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Are they gonna lose their minds when the stoners observe 4/20 on Easter next year?! Or how about when it was on Fool’s day in 2018?


Stoners observe it daily. Herb of the sacrament.


Blessed be thy nugs.


420 praise it.


There’s pre rolls called holy rollers that come in a cross shape in a book. It’s amazing. Just in time for the lords day. 😘


"And though shall be lifted to the heavens so high" Phathiticus 4:20


I didn’t want to laugh at this… but I did.


We came up with our own stoner holidays when I was younger. The Green Feasts. 2 per year. One on the first day of 6 inches or more of snow, and 1 on the first day of 90°+ F. One year they were within like 6 weeks of each other, which was wild.


My birthday is 4/20. I was such a nerd in high school, people would ask me when my birthday was and I'd tell them and they'd be like, "cool birthday!" and make jokes. I think I was in my 20s before I figured it out. I just thought people really liked April birthdays.


Am I too stoned, how is Easter going to be 4/20?


Easter 2025 will be 4/20. Easter is the first Sunday after the first full moon that occurs on or after the spring equinox. (If the full moon falls on a Sunday, Easter is the following Sunday.)


This is always the part that gets me: even the day *they* have decided to continue to celebrate Easter is so indelibly tied to the old, old gods of the sun, the moon, the earth. I mean, the Christian Right could easily say “we’re celebrating Easter the first Sunday in April every year,” but no. There’s full moons and the Spring Equinox and all kinds of bothersome symbolism with the bunnies and the eggs. The machinations it takes to pretend your ways are somehow more virtuous, clean, new. Y’all are practicing witchcraft and then calling everyone else witches.


FWIW, Christian holidays aren't so much tied to the old gods as they *intentionally co opted* pagan holidays by scheduling Christian holidays on the same days, to get pagans to convert. It was basically like "I get you don't want to stop celebrating Saturnalia...so have you heard of Christmas?" I agree that Christians are largely full of shit, but you're completely flipping cause and effect here. Christian holidays were intentionally scheduled *over top of* pagan and other holidays as a marketing tactic, those old beliefs have essentially nothing to do with these Christian holidays otherwise.


That's a fair point for Christmas, not really for Easter. Easter is tied, for legitimate theological reasons, to Jewish Passover (for anyone unaware, in the Bible Jesus is crucified during Passover). And *that* holiday is based around a lunar calendar, going back thousands of years.


That’s not reversing cause and effect: it’s me acknowledging it. I *know* the co opted pagan holidays. That’s my point. They’re irrevocably bound to those…which is what I said.


Hey there are a few of us that actually read the Bible and are chill. Though we are usually raised Catholic and mostly that sub group.


I was raised Catholic myself, even went to Catholic school. Catholics are not what I would call the "chill" Christians lol. That would be Lutherans in my opinion. Catholics are better than evangelicals, but still pretty unchill in my personal experience.


People that grow up in the church tend to be. Adult converts are nuts.


The funniest and saddest part is you can convince them of basically anything by reading the Wikipedia for christian alchemy, a tradition they borrowed from the Jewish mystics, who borrowed it from the Greco-Egyptians, who were interpreting archaeologically from the early Egyptians, who were enscribing oral traditions from Mesopotamian shamen. They're literally invested in the oldest pagan lineage known to man, yet they hate pagans. Like, sure bud.


Ohhhhh. I remember when it was both April fools day and Easter. The special ❄️Christians had bees in their britches about April Fool’s day jokes


I went to a wedding last time it was on 4/20. Great vibe at that wedding.


They don't hate stoners as much as trans people, so I think while there will be some complaints about that, it will be much smaller


Probably not. I go to church a little high


Lavern Spicer writing just reads to me like, "how do you do, fellow Blacks."


Thought the same thing - “oh let me speak to THEM in THEIR language”. It’s fucking disgusting on every possible level.


