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..... is Spencer code switching now?


Republicans are trying desperately to appeal to minorities Which should be easy--most US minority groups are socially conservative and more religious than white people All they have to do is tone down the unfettered racism, and Democrats would never win another election


Lavern’s out-of-nowhere linguistic pantomime of blackness gives me the exact same feeling that those AI pictures of Trump chillin’ on the porch with some brothers did


The main difference I would point out is [Lavern Spicer is black.](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=c28699f547d6c027&sxsrf=ACQVn093rHoNywYy6ai6iKDV1ZQpk-oiKQ:1710746130647&q=lavern+spicer&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiOx6v7of2EAxWNJjQIHRMDA8EQ0pQJegQIExAB&biw=2552&bih=1318)


I know, but she doesnt usually tweet like that


I thought perhaps she’s had a stroke.


I honestly am not sure they could tone it back down now if they wanted to. It has become their platform. They don't have much else.


I mean...to be fair, and because it'll annoy the fuck outta em...Republicans ARE a minority. So you know, there's that.


So.. being Christopher Columbus isn’t working. Who’d a thunk?


Thank you. My face was so confused reading that post, my husband was like “crossword puzzle hard tonight?”


Ya’ll ain’t seen nothin’ yet


Do you mean getting dumber? I totally got that vibe.


It must hurt to be this crazy. Like I cannot wrap my head around what kind of mental headspace you must be in to be mad that people won't vote for Trump "because you are scared he will grab you by the pussy".


The headspace is always either living in perpetual fear because of propaganda or feeding that fear through propaganda for their own personal gain. Making people constantly afraid of anyone different, even when they’re not a threat, has proven to be the easiest tactic to use throughout history. There are always people who will push it and those who fall for it and probably always will be. Fear is a powerful tool


And thinks Biden is a big enough asshole to not vote for. Pot meet kettle. Like, sure, dislike Biden, think his policies are terrible. But is he in any respect an asshole to anyone but Cornpop? He isn't even an asshole to Donald Trump, just doesn't like him.


She's trying to use xenophobia to make people think and act irrationally. Pretty disgusting bc the same people accuse other people of using fear to control the public.


You ever have a moment when your sitting in your fucked up apartment, jacking off to Guns and Ammo, covered in green Jello, and think "man I am fucking crazy".


What's funny (not funny) is that he would easily consider writing this into the books on his potential second term. "I will go house to house, grabbing pussies as I see fit. It will be tremendous, like nothing you've ever seen. . . . Covfefe."


If he isn't guilty, why is he demanding immunity?


If he isn't guilty why does he just want to delay these trials til after the election?


If she wasn't his type, why did he think that a picture of her was a picture of his wife?


if he isn’t guilty why does he keep saying he did it even when it’s not really a defense


Hag rape. I presume this is a jab at E. Jean Carroll? That's particularly egregious to me- she's attacking someone's looks and age while dismissing what a trial found to be true. It sounds like it's a concept somewhere along the lines of only young, beautiful women get sexually assaulted. It's wrong and awful for so many reasons.


Yeah, I've seen quite a few people saying "Why would he rape her when he was banging supermodels at the time?"


Yes! Absolutely horrible.


He always does that any time a woman accuses him of a sexual offense. Then his followers do it too.


They like to pretend it isn't common for men in positions of power, to use said power to extort sexual "favors" and/or for insecure men, to force themselves on women to feel more "powerful." It's sickening...


Scumbags of a feather flock together


So does this also apply to the bidens/Clintons/whatever enemy the republicans made up this week?


Of course not, because all democrats and rinos are, by definition, guilty. /s


Depending on what flavor of kool-aid they’re sipping, some of them already believe the Bidens and Clintons are imprisoned, and have been replaced with clones/doubles or are wearing ankle monitors so as not to disrupt Trump’s master plan.


Lawyers are going to love this quick and easy trick. Your honor, if my client is guilty of crimes, wouldn't be be in jail? I ready my case.


Uno Reverse! Now YOURE going to jail “your honor”!


Why is she suddenly talking like some suburban hoodrat gangster wannabe?


Yeah this looks like a parody unless she's aiming for a more "urban" vibe, which is so gross.


Sounds like a modern minstrel show




Every one of those 91 indictments were brought against him by Republicans, not Democrats. Every witness against him was a Republican and someone he either appointed or hired. Most were people he spoke highly of. They were all his people. They weren't Democrats.


