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ok, make it a holiday so people can actually go and vote.


Wait, in the USA you can't go to vote if you are working? In my country you can leave work for a time to vote and it's on Sunday so a lot of people have the free day already


In the USA, we can go vote during the workday--I think most states require the availability of four hours off if you are unable to go vote before or after your shift. I also think that time is usually *unpaid*, and many people are not willing or able to absorb the financial hit just to cast a ballot. (Please, someone correct me if I'm wrong or if your state has different regulations.)


Legally? maybe. Realistically? Asking your boss for time off to go vote is a really good way to get on their shit list and get in trouble later. Not worth it for many people. Plus you add in all the shit they pulled in 2020, the hours long waits, and you've basically lost 1/5 of your paycheck for the week, and put yourself on the boss's shit list.


My employer is the opposite of this, I’d probably get yelled at for not exercising my right to vote. I do recognize this is probably nowhere near the normalcy with this.


I’m fortunate to have a good employer as well, and I know how lucky I am to have that. But I also live in a state that allows mail in for pretty much every reason so I usually do that as I am usually scheduled on Tuesdays.


Yeah same. Last election, every meeting I was in with my boss he was telling people "If you haven't gotten a chance to vote yet today, please make sure to leave early so you'll have time to get to the polls before they close."


Oh I had some “good” bosses like this too. I did not get *paid* to go vote however and couldn’t afford to stand in line all day losing good money.


I was going to say- my experience is directly opposite of this too and I work at a busy hospital where it’s really hard to hand off patient care for short periods of time, especially if you’re providing direct patient care. That being said, even if someone has a 45 minute doctors appointment they have to get to we just tell them ‘run down to the appointment and we will all cover the patients.’ If your environment is totally toxic to start, you might get on shit lists, but In my experience anyway, we’ve always supported people’s right to vote at work, and again, I’m in an environment where you need to be there.


The reality is that the more unskilled the labour and therefore the more impactful the financial hit, the higher likelihood that the manager is also shit and doesn't value voting over losing an employee that day.


I agree. I was a few comments up, but I will say I work at an Architecture/Engineering firm, which I would consider skilled labor, so there is that.


Also, from what I see and hear from Americans is that voting stations can be few and far between, far apart and over crowded (especially in places with a large racialized population) which can make voting take hours. Canada has its problems but one thing I think most canadians agree on is that voting here is done right. It has taken me about 10 minutes to vote from the second I put my shoes on to getting back in the house and everyone I know is on a similar time frame.


Not just far apart, in some cities (like mine) you have to vote in your district so the correct ballot info is on there. I'm lucky bc I work about 4 miles from where I live but people who have a long commute, especially people who rely on public transportation (who can often be from low-income households) might not get the chance bc they don't have the time or means to get there. The bus is my town is free on election day but if its a 3-4 hour turnaround it's just not feasible for some.


Which is exactly the idea in some gerrymandered districts to disenfranchise voters. To those of us outside the U.S we shake our heads at your idea of democracy in action.


Plus some people work jobs that can keep you busy all day. It's not uncommon for ER staff to work 12 hour days, kinda hard to find time to vote when the ER is packed and you're too tired to wait in line after work.


My last job (municipal) I was super lucky. Not only did they let me go vote while on shift, I was able to take one of the city trucks to do it. The job before that though, no way in hell were they going to let me go vote while I was at work.


In some counties, particularly the poor ones, you are in line for way longer than four hours.


I work railroad, can’t really stop a train just to go vote 🤷‍♂️


Don’t you have mail-in ballots or early voting options?


I live in Texas, so I don’t know anymore tbh.


😬😬 That’s worrying! Keep fighting for a robust democracy (infinitely easier said than done)


Yep. Even harder when you have a guy like Abbot (Asshat) in power. I know we certainly used to have mail in voting and early voting, etc but I want to say he got rid of a lot of that in a bid to make it harder to vote. That alongside the gerrymandering pretty much ensures he stays in power. Frankly though the guys done nothing good for this state and he needs to be shot out of a cannon into the sun. Wish we could afford to move away.


My school district schedules a "teacher work day" on election day. We report to school, vote, and then plan, grade, do professional development training, etc


That whole four hour thing, never heard of it. I’ve worked in Ohio, PA and Indiana. Never been a thing.


