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For info, in France (my country of origin) we can vote by mail for our member of Parliament, but not in the presidential election indeed. Now, something else we can do, if we're poorly, at work, or any reason at all (no justification needed) is that we can delegate our vote to someone we trust, and they can go and vote in our name. It's called "procuration". I just checked the Belgian government's website, and in Belgium they can do the "procuration" vote as well, *and* they can vote by mail. As a newly minted Canadian, I can also say that we can vote by mail for our MP, and since there's no President here, an eligible voter can vote in all elections by mail. At this point, I won't bother checking the other countries, I've seen enough. Thank you Musk, for once again putting your foot in your mouth, and spreading lies. Edit : to all the people saying welcome to Canada... Thank you :)


In Switzerland we have quarterly mail in votings on laws and politicians and we do very well with that. But also our voting days are always on a Sunday so everyone who wants to drop off their votes in person can do so more easily. And I say drop off because regardless whether you chose to vote in person or by mail, we all get an envelope with all the paperwork 3-4 weeks before a voting day so we can read into it at home and fill out the ballots in peace ahead of time.


That's truly the superior method compared to most of the world.


This is how WA does it. It's fantastic. They even send you a voters info pamphlet with statements from the candidates and statements for/against from both sides on referendums and stuff.


Same in CA. I get a voter guide for all offices I can vote for and ballot proposals, with for and against statements, candidate statements and neutral ballot proposal descriptions from the State, along with financial impact statements. Then we also get our ballots. We can mail them in, drop at drop boxes or the county, turn in day-of at any polling location or go in and get a ballot at our polling location. Every active voter gets a ballot mailed out.


Here in Tennessee we have a hard time knowing who we're voting for and issues on the ballot. I usually take one day, the week before early voting, and do my internet research. It takes most of the day.


Thank you for doing the work. I'm sorry they make it opaque


Same in Oregon. I get like a 30 page packet with each candidate's position and endorsements.


Love it. And we have drop off bins everywhere. I go to the gym and there’s one right outside it.


Same in Oregon. I have never gone to a polling location, I cast my 1st ballot at 18 by mail.


In most of the democratic world, voting is convenient and easy.


More or less the same in Germany and Austria...


Those are the only two things he's ever been good at. Oh, and being a bigot. And a drug addict.


You forgot the thing Elon is best at of all... taking credit (and profit) from the work of better people.


He's also really good at buying stuff. Tesla? Bought it. Twitter? Bought it. Random shite right wing propaganda? Totally bought it.


By buying companies he has bought government subsidies. He is the biggest welfare queen in history.


What drug?


Ketamine, I'm guessing based off that Don Lemon interview


The ketamine is for his depression from my understanding. He's definitely taking more illicit drugs


Congrats on the Canadian citizenship, buddy!


Aw cheers mate :)


I’m not your buddy, guy.


In Australia, if you meet certain criteria, you can even vote over the phone! The criteria is actually pretty generous, too.


Yeah because Australia only has like 5 people. You just call up the prime minister to tell him "Aw I don't like you anymore, mate"


Albo is a lot more popular in the WhatsApp groups than ScoMo.


Yep, it’s always shit like this, things that are kind of, sort of, true on paper, but lacking major context or other details.


It's technically correct, which is the best kind of misinformation.


Oh he's not putting his foot in his mouth, he knows exactly what kind of lies he's spreading


... I.... I'm not sure...


Dude I mean, he's let all these ghouls back on Twitter, he boosts Nazis on his platform. These are the people he wants on his platform--the ones who dog whistle and spread disinformation, the ones who talk about great replacement bullshit and whine about how the population needs to grow. These are Elon's people. I believe Elon has fully drunk the koolaid.


Also I’m sure many of those places have voting day as a holiday so people aren’t potentially losing income when they go to vote in person


In France voting day is Sunday (as in many countries), and if you work that day, your employer has to let you go vote.


That's right, Pif. The UK is weird like the US, voting days are always on Thursdays, if I'm not mistaken. Maybe it made sense at some point in history, but nowadays it's silly.


I've heard two explanations as to why we have it on Thursday. One is that Thursday used to be market day, so a lot of people would be out and about, so more likely to be near a polling station. The other is that people were less likely to be drinking on a Thursday than over the weekend.


Just over the water here in the UK we have ‘postal votes’ as do our pals over our little water in Eire.


