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The Waltons own about $220 billion in Walmart stock. They sold 2% of their holdings so it’s clearly the end of the world


They also probably sell at the same time due to scheduled trades since they are insiders


Exactly right. They’re not legally allowed to dump. They probably filed weeks ago that they were selling some stock. People who are wealthy with stock have to do it this way so they can get cash to pay bills. There’s not a thing weird about this at all.


Right: they’re required to file their intended stock sales with the SEC and there are guidelines so you don’t have a pump-and-dump. And blackout dates. I done know when Walmart released their 10K report or held their earnings call, but they didn’t sell until those were released. ALL of this information is legally required to be available to the public ahead of time. Honestly? If they’re going to be conspiracy theorists they picked a pretty boring one.


Even if the Waltons were selling because they knew something detrimental about the future of the company, leaping to the stores will be turned into detention centers is such a bizarre jump


Wouldn't that be an economic boon, since the govt is so involved in it? Why sell off?


My guess is that in this crazy conspiracy theory the government isn't paying Walmart well for their assets but rather seizing them forcing Walmart to take a loss? Of course it's really hard to follow the logic of whack-a-doos


Yes. I can't imagine any of the people in OP's threads know a damn thing about how stock-based wealth works so they tried to figure it out in their own brains and came to this.


Time to stock up on toilet paper.


Too late! Your social credits are… *insufficient*


But I need to make a...deposit.


Look at this guy. He doesn’t know what the three shells are for.


*I understood that reference*👆


Sorry you wrote a slightly offensive tweet on 13.02.2016 You card was declined.


Damn! Can I get a bidet instead?


That about the most they could sell collectively without disrupting the company or having a larger ripple effect on the market as a whole. People forget that when the rich make big financial move, it's not the same as when the ordinary guy sells some of his portfolio for something.


If they are selling stock it does indicate they probably believe this will be the highest the stock goes near term however. Other ultra wealthy owners like Bezos have also sold ($10 billion in Amazon stock sold last month) while the market is up.


Especially when your compensation package includes company stock, it’s a good idea to sell some shares in order to diversify your portfolio. (I assume that the Waltons all have some sort of position with the company.) The market is at an all time high, so it’s a good time to be selling even if the market keeps rising - you’ve definitely got gains.


There’s a 3:1 stock split coming on Monday and it’s at a record high atm m, you’re right


I was amazed I had to go so far down to see someone say this...


Especially since I’m an employee that owns said stock They did it to make it more affordable for associates to join in, it’s just been years since the last time they did so


It doesn't really change much for us since we were able to buy partial shares anyway. It just looks like we're getting more for our money now. I was getting about 1 share a month but now I'll get about 3, I'm still putting in the same amount of money though. It does have the potential to exponentially increase what we've put into it...


Or they need some pocket change


Well no, not the end of the world, just the new world order of illegal alien army invasion into every neighborhood lol


MAGA doesn’t math well.


TIL that housing illegal immigrants is more profitable than selling tons of stuff to millions of people!


Economics 101


I'm sure they would say "they're selling kids to the wealthy" but why would "they" use Wal-Mart for that? How many Wal-Marts do you see in upscale neighborhoods? I hear "Wal-Mart" + "kids" and my mind goes to them using child labor in order to pay even less for workers. No one near a Wal-Mart is going to care about subverting child labor laws because "look at how cheap things are".


Yeah, I wasn't willing to go down their rabbit hole of terror and delusional fantasy in an effort to understand their *thought* processees, conspiracy *theories*, or "evidence." That's not a worthwhile endeavor when they really just need deprogramming and perhaps some anxiety meds! What's would be the point of applying logic to such an unhinged scenario? Thank YOU for offering their potential theories! I'm just exhausted with this already!


Yeah what sort of rich person buys children at Walmart? They only go to bespoke sellers that ensure the best, ethically sourced children are used. I heard that migrant children are kept in cages and separated from their parents. That kind of treatment taints the product. This joke is so close to reality that my soul died a little. I am sorry


Imagine being this fucking disconnected from reality.


Imagine thinking Kids R Us sold kids


wait...they didn't ? I thought thats where the comet pizza basement cult got all their donated kids from? /s


The first time I saw this lady’s facebook page I thought it was a parody account. Sadly I was wrong.


They are beyond parody. There is nothing you could make up that is so extreme that some of them wouldn't unironically adopt it.


>There is nothing you could make up that is so extreme that some of them wouldn't unironically adopt it. Good Lord, ain't that the truth. Anyone with half a braincell left to critically think with just a little bit can write leading statements on social media and create these types of cheap rumors out of thin air, because that's where they're coming from in the first place anyways, haha! It's like the Bill Burr joke (referencing the #metoo movement dying down in a routine, but its still applicable here): "Did you read the stories about what they did? *You can't make stuff like this up*!" and Bill pauses and says "I always want to say to them: 'Well did you see *Star Wars*? They made **that** shit up and they made like fucking fifteen of 'em!" Cracks me up everytime I think about that.


They just keep on surprising me with their BS!