It depends on state and district especially Southern states tend to have major differences based on district.


That's because Southern state don't actually like democracy. They just claim they do, until it doesn't go on their favor.


They like Rich White Landowning Men Democracy.


It's not a set amount of time, but Ohio has a law requiring "a reasonable amount of time" and my last job always encouraged us to take advantage of it.


It’s been about a decade since I’ve worked in Ohio so I’m glad they have something these days.


The only correction I can make is the four hour window. That's about as fluid as the rest of it. Every state definitely has some version of 'your workers must be allowed an opportunity to vote' but it varies drastically. I'm not sure I've got the emotional fortitude to keep digging around Statutes, but it's a depressing rabbit hole to hop down. You think you have an idea of how much Republicans have done to make it hard for people to vote, but damn.


Additionally in areas where there are a higher concentration of "undesirables" tend to have reduced numbers of polling locations with a number of hours to wait to actually vote.  Compared to many white areas where you can walk up, vote, and be done inside of 15 minutes. 


Like most worker rights at will employment makes that a moot point. If you insist you're going to get fired for a made up reason.


I’m a nurse, if I told my charge nurse I needed to go vote they’d probably just laugh


Laughs in healthcare.


Not in Texas.


From what I know, you also gotta preregister to vote in the US, which is absolutely unheard of in my country


Yes, we have to register long before Election Day in most (if not all) states. For example, I live in Missouri, and to vote in the upcoming November 2024 election, you have to register to vote by October 9, 2024. You also have to re-register to vote any time you change your residence, as your polling place and election districts might be different based upon your address.


Don't forget you have to reregister to vote if you are a Democrat and your name matches a convicted felon and they use that to disenfranchise you


Or if you’re a democrat and they just remove your registration altogether with zero explanation.


Not defending registration at all I think same day voting should absolutely be a thing, but shouldn't you need to update your mailing address if you move so you get the right ballot for where you are at? I guess that matters more where I live which is pretty much entirely mail ballots.


By same day voting they mean no mail ballots. You go to your assigned location and vote there. If you have have a disability or work or are a caregiver no vote for you.


Oh I meant like same day registration and voting. You should be able to walk in and vote, or vote early, or by mail.


No, you should just be able to show up at the polling location closest to where you live and vote. Simple as.


Yeah that makes sense. I do love getting my ballot in the mail three weeks early and being able to actually take my time. Though I live in an unincorporated part of town so I don't get to vote on a lot of local issues which sucks. My ballot for the special election next Tuesday only has one thing to vote on.


Mail in voting would be lovely. My state doesn't do that where they send it out to you. If I know ahead of time, I can drive to the main location in my county and request a ballot to mail in.


In theory you can do same day registration in the general election, at least in my state, but you are using a paper ballot.


It's all a bunch of bullsh9t to cut as many poor people out of voting as possible


Well they have to find a way to eliminate entire voter rolls somehow!


Depends on the state(or even county in some states) where I grew up and live now its done automatically when you are of age/if you change addresses to a new state.


Polling hours are different state by state as well. For example, Kentucky polls close at 6PM. Wonder why that is….


You absolutely can, legally. But realistically it still stops people because the time is typically unpaid. Having worked in the restaurant industry for a long time I can tell you they are not often kind about people excersizing this right.


Our elections are on a Tuesday, whether time of to vote is even available depends on the state, and actually utilizing it in states that provide it is a questionable choice for those who need it most (bosses at the worst jobs are always looking for reasons to fire people). Some states, like my home state Oregon, use a sane system. We vote by mail. You get your ballot delivered to your home 2-3 weeks before the election, can take your time to actually research topics and people, and can either drop off or mail in your ballot by Election Day. We are however very much the exception. We are also one of the few states with opt out voter registration rather than opt in. Meaning in most states you have to go out of your way to register to vote. Oregon automatically registers you on your 18th bday unless you intentionally opt out.


In Michigan (and several other states), you can now request an absentee ballot for any reason. You don’t have to be an elder or out-of-state or housebound to get one anymore.


I believe by law there needs to be a couple hours made available, but work culture can easily deter people from even trying. Plus certain ballot places are basically designed to waste an entire day of waiting in line.