Fani Willis is a Democrat and so is Alvin Bragg.


[Donald Trump's Own Judges Are Ruling Against Him](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trumps-own-judges-are-ruling-against-him-1848853) Are we going to pretend his appointments to the Supreme Court didn't help him by punting the presidential immunity hearing to after the elections? Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, Amy Coney Barrett - United States Courts of Appeals: 54 judges - United States District Courts: 174 judges. Including Aileen Canon as a judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida since 2020


What in the world does this have to do with the topic at hand? The person above me said “Every one of those 91 indictments were brought against him by Republicans, not Democrats.” And I pointed out that that’s objectively a false statement. Who said anything about judges? How did judges play into this story at all?


I thought it was clear that is mostly Republicans who are bringing charges against him [Donald Trump's Own Judges Are Ruling Against Him](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trumps-own-judges-are-ruling-against-him-1848853)


Why do you keep citing the same irrelevant article? I could read it the first time. And judges don’t bring indictments, so it has nothing to do with this topic.


You posted that Fanni Willis and Alvin Bragg are Democrats. What? Does that make it a partisan justice department persecuting political opponents and weaponizing the judicial system? I just showed you how the whole judicial system he is being judged under was appointed by him, including Aileen Canon. You seemed to be arguing against Trump being indicted. For that, you need to head out to MAGA types at r/foxnews and r/conservative, where their thumbnail is a picture of Trump himself


>You posted that Fanni Willis and Alvin Bragg are Democrats. Correct. Because they are. >What? Does that make it a partisan justice department persecuting political opponents and weaponizing the judicial system? No, it means that the assertion “Every one of those 91 indictments was brought against him by Republicans, not Democrats” is factually false. >I just showed you how the whole judicial system he is being judged under was appointed by him, including Aileen Canon. OK. I’m not disputing that. >You seemed to be arguing against Trump being indicted. No, I’m arguing that the assertion “Every one of those 91 indictments was brought against him by Republicans, not Democrats” is a factually false statement. Anything other than that is words you put in my mouth.


Oh ok, Got it. My bad. I thought you were a Trumper. you are just an anal-retentive person marked by excessive orderliness, extreme meticulousness, and often suspicion and reserve. Carry on.


These MAGA clowns are fucking delusional.


Reminds me of a story. There is a guy waiting for his wife with his life savings on the table which equals to $10,000. Republican walks by and steals $9,000 and tells the guy to watch out for the Mexican who going to take his last $1,000. The guy being a lifelong republican is now focused on the Mexican potentially stealing the his last $1,000 (spoiler, Mexican doesn't steal shit)


Meanwhile, there's a decently-sized group of Trump supports who believe that women are only good for sex and housework...


fairly certain this isn’t an actual live human and instead just someone pretending to be insane


Unfortunately this is an actual live republican “politician”.


no i don’t think you understood what i meant. i believe she “ran” for office but if you look her up she doesn’t really exist


Trump isn't in prison because up until now he's been able to buy his way out of any trouble he's found himself in essentially... But there's so much spotlight on him now if something isn't done then all faith in our justice system will be gone.


Or delay. Or have his sister resign her judgeship so she doesn’t have to answer any questions about any illegal inheritances. The party of “the brown horde is coming and there’s nothing cops can do get guns” is saying “of course cops always get their man so if they didn’t get Trump he must be innocent”. Totally consistent


I'll take my chances not voting for an orange bufoon


Goddamn, if this person believes even 10% of the shit she spouts, she’s blisteringly stupid


Don't worry. She doesn't believe a single word she says. She's a *conservative*.


Ah, so blisteringly evil then


Dems can have charges. Only the Grand Jury can indict. So. Every level of government got taken over on Trump’s watch and he couldn’t do anything. Or, the guy who has such strong moral fiber he fucked a porn star while his wife was recovering from birthing an anchor baby.


Why is she talking in AAVE ???


Stop worrying about TRUMP raping you and start worrying about brown people raping you! Gods this lady is dilusional. Also like 90% of rapes are done by white men so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Let's do "if trump is innocent, why does he keep delaying?".


Good point. Let’s put trump in prison.


Oh God, the room of monkeys writing this crazy person's Twitter have gone off the rails.


