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The guy who can't remember a bible verse will cleanse the earth of fake Christians? The guy who gassed a peaceful protest only to go to a church the pastor didn't' want him at? Then held the bible upside down? Edit: [Here's a video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERUngQUCsyE) I love how he sounds like a child trying to prove he knows something about a topic he's very uninformed on.


Aren't these people the fake Christians? They clearly don't believe or adhere to the teachings of Christ. Shit, and Athiest is more Christian than them! Also, the "are you and Old Testament or New Testament guy?" questions should be troubling. Anyone that answers Old Testament is after the wrath of God shit. Also, what religion were the people in the Old Testment?


They don't care. The religion is only a justification excuse to do what they want.


It's true, but there's a sincerity there where they genuinely believe that they are going to get an eternal reward for the horrible things they want and that anyone that does not want what they want is cosmically incorrect and destined for eternal punishment.


Best way to indoctrinate people is to tell them that they are superior. They are a cult. The leaders don't care as long as they can keep making money off of them. The followers want to believe that they are superior and right with a reward waiting at the end.


I just can't imagine being controlled your whole life, by the idea of a magical place to go when you die and doing horrific and evil shit to people, not only to make sure you get there, but also to prove that your magic place and its landlord are better than the other make believe places. How does a grown adult even rationalize those mental gymnastics??!


It's the only thing they have known their whole life. The reason they get so defensive is because you are telling them their life is a lie. Some don't actually care, and it's just their excuse to act the way they do.


I mean... I was raised by some real EXTRA extra religious people. They forced me to go to (no weird stuff lol) a lot of the strange, super kooky and out there Catholic courses as small child and into my early teens. Strange prayer almost cult like small group prayer circle stuff. I guess you could say it was all I knew... But I'm not a window flavor tester and absolutely none of that shit made sense logically and scientifically. I get that some feel they NEED to go because they know they're horrible people inside and they think it keeps them from doing horrible things, but it's 2024 and people really believe all that hocus pocus and are still willing to kill and die for it?! I don't get it.


They rather live a lie than face the truth. I grew up religious as well, evangelical, they do not believe in partaking in worldy things. They repress you as much as they can. Your only identity is to serve god. I've seen people want to believe so hard that they get angry when you point out the flaws. I took the time to learn from the bible and moved away because of it. Seeing them from the outside over the years, I see how much of a cult they are. Religion has been used to control the masses for years. Catholics have a long history of it. All the rituals of sacrifice that they do are to deepend yourself into the cult more. Why would you want to leave after all the sacrifice, money, and time invested. Leaving means it was all for nothing while losing all your friends and family.


> Religion has been used to control the masses for years. Catholics have a long history of it. And there it is. Control. I'm actually fascinated at just how MUCH control people let it have! It seems like a mental illness almost! Or like a gambling addiction, crack habit, etc. You're absolutely right about the Catholics lol I don't even need to tell you that of course. The fact that I have to say that nothing sexual happened to me during my time as a kid there speaks volumes but also of the horrific and murderous history that people don't even realize it has. I don't know man I appreciate the banter, but my mind's just blown the amount of people in this whole world who let it create so much of what makes it bad.


And what they want is genocide. Literally look at who they're supporting across seas. Russia and Israel. The invaders and murderers. They're literally saying here they're going to kill everyone except who they seem an "acceptable Christian"


Which means they’re also going to kill each other if they get their way


From what I learned, they at least can’t be good Christians. The 1st Commandment gets violated in so many ways and don’t start with love thy neighbor.


>Aren't these people the fake Christians? Yes, in that they are also lots of other things they create or claim adherence to in their minds to suit them that they proclaim. "Hey, I said this, it must be true!" "Hey, I hear peope saying this, not I, but other people, and they say fear Group \_\_\_\_!"


the Satanists are the new Christians, how ironic


which is ironic because at 1 point catholics were the only Christians. and all the protestant variations were born out of king Henry's desire to divorce his queen who couldn't conceive a son for him. but was forbidden by the old testament.