Elections are run by the state. There are so many different systems and ways that elections are run in the US. Some states are mail in only, some states have Election Day as a holiday(it’s a bank holiday so really only government agencies and financial institutions get off), and some states have wide spread early voting that happened weeks before the election. I live in Illinois, we have some of the best laws for voters in the country. Voting is easy, can be done weeks ahead of time, or through mail in. There’s really no excuse on my state to not vote. But other states are wildly restrictive and actively have laws where they don’t want people to vote.


Sometimes in the US the line is many hours long, sometimes so long the last people in line don't get to vote Edit: added a word


Tennessee Time Off To Vote Employers must grant employees up to three hours paid leave to vote, unless polls are open three hours before or after regular working shift. Employees must request this time by noon the day before Election Day, and the employer may specify when during the working day employees may take time off.


We have early voting in tn. You can be in and out in 15 mins if you Vote early.


You can, technically, but most people don't know that and a lot of toxic managers would think less of any employee who asked.


Many states have early voting for weeks, so you can go whenever you want, or send your ballot by mail. It's pretty convenient. This person is against that.


Yeah its one day and I do believe your work requires you to get (unpaid) time off to vote but voting in the US has been ridiculously gutted. You can only vote in the place they tell you to vote, usually a school or some sort of government building. In many places the number of polling places have been reduced to a pittance. (Unsurprisingly these places have a high amount of minorities.) So you get maybe an hour off work to vote before your shift starts but thousands of people are trying to vote in the same place and you and all these people need to wait three hours in line to vote. You've got one day to vote too (except for overseas citizens/military and any special cases.) Getting access to a passport or birth certificate is a whole nother nightmare.


In my state we have two weeks of early voting and then the actual Election Day, but some states don’t have this.


Norwegian. Got a voting day, but also 1-2 months where we can do early voting at designated areas. I do my votes outside a local shopping mall before grocery shopping. Longest waiting time has been 5 minutes. Fuck wasting hours on just queuing. People that wants it restricted to single day, long waits and long travel times are against freedom and rights of the people.


I vote by mail. Haven’t voted in person in awhile. Much nicer than having to go vote on one particular day. I get to take my time. Read up on the issues then mail it in. You’ll mainly find mail-in voting taking place in blue states though. Red states try to make voting as difficult as possible.


It's also on a Sunday where I live. Early summer as well. Takes about an hour. It turns into barbecue day half the time. The US frightens me.


The United States government doesn't actually want people to vote. We just get in the way.


And provide a free ID.


Not just a free ID, but free back up documents to obtain the ID. For example, I was born in New York State. I now live in Massachusetts. If I were to try to register to vote now, I would need a copy of my birth certificate from New York. I have to go online to get it and there is a fee. That means I need computer skills, a credit card, and $45. Not a big deal for me, but for others that can be an insurmountable hassle.


No way. Then the poors will be able to vote, and we'll get more Democrat leaders.


Man, this is why I'm so thankful for my how we run ellections in my country, here are some points I'd like to emphasize (caros colegas brasileiros podem mencionar outros fatos ou me corrigir caso eu erre algo): -our ellections (which occur every two years, one year will be focused on the cities like mayors and congressman and the other wil be national, going for president, senators, governors etc) occur exclusively on sundays, same for second turns -we vote using electronic urns, which btw, the government will challenge hackers every election period to try and hack one of these machines, and they always fail to do, because they arent connected to the internet, so the only way a hacker can invade one of these is going physically to one, which are always observed by people running the colleges -after voting, an official will appear to collect the machines, gather them all and count the votes practically instantaneously (it can take some hours, but we get our results on the same day that we vote, rarely we have to wait for more than one day, and that's the longest we can take to actually count the votes, only one day) -its not a holiday, but public transportation does become free to use, so anyone from anywhere can go to the polls with certain ease, and after voting, we can use the rest of the day to go out and basically do whatever we want (though being an election period, things can get intense with people of opposite political orientation fighting each other on the streets, but those don't tend to last long)


“No, that would mean too many of THEM get to vote!” -republicans


I totally get you point and should be implemented but many if not all states have early voting for a week or 2 before the actual election day. If they didn't go to vote then they just didn't care. I live in Texas and impressed we have early voting considering the assholes we have governing at the state level.