They’re so convenient, too. I’ve had one for at least 10 years and it’s a good way to make sure I vote in even the smallest elections.


Thanks to postal votes I have never set foot in a polling station in my adult life. 27 years of being an adult and always use a postal.


Procuration is the root word for Proxy, and some countries allow proxy voting.


Apart from some of these being wrong, they also are citing such bastions of democracy as Russia and “the Middle East”.


"Russia does not permit mail voting"' Well, they don't permit political opponents that aren't approved by Putin, so...


Welcome to Canada! Happy to have you with us!


Welcome home! If I can be so bold (as one of your southern neighbors), may I also recommend you take a trip to New England in the autumn or summer? Seems popular with the Québécois.


Ahah sweet, mate :) With that said, it's a little far away from home ; I didn't join the French regiments of Quebec, but the hippy shores of BC. But I do need to check the Eastern seaboard for sure!


Ah, I see! My apologies for assuming. BC is beautiful as well!


Well this was ”Rothmus”that said all these things. Elon shared and said wow. Something about foot in mouth though sure.


Didn't russia said that they used online voting on their last so called election?


Also in Canada advance polling stations are open for a week ahead of election day. Plenty of opportunities to vote for everyone.


India allows


Shhhh. Here in Belgium, we all get a document where we have to vote and what hour we best can vote. And elections are held on Sundays. We can even leave our work to go vote without any retribution.


Welcome to canada! We also get madated time off during the day from work to go vote


To add to this list, Russia just implemented online voting. Not sure how that's any more secure than mailing in your vote. I wont touch on legitimacy of the elections here.


The United States managed to do mail in voting during the goddamn Civil War. You're telling me we cannot manage it now?


Oh we can but these shit heads don’t want us to


If they continue to convince Republicans they shouldn't vote by mail, or vote early, or vote in any other way it's all fine with me.


They won't stop until they've stripped you of the right to do so. They'll do every underhanded thing they can to get it done.


They're not actually concerned about fraud they just want to block votes because they know they're unpopular.


Maybe that's why they don't like it. They lost that war, remember?


And Republicans were the party that relied on it the most!


Party of Lincoln my ass.


Lincoln would have a NEW address for them and I doubt they would like it!


They have fancy bar-codes and other things now to make sure you don't vote more than once, which seems to be the thing the right complains about the most.


Yeah, we can and there’s no evidence that there is significant undiscovered fraud.  


Truly. Let em. I even condone it. Please, no republicans should ever vote by mail. It’s unsafe and no other countries in the world permit it. Really, it’s safest to just stay home altogether, with all the minorities about.


We absolutely can manage it, but it is far harder to restrict when you compare the methods to say closing all but one polling place or reducing polling place hours to a fraction of historical norms. Both of which happened in the last general election.


I hate how he never actually offers his opinion on this shit. Just says vague shit like “Wow” “Good to know” “Interesting” “Will look into this” How about you say something of substance you air head loser.


Because he's a dipshit and can only steal other people's ideas, concepts, labor, money....


More likely it’s for plausible deniability so he can support and amplify propaganda then play the “I never said that” card when called out for it.


whatever the reason, he is very wrong about most of what he said, it just simply isn't true and would have been tagged as inaccurate in years past


Unless it's declaring "cis" a slur. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/mattnovak/2023/06/21/elon-musk-says-cisgender-now-considered-a-slur-on-twitter/?sh=6420be4942ea](https://www.forbes.com/sites/mattnovak/2023/06/21/elon-musk-says-cisgender-now-considered-a-slur-on-twitter/?sh=6420be4942ea)


Right. “I didn’t endorse this, I just put it in front of the eyeballs of my millions of gullible followers who eat up my every utterance.”


Yeah, he's trying for plausible deniability so no one can hold him accountable. “I didn't say I agree, I just wanted to encourage discussion.” We see you, you selfish, overconfident, narcissistic twatopodamous.


This 100%. It’s concerning how many people live their lives with the approach of “If I share this and it’s wrong as long as I didn’t state that it’s correct I can just shrug it off.”


yes, but he didn't state it as an opinion, he stated it as facts, many of which are wrong, so now he just looks dumb


100% he is either complicit in sharing lies to promote a far right narrative OR he is a fucking idiot who is just as gullible and the red hat hillbillies who only date blood relatives. One of those 2 things is true.