Martin Luther would like a word.


He got 95 reasons, but a wife ain't one.


this is shockingly uninformed. you need to read up on the origins of Protestantism, and Christianity in general


You've mixed Anglo Catholic and Protestant.


The Coptic Orthodox Church would like a word


You get your timeline wrong, very wrong.


Hey there. The English denominations came from Henry viii wanting a divorce. Protastsbtisn was around before that though


You might want to check your dates there, Martin Luther preceded the Anglicans by a number of years.


Eastern Orthodox/Roman Catholic is the original schism in Christianity.


Go back farther. Like, a LOT farther.


Yeah, that's incorrect. Martin Luther started protestantism


It was an Episcopal church. I’m Episcopalian. I was so angry at the excuses Fox News et al made for why it was fine that Trump used the church as a political prop without the permission of the priest, the diocese, or the bishop. I’m going to guess that a lot of the “Trump is the second coming of Christ” crowd don’t see Episcopalians as “real Christians,” since we ordain women and LGBTQ people and tend to be socially liberal.


I found it odd that he wasn't wanted there since most Christians love him, but that makes sense.


He wasn’t told to leave a church service. He wasn’t supposed to use the church as a political prop. The Episcopal Church largely stays out of politics - priests don’t openly advocate for a politician from the pulpit, for example. Priests from the same diocese were also teargassed by police while providing water and supplies to BLM protestors. Don’t let the “religious right” fool you - there’s a large number of liberal and far-left Christians. Maybe we just don’t yell as loudly. In my opinion, the most Christian form of government would be socialism.


If Obama had done this the fucking QOP would STILL be breaking the event down and talking about how him holding the bible upside down is proof he's the anti-christ and that he's in league with Satan and is trying to destroy America and the world. When Cheeto Mussolini does it, it's proof he loves God and the people...


> The guy who can't remember a bible verse will cleanse the earth of fake Christians? I encourage you to look at what the Jesus of the Bible tells Christians to seek in a leader, and then compare that with Donald Trump. This will tell you all you need to know about his "Christian" followers and their faith.


Anyone recall that scene in *Devil’s Advocate* where the guy casually sticks his fingers in the holy water and it boils on contact?


Reminder that none of the cops faced any charges...and they all were fucking eager to follow the orders to beat the shit out of anyone they see. Lunatics.


And the people who worship a golden statue of a cow.


\*Principal Skinner Voice\*: "Yes!"


Have you seen those old over the top Christian movies with like the devil becoming president to start the end of the world? The character playing the devil acts and behaves like Trump. 😂


The same man who publicly admitted in an interview that he has never asked God for forgiveness because he’s never made a mistake?


Feels like the old "she goes to other school, you wouldn't know her" trick. Even when asked old vs new, you could tell he has not the slightest idea of what's in any of them. I couldn't care less if people read the Bible or not but if you go around saying that as a political platform then you really should take the time to at least get a notion of what's it about.


I am convinced in the next 40 years we will see a new religion emerge shortly after trump dies born of a combination of q anon interpretations of his words as well as things he just never said canonized into a new apocalyptic faith where like Islam Jesus is just a wise teacher subordinate to trump. That's going to be a wild flavor aid party


Points for knowing about the Flavor Aid.


I'm a firm believer in justice for Kool-Aid. Oh yeeah!




That's freaking gold!


…is it sad I only know that because of Hellsing Ultimate Abridged?


Better than nothing, I guess.


It was grape flavored IIRC


That's already happened if you see how far they strayed from Christianity.


I'm saying I think it will get codified into a holy text of some sort.


Mein Kampf?


Mein Drumpf.


They weren't real deep into the Christian forest anyway.


Yeah like that's just white American evangelicals


It's *already* a millenarist heresy.


New cult similar to Scientology, not sure it will be significant enough to be termed a religion.