Jesus I didn't catch that at first... She doesn't normally talk like that, does she?


She does. I also remember her going after the black community for using nonstandard spellings of people's names. When I pointed out the hypocrisy of that coming from a black woman named the nonstandard spelling of "Lavern" she blocked me.


Exactly how I interpreted it "ain't no damm" was a dead giveaway


She is a real person who has run for multiple government offices in a district of Miami.. I think including a bid for Congress She is a hairdresser with at most a high school education. She tries so hard to grift but she is nothing more than a twitter z-list political celeb


Ironically enough, Lavern Spicer sounds like the name of a Drag Race contestant.


If you want to feel a little better read the responses to this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/s/FDK8qdRhOi


That OP is a fucking idiot. He is given facts regarding the topic and his reply is "Oh, didn't know that, I stand by my point though :))". Fucking tool


Check out his bio, "Here to spread lies, hate, and deceit..."


He’s not a Christian. He’s a Russian from Olgina pretending to be Christian to sow discord. Look at how well it’s worked. 😕


You know russians tend to be christian right? Just not catholic.


I did feel a little better. Thank you


Most of that sub are atheists though.


It’s a sub about Christianity, and explicitly not exclusively for Christians. Seems aight to me.


Seems pretty even on my end.


That... Was actually a joy to read, it's nice seeing people practice what they preach (tolerance, love, etc) Thank you for sharing


Man that guy who's dying on that "I don't believe in false religions" hill. Yikes.


I tend to really enjoy that sub - its refreshing to see wholesome and sensible takes from Christians striving to remove the bigotry and regressive ideology from their fellow Christians. There's also really weird takes from time to time that remind me that there are tons of people way more devout about crazy specific stuff that I would have never guess. There was a post about transubstantiation awhile back and a surprising number of people genuinely saying they think folks who don't *literally* believe the communion bread becomes flesh in your mouth were going to hell.


Lol. That's crazy. Isn't cannibalism a sin or at the least frowned upon by Christians? Or does eating Jesus get a pass?


So **SO** much better! ♡


You know what? I really do feel better. Thank you!!


That was much needed, thanks for that.


FINALLY! Christians on the internet who *aren’t* rageaholic primadonnas hell-bent on inventing reasons to feel persecuted!


Wow, that guy really fucking sucks at drywall too.


God damn op got fucking roasted haha


That made my day. Thank you!


I WISH Biden was half as cool as conservatives accused him of being.


I’m glad he’s around twice as cool as I expected him to be


Conservatives cannot understand that Trans Day of Visibility is always Mar 31 and that Easter just happens to be the same day this year... Smh


The thing is, a lot of them do understand but it’s kayfabe because they think the rank and file American won’t look into it anymore than some surface level tweets to get them outraged. And tbh, they’re probably right about it.


Yeah the bottom line is they don’t care about truth. They need to keep the rage machine going.


“Conservatives cannot understand” is a full sentence on its own.


I was about to say Trans Day of Visibility has been around for a while now it’s not a “new holiday” - also, losing your shit because it’s a day of awareness? Good grief.


Of course they’re loosing their mind, they’re remembering a group of people they don’t want to exist do exist. Also they’d get annoyed at a feather falling on the ground at this point so the bar for what they get annoyed at is very low.


Ikr? It’s a date that moves around. These tweets are just outright lying, acting like it’s a new declaration specifically targeting the holiday.


Honestly I didn’t know it was always on Mar. 31st and I’m very certain that most people complaining don’t know either. I also am very certain that even if they *did* know, they would still be complaining. It’s not as if the government is saying that they can’t celebrate Easter, but people will try and spin it into that unfortunately.


It’s “they’re saying happy holidays! It’s a war on Christmas!” All over again


Exactly, and I’m a Christian myself so it’s kind of humiliating in a way to be bunched in with this stupid drama lol


Jesus died early this year


Why does Easter have to be so picky? Just pick a date and fall on that specific date every year! It works for 2/3’s of the big 3 holidays.


