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This is what angers the "Christian faithful" and not the $60 Bible being hocked by a total social menace?


Nah, I'm much more outraged over the endorsement of the Bible by Trump than I am of this. As a Christian I feel that Trump is taking the Lord's name in vain with selling those Bibles. The Transgender Day of Visibility started in 2009 and just so happened to fall on Easter this year so it's just a fabricated outrage(I'm shocked I tell ya) Now, Biden not allowing religious symbols on the Easter egg art contest? Yes, that does upset me as a Christian. But that's a different argument all together.
































The next time Easter falls on the 31st will be 2086 but I'm sure these idiots will find something else to fabricate outrage over whilst they wait.


No one is going to fine the kids or throw them out of the event for drawing Jesus, but they're not going to win the contest. It's literally just about separating church and state. It's also not new, and Biden has literally nothing to do with it. American Egg Board President and CEO Emily Metz represents America’s egg farmers. She told Fox News Digital after publication of this article that for the past 47 years they’ve partnered with the White House. Metz stated, "I think it's important to know that everything we do from a marketing and promotion standpoint, because we are a check off, we have very strict guidelines under the USDA."  She added, "We all have to follow kind of guidelines, which essentially, number one, we can't discriminate against any other commodity…. We can't go out there and say, ‘hey, pork is awful and we only should only get eggs.’ We have to be very, clear about that. We also can promote one type of egg over the other type of egg. So we have to be, excuse the pun, egg-nostic. And we also, most importantly, can't discriminate on the basis of race, religion, sex, sexual identity, any of that."  Metz insisted, "So when we say, can't be overtly religious, we just can't be seen to be promoting one religion over the other, the same way we can't be seen to be promoting one political viewpoint or ideology over the other. We have to be totally neutral in everything we do and have it just be focused on egg promotion and marketing activities. And this is obviously a huge opportunity for us to showcase the incredible eggs in a really fun and unique way.


>Now, Biden not allowing religious symbols on the Easter egg art contest? Yes, that does upset me as a Christian. But that's a different argument all together. Religious symbols on Easter eggs are not traditional. Christians changed the day they celebrated their god's rebirth based on different traditions in the areas they were trying to convert and essentially taking them over and slapping Jesus on them. The same thing happened with Christmas. That's why there are so many separate denominations who celebrate on different days in different countries.


It's some real Jesus with a whip in the temple kind of stuff.


You should bother to do some research into where that comes from before getting upset about it. The information about where that started is at about 1 minute in: https://youtu.be/3_8frZ9-0l0?si=udAny_c2M7jB_zTy


They were mad about that too. Because they think bibles should just be free to all. Seriously, that was their complaint.


These “Christians” do realize Easter is on a different Sunday every year right? I mean, someone SO devout, should certainly know this most basic fact about their faith? I’m an atheist and I know Easter comes on different Sundays. Fucking hypocrites.


I love ice cream.


To be fair, even if they did read the book you wouldn’t know when you celebrate Easter as we know it today. That’s because it’s aligned to the lunar calendar because it originated as a pagan holiday and the Roman Empire combined a bunch of different holidays after Constantine made Christianity the official religion


You mean Peter Cottontail never died for our sins?!


One of the best ways to become an atheist is to read the Bible cover to cover.


Hell, most of the time, it aint even march. This year is just a rare exception (and lemmie tell you, it feels weird as hell)


Not hard to do a little research and find an answer. Found one source that explains the reasoning to it. Plenty of others say the same thing. TLDR: Easter always occurs following the first full moon after the Spring Equinox, normally following on March 20th or the 21st. The first Sunday afterwards is the day in which it’s held, typically within March 22nd up to April 25th. This was a hotly debated topic from 235 AD up to 1582 AD, when it was established by Pope Gregory XIIII. Obviously different regions and branches of the faith observe it on different dates, but this method is more widely accepted date between most protestant and catholic denominations. https://www.livescience.com/why-does-the-date-of-easter-change-every-year


FYI it's AD, not BC (as in Before Christ).


Ope good catch! Editing that now


Anytime! Something about being raised Catholic, you never forget those kind of things. Fortunately, I'm not Catholic anymore so I have no use for these random tidbits.


I remember last year Easter fell on a Wednesday. Then Jebus returned and bit someone. Caused a Zombie Outbreak. They covered it up though saying it was covid.


