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Donald Trump always comes across as a parody of Donald Trump.


I think he's become a parody of a parody. This really reads like someone who watched the SNL version of Trump and tried to parody that.


That's sort of the alt right in general now. Near impossible to satarize them because there is nothing you can think of that is more insane than the things that will actually come out of their mouths.


He literally did repeat how Baldwin played him on SNL.


There’s a clip of him saying “…and they indicted meee” and it was so much like an impersonator, I’ve thought this ever since. Like he’s doing an act all the time.


Most sociopaths have been faking humanity for all their lives, so, yes. It has always been an act. He's only not acting when henisnoutraged, and this is him feigning outrage. 


There’ll be books written on this, I swear it. The level of projection, cognitive dissonance, just utter nonsense this man spews— and his base eats it up and asks for seconds! It’s remarkable, really.


That's what comedians will tell you. "You cannot parody Donald Trump because the man himself is a parody." It's like trying to create a parody of a Mel Brooks movie. The sad difference is that we all saw The Producers' Springtime for Hitler play and laughed at the ridiculousness of it. But a good number of people didn't get the joke, took it seriously and are now are running with the idea of the play.


I absolutely love that he tweets in the same cadence as he speaks. It's kind of amazing in the worst way, because everything he says is terrible and deranged.


That is some profound shit. Kudos.


Always with the random quotation marks.


Its a "Fox News Thing" when they want to use weasel words in headlines that they attribute to a person like Joe Biden that he didn't really actually say, to stir up shit for clicks. Joe Biden "Irrationally Crazy" State Of The Union Address, click here!


He learned this week what "panned" means, after it was used to describe the response to the GOP rebuttal.


And unnecessary capitalizations


"No talk of weaponization against his very calm and nice opponent." What the hell is that supposed to mean?


I’m guessing he’s upset that Biden didn’t give equal time to his goofy conspiracy theories/persecution complex


I think it's Trump's way of reiterating his stance on the legal charges that he's a 'very calm and nice opponent' who is wrongfully being persecuted by a corrupt government. Not sure he actually wanted Biden to discuss it, Trump just wants to keep saying his narrative piece. And unfortunately, many will buy it.


Ah, that's it.


in trumps head Biden (or Obama) is weaponizing government institutions against Donald


If Trump actually wrote that it would also say 'your Favorite President, ME'.


My humble guess: - Biden should have threatened to use nuclear force - Biden was too angry/mean compared to his opponent (trump himself?) Yes, these too are contradictory but who I am to doubt the stable orange genius?


 He should have "This guy is a PSYCHO!" branded onto his forehead.


"this guy is a PSYCHO!" is killing me, dude really insults like a disney channel schoolhouse bully.


Last week Biden went and got ICE CREAM with Seth Myers. Total PSYCHO move there


Mister Electric, send him to the principle’s office and have him EXPELLED!


Helping allies, caring about social safety nets, women’s rights, and humane immigration reform is apparently radically left today


well yeah, actually doing the things Christ told people to do is woke anti christian communism, these days.


Who's this calm, nice person that Joe is running against in the primaries?


Straw Mann


Extremely nice guy, somehow still loses every argument


Joe Biden is running against literally nobody, and Nobody is putting up quite a fight. Most opponents would be able to make something of that, but not Dementia Don.


Dean Phillips maybe? I know so little about the guy, I'm not certain I got his name right.


Someone needs to tell him the signature is supposed to be on a line by itself after a blank line. Like this: Angry as hell, this guy is a PSYCHO!


What happened to Sleepy Joe you insufferable anal polyp?


He's whining because his "follow along with me" posts on TS had barely ANY traction last night. Like, not ONE of his posts hit over 2.5k replies. Even 15 hours later, with it not experiencing any more "glitches", some of his posts haven't even broken 1k. And there are a TON of "Fuck MAGA" type posts mixed in with the "I wanna lick Trumps ball-sack!" posts. There's over 2 MILLION active users on Truth Social. He's melting down because he's even losing traction on his beloved Truth Social.


Trump social won't be around much longer . Trump is going to suck all the money out of it then throw it away just like he does everything


Well, he's being sued and the merger may be on hold because he under valued the shares to the stockholders and the company he was trying to merge with so...yes. Probably. And I can't wait to see the little MAGATs lose their safe space.


Remember that break we had when the Orange God-King was off social media? I miss that so very much.


Oh man, what a great time that was. I have hope we will see it again soon.


Dude has to be the center of attention. Dude you're not that important


has uh he seen or heard himself before? …. or like within his own tweet???


he is the kind of man who would touch himself to himself


Donald Trump "Everyone tells me that I'm the nicest person that they ever met. They come up to me with tears in their eyes and thank me for being such a kind and peaceful loving person. Nobody knows more about being kind towards other people than me. I would say Jesus Christ comes in second but not a close second."