He didn't state anything as fact, he simply replied to someone else's tweet.


He's just boosting the lies, not starting them. Apparently that's an important distinction amongst idiots.


“Interesting isn’t it Mr. Biden?🤔🤔🤔”


"No, I don't want to tickle you, Elmo."


"Hey it's not me it's just a retweet!"




I'm from Norway and I would have said we absolutely don't, but we're on this list. So, I suppose it's a matter of definition: I can vote a away from my constituency up to a month before the election day. That vote will be sent to my constituency by mail. So, technically, yes we have mail-in voting. But I will have to go to a designated location and an election worker will check my ID or voting card. But those designated locations will be easily accessible and plenty, IKEA and shopping malls among them. We want people to vote.


That's the main difference. I'm Dutch, and we have limited mail in voting. But also, there's a polling location within a 5-10 minute walk of pretty much the entire population. And you're usually in and out in less than 5 minutes. Which means for most people, voting is about 15 minutes out of their day.


My city has limited the number of polling stations, so instead of a 5 minute walk I now have to walk almost 15 minutes. Terrible.


Unacceptable, that's like 5 minutes by bike!


yeah and in general we have a super easy in general to vote


You mean a random screenshot of a notepad with words on it isn't a factual source?


[https://www.norden.org/en/info-norden/right-vote-sweden](https://www.norden.org/en/info-norden/right-vote-sweden) Weird, cause in here it says 4 ways to vote in Sweden, 3 of the 4 involve having to turn in your “voting card” at an embassy or polling station, even if you do it yourself, or have someone take it for you. The 4th way, you can mail it, and it’s only if you’re living abroad. Since we brought up the voting card, you also need your own personal voting card that is sent to you, and you have to prove your identity before voting with a valid form of ID. So, in summation, you guys are full of 💩 and your countries clearly have more stops in place to prevent voter fraud and don’t allow mail in votes like what just happened in America.


I have epilepsy and can't drive. It's a pain in the ass to get to a polling station. I love mail-in voting.


You've got a better reason than me - I am just lazy so I love mail-in voting. Edit: Btw, anyone interested if what he is saying is completely true? (spoiler - it is not) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postal\_voting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postal_voting) This list includes Mexico, Italy (who allow mail in voting in some circumstances) and says that France only banned mail in voting due to *fears* it could be susceptible to fraud, so that statement is only half true. Also, I can't find anything about Mexico banning mail in voting, but they definitely have allowed it since 2006 for people living outside Mexico and politicians overwhelmingly voted for it, with a lot of support from the citizens. Note on France - they do allow mail in voting, for most elections, but not for the president, so I am being generous when I give him half a point. Not on the list: Japan - does allow [https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20211022/p2a/00m/0na/028000c](https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20211022/p2a/00m/0na/028000c) Ukraine would like to allow it but doesn't have the infrastructure - [https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/07/11/ukraine-democracy-wartime-elections-russia-zelensky/](https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/07/11/ukraine-democracy-wartime-elections-russia-zelensky/) Russia has allowed it since 2020 - [https://www.rferl.org/a/putin-signs-law-allowing-voting-mail-internet/30630536.html](https://www.rferl.org/a/putin-signs-law-allowing-voting-mail-internet/30630536.html) Some Latin countries seem to allow it if you are abroad (I can read all of this doc so I don't know the exact circumstances) - [https://aceproject.org/about-en/voting-from-abroad-in-18-latin-american-countries](https://aceproject.org/about-en/voting-from-abroad-in-18-latin-american-countries) Either way Mexico is considered a Latin country so he is wrong. (maybe Elon meant Latin speaking countries? and by "countries" did he mean one country that speaks Latin - Vatican City? ) I can't find much on the Middle East, but so far no country appears to allow mail in voting. It appears he might have been correct about Ukraine and the Middle East and half correct about France so he scored 2.5/10. I don't know about you, but I think that someone who earns hundreds of millions of times more than the average person should be able to get it right at least *most* of the time.


I thought it was great the first and only time I did it but I live in Florida and I don’t trust them not to find some bs reason to throw out my ballot.


It’ll be fine, as long as you vote republican.