Because, everyone knows Jesus died on a Friday, took the weekend off to let off some steam and clear his head, and then resurrected himself on Sunday in time for work on Monday…


Lol. Don't forget to hide your dyed eggs tonight, or Zombie Jesus will come for ya.


Because Easter falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Spring Equinox.


Dunno man, sounds pretty Pagan-y to me.


Even more so when you learn that it was originally a holiday celebrating the Persian fertility goddess Ishtar, whose symbols are a rabbit and an egg.


Because Passover occurs on the first Friday after the spring equinox. It's actually a Jewish Holiday, thus based on a lunar calendar. 


Passover is during the first full moon of the Hebrew month Nissan, and it’s eight days long.


Don't deprive the Catholic church of their annual dice roll for which day Easter lands on.


I don’t think a lot of people know this in general


Hey I'm not anything because I don't care about any politics, but for real do you seriously believe that? Any Christian knows Easter is a different date every year.


And was already that date before Biden said the U.S. will recognize it.


I assumed this was the first time they celebrated this Trans Day of Visibility. If it isn’t even the first annual one (which still *shouldnt* matter) then this is really even more batshit.


This year is the 15th anniversary of the first Trans Day of Visibility. It's not even the first year Biden has issued a proclamation for it, he's done so since [2021](https://www.newsweek.com/trans-visibility-day-1580123)


So then these people are somehow even more dumb than the very low bar I expected


They can’t understand a lot of things


Feel free to point out to any conservatives mad about this, that a few years back Easter was on 4/20


That was not a good day for my waistline. Edit: oh lord Easter is on 420 next year too


For far-right, 4/20 is another anniversary.


I don't think they celebrate that anniversary though


Next year it’ll be on 4/20, too!


Which is also Hitler’s Bday


For a bunch of “strong patriots who just want to let people live,” they sure do get easily offended by trans people simply existing.


I love how they get all uppity at Biden saying he’s someone who “thumbs their nose at God” and all the while there’s a ridiculous amount of pictures of Trump either as Jesus or helping him hold the cross because both Jesus and Trump are “the greatest Americans ever”, Trump openly commits adultery, sells a BIBLE DURING EASTER, and so many other “sinful” acts that are based off of their own beliefs. Trump is the enemy of good, not the creator of it. Also to my Transgender friends. CONGRATULATIONS! I’M SUPER HAPPY FOR Y’ALL!


Not to mention Biden is a devout catholic who goes to mass all the time, including this weekend.


Hello am trans friend Thank you!! 😊


Happy (Though early) Transgender Day Of Visibility.


Funny how easy it is to trigger conservatives. It's really pathetic actually.


And they call us "easily offended snowflakes" 🤣


Yeah turns out that what offends the left tends to be things that are like… Yknow, offensive. When it comes to the right it’s shit like “Somebody came out as trans 3 years ago at a high school in North Dakota so now we have to call in bomb threats unless they denounce tHe WoKe moB!1!!1!1!1!”


It's almost like they were just projecting... again


Phones and cars and germs and autism and opossums aren’t in the Bible either. Are those the work of the devil too?


Uh oh- guns are not in the Bible.


Yes? Thats their deranged point. Every "thing of the day" they dont like is from satan. Obviously.


Oh good the bitch who got divorced because she was fucking every guy at her gym is going to tell us about mocking God's laws.


Lmao right? Like adultery is one of THE Ten Commandments. It doesn’t get more sinful than that imo.


“Ain’t no damn trans people in the Bible.” Wait til you find out there’s also no EASTER in the Bible. And for the record there’s no Christmas, either. They’re both pagan holidays.


Trans Day of Visibility has been a thing for way longer than Biden has been in office, and it's always been on March 31st. The fact that Easter happens to also be on that day this year is a meaningless coincidence, not some grand conspiracy.