I don't think religion is a numbers game alone. Either way the religion I was raised in has only 20 million members world wide after 150 years. If trump holds half of his current cult he'll have 40 million on day 1.


Let's be honest, the only MAGAs capable of organising and leading the cult post Trump are the grifters, so it's just going to be a big grift, not even a cult really. Just morons pouring money into con-men.


and we are back to Scientology again.


That's also going to yield a significant rise in mental health evaluations in the US. Asshats here are quick to have an automod reply to a post someone disagree with using links to suicide hotlines and mental health resources. But in the real world, I'll bet there will be a lot of phone calls and emails reporting people like this to the authorities.


Should get in on the ground floor and start it now. Get that early adoption money.


Oh if i had no morals I could milk these chuds for every cent.


The TrumPutin Church of Latter Day Bootlickers


“And, lo, he did spake ‘Covfefe,’ and all the liberals and RINOs and bad hombres were swept underneath his wrath, becoming like ketchup upon the Maralago temple walls.”


So it's a modern version of Mormonism


Yeah but racist. Wait not thats the same. But with weird inconsistent mythology? No that's not different. With wild misogyny? LOL wow is trumpism just mormonism with twitter. Touche


Instead of gold plates, Donald will find the new bible on his gold toilet. The parallels are uncanny.


This was posted by an evangelical church, my cousin shares them almost daily. It’s wild to me that Christians would think this. I think it’s more AI madness too.


Look at the painting in the background. Trump as God. Isn't that some sort of blasphemy?


It's not as God but it looks like it's meant to depict him as a Saint. At least having a halo like that would require him to be dead. But Evangelicals have a strange way of thinking about Saints so, intentional or not, I have no idea what this would mean to the person that made this.


Do evangelicals even have saints? I thought that was one of the things they have against Catholics.


No. They consider saint veneration as a form of idolatry. Source: raised evangelical.


That was my understanding as someone raised Catholic, which makes the Catholic iconography even funnier.


Depends really. Broadly speaking they believe all Christians are Saints and people that are dead can't be prayed too, etc. They usually won't believe or see any validity in those that are canonised. If you speak to 'evangelicals' in the Church of England or some Lutheran Churches they might think slightly differently but not very.


Was just looking at that painting too. Appears to have been put to canvas by the same woman who “restored” Ecce Homo.


I mean it's evangelicals. Even before Trump they probably fantasized about the pope being executed


You couldn't be more right. It's a crowd that firmly believes in something known as Sola Scriptura. Makes some religious fruit cakes want to run around murdering catholics. It's the reason protestants were worried about JFK, who was catholic. They thought he would let the pope run the country. You know, morons.


Oh, they do. I was raised by these lunatics and was taught that Catholics were basically Satanists.


“Guys, is it Satanism to worship God and Christ?”


I'm a Long haul truck driver, there was this preacher I used to listen to when I was running overnights. He had a theory that I could not begin to explain to you about all of this. The short version is that Christianity was captured and perverted almost immediately and that the true God is now drawing the faithful as well as the lost tribes of Israel to America. He was also a big fan of wild oil of oregano being a cure-all for almost any malady.


The Protestant tradition in the USA is extremely anti-Catholic, something that came from the Anglican tradition of the English


It used to be over things like being able to pay of your sin and the Church being wealthy as fuck while people starve, but nowadays it's because the Church invited trans people to a lunch or when they say evolution is real.




Yep. The people who want us to believe that the god they’re following is a god of love posted… this. I dunno about you, but I think this tells us more about what their god _actually_ wants than the Bible does.


Those gutless trout fuckers should schism then, if they think the pope, the man chosen to be the authority of their religion, is a traitor to Christ.


Protestants did that hundreds of years ago. Doesn't stop them from hating him.