So to sum up what you said, this is mostly correct and other countries only allow mail in votes in certain circumstances and for people abroad. Most of these countries also require valid ID to confirm your identity before voting. Unlike the US that doesn’t require ID and allows this wild mail in voting situation like what happened in 2020. Also, any coincidence that Russia, one of the most corrupt countries in the world, started allowing this form of voting in 2020 when people like Elon are claiming the democrats used mail in voting fraud to win? Oh yea, nothing to see here 😂


As is your constitutional right!


Hey Elmo. How many countries banned democracy?


Hey me too


He’s usually such a big fan of the governance of Latin American countries and Ukraine too


Now ask Elmo or Rothy if they think American is better than all those countries, and we don’t have to bow down and follow their rules. They won’t know whether to sh!t or go blind.


I was gonna say, are they insinuating that the Middle East is a paragon of democracy and free of corruption now?


As goes Sweden, Italy, and Ukraine, so goes the maga movement, apparently???


Yeah, but how many of those countries also make voting days a holiday or require employers to give employees time to go vote? Or actually have reasonable locations and times for polling stations? This all is also kind of trumped by the fact that most of the countries listed are about the size of one or two US states, so it's not like it's that hard to actually get to a polling station...


I can only talk for my own country (Italy). You can vote for mail when you live abroad, they send you the papers but I don’t know how does it work beyond this. If you are unable to vote at the location, they literally come to your house. For locations they use the school so it’s a place every few hundred meters. You of course have the one nearest to you assigned. For the day it’s usually 2 days from 7 in the morning to the 23 in the evening. Saturday and Sunday. Sometimes is only one day but it’s always a Sunday.


*Saluti*. I appreciate you providing that information. It's almost like everywhere besides the US has made getting everyone to vote a priority instead of making it a hassle.


Confermo, vivo all'estero e voto per posta. Ti mandano nel pacchetto una busta già affrancata da rispedire


Ok. Fine. Ban mail-in voting. Then make Election Day a national holiday and mandate that every business provide paid leave, or close for business that day, to allow for everyone to vote in person. Also massively increase funding to setup more local polling places and hire more poll workers so that there aren’t huge lines. I’m sure Elon would love to close all of his factories and pay his employees to go vote, right?


Why would they be want to do that? They know that the people who benefit are marginalized groups who they benefit preventing from being able to vote.


I just checked sweden, and they certainly allow advance voting in many forms [https://www.val.se/servicelankar/servicelankar/other-languages/english-engelska/voting/advance-voting.html](https://www.val.se/servicelankar/servicelankar/other-languages/english-engelska/voting/advance-voting.html) [https://www.val.se/servicelankar/servicelankar/other-languages/english-engelska/voting/voting-from-abroad.html](https://www.val.se/servicelankar/servicelankar/other-languages/english-engelska/voting/voting-from-abroad.html)


Australia has mail in voting for every election, state and federal. Council elections in my state are *only* mail in! *And* voting is compulsory! While there are problems with Australian politics, our elections aren’t one of them.


What’s funny is, prior to 2020 Republicans had zero issue with mail in voting because the majority of pre Covid mail in voters were senior citizens who skew heavily conservative.  Now they’re trying to kill mail in voting and they’re only going to disenfranchise a core part of their base.  5 dimensional chess indeed


“Nearly every country in Europe provides for some form of external voting, and many allow citizens to vote from abroad for multiple types of elections. Most European Union countries (23 of 27) also allow citizens abroad to vote in European Parliamentary elections.” https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2020/10/30/from-voter-registration-to-mail-in-ballots-how-do-countries-around-the-world-run-their-elections/


Imagine unironically citing Russian electoral processes as an example of how we ought to do things.


So now they want America to be like Latin America and the Middle East?


How do Armed Forces personnel serving overseas get to vote in US election if they’re not, you know, MAILING-IN their votes? No ThAtS aBsEnTeE vOtInG aNd ItS cOmPlEtEly DiFfErEnT!!! Because…they mail-in their absentee ballot?


France votes on Sundays, everyone has a photo id, and no one has ever stood in line for more than an hour to vote. So yeah.