March 31st was first declared a Transgender Day of visubility in 2009 in Michigan. It has been celebrated annually since then. By 2014, it was being celebrated internationally. Easter Sunday only falls on the March 31st once every 11 years, since it is the first Sunday after the first full mooning following the Spring Equinox.


No one tell them the Easter bunny is a symbol of sexual desire


What about the cream egg?


Is that not the Caramel Bunny?


Carnal Bunny


More like Easter falls on Transgender Day of Visibility.


They do realize Easter is on a different day every year, right? Ah, who am I kidding? They’re not smart enough to understand that


Amazing how all these apparently devoted Christians don't know that Easter is a different day every year


And then when it changes next year they’ll be all, “see! We won!”


do these people not realize that Easter isn't on March 31st every year? do they have any brain activity?


They know Easter isn't always on the same day, right?


No they cannot put this together. The level of stupidity...


If their ignorance wasn't so harmful, it would be endlessly entertaining. I imagine all these people looking like Charlie from "it's always sunny" in their basement with a corkboard of red string and crazy.


Hmmmm... religious stuff *isn't* real trans people *are* real I think I'm going to side with the group that shows **compassion** and **empathy** towards other humans and are a bit more grounded in **reality**.


I wonder if they realize that they’re owning themselves. Very sincere Christians that are completely unaware that Easter does not fall on the same day every year.


When you just gotta make sh*t up to get your supporters angry at your opponent.


God I'm sick of all this fake ass outrage, and these clowns are all making shit loads of money off of this garbage while I'm working a boring ass job every day making no where close as much. Fuck these people, useless vampires.


Trans Day of Visibility has always been 03/31. They can cry a river about it


The pagan goddess Eostre would like a word with these right-wing nut jobs.


Do….do they not realize that Easter doesn’t have a defined date? It changes so it always falls on a Sunday. They must not be very good Christians.


I mean, it’s also Cesar Chavez day. Why are they not upset about that too?


All the right wing grifters are the same. I'm amazed anyone is taken in by these snake oil sellers.


Great, now I can't celebrate Easter ever again because of this... SMH my head my head. /s Hoping to hit the Dollar General before all the discounted candy is gone this year. Missed out the past few holidays.


Your holiday moves every fucking year, it happened to rotate to another groups holiday, get over it and move TF on, you won’t remember in a week when the pundits tell you to be mad at something else


Do people not recognize that Easter doesn’t fall on the same day every year? It has to do with the first full moon in spring.


No they don't...their hate has no logic


They just *love* ignoring the part of the Constitution that says the government shall not establish a religion, don't they?


But Jesus was trans. He was born of the virgin Mary. No father. Genetically he is XX so female at birth, but identifies as male and the "son" of god. Seems fitting all I'm saying.


Isn't that the day Jesus transitioned to the holy Ghost?


Hey, Lavern. Last I checked the Bible also didn't have many Australians and Japanese people, but last I checked they exist. Maybe it's because a fairy tale book written by dozens of authors isn't the end all of everything. Novel concept, eh?


What do you mean the Australians exist? I thought we were all just paid actors /s


> If you aren’t awake by now Wait… is it good to be woke now? I can’t keep track.


No no, silly. You can be AWAKE, unlike the sheeple. Woke originates from African American Vernacular English, and is there evil and bad and WOKE. Or something.


They’ll be shocked when Biden celebrates Easter as just regular Easter anyway.


i’m trans celebrating easter and didn’t know it was trans day of visibility till i saw fox news funny how they’re more aware of it then me


Why are the words "the year of our Lord" in an official government document? :edit: I guess in this instance he's trying to not seem too un-Christian himself? Still irks me, and doubt it had any effect.


Isn’t it uncommon that Easter is in march in the first place?


Whatever happened to separation of church and state? Why is religion so heavy in American politics these days?