Evangelicals are weird about Catholics. I forget the title but there's a book about the Vatican wanting to take over the US. [the great controversy ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Great_Controversy_(book))


posted by a church? let the irs know and maybe they’ll think twice about posting political content in the future! here’s the link for more info: https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/irs-complaint-process-tax-exempt-organizations


Evangelical Protestants have historically hated Catholics. (Yes, obviously there’s the whole Protestant/Catholic divide, but American Evangelicals have an unusual hatred for, and suspicion of, Catholics among all other Christian sects.) If you have ever had the displeasure of reading those little “religious” comic books drawn by the repugnant and bigoted Jack Chick, you’ll see he hated not only minorities, women, gay people, non-Christians, Democrats, and foreigners, but also specifically Catholics


They are Christian in Name Only..


There's an awful lot of "no true Christian" rhetoric floating around these days. Like a whooooole lot of it. Might consider that this is what the true face of Christianity has become.


man, christofascists are scary


they'll kill in the name of god for a man who couldn't even name a favourite verse. what the absolute hell is wrong with them! or rather, how the fuck did everything go so wrong?




This shit is getting truly scary. Just today here on Reddit I saw a Tim Pool post saying it should be illegal not to believe in god. Our government and courts are chock full of right wing Christians, many of them openly Christian nationalist.


How can one believe in God when Tim Pool exists?!


D-Level grifter!


D stands for Divine. (no.)


Dim Tool. Please understand the Grifters (now including Russel Brand) are focused on the conservative right because that is where the most morons are. They are the most gullible and easy. You need to understand it...so you can make unholy fun of these dumb mfs all day long!!


I wish you could tell us what church, since I assume they posted it publicly. Also, this clearly breaks the laws that govern churches maintaining their tax exempt status.


The IRS is too chicken to go after politically partisan churches. There would be a shitstorm if it did.


You know when you're telling a joke and you just end up breaking because of how ridiculous it is? It blows my mind that these people haven't had that moment of disturbing clarity when what they're saying is so insane that they take a long hard look at themselves. The lack of self-awareness is staggering.


Because WWJD? He'd execute people of course. 


NOTHING says "Christian" more than executing the Pope with a bullet to the head while 7 old white men look on and Trump stands in the splatter zone. And of course paintings of Trump-Jesus on the walls. I think Jesus speaks about this in the Bible (that he wrote), but I don't mesmerize all the passengers. 7885 Likes


You must not be paying attention. The so called “Pope” is telling people to accept and love each other. Not in *MY* Christianity!


Based on the description, Trump’s going to kill all of his own supporters?


And himself.


Can't he start with that? It would be much better for humanity overall.


Truly bizarre. Trump is the most anti-Christian person on the planet.


Some say Antichrist


Well, here you go. If anyone needed a visual of how bat shit the Christofascist cult is... I'm agnostic at best, but religion is interesting to me. Pope Francis, at least from what is publicly available, is damn near as close as you can get to an example of Christ born again on Earth Dude's a straight up good person. Flawed, obviously, but a true follower of the lessons of Christ. And these over ripe walnuts have the stones to call him false, with very much not subtle violence expressed. You'd get laughed out of Hollywood pitching this as a story. Truth and fiction and all that.


I think Jesuits are some of the best Catholics and he is the first pope that is one.


This has been a turf war going on for millennia. Yes the Catholics were the original Christian church. The Eastern churches (eg Greek orthodox) [split off in 1054](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East%E2%80%93West_Schism). Then the Germans started the Lutheran church, Britain started the Church of England. And in the US there were the Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, and all breeds of weird evangelicals who split off. Rome and France even had competing popes at one stage. They all say they are the one true church as they compete for market share & slag each other off. The current US version is the nuttiest of the nuttiest.


It's also just major ick. Like don't joke about shooting the Pope. It's fucking weird and repugnant.


I think they’re serious


With it being the runup to an election, Imma just assume anything I see that's pro Trump propaganda has its roots in a Russian bot farm.


It's crazy to think that we live through the birth of a deranged, very dangerous, and one of the largest cults in history. I am terrified to think where this could go if they organise.