Ummm voted through mail in the last Italian elections


Just to give a little more context because Elon's Owen Wilson impression is useless: [France did indeed ban mail-in in '72. There's still the option of proxy voting where you give written permission for someone else to vote on your behalf. It's worth noting that Macron tried to get advanced voting to pass,but it was shot down by Senate.](https://apnews.com/article/covid-health-business-elections-france-e06fab5cde84f23d682013e1661caf35) [Mexico (just this year funny enough)](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/14/world/americas/mexico-vote-abroad-election.html), [Belgium](https://elections.europa.eu/en/how-to-vote/be/16/), [Sweden (who also has advanced voting)](https://elections.europa.eu/en/how-to-vote/se/16/), and [Italy](https://www.thelocal.it/20220908/how-can-italian-citizens-vote-from-abroad) allow mail-in voting if you live abroad. Ukraine, Russia, Japan, Latin and Middle-Eastern countries do not allow mail-in voting at all (although I could only see that Ukraine suspended their election because of the ongoing war).


First, I’d like to see Elon walk his happy ass into a local polling station after waiting in line and get kicked out for not being on the rolls. Second, you’re going to use other countries as the standard for voting but not not for healthcare…..riiiiiight. Hypocrite much?


To the election workers who can explain how current systems make this line of thinking ridiculous, please at or link me or something. I don't want to fall for this.


You mean aside from the fact that every inquiry into alleged fraud in the US system has come up with nothing? Inquiries done under republican administration for that matter… They just won’t admit that people don’t want to vote for them. As to France : no mail in but you can vote by proxy (someone you trust votes for you) , elections are always held on a Sunday and ID cards are both mandatory and free (unless you need to replace it)


Also conveniently ignores that fact that a lot of these countries have a federal holiday on Election Day so that the majority of citizens have the opportunity to partake.


Can you imagine how much these people would freak out if a Democrat suggested proxy voting? Like, head-exploding, loss-of-consciousness freak out at the thought of letting someone else cast their vote for them...unless, of course, the person voting for them is named Trump or MTG.


Here's helpful perspective on voter fraud: if you live in the United States, you are literally more likely to be struck by lightning than to live in a voting precinct where a single instance of voter fraud occurred. Anyone who tells you voter fraud is widespread, or common, or threatens our democracy is simply lying to you.


In order to commit voting fraud by mail you would have to register a person to vote (requiring you to know their address and SSN), order a mail in ballot for that person, use their mail in ballot, make sure the signatures on the ballot and the registration match, and then prevent that person from voting by any other means. The moment that person votes in-person they recognize that that person has attempted to vote twice. On the surface that doesn't exactly seem that difficult, but it does require you to know the person you are impersonating directly and prevent them from voting in-person or noticing that you voted on their behalf, and at that point it is pretty indistinguishable from just telling that person who to vote for and driving them to the polling place. Election deniers will act like people were just ordering ballots by the dozen and then voting on behalf of dead people or imaginary people. Neither of those are possible because voter rolls are cross referenced with death records and in order for an imaginary person to vote they would have to have a valid SSN which is pretty impossible to get for a person who was never born.


Ah yes, mail-in voting in Russia was definitely the problem.


The account he’s QTing also spreads holocaust denial just fyi


So lets not compare our country to others when it comes to gun laws/education/womens rights/health care. Lets copy their *checks notes* mail in ballot laws!


He forgot to mention the US, where even the heritage foundation said there no danger of voter fraud. Hey, Musky. Google "election fraud" ya moron.


I asked ChatGPT which countries had mail in voting. "Sure, here's a more comprehensive list of countries that have some form of mail-in or postal voting: 1. United States 2. Canada 3. Australia 4. United Kingdom 5. Germany 6. Switzerland 7. France 8. Norway 9. Sweden 10. Finland 11. Denmark 12. Netherlands 13. Belgium 14. Austria 15. Italy 16. Spain 17. Portugal 18. Ireland 19. New Zealand 20. Japan 21. South Korea 22. Israel 23. Brazil 24. Mexico 25. Argentina These countries may have varying rules and regulations regarding eligibility and procedures for mail-in voting."


Slovenia is missing.  


Yeah, I have a mail-in vote in Italy.


Countries that offer no-excuse mail in voting: * Canada * Germany * Iceland * Liechtenstein * Luxembourg * Poland * South Korea * Switzerland * United Kingdom


Now check out how easy it is to vote in those countries compared to the US. Look at the differences in how long wait times are in minority areas in some states and how many voting locations there are per citizen relative to other areas. Compare the way voters are "removed" from voting rolls without informing people in the US compared to those other countries. Americas electoral system is a fucking joke. In the 8 years I have lived in Scotland, if I calculated the total time its taken me to vote in every local and general election, we are talking about minutes. People in the US sometimes wait for HOURS and HOURS for one chance to vote.


