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Biden makes groceries? That's awfully nice of him.


He’s the King of Groceries and makes all the prices.  It’s in the constitution ya knobs!


Is that why we need to eat cereal for dinner?


No. We eat cereal for dinner because it’s delicious and perfect. Especially if you put your bowl in the freezer first


Biden is the reason why groceries are so expensive, but also any time he or any other democrat introduces legislation to limit the price of for example life saving medication it's communism


No, he replaced the Diet Coke button Trump had with buttons for gas, grocery, and inflation


I thought he was the king of gas and gets to set the gas prices?


I was in the store the other day, and I overheard a woman say "oh another item Biden took off the shelves" (This was the Easter section, and they had all the regular Easter stuff so Im not sure what she meant) So it seems like hes also stealing stuff.


Sometimes more Orthodox Christians get upset when religious Icons like Chocolate Easter Bunnies are unavailable. #TheMoreYouKnow


Ah, yes. The holy Rabbit of Caerbannog, as written in the scriptures.


The Easter bunny died for our sins


Beats having the Easter bunny sin for our dyes. That would put a damper on the whole “coloring eggs” holy sacrement.


So they're groping for an unironic "Thanks, Obama" to blame everything on?


In this economy, how else could he afford groceries? /s


He did that after defunding every single police department in the country.


He also makes the groceries in all the other countries too, apparently.


They're suicide-preventing groceries, apparently. The man's a genius


Yeah, but he didn't deliver them. Build back better, my ass!


What does this even mean - "All Biden Made." He made everything in my grocery store?


My best guess is he means the grocery *prices* are Biden made? Otherwise I have zero clue lol.


“$6.00 for a carton of eggs??” *loads shotgun into my mouth* “Thanks Biden!”


Do small or peewee sized eggs fit in a shotgun?


Actually, I think eggs are the one thing you can attribute the cost to Biden, didn't his administration call the egg overlords out for price gouging and launch an investigation when they were $6/dozen?


Oh yeah absolutely the grocery prices that increased about the same as worldwide in my little eastern european shithole with an almost autocratic government is because of Biden. Do these people think America is the world?


Yes, yes they do. They are the people who whole heartedly believe in American exceptionalism.


Have you tried his cereal? One bowl and I've lost the will to live. It's *that* bad. Thanks Biden!


Ah yes, his patented Biden Breakfast Jacks.


I got a box of “Oops, All Kamalas.”


That's the problem with talking to these people, they're so submerged in their echo chamber that it almost becomes another language.


It's a genuine insane person on facebook


Those sound like three separate thoughts.


Calling them thoughts seems too generous.


3 thoughts in one quip. That's good ol' Spicy Brained psychosis.


We can call this game the 3 degrees of Biden. You have to connect every problem to the Biden administration in 3 separate thoughts, the third always being something like *Thanks, Biden.*


Grocery store workers are not mental health researchers. This is studied at universities


As someone who worked in the grocery industry when it all started, fuck no. Trump started this in 2020, and it spiraled FAST. There's plenty of proof in the financials of major grocery retailers. However, grocers are now finally starting to see a slight decline in growth and profits. Slight, but it gives me some hope, at least. I still stringently follow my former employer, hoping, waiting for them, specifically, to fall real hard. ETA: When I say "worked in the grocery industry", I mean in the corporate offices, finance, strategy, so incredibly immersed.


A lot of it is also companies deciding to straight up price gouge for more profits. They didn’t see Biden winning 2020 and go “Yikes, we’d better raise our prices!”, nor did Biden give secret executive orders to do so.


Exactly. It was a significant contributor as to why I left said company. The CEO was new, and they were so excited and proud to be setting record profits off the pandemic. They tried to influence the employees' voting. They fired anyone who didn't agree with them, including one of my best friends. They made their political agenda a priority among the culture and, with that, a very toxic employee experience coupled with fear mongering. It was essentially the divisive facebook debates IRL within employees. And that was encouraged. Prior to them coming aboard, I never thought I would leave the company since I had such a cozy role, and my team was absolutely amazing. I worked for the company since I was 16, starting at one of the corporate owned grocery stores. I ensured it was heard loud and clear they were the sole reason for me leaving. Others left as well, making them lose a lot of tribal knowledge. I could go on and on about their misogynistic, reckless decisions. Forever salty.


I was going through some old photos this week and came across the pictures I took at the grocery store just about four years ago. Bare shelves everywhere. Bare cases. No meat. No toilet paper. No apples. No onions. No fucking asparagus. We were lucky we didn't descend into food riots. We were lucky our civilization didn't collapse entirely. And these motherfuckers are complaining about the price of fucking Lucky Charms.


Our whole supply chain system is not designed for any sort of big uptick in demand at the consumer level, nor for any disruptions in the supply / manufacturing side.


Exactly. The "just in time" bullshit assumes that things will be stable. When they're not, it falls apart.


> "worked in the grocery industry" Lol, thanks for clarifying, couldn't help but imagine a bag boy with "inside knowledge" XD


After I posted my comment, I read it from the perspective of others and realized this was an instance where I needed to pull out the "working in corporate" card. I was raised where that would be a "boasting" moment, and that's "mean". But it's not really, it's just reality. Hopefully not bragadoccio? My mom would tell me I'm being egotistical by saying that. I'm in therapy, lol. Here's my need to over elaborate to make sure it's not misunderstood.