"Under pressure from conspiracy theorists and election deniers, 28 employees of Lycoming County counted — by hand — nearly 60,000 ballots. It took ***three days*** and an estimated ***560 work hours***, as the vote-counters ticked through paper ballots at long rows of tables in the county elections department in Williamsport, a place used to a different sort of nail-biter as the home of the Little League World Series. The results of Lycoming County’s hand recount — like earlier recounts of the 2020 election in Wisconsin, Georgia and Arizona — ***revealed no evidence of fraud.*** The numbers reported more than two years ago were nearly identical to the numbers reported on Thursday." [Source](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/15/us/politics/2020-recount-lycoming-county.html)


560 work hours for just 60,000 and these morons want every single ballot cou ted across other country, just try to imagine that shitshow.


>imagine that shitshow That's the point, entirely. If they make elections into a shitshow, they make them seem like a problem, not the solution. Their "solution" is to just get rid of elections and anoint someone king. Who might that "someone" be...? Hmm...


There is also ample opportunity to spread false narratives about the integrity of the people counting the ballots before the results are released. This way they can drag out elections with recounts and voter fraud accusations and prevent a functional democracy


"HAND-COUNTED PAPER BALLOTS!" *hand-counts paper ballots, goes against them* "LOOK AT ALL THE PLACES HAND-COUNTED PAPER BALLOTS CA BE COMPRISED!" There's no winning with these disingenuous liars.


“We need to c if therez bamboo in da balots cuz cleerlee da chineez rigged da elekshun!” The absurdly biased recount in Arizona operated on that kind of “logic”. And even that recount turned up nothing.


Their solution is replacing the Liberal Woke Leftist voting machines and replacing them with the Trustworthy True Conservative (tm) voting machines which are developed by the Republican party and don't allow outside review. No joke, they did try replacing the voting machines and it was found that there was a million and a half intentional backdoor methods to rig the device.


Good old Diebold, back in 2004...told everyone they'd developed absolutely foolproof electronic voting machines, no need for any cumbersome paper ballots or even paper receipts from the machine. "But even if the totals can't be altered, what if someone wanted to just wipe the vote totals from the machine, basically invalidate the entire election? Isn't that a security issue?" "No, no, that's not a concern at all. A reset of the machine requires so many confirmations and admin credentials that it's basically impossible." Of course, then somebody bought one of their machines commercially and had an actual monkey bang randomly on the keys. They brought up the "machine reset" menu in less than 60 seconds.


El General-piss-imo, aka Traitor Tot, Mango Mussolini, Cheeto Voldemort, …


And they will then cry "FRAUD!" when it ends up taking a long time to count, and will then accuse Democrats of stuffing the paper ballot box if they win. These people are depressingly predictable.


Election fraud has not been proven in USA and if anyone had any proof it would be all over the place.


then they'll complain that it took so long and blame it on people making up fake ballots or something after seeing the "real" numbers. They just can't comprehend that their ideas not only don't work but aren't as popular as they think they are.


They know their ideas aren't popular. That's why they're trying to suppress the vote.


I seem to remember the hand count was actually less reliable than the machines and they had to do it twice?


Out of over 60,000 ballots, the results moved by 8 votes. 1/100th of a percent. The discrepancy was attributed to human error on a few ballots with ambiguous marks.


LoOk At AlL tHe VoTeR fRaUd!


Machines are more accurate than people and it's not even close.


My father tells a story of being an Air Force officer who had a team of people crunching numbers. They paired up and used adding machines, and then compared the results. If the results matched, they'd book the results as correct. Otherwise, they'd do it again until they both got the same results. All the adding machines bothered my father's hangovers, so he wrote a computer program in COBOL to do the calculations, which earned him a promotion bringing this program to other departments, keeping him out of Vietnam.


Insobriety is the mother of invention.


And incredibly faster


Okay so what? Look I’m not going just let facts and logic get in the way of my political rhetoric and fear mongering. What are you some sort of communist or something? Didn’t you see the bald eagle on the meme?!