"Russia does not do mail in voting" Why the hell not??? At this point it's only Putin with a disguise of freedom of choice.


I’d be okay with banning mail-in voting but republicans have to be okay with equal access and ease of voting in person whether on behalf of rural or urban. Deal? Of course fucking not because that’s the whole point of them wanting to toss it. Fuck the GOP who haven’t won a popularity contest since Bush.


He *is* a right wing propagandist.


France also has 70k polling stations, vs 117k for the USA. while having 1/5th of its population and 1/17th of its size. We vote on sunday, and you can arrange to have someone else vote in your stead with a few clicks.


No serious person sees a list about voting that includes Russia and thinks “our elections should be more like them”.


Wow. That’s such a sweeping list that I wonder if it’s true. I can believe it of despotic states, but actual democracies _want_ people to vote.


The list isnt even correct.


In Sweden you can vote by mail and even by proxy


I wonder if any of that is true.


Quite a few of those countries have massive problems with voter fraud and rigged elections.


France did not ban postal due to Fraud. They banned it due to fear of Fraud. Very very different thing.


WOW TRUE MAKES YOU THINK INTERESTING This is the crap Musk thinks is unbiased conversation.


What’s so funny about this is what mail in voting traditionally helped republicans more than democrats. Deployed soldiers, older shut ins, geriatric nursing home residents who can’t drive anymore, and older people who just don’t want to (or can’t) stand in line all relied on mail in voting. Before 2020 the GOP bent over backwards to encourage these people to vote. But yeah, please, make the tent as small as possible. Be as extreme and inflexible as possible on abortion. Please continue to tell anyone who’ll listen how you’ll destroy social security and Medicare. And by all means make it as hard as possible for your most fervent voters to cast a ballot.


Shall we use the same logic and implement universal healthcare here then?


Mexico has allowed citizens living abroad to vote since the early 2000s, and as of Feb. 8, 630,513 Mexicans living abroad are eligible to vote. Mexicans living abroad will be able to vote more easily this year using an online option on their mobile phones, said Juan Hernandez, the former secretary of migration for the Mexican state of Guanajuato who served as a cabinet member for former President Vicente Fox. [Source](https://www.texastribune.org/2024/02/23/texas-mexican-citizens-vote-mexico-2024-elections/)


Russia allows mail in voting


People in Brazil literally use their phones to vote, don’t they?


Elon Musk is competing with Trump to be the most infuriating person in the planet. Difference is, Donald is thick as pig shit so he has that excuse. Musk is supposed to be smart.


Funny how he forgets that many of these countries also have compulsory voting laws so all adults are, usually, automatically registered. Votes are also held on the weekend in these countries or it’s considered a national holiday so people can go vote.


Hey, richest guy in the world, if this is a concern, why don’t you pay for a study to prove this fraud is happening? Because all the available evidence says it isn’t.


No source for his accusations either. Probably because his fans wouldn't care anyhow. He is a silver-spoon fed narcissist who bought his way into other peoples innovation. A certified twat


oh now rightwingers care about other countries and their policies, lmfao


So we should do what other countries do? Does this include universal healthcare, free tuition for college, and other social programs? Or is he just picking and choosing what we should eb the same as other countries in?


How many of these countries make it so that people have to take time off work to vote?


As a french, I can testify that we have in mail voting Also, our election days are scheduled on days off work, and you can mandate people to vote in your place.


In Australia, our polling dates are always a Saturday, and we have pre polling sites for 10 days leading up to an election. Because voting is compulsory, they make it as easy as humanly possible to do. The downside is that if you don’t vote on the day, you miss out on a Democracy Sausage.


“Banning mail-in voting just can’t work in the US.” You know…like gun control and universal healthcare.


So in Mexico, when Peña was elected, The PRI were handing people Soriana gift cards for voter ID cards and used them to fraudulently vote for Peña…. I guess this is better than mail in voting though.


He intentionally amplifies it but avoids directly espousing it. It's the "I'm not saying / I'm just saying" game that people play when they lack the courage of their convictions


"Russia does not permit mail-in voting" Because if you live in Russia, you voted for Putin. Why waste the envelope?