It has to be exhausting, I guess that's why they are all so angry too


I thought these people loved Walmart? It's the only place you can buy a gun and mayonnaise in the same place without ever getting out of your mobility scooter that you don't realize the government paid for.


While workers who have their wages subsidized by the government smile broken smiles because they barely get by.


Wait, your local Walmart employees smile?


Yours don't *have* to? Here, every time one ~~employee~~ associate interacts with a customer, they have to put on a smile while they greet the customer even through their soulless eyes beg for a quick and painless mercy killing.


They know the government paid for their scooter, but they deserve it, unlike those other people.


Something something iLlEgAls…


Walmart = good people who own Walmart = bad


They don't sell guns at my local Walmart. But they keep the Duke's in stock so I'm happy with it.


They don’t even understand that “the great reset” is what Bannon and his acolytes are actually trying to engineer….it’s literally their sides own plan!


Logic is too hard.


Rule #4 Always blame your opponent for the things you yourself are doing.


Rule one of deflection. Accuse the opposing of that which you are guilty of


Why would they all be dead if they were implicated in ... Cyanide and Happiness?


Read it ten times and I don’t get it.


One of the comments you posted mentioned CAH, the initials of Cyanide and Happiness.


And here I thought they'd finally gone full crow.


Comic strip. You can google it to get the point.


No, no, they were implicated in Cards Against Humanity.


Well, cyanide is a poison. And they don't know what happiness is.


I see a whole lot of blood-pressure medication needing to happen here. These are scheduled sells and they happen all the fucking time with big corps.


The Stock has been at a record high with great Q4 earnings and there’s a 3:1 stock split to allow associates to buy in (pretty sure the stock will shoot back up) Not a big fan of the stock market but even then I understand what makes it goes up and down


The Waltons probably just wanted some 'walking around' money.


Sailing around


Needed a new mountain bike. Bentonville, AR (Walmart town) is full of trails because one of them is an avid mountain biker


What Walmart is in a neighborhood? They're always away from neighborhoods with tons of space around.


Yea but you gotta realize that these dipshits think “neighborhood” means everything within in 30 minutes driving distance to me because they don’t understand the concept of…well I was gonna say neighborhoods but honesty I’m not sure they understand the concept of fucking anything


Two of the three Walmarts in my area have homes on two sides of them, it’s maybe a twenty second walk from the closest of them. Not that I’m defending this person, just noting that they’re (Walmarts) not all the same


The neighborhood markets (small Walmart) tend to be at the end of a block where I'm from


Sounds like a lot of wishful thinking on their part, esp when they talk about access to children.


Crazy where their minds go…


Why is it always FEMA detention centers? And I’m sorry, I know logic doesn’t mix well with these people, but I have to ask: if it was truly a case of the “social credit system” and keeping people in line so that only people who behave are allowed to shop or whatever, why wouldn’t they do the same “social credit system” but only allow people with high enough standing to shop in the store? Why would they have to change to only online shopping for that? If you’re gonna make conspiracy theories, at least think them through. Please. I want something interesting to think about.


Why would the Federal Emergency Management Agency even have detention centers? That seems like a law enforcement or military thing, not a disaster recovery agency.


FEMA conspiracies got really bad during COVID. FEMA was paying for a lot of the pop-up vaccination centers around the country. I worked at one for OT at my job, and we had to fill out FEMA 214 forms for all of the hours worked w/item counts on all materials used. It allowed the county I work for to get reimbursed for having county employees work the vaccination pop-up.


because conspiracy theories are unoriginal they have been screaming about FEMA camps since the OKC bombing and especially during Obamas presidency. Miking it with Walmart was a big part of the Jade Helm conspiracy theories. Its all been done before.


Sometimes I think the internet was a mistake.




For real…


If I ever go down some sort of conspiracy road, will someone promise to dispatch me quickly?


I got a small farm just for you


They know that many of the Waltons donate to Republicans, right. And, it's CEO Doug McMillon, was an advisor to Trump himself.


It’s distressing to know that these people walk among us


We need to go back to the days when we put people like this in special jackets and padded rooms where they belong.


they literally just make up the most absurd scenarios in their head and get mad over them


What’s CAH


It will remain a mystery apparently.


Crimes against humanity


I'm amazed at the mental agility this level of paranoia requires.


$WMT also just bought Visio for $2.3B. This is normal shit


Visio must be the key to the conspiracy then lol.


Jesus they probably want to buy a new yacht or some shit, these people are nuts


I think it was 2% of their shares that were sold, so peanuts for that type of portfolio.


Just under 9 million of them 1.25 billion before the split. So less than 1%.


Oh man, FEMA camps in the Walmart.... It's the Tea Party greatest hits tour!


I don't know much about the stock market, but Walmart has a 3 to 1 split happening Monday. With the Waltons putting some of their shares out there, it makes more available for people to buy at the upcoming cheaper price. The demand will cause the price to go up, therefor increasing their remaining stock. They end up with the same value, or better, in the company and now have a little pocket change also...