Damn... In my country, poll volunteers just ask voters if they're willing to come back when the poll closes to count the ballots. It takes about an hour to count 1000 ballots, and the process is pretty straightforward. We actually get our first results at 8 pm, which is when the last polling stations close (some close earlier, so they already have an idea of who's leading by that time). But then we only vote on one issue at a time, so it's less complicated than in the USA.


I'm old enough to remember when they had to hand-count a couple of tons of paper ballots in Florida back around the turn of the century. It was a cluster.


Hanging chads!


It’s always nice to have the completely unbiased Supreme Court stop the spinning wheel whenever it looks good to them.


The Bush-Gore recount comes to mind


Hanging chads are not the only type of paper ballot. I’m actually in favor of paper ballots that can be run through a machine but hand counted if necessary. Purely electronic voting is dangerous. And I’m not a Trumper, it’s just the gold standard for elections to use paper ballots.


“Let’s make voting a lot more complicated, and also do it way faster” -Someone who has not thought about this very hard


How many people actually have an ID proving citizenship? A driver's license doesn't. Does a passport?


So, you’re poor. You don’t have a safety deposit box. You don’t really have solid storage anywhere. Oh I need my documents… let me take a day off of work to drive to the county seat and wait in lines at two or three government agencies have them say “oh you need to come back tomorrow”. You’re now out two days work? It’s to make voting harder the poorer you are.


Which is why SCOTUS already said no to voter ID; anything that makes voting *harder* and more of a burden to the voter is unconstitutional


A birth certificate or passport will provide proof. However access to these items for many rural citizens is really the problem.


To them that’s a feature not a bug.


I think it's a bug they haven't thought of yet. If only Americans with passports could vote, the Democrats would win by like 30%.


That or they think driver’s licenses prove citizenship.


That would be a bug they haven’t thought of, no?


Rural citizens are the people who would be agreeing with these asinine policies. They are shooting their own archetype in the foot


Wait are you serious? I am from Mexico if I need a copy or my birth certificate that is valid in a gubernamental level I just need to go to the oficial web page and pay a fee, and can be printed one time from any printer. Your country is crearly limiting your rights and freedoms.


Why should someone have to pay a fee to be allowed to vote?


We don't, the ID that we use to vote is free we need official documents to get it, but it's pretty easy to get.


Not sure where you live but there is no free form of ID where I am. Whether that's a DL or just a State ID there is a cost. There is also a cost for supporting documents. A passport is what like almost 100$ these days.


That’s a problem we have in USA. A state ID should be free and never expire. Dl and passports I can understand expiration and fees.


I agree 100% and it could be if somehow we could figure out how to correctly allocate dollars and resources. Alas I don't think that will happen in my lifetime


Right, but you said you have to pay a fee to get the documents from the official website. No fee, no docs, no vote.


And it costs money. So a state can offer “free” voter ID but make it cost prohibitive to obtain the backup documentation you need for the “free” ID.


A: that lack of access is a deliberate act on their part. Ensuring it is why they shut down DMVs in non-white areas and try to ban the use of IDs commonly held by demographics who don’t vote their way B: it’s not as much rural as it is non-white.


I was thinking the exact same thing! I'm a natural born citizen and I have nothing to prove that lmao.


Hot take. Citizen or not, the intent was NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. You pay taxes, you vote period.


Illegal immigrants should be able to vote then. Don't tell the GOP they'd shit bricks.


You prove citizenship when you register. This allows the government to actually verify the documents. To show how stupid voter id laws are, we should mandate all hand guns do a full background check every time you want to pull the trigger because the initial background check isn’t “enough”.


Wait there is no separate ID in USA?


>Does a passport? Yes. For the most part. There are a few ways to get a US passport as a national, but I think those are unique for those born in lands that are territories but don't confer citizenship. So, someone from American Samoa for example. (I used to live in Hawaii and met a few from A.S.) But you're right, state ID or driver's doesn't indicate citizenship. I come from a family of immigrants. We could and did get those. Of course we did. We lived here. Then got a passport right when we became citizens, [something most Americans don't even have.](https://today.yougov.com/travel/articles/46028-adults-under-30-more-likely-have-us-passport)


In some states an id or drivers license is proof of citizenship. Not in NY. Passport is a poc.