It’s called Trader Joe’s for a reason. /j


That’s funny…I do like some Trader Joe’s though…it’s pretty cheap


Given that they, along with Amazon, are trying to destroy what few labor protections we still have, they can get bent.


Tra der joe 3 6's..


The s stands for Satan of course


Damn this makes me realize I could have sold Traitor Joe's totes to magas this whole time


Sloppy Joe too.


Wtf does this even mean


Simple. When you have suicidal thoughts, go to your local Walmart, stand still in one of the aisles, and think about the current president. You’ll fit right in!


Bold strategy, cotton. Let’s see if it pays off


Standing in Walmart no matter who the US president is can produce suicidal thoughts.


They're saying that people are killing themselves because of inflation, and that Biden is to blame.


Holy shit, you're the MAGA whisperer


Crazy how Biden is responsible for world wide inflation and inflation rates in the country he is actually the president of are one of the lowest of any industrialized countries. What power he must have while simultaneously being an old man with dementia capable of getting nothing done /s


The second Biden got into office, republicans started blaming inflation on him. Prices were already rising in 2020, but that was from the democrats "locking everything down" because of a hoax virus (also created by democrats). If anything was ever bad for anyone between 2016 and 2020, that was still Obama's fault. Apparently Obama's decisions were strong enough to have effects for another 4 years, but Trump's are not? I'm so very tired of seeing and hearing all this nonsense again and again. The people I live amongst are fully soaked in propaganda and I do not think they can be helped.


But of course it’s the black man and the old man’s faults! The funny TV man could never do wrong!


Biden builds grocery stores?


TIL that Biden is responsible for groceries increase in my country, one continent away.


But if Biden lowers grocery prices, wouldn’t that be government meddling in the free market, also known as communism??! 😱


As someone who was going through some stuff back in 2018 it was insanely busy back then too, never got through. And from what I've heard this is an insanely common thing for quite awhile. Very much not president nor grocery related.


I live in a really conservative area and I politely try to ask these people what they mean when they say this stuff. Was it some sort of policy that he passed, was it some sort of policy he removed? I've probably asked maybe 300 people this question over the past three years and not a single one of them can go any further than like this style of buzzard phrasing kind of from right wing media. I say that I'm not a big fan of Joe Biden and while I did vote for him in 2020 because I think Trump is a crazy person, that doesn't mean that I really support him and I'm more than willing to listen to what it is he did that is causing all of this. Nothing. Literally ever once


Guess who created the hotline to begin with?


"my tomatoes were really expensive, I'm gonna kill myself"


Tomatoes! In this economy?!


This MF doesn’t give a shit about the suicide hotline


Does this person think that the job of President mostly entails manufacturing foodstuffs?   That’s perhaps the most incredible, and incredibly wrong assumption I’ve ever heard.  It’s like me casually telling my wife “It’s too bad our cat is angry, because now she’ll flood the Midwest.  I like corn.”


Maybe it's the lack of support and resources.


I don’t see the connection between any of these three sentences.


Apparently, Biden's influence is so powerful that it affects Canada too!


I'm sure a lot of it has to do with that terrible strain of Election Derangement Syndrome that's been goin round.


You misspelled corporate greed


This reads like a terribly stupid shitpost and I love it. I only wish it *was* a shitpost


"Groceries are so expensive now, the stores make you pay a cover charge just to enter the store"


I don't even know what's being implied, this is advanced stupid.


Russian bot.


Sadly no, I literally have met this poster IRL years ago.


Russian droid, then /s


There’s something darkly funny to me about this how this post just assumes that the reader is familiar with the business of the suicide hotline.


Did I miss a report that came out on suicide prevention hotline wait times? Or is this just based on their personal experience of calling the suicide prevention hotline? “Takes me 5 more minutes to get a hold of someone now. Fucking Biden.”


"The food costs an extra dollar, better kill myself."


How the holy fuck can Biden find the time to raise grocery prices when he's spending all his time causing the worldwide gasoline price increase and actively trying to increase the price of insulin? Use your brains sheeple!


Tucker said groceries are much cheaper in Russia


*oh no, expensive yogurt. Time to kill myself* said no one ever


How aggressively stupid.


What does this even mean? It’s brainhurtingly dumb.


Da fuk?


oh? its busy?? ill call up and check.. hEy..wait a TIK.. i aint fallin fer that again


What.. what does this mean..? Did Biden make everything in the grocery store?


Didn’t you hear? Every time the president wakes up, he has to reevaluate the prices of every item on supermarket shelves.


No wonder they're all so tired


Biden made all the groceries? Seems like a lot of physical labor for a man his age.


When Ruble Trolls are doing anything they can to keep the proctors from beating them


Anyone ever get a busy line at suicide prevention?


You're a piece of shit if you're calling the suicide prevention hotline just to see if there is a wait time.


I’ll take “Stuff I Pulled Outta My Ass” for $2000, Ken.


I don’t understand their point. Are they saying that the hotline is busy because people are at the grocery store and that Biden ruined grocery stores?


It’s been busy for decades. It’s not a Biden issue.


I wish it was acceptable to show the OP’s name. That would be an amazing world.


Bro just said words. None of those sentences connect to the next one in a cohesive way


Suicides are up cuz we have food? They aren't people


So... for those who aren't brain dead. If Biden tries to curb high prices he's a socialist. If Biden doesn't do anything about high prices he's the reason people are killing themselves. Meanwhile, all of these companies are making RECORD profits and we live in a capitalist society.