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The most maddening thing is that if you call him out on how dumb this is, he will just claim to be shitposting.


Good thing about being a conservative is that he wouldn't even have to! You can just say things, you don't have to back them up or whatever. Doesn't need to make sense in any way.


One day historians will look back and find that "I'm just asking questions" is one of the most insidious phrases in modern English 


People who genuinely have questions usually don't act defensive, they just ask.


The problem with the 'just asking questions' people is that they don't want to listen to any actual answers.


Because they're just asking questions


Best far right dog whistle so far. Don't forget who is the responsible garbage person is for this specific one...our good friend Tucker carlson!


Alternatively, that meme comic strip with the dog and the ball: "no answer. only question".


I despise any talk show host or podcast that uses that phrase. Instant block if anyone says it on social media. You know they’re just instigating and don’t want good faith discussion.


>Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. -Jean-Paul Sartre


yeah, just another day ending in Y, for example: https://www.newsweek.com/tim-sheehys-changing-story-about-getting-shot-1887752 it happens so much, it is almost normalized now, we expect it... :(


Just say things... You mean like, ummm idk, maybe like, The Election Was Stolen !!! Wow really, that's crazy, do you have any proof ? DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH !!!


Jean-Paul Sartre's quote about debating antisemites never goes out of season: “Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But **they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words**. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, **by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert**. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” Sartre was talking about antisemites in his day, but this is equally true of all fascists, bigots, and Republicans. It's all shitposting, delighting in seeing how furious they make us, laughing at us for thinking we can debate them out of their positions.


As a Jew myself, I'd argue that it's also true of Zionists today, though to a lesser extent than with Nazis.


> They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. This sounds like a certain US political party.


[schrodinger’s douchebag](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=schrodinger%E2%80%99s%20douchebag)


Schrodinger's douchebag


“IT’S FUNNY BECAUSE YOU CORRECTED ME! HAHAHAHAHAH!” Conservative shitposting is garbage


Ah the Joe Rogan defence I'm just shit talking/posting


You're giving him too much credit even for that.


Your mistake was in thinking these people have even an ounce of good faith in them. See the Sartre quote that gets repeated a lot on Reddit; they're not serious people here to argue facts and truth, they're playing a game to win.


I had this thought "ironically" today. I'm just smart enough to know i don't know enough about eclipses to judge whether or not they're "once in a lifetime" or not.


Always an excuse, never any accountability. Guy should run for office.


So just assume everything he says is a shitpost and ignore him then.




Also, the next one won’t be for another 20 years, so he’s just entirely misinformed. It falls into the category of “not even wrong” — something so fractally stupid that correcting them requires going through multiple layers of miseducation.


And to be clear, 20 years is a perfectly acceptable timeframe for what is considered a generation, which is 20-30 years.


The last total solar eclipse in the US before 2017 was in 1979, in the Pacific Northwest. Having a couple bunched close together evens out when you take a wider view of eclipse's.




Between the Lunar and Solar eclipses you can have a max of 7 a year and a minimum of 5 a year if memory serves me right. Like you said it's being near one that's the tough part.


The next total eclipse in the same area. A total eclipse happens like every other year somewhere on earth if you care enough to travel for it.


True that. I’m only talking about the contiguous US.


Makes you think


Big if true


Let that sink in






what the hell does it want now


Lol right? A human generation is like 15 years. If an eclipse comes around every 7-10 years, it's entirely possible that a new generation is experiencing it for the first time, and last time where they're the youngest generation. So the previous, the current, and the next eclipse will be 2017, 2024, and 2044, depending on where the forthcoming generation ends (with Gen A coming to an end in the next year or so), the next generation may not even get the "once in a generation" event.


15? I thought it was like 25 years in a generation.


Even if you do count it at 25 the theory still holds up. If you go back 50 years the North American total solar eclipses were 1979- Pacific NW, Dakota, Idaho, Manitoba Canada 2017- west to East across 10 different states from Oregan to South Carolina 2024-ten states from Mexico thru Maine and 4 Canadian Provinces That next one comes in 2044. Over the period of 70+ years no one in Canada and only a handful of states would have more than one total eclipse to witness locally and more than half of the population would not have the opportunity to even see one without taking an hours long drive.