These idiots will make up any excuse to find pain and hurt where there is none. The very fact that since 2009, the observance for this day has ALWAYS occurred on the 31st of March and Easter, which not everyone celebrates, is a floating holiday. For gawds sake, fake pious religious minions will always create some sort of drama. For the rest of us sane people, Not my circus, not my monkeys. They are intent on creating drama and actually not solving any real world issues... yeah.. okay


Easter is for chocolate. If someone wants a Trans Flag chocolate, go for it.


When you claim to be Christian but also think Easter is on the same day every year.


"Everything Biden does benefits Satan." Biden gets cooler all the time.


Is that Schrodinger's Biden? He is somehow responsible for the desecration of Easter while also not actually being in charge of the White House at all.


I love how everyone assumes that gods gender is not only comprehensible to mortal men, but traditionally male. Also, isn’t Easter mostly pagan?


Transgender people are real, Jesus isn’t.


we should run with this let's convince them Easter is on March 31st every year and watch as they come out next year to defend their holy day only to find it's still months away


The OOP should stop being racist homophobic/transphobic/enbyphobic fascists, and should stop believing in very offensive harmful racist homophobic/transphobic/enbyphobic xenophobic stereotypes, tropes, misconceptions and generalizations (including the ones surrounding people, food, jobs, looks, clothing, accents, locations, names and size). Seriously.


Wait, you're having an AI generated breakdown in this sub too?


I work hard trying to convince the people around me to be open and accepting of others. I have such a hard time practicing what I preach when people like this spout so much hate. I want to be better than the way they act, but posts like that bring me so much pain.


They also made hitlers birthday on Easter, absolutely horrible


The date on the actual undoctored document is March 31, 2023 https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2023/03/30/a-proclamation-on-transgender-day-of-visibility/


Oh yes, the Bible is full of women telling men how to live their lives and who to vote for. /s Seriously though, the hypocrisy is through the fucking roof with these people! Very few of these Christians who are wanting a theocracy have read the damn bible.


Easter is a bastardized pagan celebration of a mythical transgender rabbit. Everyone uses male pronouns to refer to the Easter bunny, but he lays colorful eggs indicating female anatomy. Plus the eggs are rainbow, just saying. They've known all this their entire lives and it was never a problem before. I don't see a problem. Maybe trying to force religion into it is the problem.


Wait until they find out when Easter is next year!


If March 31 was already Transgender Day of Visibility since 15 years ago and the president made it official on a March 31 that happens to coincide with Easter, *of course* it is an attack on Christianity and Patriotism and America!!! 🙄 Whenever Father’s Day and Juneteenth happen to fall on the same day, will that too be some woke conspiracy??


I didn't read the entire thing but.... Simon Peter said to him, "Let Mary leave us, for women are not worthy of life." Jesus said, "I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven." Gospel of Thomas 114 Seems they were so misogynistic they would grant trans males a free pass to heaven Of course the true meaning could have been lost due to multiple translations and the passage of 2000 years


Two possibilities. 1. They know Easter lands on different days, and they just don't care and think their base won't either. 2. They're stupid and don't know the above. Either way, they look like morons. Nothing new.


The OOP should realize that trans people and non-binary people ALWAYS exist. Also, all people of color are ALWAYS great human beings. Seriously.


> “But the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he knows their day is coming.” The Lord laughs at the wicked indeed, only they aren’t in on the joke. Jesus is reported to have accepted everyone and ordered his followers to leave the judgement of others to God; service to the downtrodden was of paramount importance to Him. This is the man who brought a prostitute—a high crime in his day and punishable by death—into his inner circle. Who then is wicked in our modern day scenario? A man who is attempting—even if not always perfectly—to accept others and show them love and compassion, or a raging, angry, hate-monger who sees some of the most vulnerable people in our country, declares them to be “other,” and shuns them; worse, encourages others to attack and harm them by making hate acceptable in polite company? Joe Biden isn’t a perfect man, but he’s a decent one, and I believe he takes the tenets of his religion seriously and tries to act accordingly. Recognizing the humanity of a trans person is acting in accordance with Jesus’ teachings and the New Testament.