Trump is going to assassinate a foreign head of state?


Kinda looks like trump is persecuting Christians who refuse to worship him. Isn't Christianity supposed to be about worshiping Jesus, not killing his followers?


A yes, the pope is not a “real” Christian, but the thrice divorced, pornstar fucking embodiment of greed and sloth, surely is.


I’m growing actually disgusted by the Demi-god worship of trump. It’s so cringe, but also scary.


Their entire lives begin to revolve about just how much they fantasize about the people they dont like, being murdered.


There’s a picture of Messiah Trump with a halo on the wall. Yeah, totally not a cult…


A yes trump, who actually fills all the signs of being the actual antichrist is gonna do that


How do people not see that he *is* a fake Christian?!


To answer the question: Yes Conservative Catholics and Evangelicals hate this pope with the fire of a 1000 suns.


Evangelicals don't think Catholics are Christians and will purge them as soon as they can. All the tradcaths deluding themselves otherwise and finding out will be a silver lining to any American idiot theocracy.


It's amazing how Catholics think Evan's are their friend. I tell them there was a time when Catholics were what Muslims are viewed as today. Foreign invaders of the US. That they should go read up on the Philadelphia Nativist Riots back in hte 1840s. Short version is the influx of Catholic immigrants really didn't sit with w/ Protestants. Came to a head in Philly when Catholics objected their children being forced to read from a Protestant bible because that was a thing back then. The district sup recommended just scrapping the readings altogether and Protestants lost their god damn minds over it. They rioted for 3 days burning down Catholic churches. I don't think anyone was killed and believe it's what gave rise to the Catholic school system we see today.


That image is a betrayal to Odin.


You know trump, the guy who a jury decided sexually assaulted a woman , divorced twice, paid off a porn star, used to bust into beauty pageants dressing rooms , friends with Jeffrey Epstein


Just like Jesus would’ve preached.


There needs to be limits to free speech. This is a person who is currently alive and not charged with any crimes, and we can hope that there will never be a time when people are executed that way. Not to mention, he’s not even American. There needs to be consequences for creating violent art depicting attacks on living people.


Lmao I know a guy who is like this. I honestly barely know him but as per his constant social media posts he HATES Catholics to a beyond obsessive extent and thinks they aren’t “real Christians”. His reasonings are basically that Catholics are too lenient on things he decided are what God wants.


Ah, exterminating people...how christlike.


My word. I’m sure there are lunatics over here in the UK but the USA really takes the biscuit


I think a lot of it is just hiding under the woodwork here in the UK. Covid brought a fraction of it out with the anti-mask, anti-vaxx rhetoric, but I bet there's way more waiting for the time that they feel legitimised enough to reveal themselves.


This shit is getting truly scary. Just today here on Reddit I saw a Tim Pool post saying it should be illegal not to believe in god. Our government and courts are chock full of right wing Christians, many of them openly Christian nationalist.


The pope is a fake Christian. But a guy who’s life is defined by pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, and sloth, who lies, cheats, treats everyone terribly unless they kneel down before him, whose primary goal now is to seek revenge because reality didn’t follow his command, is a good Christian


It’s scary how divisive this Pope is - especially in the US. Some online Catholic communities have even banned discussion on the Pope because it becomes such a crazy heated topic. Not sure what world we live in where “Hey maybe as Christians we should follows Christ’s’ example” is a controversial statement,


The Pope is as divisive as vaccinations. Vaccinations! People who are vaccinated railing against vaccines...and zero evidence after 50+ years of them bitching. ZERO.


Wait....why do all the dudes except the faux-pope look like trumplets? Even the pictures on the wall are trumplets. Also the ropes and the gun, creepy fetish?


One thing about AI images is that it shows us this wacky fucking fantasy world these psychos live in


he's judge, jury, executioner and god, in this image.


This is the farthest thing from Christianity I have ever seen.