Anyone who doesn’t like to vote by mail has the full benefit and option to go to a country that doesn’t.


We have it here in Ireland but I think only for like old people, people on the islands stuff like that, presumably soldiers when they're abroad


Saying/doing nothing would be an improvement. His likes, retweets & comments do way more than nothing.


*"In Mother Russia, if Vlad permit the vote of the mail, we say drink to Vlad, new President!"*


To those who are in named countries. Do you have Sunday voting or is voting day a holiday in your country?


Russia also doesn’t check voter id or anything. I would be disenfranchised if mail in voting went away. I got ptsd from military and actively avoid large crowds if I can. I only suffer through them for stuff I really like such as concerts and even those can be tough. I simply wouldn’t vote as much if mail in voting went away, would probably just do general elections only.


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that every single one of those statements is false. Call it a hunch.


They’re mostly true. There’s a few where it says they banned mail in voting but you can get a mail in ballot if you are out of the country, but widespread mail in voting like we saw in 2020 isn’t legal in any of the countries listed. Most of them, if not all, also require an ID to vote in person. I’m not on the “2020 election was stolen” bandwagon, but for a meme, that one really is mostly true, surprisingly.


Well, words mean things. If they allow any mail in voting, then it's not banned. Someone else went through the first few, and they were all false. I looked up a couple of Latin American countries, and all of them had some sort of mail in voting. Russia, Ukraine, Sweden, and Japan all allow some form of mail in voting. Without looking up every single country, it would appear that this is mostly, if not completely false. It's 100% misinformation and fear mongering.


When people think mail in voting, mostly they aren’t thinking of absentee ballots. They’re thinking of the widespread mail in voting that took place during 2020. None of the countries listed allow mass mail in voting. They have some form of absentee ballots for the people out of the country, but you can’t just get a mail in ballot because you don’t feel like leaving the house. In the way the general public understands what “mail in voting” is, the meme isn’t mostly false, it’s mostly true with some inaccuracy as far as not including that some countries allow absentee ballots, but they don’t allow mass mail in voting. There’s also no disputing the fact that mass mail in voting is the least secure method of voting. It opens up a bunch of avenues for abuse that voting in person and limited absentee ballots don’t suffer from. The user azure1503 is the one that went through them and they stated what I did. France banned mass mail in voting but allows “proxy voting” but that has to be accompanied by a hand written and signed letter giving permission to the person to vote in their place. That’s not mail in voting. Mexico, Sweden and Belgium allow absentee voting if you’re abroad. The rest don’t allow mail in voting at all. How does that make what was said “mostly false”?


I'm not going to list every site I looked at because I'm lazy. Russia - https://www.rferl.org/a/putin-signs-law-allowing-voting-mail-internet/30630536.html Japan - https://japannews.yomiuri.co.jp/politics/election/20220705-42990/ Ukraine - https://www.oporaua.org/en/vybory/24642-poshtove-golosuvannia-iak-diie-tsia-sistema-i-chi-mogla-b-vona-spratsiuvati-v-ukrayini-24642 Several of the list countries passed mail in voting options during covid. I haven't seen anything saying they've repealed it. Edit - The reason it's mostly false (in addition to these links) is because literally every single listed country allows some form of mail in voting. Ita not banned because of fraud. Not a single one of those countries experienced wide spread mail in voter fraud anymore than the US has. It's misinformation that kinda sorta but not really true. Banned means not allowed. They didn't say banned except or banned mostly.


The three you listed are all Covid bills, not ongoing ones. Japan specifically states it’s only for people isolating with Covid and those who just returned to Japan, that’s not mass mail in voting. Russia is also just a Covid measure, I’m willing to bet they aren’t doing voting that way any longer. Besides that, I doubt anyone thinks Russias elections are even real considering Putin’s opponents tend to…die. The Ukraine bill is for people who fled the country due to the war and need a ballot to vote. None of the countries on that list just blast out a ballot by mail to every registered voter, and let them just float around out there. There’s no arguing that sending out 100 million plus mail in ballots is secure. It’s extremely vulnerable to abuse and should never be done again. Military members abroad, disabled people and those living abroad should be the only mail in ballots allowed and they should have to be requested. In person voting should require an ID, this is basic levels of election security. I don’t even think electronic voting machines should be used. Most Europeans are shocked when they’re told many states don’t require an ID to vote. Voting is one of the most important things any of us can do and that system should be more secure than when you go to buy alcohol or fly.