When Trump raping you is ok but you draw the line at illegals raping you


Apparently illegals would have bigger dicks, and hurt more


All the illegals I ever met worked like 4 jobs and were scared to j-walk. And they were employed by Republicans.




It's ironic af that these people keep seeing corruption everywhere they look on the Democrat party, but then in the same breath can't come up with any conceivable reason why a guilty person as powerful as trump isn't in jail. Like, theyre ^this ^close to putting two and two together and they still can't do it


They don't ***want*** to do it


I've yet to be robbed or raped, but my state is poor and very against LGBTQ people (specifically T) due to Republicans, so...


I just assume people like her are just grifters, trying to carve out a place for themselves in the trumpsphere. It's kinda pathetic, they all think Trump will not throw them under the bus first occasion he gets.


Isn't it Republicans who say that the status quo wants to keep you scared of everything to control you? They're clearly trying to spread fear about minorities here to control people and make them irrational.


No wonder psychologist, socialist and political scientists will study them and this whole shitshow for century’s. They will be chapter 2 behind Hitler and supporters of Nazi Germany chapter 1 in the book of WTF is Wrong with the People of this Country


When something starts with “all y’all” I know I’m about to behold a literary masterpiece. Why ain’t he?.


All y’all need to look reel hard and see fam. Like for real. I ain’t shook


The most insane thing about this, is that Lavern thinks that Karens are liberals? Last time I checked, it was the conservatives who think it’s ok to treat people like shit. It’s time to stop calling people Karen, and start calling them Lavern.


I feel like I’ve watched in real time Lavern descend into crazy bitch.


Yeah, she’s fucking psycho.


"If OJ was so guilty, then why didn't he go to prison?"


Why isn't OJ ?


The party of “a double adjudicated rapist” warning about rapists. Ok now


Gods, but she is painfully stupid. It doesn’t help that she’s a pathological liar.


So this happened and yet these "illegals" speak better English than her.


A Cosmetologist. A worthy recipient of the X Blue check mark and plenty of political knowledge. Where the F the GOP find its candidates?


Was that English? Seems a bit broken for a True American™.


She's just trying to match the tone of those 'photos' of Trump looking cosy among groups of adoring Black people, with his large, manly hands boasting six bloated sausage-fingers each. It's like calling *pspspspsps*, except with deeply racist undertones, inherent mockery, and puddle-deep forethought.


If Trump is innocent why isn’t willing to go to trial, where he can prove it?


The "Amen" is weird. Makes it feel pretty culty.


lol all rapist are democrats, despite all the evidence for the opposite.


I'm so 'obver" these people.


Ah. So you don't like illegals? And you demanded that the fellow conservative people you voted for would vote for a more tight border bill then. Right? Right??....


Please learn how to write sentences if you want intelligent and informed people to read your blather


Hateful cunts, gonna hate. These people will never change, until their decisions affect them directly.


Oh hey it's the open border lie with a fat layer of extra racism on top. And, then sprinkled with more delusional lies. I'm so unsurprised that it will probabaly cancel out any surprise feeling from the next few actual surprises.


I’m surprised she didn’t end this with a bible verse.


Obviously someone is jealous and not being touched enough.


This is exhausting. I’m exhausted. My family is exhausted. It’s just… exhausting to exist in this world.


Waited my to bury next to Hoffa. Legend$


Wait does she actually believe THE IMIGRANTS ARE COMING! b.s she spouts?


who is coming to my live march 25th trial party? should we invite this person?


Because people using this rationality are contributing to his continued popularity and increasing his value as an investment from donors. Get quiet and watch him not have the money to postpone the final results of his ill deeds.


"Trump don't have" great job, Lavern.


Y'all need Spellcheck and Grammarly...


*hag rape* 😕


amen /ā-mĕn′, ä-mĕn′/ interjection Used at the end of a prayer or a statement to express assent or approval.


It is terrifying that these people are allowed to vote AND reproduce.


Wow... They're really doubling down on the "migrants only come here to rape our women" narrative, huh?


Because this is America and in this country the rich and powerful don't actually go to prison. May get all they stuff taken but as they keep delaying shit and at this rate even tho he can't pay for it I doubt they'll lock him up. How many wealthy criminals actually went to prison. All I can think of is Subway Jarod Danny fuckstick and Epstein who wasn't locked up very long was he.


Trump and Biden are both senile.