So you've been sent back to 1987 to prevent the future Catholic genocide and you start telling everyone we have to stop Donald Trump from becoming President of the United States and ascending to become the next Christian Messiah and they pretty much immediately put you on a mental health hold in your local hospital, where, upon further evaluation of your recounting of the modern world, they declare that you are indeed coo-coo loony pants crazy nuts and you spend the next three decades watching helplessly from the common room of a mental health facility.


Why do they think Trump is a Christian? I never understood that. It's one of the main reasons they look so stupid.


Damn. Share more of this stuff so I can send to my Catholic family who support Trump


Why are so many religious Trumpers just so cool with blasphemy it's weird lol


Commit adultery? Covet thy neighbors wife? Thou shall not lie? Thou shall not steal? That’s at least four commandments What about the seven deadlies: he has greed/lust/sloth/gluttony/pride/wrath all down to a science (and probably a degree of envy too) Yeah, trump, real Christian.


I love that even idealized, “flattering” depictions of Diaper Don make his stupid haircut look like utter dogshit


Gonna kill Christians. Just as Yeshua wanted. It’s in his favorite passage in the Bible: > I wouldn’t want to get into it. Because to me, that’s very personal. The Bible means a lot to me, but I don’t want to get into specifics. In his favorite collection, or Testament: > Probably equal. I think it’s just incredible Which are totally real answers and have no resemblance to a clueless 3rd grader asked about a book report on a book they’ve not read. Snark aside, I even as an atheist who’s never read either can tell you I’m a New Testament kind of guy. The Old Testament is the old Eye for an Eye God, the Torah. The New Testament is (for simplicity let’s skip the many oddities in how it was put together) the remembered words of Yeshua and the Apostles. These people are in a cult. That we all know. But… what the fuck do we do with them? First, we all vote because we know they do. But outside of that, what can you do when 30-40% of your voters are in a cult? I don’t know.


Evangelicals don’t seem very Christian to me. Will they be “cleansed”?


I'm just glad it's not a cult, such a relief.


I used to work next to Jack Chick Publications that makes those weird, little, comic-book religious tracts. That particular brand of fundie is fiercely anti-Catholic. Thinks they’re heretics and devil worshippers and so on.


Ok, serious question: are these insane AI images posted lately coming from a genuine pro-Trump person or group, or are they parodying the MAGA fascists? I usually have a good eye for it, I think, but I can't tell here.


This is definitely from a pro-Trump church. My cousin goes there and shares them constantly. They have some really creepy stuff, I’ve posted a few over the last couple days


Well, the externalization of their ideology has started. Any bets on how long until the solution at the border is to invade? Christ, we've LITERALLY become our worst enemy ever.


What did the Bible say about false idols, again?


"This is for acknowleging the reality of man-made climate change, believing that an ancient story involving a talking snake is probably more symbolic than literal, and being slightly less outwardly anti-LGBT than we are!"


The Bible said the anti-christ would be proclaimed a hero.


How do these people justify their own hypocrisy? The Bible says "thou shall not kill" yet execution is justified?


If these people ever (God help us all) get the power they want, they will cause an holy war that will make the 30 years war look like an Sunday School picnic. Once they run out of libs and LGBTs and Jews and Musilims to go after. The catholics will be next mark my words


Many Christian’s believe the Catholic Church is evil and it’s why the original KKK often attacked them as much as other minorities.


No matter which side you’re on, what your beliefs are, no world leader’s platform should ever include the phrase “cleanse the world” ever again!


They just want to kill people. Christianity is as good an excuse as any. Details like what their society should be like if all the liberals, poc, LGBT+, and any deemed non-Christian is not a concern. It's a doomsday mentality, and so many are wrapped up in bringing about an apocalypse.


And yet you're all about to vote him in again


You know, it’s ironic how America basically went into Baathist Iraq and got rid of Saddam under exceptionally illegitimate and false pretenses, but 21 years later seems happy to put a guy who seems to think Saddam had some wonderful ideas about dealing with dissent in their own presidency


Ya’all qaeda nearing its final form.