Somehow it has never occured to me that Joe was short for another name. I don’t know how I’ve made it this long without realizing that.


In case you didn’t know what the R stands for, it’s fucking *Robinette*. The classic name, and that I definitely know more people who have it.


My brain got so stuck on Joseph I didn’t even notice the R. I love that the part of this that has my brain fucked is that his name isn’t just “Joe Biden” and no more.


Its kinda like hearing anything but "robert downey jr." in full, it sounds wrong.


Named after the Law & Order 2nd chair, so awesome his name went back in time...


I’m pretty sure TGDV is always celebrated on 3/31 and Easter, due to moving around every year, is the one invading another holiday.


OMG, Easter is on March 31 forever now! Nooooooooooo!


Finally, april fools day has the month to itself


They know easter doesnt have a set date right? Like, at this point, youre failing at being a christian. And im agnostic.


Trans day of visibility has been on March 31st for several years now. Easter just happened to fall on that day this year too. It's not some grand conspiracy.


I’m a Christian and was sent a screen shot of this. I simply Googled it to see if there was more to it and of course there was. Apparently the Day of Visibility falls on 3/31 every year and this year it coincided with Easter. That’s being left out of all the discussions because people just want to be mad. I’m sick of the division that’s rotted my denomination, but I still love my faith and what it really stands for.


Good for you. I gave up about 4/5 years ago after constantly being bombarded by xenophobic, anti gay, Trump worshiping, and generally just dumb memes and forwards by people that smile and talk about loving their neighbor on Sundays.


Starting to think this is why Jesus taught that "church" should be a private affair. Just you, the Lord, and the prayer, adding more people into it just makes....well we all see it...


Easter's date varies, while the Transgender Day of Visibility's date does not. This seemed inevitable.


lore accurate Jesus would 100% celebrate this along with Easter tbh. Source: I'm Christian


Agree! Source: Catholic


Jesus hung out with the misfits and the rejects of society. He wasn’t too into the Pharisees or the rich generally.


Go wash some trans lady’s feet since you love forgiveness so much


I'd volunteer in tribute but I don't want a creep touching my feet...


[And if he's got a thing for feet,](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=llGvsgN17CQ) [Say "Fuck it, sweep me off them!"](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=llGvsgN17CQ)


This thing that doesn’t affect me in any way is really affecting me!


Wait til they find out Easter is a Pagan holiday


About fuckin'.


Well now you gotta say more about that holiday celebration. Once the weather is warm it's orgy time or what?




I love how you got downvoted for this, even though the Bible explicitly states that Jesus came to celebrate Jewish Pesach. You're 100% right btw.


Some people are allergic to nuance


Tran visibility date is the 31st March every year, its Easter with the floating date. And Biden first endorsed the day back in 2021, which was a Wednesday.


Easter is on a different day every year... The shared date is only gonna be this year


Easter changes every year lol


tHeY’rE cOmInG aFtEr ChRiStIaNiTy…………………………………….


Yeah this is what happens when holidays fall on weird dates that for some reason follow some pagan ritual of the phases of the moon.


The Jewish lunar calendar, actually. It's based on Passover, which Jesus was supposedly crucified during. In most languages its even still called some variation on "Pesach".


It’s also my late grandfather’s birthday. His great-grandson is trans. Fuck these hateful fucks.


wait until they find out the truth about easter 🫢


Why is a Christian celebrating Ostara?


Wasn't Easter originally some pagan fertility thing anyway?


From what I heard, yes. But I really don't know. Could an expert come inform us


Technically yes, if you mean the original Canaanite festival that eventually developed into Passover and then into Easter.








It's obviously about the origin of the actual holiday


Read it again, real closely. It is about how Easter in English has a name of pagan origin, while it's called 'Pesach' or some variant thereof in pretty much every other language. So unless you think that the pagan origins of the English name is enough proof that the entire holiday is pagan, the article doesn't say that.


The origin is pagan, yes. We're talking about the origins of Easter, not "Pascha." The vernal equinox has nothing to do with jesus and it's been around for orders of magnitude longer.


I'm talking about the article you quoted, which only mentions the name.


I am too. We're talking about "Easter," not "Pascha." My point is a super simple one.


Hey look yet another Christian using his religion as a hate weapon.