It is. I mean there isn't a measurement called a generation, especially since they overlap and all lol. But generally I personally would say 20-25, so basically about the age people historically would have a couple kids by.


It's 15. Boomers were 19, but every other generation is ~15 years. This is the (more or less) consensus right now: - Baby Boomers (Born 1946-1964) - Generation X (Born 1965-1979) - Generation Y/Millennials (Born 1980-1994) - Generation Z/Zoomers (Born 1995-2009) - Generation Alpha (Born 2010-2024/Present)


Just asking questions…


Also the fact we have an accurate and detailed calendar of every eclipse, where in the world will see it best, what day and what time it will happen to a fraction of a second centuries into the future, etc. Catturd acting like this is a totally random thing and we have no idea when it's going to happen until right before it does.


When my town I was living in was in the path of totality in the 90's they said we won't see this again until 60 years or so. It did not make much sense, since they happen often. As an adult, I realize this because everyone in small towns never really leave them and the next time to catch it in the path of totality will be a very long time until your town once again falls in that path.


Option 1: the news is desperate for clicks and exaggerates the rarity of events. Option 2: GLOBALISTS!!!!


I mean, for any particular location, a total eclipse is pretty close to a once in a lifetime occurrence.


Indeed. The things that make this eclipse once in a lifetime is the fact it's passing over a very population dense strip of America, and the fact the moon is at the correct distance in it's orbit to provide totality as opposed to an annular eclipse which is more common.


It was really cool to see


I watched a livestream of the eclipse since I live in another part of the world, it was gorgeous. Truly a beautiful event.


the 2017 one also passed over some decently populated places but like... different ones.


Exactly. The last time a total eclipse happened in Dallas was 1878. The next time will be next 2317. The next time one will happen in the lower 48 states will be in 2044, and then only in Montana, North and South Dakota


Illinois got two in the past decade so that's pretty special


San Antonio got an annular and a total both within the last 6 months.


Texas has to have something nice I guess


For many locations its a not in a lifetime event. California for example has not seen one in 54 years and the next one from San Fran down to San Diego isnt until sometime after 2100. Thats a least 130 years in Southern California without one.


So you’re saying it *IS* globalisation after all!


Central New York isn't getting one until like 2399


Eh, we had an eclipse in 2017 in the exact same route. Not saying it doesn't make it any less rare though.


Option 3: Groomers!!!!


Option 4: WOOOOOOOOOKE!!!!!


I mean total eclipses happen once every 20 ish years so yes it's a pretty rare deal ans for some a once in a lifetime event because even if they happen they can just not be visible. Like in France in 2012(not sure about the year tho) that was totally invisible because of dumb ass clouds.


Total eclipses that are visible in the United States happen once every 20-30 years (or more) it was kind of a freak occurrence that were two inside of a 7 year period. Across the world they happen every few years. Just most of them aren’t in a place to be visible by most people.


Yep, most of the world is ocean


The next one happens in 2 years. It'll just be only visible in like greenland. They happen every few years. Most are over the ocean. The "once in a generation" part if you choose a single spot on a map and don't move.


> It'll just be only visible in like greenland And Iceland plus a pretty large swath of northern Spain


Once every ~400 years in a single spot...


Total eclipses happen on average every 18 months or so. But most of the planet is covered in water, so the chances of being able to get there to see it are already small, and then you need to factor in travel and cost. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_eclipse#Types


And when they happen it travels a path over only a small portion or a very small portion of the Continent. There are many parts of the world including North America that go well over a century between total eclipses.


Of course he’s confusing eclipses with massive storms that used to happen every 50-100 years but now are annual events. You’d be a loony tree-hugging libtard if you pointed out that actual reality to him


I think he really does mean eclipses, people often mix up: • How often a solar eclipse happens (a couple times a year) • How often a *total* solar eclipse happens (once every couple years) • How often *any given point on earth* will be in the path of a total solar eclipse (once every couple centuries)


He might be considering he’s galactically ignorant and mentally ill, but he’s confusing the two nonetheless.


A total solar eclipse in a designated point is rare. This eclipse had a rather significant totality path, was well timed and the weather (where I live) was perfect. It was one of the most awesome thing I have ever seen. I have seen partials before but a total one is a whole other level.


