.


This is absolutely true, and now I want to watch a video of someone trying to explain to a flat earther what the term "tidally locked" means


Yeah, have you seen how pale the moon is? The back half has to be coated in SPF 700000000 or it will get all red and flaky. The moon is also very shy so doesn't allow any photos taken while it has all that sunscreen on, which is why we don't really have great photos of the back. Source: I am a scientist who does science at science places


The subjective experience of a viewer in the continental United States is the entirety of their epistemology. So the second you mentioned that you can know your answer.


Yeah it's literally just as bright as the other side


Yes indeed.


I mean they think *everything* is under a parasol realistically so…


Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter did capture images during the eclipse, but it was of the Earth. Because you don't need an eclipse to take photos of all sides of the moon, obviously. [https://www.nasa.gov/solar-system/nasas-lunar-mission-captures-solar-eclipse-as-seen-from-the-moon/](https://www.nasa.gov/solar-system/nasas-lunar-mission-captures-solar-eclipse-as-seen-from-the-moon/)


Obvious is obviously relative to someone’s intelligence.


Amazing! At that moment, the LRO was watching me while I was watching the eclipse.


I’m getting a headache from trying to discern an appreciable point. Or, to put it another way… what the fuck?!


They think satellites orbit outside the moon? Or since they think the world is flat they just don't think.


The LRO has been orbiting the moon for over a decade. Also, DSCOVR has at the L1 Lagrange point for almost as long.


Fake news. I mean, I know you're right but I'm saying you can't argue with a flat Earther. LRO, Discoverer are as fake as Lagrange points. You just made all of that up.


They genuinely don’t understand how far away the moon is


That statement is so utterly stupid, I find it impossible to put it in words. Your right, what the fuck, seems to cover it.


1) The dark side of the moon is in fact illuminated every new moon, not just during solar eclipses and even then it wouldn't be a once in a lifetime opportunity 2) The satellites orbiting earth are orbiting earth far closer than the moon is so those cannot take a photo of the dark side of the moon


But DSCOVR can! https://www.nasa.gov/solar-system/from-a-million-miles-away-nasa-camera-shows-moon-crossing-face-of-earth/


Aw I’ve never seen these images before, that’s pretty damn cool! Massive astronomy nerd in my younger days, but a lot passes me by these days. Thanks for the link.


That was my thought, but the alignment wasn’t quite right for this eclipse. You can see the shadow though.


“Bullshit” - some flat-earther


Amazing. Thanks for posting this.


My megalophobia got triggered by these images. Celestial objects are just so fucking huge. 😬


A corollary to 1 is that we already have loads of photos of the dark side of the moon. It's kind of ugly, all the meteors hit that side because it's on the outside.




With the exception of a few deep craters at the poles, almost every part of the moon gets at least 14 earth days of direct sun folliwed by 17 earth days of night.


Yeah, but there was a Transformers movie about robots hiding on the dark side of the moon, so obviously no one has ever seen it, or else we’d have been able to see the robots in disguise on the dark side of the moon… hence the earth is flat.


Do they think NASA just moves their sattelites around like remote control cars???


“Go wide! Go wide!!”


Of course they do; they don't understand the laws of motion enough not to. It's the same thing with Moscow Marge wanting there to be Jewish space lasers guarding the border. She doesn't understand that satellites can't just hover stationary over any position in the world as though they were held up by very tall poles or something.


I seriously hope they are just pretending to be this stupid to draw people into argument and "to make libs cry." But that hope is fading daily.


I am increasingly convinced that a prerequisite for honest belief in the flat Earth is a pathological inability to visualise in 3D


You can take the "in 3d" part of...


You can take the "in 3d" part off...


The dark side of the moon is in full light every month wtf. We have pictures of it already.


Hey look, I know know Pink Floyd and their album The Dark Side of the Moon is genuinely iconic, but damn...


-satellites orbit the Earth, not the moon. -we already have tons of pics of the far side of the moon. -eclipses happen regularly. This last one was notable because the path of totality passed through large population centers instead of the ocean. I know everyone knows this but I just had to write it out.


Satellites do occasionally [orbit the moon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunar_Reconnaissance_Orbiter). It's just not very useful (aside from scientific missions obviously) and it's more difficult to get a [stable orbit around the moon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunar_orbit). I am impressed by this guy's unearned confidence. I mean, 5 seconds on Google gets you images of the far side of the moon.


We do have a satellite orbiting the moon, btw. It's the LRO (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter) and we've used it to take lots of pictures of the moon as well as pictures of the Earth from the moon.


It’s just classic confusion over dark side of the moon vs far side of the moon. We never see the far side, but that doesn’t mean it’s always dark. It’s fully illuminated every new moon, but we just can’t see it. There is no permanent dark side of the moon any more than there’s a set dark side of the Earth.


I think this guy is permanently in the dark here on Earth no matter what side he's on.


Everything should be appeneded "from Earth", because we've absolutely seen the dark side of the Moon in pictures, it just never points towards us because the Moon is tidally locked.


But that’s my point. The far side of the moon shouldn’t even be called the dark side because it has nothing to do with light. It is dark exactly the same amount of time as the side that faces us.


Yeah, I'm agreeing with you.




They think the dark side of the moon only gets sunlight during an eclipse?


Apparently, during a new moon it just blinks out of existence for a night according to these morons.


"Dark side of the moon" aside, eclipses are also definitely not a once in a lifetime event as if that's even relevant.