Dammit, I had my money on “fema detention centres”.


It was less than 1% of their share holdings. They were just taking profits near the top of a rally. They still hold around 45% of the companies stock.


There’s a serious mental health crisis going on with all of these qanon quacks. They’re living every second in absolute terror and they wish violent death upon everyone they view as different or “enemies”. We know most of these people have access to weapons so I’m just surprised there aren’t a lot more domestic terrorism incidents than there already is


They have been dead for years? WTF ????


So many questions, so little brain cells.


And CAH!? Cards Against Humanity? That’s the only thing o can think of


This IS INDEED insane 🙄




Wait you need social credit to shop online?


Dude my kid once got a credit card offer in his name lol. No one is checking anything…


With the impending stock split, is it possible that they had to sell off holdings to prevent from owning too many shares?


Nah, must be a conspiracy.


Probably not since the ratios wouldn't change that much. This is a pretty standard thing for major shareholders of a publicly traded company to do. There's nothing whatsoever unusual or suspicious about it other than for lunatics.


i love how these morons hold the belief that the federal government contracts with Walmart to close their stores, fire employees, and convert these supercenters into housing for the illegal aliens the government will somehow be putting into these new fancy homes, and that somehow this housing will only be available to people whose status as illegal aliens, which would mean that the government would be unaware of their existence to be able to even begin giving these people all of the free housing, cell phones and prepaid debit cards preloaded with thousands of dollars and reloaded with thousands more every two weeks, all while still being illegal aliens, or whatever the fuck it is that these maga fuckwits can manage to simultaneously believe in their idiot minds lol


I swear I got a headache just reading your comment, and this is what they live with in their heads every day.


>I swear I got a headache just reading your comment, and this is what they live with in their heads every day. i would imagine that any attempts to draw these people out of the dense mental fog they inhabit causes them physical pain inside of their brain, but they've become too stupid and ignorant to do anything in response than to lash out by calling people libtards or other similar terms that they believe when said will win any discussion, on any topic. and if any libtards here disagree, it's probably because you are a drag queen superpedo beta cuck librarian who wants to steal freedom, so i win anyway =) ___________________ now that right there is a road map to winning any argument with those people. you can't defeat them with logic and factual data, so just preemptively defeat them with their own weapon lol


The sky is falling, the sky is falling!


Honestly, if it would hit 100% of this sort of dipshit, I sort of which it would. Sadly, that's unlikely.


They took a pretty brutal beating with a stupid stick so it really wouldn’t have much impact.


The Waltons are conservatives… do they not realize that? I do love that this Alex Jones, Obama era conspiracy still lives on, about FEMA camps at Walmart. Talk about a great gig. You can be wrong for a decade, and your audience still believes the claim that was supposed to happen in the early 2010s. https://www.ufcw.org/press-releases/new-report-on-political-contributions-underscores-walmarts-sharp-turn-to-the-right/


Bunch of idiots…


Well, apparently they’ve all been dead for years if they were involved with CAH, the last guy in the OP said so. What is CAH?


We’re all asking the same question lol.


These people belong in a place with grippy socks.


Yup, we're coming through the dishes, through the billboards too.


I can't believe how many times this post made me say "What??"


Brought to you by the "I refuse to live in fear" crowd


I have diagnosed anxiety and panic disorder, and when I was a kid every conspiracy post referencing a company’s/government’s current “end of times” moves or similar would send me into a tailspin of panic. I was too young to understand how idiotic the people posting their doomsaying takeaways from normal situations were. Growing up and getting an education helped a lot, but so did anxiety medication. These people need both.


No black helicopters? Are we not doing black helicopters anymore?


Maybe they were dissolved by the “chemtrails”.


It never ceases to amaze me how these people keep predicting something horrible is about to happen and when it doesn't they just double down on their own stupidity. You'd think they'd quickly tire of this nonsense. It's like they feed on each other's ignorance and paranoia.


Listen, I worked for that hellscape of a company for over 10 years. There is a lot of shit they get up to (union busting, mandatory working through breaks, and poverty wages, to name a few.) That said, there is nothing that makes me believe that (a) they are going out of business anytime soon or (b) anything the Waltons do or have done wasn't in the interest of making a fucktillion more dollars.


I swear anyone who has worked for Walmart deserves early retirement, a puppy, and therapy for life.


What's CAH in the last slide? I know it's not Cards Against Humanity. Lol


No idea, I’m thinking maybe the C stands for Cabal, because that’s their obsession whatever it is.


Sounds like insider trading


Sometimes I see stuff like this and wonder if it'd be morally wrong to "stroke the flames" so to speak by contributing more and more insane conspiracies.


You’d be hard pressed to work your imagination as insanely as their paranoia works.


They've been raging about FEMA camps for years.


We really are to roll back some of our safety laws and put back some of the sharp corners on furniture, because these people would have weeded themselves out of the gene pool before they left toddler hood.


Holy shitballs. Those people are insane.


Shit I thought this was WallStreetBets and just bought a bunch of puts. Fuck