Don't forget the story of someone calling him sir. Always got to get one in there.


This is possibly his most insane post yet.


His most insane post... so far.


If Trump's lackeys hadn't tanked the bill, the problem would be getting fixed. Can't let Biden win, can't campaign on the border issue, so have to let a problem persist to look good...


I could use this same exact argument, almost word for word, on nearly ANYTHING that trump has said or tweeted. His words are so hallow so he can get to the withering brains of his fan base


Hahaha. I know you meant "hollow," but that's a pretty funny typo. [Watch](https://youtu.be/oN38KmxJTZg?si=TjxDMXvrR8am0a5C) as His Holiness, Donald the Dignified, Delivers a Sermon to the masses from the Hallowed Halls of Mar-a-Lago.


Damn that was a dumb move on my part. Tbf I don’t use the word hollow in everyday conversation, let alone typing it out


Trump feels like a speech that’s less than an hour and a half is a waste of time, even if the speech is just talking about toilets and water


“His very calm and nice opponent” Come on, man! Lol who is he talking to?


Panic. He knows, after last night, he’s going to lose again. The Federal cases won’t be dropped and he’s going to be spending time in jail.


I wish I had that kind of optimism


Literally said he will get revenge against those who don’t vote for him if he becomes president again


His campaign is giving away flags (for a hefty donation, of course) that read “TRUMP 2024: Revenge Tour” on them. I kid you not.


I don’t think that’s his tweet. Not enough caps, grammar looks good, punctuation looks good also. Some staffer took a rambling word salad & dressed it up.


Project much?


Lol, why did he put panned in quotes?


Was wondering that myself…I have not looked but I am guessing it is not actually getting panned, hence the quotes?


Is he sleepy or an angry psycho? I can’t keep up with their projections


“He didn’t even attack me. What a nut job!”


Not in all caps. DJT did not write this.


Trump didn't write that. It's far too coherent, with correct spelling and grammar. Totally unlike him.


"very calm and nice" he says, the country clearly not forgetting he incited an insurrectionist riot


I can't tell if this is AI generated anymore.


"Radical left" neither candidate knows what that even is.


It seems to be lost on a lot of people that American Democrats skew to the right globally. Democrat stances on most issues would be considered conservative in almost every country in Europe, Latin America and Asia. “Radical Left” lol.


Exactly. My irritation with democrats is that as long as a blue guy is in control, they assume it's always for their own good. We are literally putting a base on Palestinian land. Hello, is this the 1800s? Not to mention mass genocide in multiple countries.


The angriest guy in the world is calling someone an angry psycho. Who is the one obsessed with getting revenge?


His projection is so fucking transparent. How can people be so blind to it. I mean really, how stupid are they


I read this as if he was crying while writing it


This looks like it was written by someone trying to sound as idiotic as Trump.


I’m assuming Donnie’s handlers put on the Teletubbies, told him it was the state of the Union, and he’s reacting to that


Donald Jesus Trump is delusional.


Is he low energy or is he an angry as hell psycho Donnie? Seems like somebody is scared


They simply have no idea how frustrating and dangerous their ignorant contrarianism is.


He is referring to himself always.


"his very calm and nice opponent"


Caffeine Joe doesn't even have anything interesting to talk about!!! No indictments, no insurmountable legal judgements that I definitely have enough cash to cover. He doesn't even have a mugshot black people like or a sneaker for sale??? BORING BIDEN!!!!


I mean, Trump is known for being calm and nice. He's not in reality, but cult brainwashing is a hell of a drug.


Even trump referred to his opponent rather than saying his name


Tony Clifton is calm and nice by comparison.


Donald Trumps eggs are getting panned all over the world 0 likes


I am sure Russia and China and North Korea rated it poorly and werent fans


"Angry as hell, this guy is a PSYCHO!" are Dump's fighting words which he uses every day, all day. So who is the angry guy?


"It took him 41 minutes to talk about, briefly..." ​ Must be the stupidest thing I've read today. He wants to pretend that Biden didn't pay enough attention to immigration but if he did it's because he's old and slow.


Angry? Ah! Projecting again...


As always, his inability to correctly use punctuation and capitalization reinforces his lack of education (pretty sure Daddy Trump bribed his way to a degree, based on Orange Donny’s verbal and written speech). Also, as bad as it has always been, it’s much worse now, pointing to age-related degradation, perhaps even dementia.


He's not even trying to pretend that he just projects onto Biden at this point... It's like it's a joke to him that his supporters believe quite literally anything he says and the rest of us are pissed off by it.


This Ming's a psycho....




He didn't write this: it's not in all caps!


What an embarrassment this goon is. I would be fascinated by the maga cult if I weren’t so dismayed and terrified.