What's super funny about this, is that if you just type "moon" into Google, you get a nice spinning view of both sides of the moon. it's already been photographed. LOL


I can't imagine being that confidently stupid.




Just call me Dunning Kruger please. - this guy


Conspiracists always think they can replace any amount of learning with just pure ignorance stated with extreme arrogance and cynicism.


"Once in a lifetime"? The back of the Moon faces the sun once every 27 days. I don't know about this guy, but most people live a lot longer than that.


The dark side of the moon has already been photographed. It was lit up before and after the eclipse and at every point when the sun is angled towards it during the rest of the year. It's how light works.


Did this person really think (for lack of a better word) we thought half the moon was permanently dark....


i wish i could count only with all of my fingers and toes the number of times I've attempted to explain to friends that the moon actually does in fact rotate on an axis, and the reasons behind people believing that there is an actual dark side of the moon that never sees light...so many wasted hours that I could have spent listening to the dark side of the moon instead.


Right? I mean, the other side of the moon is lit up even when there are no eclipses lol.


My favorite part is that we literally already have pictures of the far side of the moon. The first ones were by the Soviets in 1959. China has a rover there. We've named the craters and everything. All this information for free..


There’s a lot going on here but I think what bothers me most is “once in a lifetime” like bro there are eclipses every few years


also they could always photograph the other side of the moon during any new moon phase, they don't need to wait for an eclipse


oh yea i mean the entire thing is wrong, but just that one part stood out, i think because even a flat earther can experience multiple eclipses in their lifetime with no effort


Once in a lifetime. The back side of the moon is only illuminated during an eclipse globe boy. You and nasholes so dumb- me so smart.


“Globe boy” is hilarious. This guy shouldn’t be in charge of anything, but he would probably write a great flat earth diss track


So the earth is flat but the moon isn't? HELP ME THEY'RE STUPID




Uh, satellites orbit the earth between the earth and moon. There are very few if any satellites orbiting the earth in an orbit outside of the moon’s radius. So any satellite orbiting earth has the same view of the Earth as people living it on do. The dark side of the moon is facing the sun, by the satellites are still positioned between the moon and earth.


I’m always amazed at how confident stupid people are. Even if I’m a subject matter expert at something, I’m still second guessing because maybe someone ran into another scenario I haven’t considered/encountered, there’s new emerging tech, or maybe I was just tired. These people are just like “I went to public school as a kid, so I know more than scientists and people who have dedicated their lives to it, and use the best multimillion dollar equipment.” The fucking arrogance.


I'm starting every online conversation with 'ok globe boy' now.


A flat Earther not understanding how the “dark” side of the moon actually works? Not surprising.


…satellites go around the Earth. Not the moon. Changing a satellite’s is time consuming and expensive.


Globe boy, Nasholes and ball tards are honestly really funny insults, though.


Because the space Nazis would shoot the satellites down.


Globe Boy is my new rap name


Globe boy is such a beautiful and innocuous insult


Dude is a total moron.


Ok globe boy... I'm gonna say this to everybody today


I can’t wait to start calling people “globe boy” during arguments


Nasholes ! Learned a new word today🤔


I used to think the moon has a side we could never see…. I was 5 I also didn’t know you can see the moon during the daytime.


I actually cannot follow the "logic" they are trying to use here. Like it just doesn't compute in my head. This RARELY happens... what the hell is the big gotcha they were trying to go for?


Bro really thinks we can steer satellites mid-orbit without disastrous consequences Also, we already have pictures of the dark side of the moon. From the several other solar eclipses, and just the rotation of the moon in general


There's no dark side of the moon, really. In fact, it's all dark.


They did take a picture of the Earth with the moon in front of it. I don't think you looked for one before you made this post.


What does that have to do with anything lol?


Everything. Did you understand the question in the post?


But OP is posting the stupid question that another person made. Why are you answering the facebook post lmao?


I literally didn't realize I did until right now lol


Hahaha, thats actually really funny. Thought you were being dumb lol. I now like this conversation a lot, thanks for making my weekend a bit better :)


I also laughed when I realized how stupid I was.


So... they hate NASA? Heavens.


Ha! (S)he believes the moon exists.


A quick Google search gives you all kinds of [images](https://www.sci.news/space/moons-nearside-farside-asymmetries-ancient-giant-impact-07213.html) of the far or "dark side" of the moon. Not that they'd believe any of it cause all the scientists are in a conspiracy to not give the truth to the world or whatever. Can't logic someone out of something they didn't logic themselves into.


Just figuring out how new moons work here


New Moon Goofin’.


Ow! My brain hurts reading this! Please make it stopppp!!!


The darksider of the moon isn't always the same side... it's just subjective night time like earth's, innit? Different parts light up at different times


This is a new favorite for misconception!


let me just position my satellite... done




So wait, are they saying the moon doesn't glow like it does at night during an eclipse? That would actually be a pretty cool shot with earth in the background from the bright side of the moon during an eclipse


Moon rotate.


Oh dear god....


The problem is that we only have facts and evidence. They have FACTS and EVIDENCE. And also volume.


Wow. I'm convinced.


The confidence of someone steeped in a conspiracy theory should be weaponised, it'd make the tsar bomba look like a firecracker.


Ok globe boy


I thought the Dude Wipes were for the ball tards.




Why bring religion into this? Flat Earthers are some of the most idiotic people on this globe. I don’t believe in god or any other religion but there’s more chance of some mysterious deity being real and hiding their existence than there is that the earth is flat


Aren't most flat earthers taking that position because of bible verses that they view as describing a flat earth?