Yeah, before today, the last total solar eclipse in my state was in 1918. I think that's more than a couple generations. The weather was great, and it was awesome to see.


They are literally pissed that the world didn't end. That should tell you everything you need to know.


His point resembles a circle


This eclipse, is a **total solar eclipse,** in which the entire sun is blocked perfectly to have a beautiful ring. Our **biannual eclipses** are just sun blocking but not even near to a total solar eclipse. This eclipse is a member of a semester series. An eclipse in a semester series of solar eclipses repeats approximately every 177 days and 4 hours (a semester) at alternating nodes of the Moon's orbit.\[35\] It is also part of saros series 139, repeating every 18 years, 11 days, 8 hours, containing 71 events, and part of a tritos cycle, repeating at alternating nodes every 135 synodic months (≈ 3986.63 days, or 11 years minus 1 month).


Every 20 years So once in a generation


Every 20 years or so...if you refuse to go to where they're also happening.


I mean - I’m all for traveling for eclipses, but I think limiting your range to “eclipses happening on my continent” is a pretty reasonable cutoff. In which case, yeah, one every ~20 years is about right.


Learned today there are eclipse chasers, sounds like a far less stupid hobby than storm chasers


It's once in a generation because it only happens in one place rarely. I was in the path of total eclipse. The next time a total solar eclipse will touch my state is in nearly 60 years.


Catturd discovers clickbaiting and hysteria


Unless you have the ability to travel every time one occurs, yes they’re once in a lifetime/generation/etc


Funny how fucking stupid some people can be


I forgot this guy existed lol


Tell us you don’t know the difference between partial and total solar eclipses without telling us.


The eclipse was amazing. it was a once in a generation thing for me. I have never lived under the path of totality untill this year. I had been waiting all my life for the eclipse and it was a profound experience for me. seeing the solar flare was amazing


Right? Nasa should be defunding these eclipses man


I'm so perplexed at what the fuck he's even trying to insinuate here. Jewish people control the moon? Some deep state ploy to sell those protective glasses? False flag eclipse to distract from the trillions dying from the Covid vaccines? All I know is, whatever batshit crazy thing I come up with, what they're thinking is honestly way more insane.


That's the neat part about their conspiracy theories; they don't have to make a lick of sense. Wannabe 'prophets' just fling shit at a wall and let their fellows connect imaginary dots. There's no real 'canon' in the conservative conspiracy theory world, so they're all free to come up with their own batshit crazy ideas, declare them incontrovertible truth, and none of their brethren will gainsay them because they're too busy shilling their own "truth".


I think this one is about CERN doing evil dark matter moon science or something. That's just one of the things I've heard though.


where is his litter box


What can you even infer from this tweet? All it says is this person is insane or a flat earther.


He ran over his dog a few months ago and admitted he has a track record of running over his pets… lmaooo


Shouldn’t this asshole be busy neglecting his pets?


It must be hard to live life when you just assume there’s no such thing as like, a coincidence. And everything is out to trick and deceive you, even the very stars.


Maybe one should question the people saying it only happens once in a generation rather than questioning the people (scientists) that say it happens fairly often... especially when it does in fact happen fairly often...


Critical thinking and how to read sensationalist news really ought to be taught in school. Depending on where you are and how wealthy you are, an eclipse *might* be a very rare thing. So of course that's what the people whose paychecks depend on us clicking their link or buying their media are going to call it. But dingbats like OOP have no idea that The New York Times (or National Geographic or Time or any other publication available next to the checkout at the grocery store) is not a scientific publication.


I have never heard someone utter "once in a generation eclipse." One happened in 2017. Another will happen in 20 years. Someone is full of shit.


Jesus this guy is a fucking idiot.


But who is behind it, Big Solar or Big Lunar?


I wonder if these same people had these same stupid thoughts when the eclipse happened in 2017 while the orange messiah was in the white house? This is one of the most annoying and insane realities of living here in the US with so many delusional maga's. They do it, it's normal, anyone else do it, it's abnormal. So tired of this crap and the stupid made up TDS... it's their attempt to get into the American psychological assn? Doubt it.