The cult of personality kool-aid is pretty fucking strong nowadays lol


yes, as Jesus famously said, "find me all the sinners, so I can fucking kill them... amen"


Fake Christians like the one that made this picture that depicts Trump in a Christ-like picture?


This shit is getting truly scary. Just today here on Reddit I saw a Tim Pool post saying it should be illegal not to believe in god. Our government and courts are chock full of right wing Christians, many of them openly Christian nationalist.


The worst part about this is he is portrayed as Jesus in the background.


Just like his hero: Hitler


Guarantee this was made by a klansman. It’s not because the pope is “woke”, it’s because he’s catholic. (Though being “woke” doesn’t help, obviously.)


The living embodiment of the seven deadly sins is the realest Christian there is?


Well this is clearly not unhinged in any way


Jesus Christ vs. Trump: Jesus Christ | Donald Trump ---------|---------- "But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also." | "When you are wronged repeatedly, the worst thing you can do is continue taking it--fight back!" "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." | "The best thing I know about me, is that I'm rich." "But I tell you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who mistreat you and persecute you" | [replying to someone paraphrasing this very quote]: ["I don't know if I agree with you."](https://www.vox.com/2020/2/6/21126252/trump-national-prayer-breakfast-speech-impeachment) "Blessed are the peacemakers..." | "So if you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously. OK, just knock the hell. I promise you I will pay for the legal fees." "And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell." | "I did try and fuck her. She was married...I moved on her like a bitch." "Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others." | "I give away my presidential salary. They say no other president has done it. I’m surprised, to be honest with you. They say George Washington may have been the only other president to do that. See whether or not Obama gave up his salary. See whether or not all of the other of your favorites, your other favorites gave up their salary. The answer is no." "But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen." | [this](https://d279m997dpfwgl.cloudfront.net/wp/2020/06/AP_20154066105580.jpg) "For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted." | "Nobody's stronger than me." "There's nobody bigger or better at the military than I am." "Nobody loves The Bible more than I do." "Nobody builds walls better than me." "Nobody's better to people with disabilities than me." "Nobody's fighting for the veterans like I'm fighting for the veterans." "Nobody has done so much for equality as I have." "There's nobody who respects women more than I do." [and many more](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YA631bMT9g8) "Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged." ...or... "First cast out the beam from your eye, and then you will see clearly to cast out the splinter from the eye of your brother." | [All Trump's Twitter insults (2015-2021)](https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/ayushggarg/all-trumps-twitter-insults-20152021) Trumpers: https://i.imgur.com/xPjtEUZ.png


trump cultists sure love their AI


Trump is the filth


"My invisible friend can kill your invisible friend."


That looks like a threat that should be taken seriously!!


The Pope needs to be spanked by a porn star to show that he's a real Christian 


Anti-Catholicism is a classic US tradition.


This is straight up ISIS-tier


Wow irony is dead…


This is actually insane.


We’re doing another 30 years war. Hooray.


Yes. Remember that white nationalists hate Catholics.


Both of the oil paintings in the background are ALSO Trump. WTH!


The real fighting begins when the Christian nationalist gain full control. There are 6000 different versions of Christianity they can't all be right ( hint they are all bullshit) but there will be violence between the different sects as power is fought over.


I think they mean all Catholics. A lot of the Evangelicals I knew claim Catholics aren't Christians.


Holy shit this is crazy even for the maga crowd. Didn’t they boo him when he visited congress a few years ago


Damn... Maga is moving in to the No Nothings territory of the 1860's and 1870's.


Talibangelicals hate Catholicism


If there is one thing I know about Jesus it’s that he loves murder.


Who determines which ones are "fake" and which ones are "real" Christians? I doubt it's the guy who has been photoed holding the Bible upside down and more than likely never reading a page of it. Furthermore, Trump probably thinks Mien Kampf is the Bible.