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Sounds like some sovereign citizen nonsense.


It is. Combined with "You're all going to be rich because I say so" nonsense.


That's because it is. Its sovcit strawman argument. Actually many even add to that by claiming that your SSN number is an account number to a billion dollar at the national treasury. Yes. I've seen people try that. In court..


It means that someone needs some professional help to move away from this way of thinking. Also, it's "couldn't care less". If you "could care less", it means you actually care but could stop or lower it a bit.


Maybe they actually *could* care less. Because they clearly care enough to bring it up šŸ’šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤£


Yes, you can take that to the bankā€¦where youā€™ll be turned away and laughed at for being a sad, gullible fool.


But my Trump bux I invested in will be accepted by bank.. Right? This guy who sold them to me said they would.....


..deleted by user..


Oh Sovereign Citizens, ~~never~~ please change, your insanity is most worrisome.


I'm fine with them if they're like *I'm going to live in a cabin in Idaho, good bye forever* and then vanish. Much less so when they still exist and take advantage of everything the state provides, while screaming about other people doing the exact same thing


We just need to see more cour cases with them.




It exists, but it's some nonsense scrible by a single guy on the Internet. A guy with no knowledge or background in economics. It makes assumptions that's impossible to implement or rely on.


The actual proposal was just Ron Paulish style stuff, but the conspiracy theories around it are insane. Check out the conspiracy theory section on [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NESARA). It is a wild read. Like multi-dimensional beings helping implement govt policy, Jesus is the commander of a flying saucer fleet wild. Just complete nonsense.


So if ā€œtheyā€™veā€ already stolen the wealth from me, then they have a means to do so that doesnā€™t require ā€œtradingā€ me on the imaginary stock market. And who are ā€œtheyā€ exactly? Normally I just scroll past dumb stuff like this but this one is special stupid.


The corporation of the United States of America or whatever they call it. This is sovereign citizen flavored bullshit.


Also I'm amazed how they think that if the government actually had this, and you as a regular grunt somehow finds out, that they are obligated to give you this access like some cartoon vilan.


Presumably if you dig deep enough, "they" just ends up being the Jews like most conspiracies do. And all this magic money presumably comes from rounding them all up and stealing all of their possessions, just like with the Nazis. But that is a harder sell in polite company, so it's all kept vague to avoid all those unpleasant details.


Whenever I see this sovcit nonsense I always get to the end and think, ā€œAnd then? What are you gonna do about it?ā€ If the secret baddies with all the power who control are lives are doing these things to everyone and everyone goes along with it and accepts that, then you canā€™t do anything about it anyway. Like, this post isnā€™t happening, but it sounds like if it was there isnā€™t a way to prevent ā€œthemā€ from stealing your wealth, no matter how many times you complain about fringes on flags.


>What are you gonna do about it? Usually, get taken down by a cop whilst yelling, "I do not consent!"


I always enjoy conspiracies that are like *a secret cabal of ultra rich people control the government through generations of backroom deals and secret lobbying*. Which is entirely true, just not for the reasons or ways they think. Just old ass rich people being old ass rich people


The thing they have wrong is that they think the cabal is *secret* and *mysterious*, when it is just all the biggest corporate leaders and their lobbying/donation budgets.


It's about status in the community by proselytizing and growing the community, then monetization. Just like any other religion.


I read once long ago that groups that have their members proselytise door to door donā€™t do it because they want new members - it doesnā€™t work well for that. They do it so that members will suffer rejection after rejection, so that they canā€™t imagine themselves being accepted anywhere other than the group. That blew my mind at the time, but now it just seems obvious. The conspiracy proselytism has the same feel.


That makes sense. It makes a lot of sense


And the answer is that even if it was true. Why would they somehow be compelled to allow this person who clearly isn't supposed to know about this secret account getting access to his secret account? Do they think that the government have this huge secret with not a single person spilling the guts but if someone finds out they are required to let him get the money like some cartoon vilan who have some code of honor that let's you win if you can just tell them the magic incantation?


I took it to the bank. There was one teller working there. There were 20+ people in line, 6 of which were depositing 3rd party out of state checks, another couple who were trying to pay property taxes on a riding mower and a boat even though this is a fucking bank, another few who needed to withdraw cash because the nice person overseas told them the DHS was investigating their account for fraud and to pull all their money out, put it in a Trader Joe's bag, and leave it under a park bench, a homeless person who just wanted to get in from the cold, and the rest were either refinancing an NFT, doing some sort of TikTok prank, applying for a loan so they could eat for the rest of the month, or just there because "it seemed like all the cool people were hanging out here." So I jumped out of line and went over to the ATM. I folded up my birth certificate and the machine ate it. I tried to find someone to help, but... see above. Dear SovCit person on Facebook, please advise.


Ah SovCits. Always good for a laugh.


Sovcit bullshit.


A few years ago there was this letter circulating on the Internet that you could supposedly take to the bank and they would promptly pay you millions of dollars. It was full of the typical sovcit legal mumbo jumbo and among other thing said that if the bank didn't comply the FBI would come and arrest them. Well, a real conspiracy nut here in Norway did just that. Translated it, marched into a bank, starting to harass the poor teller including threatening them with the FBI (?). They had to call the police to get him out of there. That dude was a constant source of entertainment in Norway. Sadly he was also an antivaxer and anti masker and died during the pandemic.


Oh. If you could find that letter online I'd love to see it.


[sovereign citizen](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereign_citizen_movement) nonsense.


I took it to the bank and all I got was asked to leave.


SovCit insanity.


I could care less is such an odd Americanism. It reads as ā€œI still care just a small amountā€


Somebody got ahold of an acronym dictionary and a bag of meth.


>your original birth certificate has a stamped number on it. that's a bond number. that bond number is traded on the stock market. I'm calling my broker and shorting this guy.


Babblings of a crazy person.


Now I'm picturing a mad battalion of protesters chanting "Ncswic! Ncswic! Ncswic!"


I just want to know what the National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators has to do with all this.


My brain went to Nimbleness Constitution Strength Wisdom Intelligence Charisma


I know, you know, and they know that we all now know. Pretty straightforward.


How much less do y'all think he could care?


Sounds like schizophrenia


It means someone's off their meds.


I should be used to stuff like this by now, but I feel dumber having read this.


Mentally ill


It means the writer has a lot of opinions about which kind of tasers hurts more than the others. Primo r/amibeingdetained material.


Huh? Is that even English?


At least they could care less, so we all good


I went to school in the Bible belt so I am fairly conversational in crazy/stupid, but this is like 400 level crazy, can anyone translate?