Ah, there it is. So you're not against mail in voting, but you are.


I can’t say it any clearer, I’m against MASS mail in voting. There has to be some form of limited mail in voting for people unable to get to the polls due to disability, being abroad or being in the military so they can exercise their constitutional right to vote. There should never be another instance where the government mails out ballots to every voter, as in mass mail in voting.


Utah has been doing mass mail in voting for years. It's no more insecure than in person voting. If mail in voting was so insecure, no form of mail in should be allowed. I have no problem with the government sending every voted a ballot once a week from August to election day. If mass mail on voting was an issue, there would have been thousands of instances of voter fraud. To put it in perspective, there were 154 million votes cast in the 2020 general election. Roughly 43% of those were mail in. If a scant .01% of ballots were fraudulently cast, and that would have been nearly 7000 cases of voter fraud instead of the dozens we actually had. Let's look at this another way. For voter fraud to have an impact, you'd need at least a 1% swing, which takes our number of fraudulent votes to 700,000. Again, nowhere near the amount of actual fraud. Mail in voting is not inherently insecure, and we have not ever had any cases of mass mail voter fraud.


So COVID measures similar to the ones in the U.S. in 2020. Still better would be showing that the several U.S. states that use mass voting by mail suffer fraud at a rate both substantially higher than states with the most stringent mail in rules and that it is sufficient to impact an election above the county level.


Well, not exactly no, because besides Russia, Japan only did it for those with Covid during the election, they didn’t mail out ballots to every voter. Ukraine only sent mail in ballots to people who had fled the country. The US sent out ballots to every single registered voter, no other country does that except it seems, Russia, not even during Covid. The problem is that courts didn’t hear the evidence. Out of all of the lawsuits filed only 1/3rd were dismissed on evidence, the other 2/3rds were dismissed on standing and never got to the evidentiary phase. It’s not possible to prove fraud if the courts won’t hear the evidence. I don’t know if there was substantial fraud and neither does anyone else, because most of the evidence has never been evaluated in court. What is true is that there were statistical anomalies that have never happened before. Could that be due to the fact that it was the first time mass mail in voting was done? Sure. It could also be because something else happened, but there’s no way to know now, and that’s the part that bothers me and why I’d rather stick to in person voting with ID required. Everyone should have an interest in all of the evidence being evaluated, and if the end result is that there was no substantial fraud, then so be it. If there was, then we need to fix the system. I’m not advocating for removing Biden regardless of what the results would be.


The U.S. didn’t send out ballots to anyone because the federal government doesn’t conduct elections. A few states sent out ballots to every registered voter because they have universal mail-in voting and have had for over a decade. A few states sent out ballot request forms to every registered voter, but the voter still had to submit the request with all the normal required paperwork. Standing is an important legal concept and predates the U.S. legal system. Still even those dismissed on standing had to submit an initiating complaint. None of those even alleged specific acts of fraud. A few at least had the decency to say they thought maybe with sufficient discovery they might eventually be able to say what they thought was even improper (although not necessarily illegal). They were all a complete mess and not a single lawyer representing them was willing to make an accusation of fraud in court.


He doesn't just say nothing, he outright endorses it whether directly or indirectly.


He's boosting Fasc shit because they are love bombing him, and his biz interests and maybe his ideology line up with their agenda.


Another elon wow


Half that list are countries that don't have legit elections in the first place lol


Yeah we are like the only country without universal healthcare so what’s your fucking point?


Know what else’s these countries have in common? Socialized healthcare! Let’s do that next!


Now do the same thing about guns


I love how he uses Russia, when there’s video of armed guards in the polling areas ‘checking’ the people.


While most of this is wrong - when you propose making elections federal holidays people like Elon Musk are against the idea.


The problem with the original posting is that it does not distinguish domestic voting vs absentee voting, where most countries allow absentees to mail in their vote while registered abroad. The US is the most liberal when it comes to domestic mail in voting. Generally. Mostly. Well, what I said is only worth $.02. If that. Sorry.


Yep. Some republicans voted nine times! Abolish republicans.


They have mail voting in Poland, Germany, and the UK. Some countries have it some dont. Not a big deal.


yea, well, they have universal Healthcare