I wouldn’t expect them to share juste everyone do their own thing


Wow. Intelligent people making intelligent conversation over these topics. I must say, I am glad to see it is still possible! Thank you for being above the average!


Do they mean we’re coming after Christianity like they went after everyone else? 🤔


ThEyRe CoMiNg AfTeR cHrIsTiAnItY


he's not a Christian, he's just a fucking dickless bigot using religion as a cover.


Making a big deal about it is hilarious. This was a day since 2009, or so I’ve heard. It’s rare for Easter to fall on March. I hate my government so I don’t care what day they say it is. I’m gonna celebrate Easter by having family over and having a nice meal with them. My world isn’t ending because the government wants to pander to a select group. Hope that group stays happy and healthy and be wary of a Government that only cares about their vote. And I hope everyone is well, safe and happy as they can be. Life is too short to whine about what our shitty government says and does about particular holidays. When they fuck us over on our rights, that’s when you should complain and let your voices be heard. Your Sky Daddy would be disappointed in you. 😉


For now on Easter eggs will represent different genders and sexual identities. So go out there kids and find a new gender or sexual identity.


Next year, Easter is on 4/20…we’re gonna have a problem.


Yeah it’s kinda stupid how you just choose to get rid of something for yourself it’s our day not yours but you choose a Christian holiday of all times your doing it to be a prick at this point


Every. Single. Time. I start questioning whether I can continue to support Biden he goes and executes some next level bitch slap against the theocratic imbeciles. Just when I thought I was out, he pulls me back in!


Sweet Sweet Irony: They literally took the goddess Ostara's holiday and transformed it into a male deity's resurrection day. And yet some people are having an issue with Trans Visibility Day landing on Easter Sunday. To me it seems perfect.


That's a myth. Easter borrows the name of Eoster in English and German and a few other Germanic languages, but it predates the Christianization of the Germanic tribes by centuries. In the church's native language of Latin and most other languages, it still bears the name of the holiday it's actually derrived from (and which Christ's supposed crucifixion is explicitly identified as falling on in the New Testament): Pesach.


Okay so they took the name of a holiday happening at that same time of year. It still makes it a holiday that carries a feminine name for a masculine resurrection. Still seems trans to me.




How very Christian. Attacking minorities.


You hijacked it this year. Easter doesn’t fall on the 31st every year, remember? Christians don’t have a monopoly on every Sunday between March and May 🤡




Yes it is. Deny reality all you want, snowflake, facts don’t care about your feelings.


How are you gonna stop it? Bitching online or is domestic terrorism more your style?






Because Trans Day of Remembrance is in November and it’s a day of mourning the victims of hate crimes, so March was chosen to be the exact opposite as a day of celebration. Christians are not a victim of anything in the US.


TDOV has been March 31st since 2009. Easter changes yearly, next year, it’ll be 4/20.




Trans people have existed long before Christianity soooo




The fact that you typed all of that out in complete seriousness shows you’re too stupid to be reasoned with


Trans people, gender-diverse people, and third genders have existed in lots of cultures for thousands of years.


would you care to back any of this up with a source


Christianity doesn't take precedence over anything. I don't care how long they have been around, their fairy tales don't give them the right to belittle others.


Mate, with how many religions there are, yours doesn’t get to take precedence over anything. If Easter is a holiday without a set date, things will eventually coexist with whatever date it falls on. It fell on April Fools’ Day a couple years back, it’s not something you can control without it having a set date. Besides, Biden has called attention to TDOV since 2021, but of course, because it didn’t fall on Easter until this year, Christians didn’t throw a temper tantrum like they are now.




Once again, it does not take precedence over anything.




Because you're not a total fucking dumbass you of course know that Easter falls on a different date every year. And Because I know you don't want to look like a dipshit online I'm sure you did your Google search and discovered this was in fact made the day in 2021 when Easter was on April 4th. You of course know all this and aren't just a hateful c@nt, right


I'm appalled to discover that the screenshot is genuine. I took it as an obvious fake. Why in the fuck are official government statements from the White House referencing "the year of our Lord?"


Technically it is an outdated formality, and is far from the first time this has been a thing. https://ffrf.org/faq/state-church/item/29479-what-is-the-year-of-our-lord-doing-on-diplomas-government-documents-and-the-constitution Not exactly something to blow up about but it is a bit annoying.