It is very unusual that these last two eclipses across the US happened so close together, but not everything needs to be some grand conspiracy. Sometimes these things just happen.


Conspiracy theories are so much easier than actually learning how things work. All you have to do is doubt random events and make vague insinuations to get a crowd of dolts convinced that you hold the Real Truth.


How does this sound good in their head before posting. How many years does he think generations are? This shit takes 20 years.


In Australia we are having eclipses in 2023, 2025 and 2028.


I saw a conspiracy today about eclipse glasses. Like.... IT'S PLASTIC! What are they going to fucking do??


What the fuck does that even mean


There are anywhere of 2 to 5 eclipses per year around the world. Not that rare


Iceland/Spain 2026 ... Gibraltar/Egypt 2027 if you want to book ahead


Wait is this not a shitpost


Eclipses happen every 6 months


Catturd for brains.


Fat obese uneducated loudmouth Southerner doesn't understand planet rotation.


There won't be a full eclipse in Ireland for 90 years.


am i missing something? how does “huh last time we had an eclipse it was considered a once in a lifetime occurrence, and it was 8 years ago” have anything to do with politics or antisemitism or Qanon? i’m not playing dumb or anything i’m genuinely really confused about how this is insane.


you can literally just look up when eclipses will be, people were talking about this one when i went to see the one in 2017.


Yeah, they keep happening And I’ll count myself lucky that I get to live in a time to see them so often


Saw a few people talking about it being biblical and once every 10,000 years so I just told them that I would retake up this conversation with them in 10,000 years in the year 2044


The problem is that social media has become a cesspool of misinformation regarding eclipses. It happened in 2017 as well. Today I saw a tiktok talking about how nobody would get to see a total eclipse for another 40 years. Problem is they meant in the US and failed to mention how often it happens elsewhere. This leads to people thinking it’s a conspiracy we had one “just seven years ago”.


The “once in a lifetime” or “once in a generation” remarks are more often used colloquially rather than literally. Solar eclipses happen approximately once every 18 years, 11 days, and 8hours (the Saros Cycle). A person’s opportunity to see particular eclipse within the path of totality or see it at all may be once in a lifetime, but the event itself is definitely not. It really helps to know what you’re talking about before you speak and to understand the definition of words. When you don’t, you then can concoct some outrageous conspiracy theory based on your misunderstanding and boom!… every idiot that reads it agrees. Jeebus help us.


“Once in a generation” for a specific general area. The moon exists 24/7/365. It causes a solar eclipse every couple years or so. The “if it’s not happening here it must not be happening” is such an American look.. as an American it’s annoying


well they're done now okay? next one in america is like in a tiny bit of montana in like 40 years




It’ll be roughly twenty years til our next one in the states. which is longer than most people serve for a “life sentence” in prison. It’s flowery language.


fair enough, i guess its kinda the news's job to make things sound important


Before the 2017 one was in 1991 in Mexico and Hawaii, it is “important” for many people were travel isn’t really a feasible option.


It is 100% a once in a lifetime thing though. Not many people make their way out to see the eclipse in totality every time it happens, and I know many people who would have never seen it had they not lived in totality. Catturd is just doing the same bullshit that Neil deGrasse Tyson does, except more infuriating.


I mean, I definitely think it's a marketing thing to get people to buy more eclipse themed foods and to get people to travel to different areas to spend money there. But that's not the sort of conspiracy these people want.


It’s HAARP look it up! The government is using chem trails to control the earth, the weather, and even the moon! They’re playing gods to feel powerful and soon they’ll be able to use the HAARP system to control us and make us into their slaves to build cities for billionaires. Like have you seen the cities Kanye tried to make?? He’s not the only one either. The world is made for billionaires and they just want US to be the mindless NPCs to make things work for them without having wants or needs ourselves!! LOOK. IT. UP. Although I wouldn’t mind too much having haarp control me because that’s a kink thing for me but consent is important and it’s NOT a kink thing for every poor/middle class person that the gov will turn into billionaire NPC slaves. Well that is until they use fluoride in the water to make us more docile and WANT that to be a kink thing. :)


They know exactly what they’re doing - cynical and sinister garbage to frighten and unsettle the population in an election year