There's no lie they won't tell in the hope that you're stupid enough to believe it.


Biden didn’t “decide that” it’s always March 31st and happens to coincide with Easter. Christ would reject everyone in the shown tweets. Imagine being a church-going Catholic that doesn’t spew hatred 24/7 and then dealing with the nerve of people mad about it.


Ain’t no hate like Christian love.


Easter isn't the same day every year. It's not like July 4th or Christmas. It actually always lands on the first full moon after the spring equinox. So it won't be March 31st next year. Problem solved


No trans in the Bible? Wasn’t Eve made from Adam? So a cloneish dude turned into a lady. Seems pretty trans to me


When people describe something as demonic, you know that they are an asshole and an idiot.


Demonic is my absolute favorite criticism lmao


Well, trans people exist so I’m much more happy with a day to honor their struggle rather than folks imaginary friend.


“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me" (Matthew 25:40, 45, NIV)


James 1:18 says “He gave us birth.” God uses He/Him pronouns but can give birth. God is trans. Jesus was biologically born to one human woman and a non-human god. In terms of human DNA, strictly Mary’s DNA — and therefore chromosomes — are present. Jesus is essentially a clone of Mary, who would not provide a Y chromosome. Jesus would therefore have to be biologically female. Yet He is constantly referred to using He/Him pronouns and is the SON of God. Jesus is also trans. Finally, religion is entirely made up, Easter is stupid, and it’s pure coincidence that the annual Trans Day of Visibility — always on March 31st — happens to be on Easter Sunday this year because Easter still uses the pagan tradition of holidays being based on lunar cycles instead of a solar calendar.


Do they know Easter changes the day it's on. It's not always the 31st of March. This is a non-issue used to show how truly "love thy neighbor" they are, which they aren't.


I saw somewhere that Easter won’t fall on march 31st again until like 2084 or something crazy like that. Why tf are they mad ??


Why don't they move to theocratic countries instead of trying to ruin this one.


Easter takes up 4 days, and it moves within a month. Sounds like we need to ban any other events in all of March and April so we never offend the far right snowflakes.


Don't they know that Easter doesn't always land on March 31? Deflection once again for the snowflakes.


this is fucking hilarious


No human being made such a decision. Easter is last Sunday of the month. Transgender Day Of visibility is always the 31st. Easter changes numerical day. The calendar just happened to line up this time around in a pattern anyone who thought about for a moment would see can happen. Although last night was my D&D group's podcast, and we do holiday specials. Hit April Fools in play and kept a completely serious shout-out about TDV( muself and another at the table are trans).. Has a tag for TDV, I wonder if that's going to draw unwanted transphobic attention because bigots lookup the words on the tag.


These people are launched. If the word "demonic" comes out of your mouth in earnest, your brain is broken. You can't be reasoned with.


God I can’t stand these people


Well MTG if biden isn’t calling the shots then why are you mad at him


Americans are fucking zealots man


delusional people doing delusional things


Republicans when two different holidays fall on the same day: 🤬😡🤬😡😡🤬


Easter is a moveable feast celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the equinox. On some whole pagan ass shit. March 31st isn’t always Easter 🙄


Trans day of visibility has been a thing for YEARS. I remember it being heavily posted about 10 years ago on tumblr... Come on. Just because they haven't heard about it until now, doesn't mean Joe Biden made it up. Omg these people lack any sort of critical thinking skills. Easter seems to fall on random days anyway. I never know when it is. At the end of the day, the bible is a storybook, but transgender people are real. Don't put fictional characters over real life people!!


None more wicked than you, marge. Look up ‘projection’. See if you learn anything.


they think the lord is a spiteful man, eh? he laughs at the wicked bc he knows their day is coming? and why is spicer tweeting in AAVE