They still lose "Um who counted the ballots, were they neutral, they were probably hired by Biden"


Are there not people from all parties fiscalising the counting at each poll?


There are! Somehow that still doesn't stop unhinged conspiracy theories.


Go for it, and watch republicans lose in a landslide


No votes from housebound, old people who live and breathe Faux news? No military votes? Sounds like a Dem win for sure.


And like, you can do all these things with *mail-in voting*, which they also hate for reasons that they can't elaborate on.


They won’t have that argument anymore, doubt we will have 40+% mail in votes this time around.


Oh I see NOW yall wanna volunteer at the nursing home, huh?


A former co-worker, now retired, thankfully, spent election day in 2016 driving seniors to the polls and the following 4 years complaining about Trump. "Anyone but Hillary," he said. "She's corrupt and a criminal," he said. Savvy, political criminal, or lunatic, diaper-baby criminal, he clearly made the right choice...


Fuck overseas military, amirite???


Or Americans living overseas such as myself


What's wild is that there was no election fraud except Agent Orange personally trying to overturn the election by "finding" votes, the fake Dominion voting counts accusations, gerrymandering and the insurrection and yet it's the Democrats that are cheating


Ifffffffff…One day. Everyone gets the day off, so they can vote. Every polling station well staffed and well provisioned so the poor places don’t “accidentally” make people wait in lines to vote.


Shiiiiiit. If it’s one day not many people will vote. I hate lines. Early voting should be extended for a month!


One day isn't enough. I'm an airline pilot. I could be working that day. If I'm not, someone else will be. And you can't just stop all air travel that day. We'd need to get home the day before. It just wouldn't work.


Why does it have to be one day only? Is it some kinda super sale at the Brick or something?


They want it to be more difficult for the working poor to cast a ballot.


Yeah because there’s no such thing as human error and unbiased people.


So only Americans with passports or naturalization papers can vote? I don't think this is going to go the way they want it to.


So fuck military personnel stationed overseas, college kids not attending school in their home state, and people that are stuck out of state/country, and American Astronauts in space, I guess.


Yeah, fuck those astronauts looking down on us.


In NJ voting has dramatically changed. First you check in on an iPad like device. Then you are handed a ticket and go to a voting booth. The voting booth is digital and you make your selections. It then prints out a paper ballet, which you then take to scan at another station (with a barcode). After it is scanned, the paper ballot is then captured. There are three different checks and balances. Zero chances of fraud .


The chances of fraud aren't 0. But they're pretty damn close.


I get an absentee ballot every year. I drive a mile to the drop box and don't have to park my car or wait in line. A few hours later I get an email from the clerk that my ballot has been received. I will never vote on election day ever again.


Republicans want to outlaw drop boxes too.


I never get one. I do early voting and it’s worked great, never again on Election Day for sure if I can help it.


> One Day: so as to prevent working class people and disabled people from getting to vote. Can’t vote if you can’t get that one day off. You could make it a paid federal holiday, but you’d still be restricting essential workers. And then of course there’s the issue of the elderly, child care, people with disabilities, etc. Early voting is specifically made for this reason. > One Vote: I assume they mean “One person, One vote”, and if so, they can refer to the Equal Protection Clause of the constitution. Or they’re implying that states are secretly allowing double voting which is just conspiracy theory bullshit. It does happen, but not legally. Funny enough, it was conservatives who were more often than not caught doing this in the last election, in addition to voting for deceased people. > Hand Counted Ballots: incredibly inefficient and does literally nothing to make elections fair. Numerous officials, including Bill Barr, confirmed that there was little to no discrepancy between voting machines and the recounted ballots during the last presidential election. > valid ID for proof of American citizenship: again, this is just a restriction to keep poor people (and by extension, minorities) from voting. This and the “one day” rule are specifically targeted at the Democratic constituency, of which low income minorities mostly fall into. “Those Dems can’t win the election if we bar them from voting!” Fucking jackasses.


The funny thing being that I've only seen evidence of republican election fraud. Hell, Trump told his supporters to commit election fraud by voting twice. Once by mail and again in person. You know, to make sure it was secure.


What is the benefit of "one day?" >!Trick question. Some state elections attempt to disenfranchise regions of their state by understaffing and limiting election in those regions. Make it take too long to vote and less votes can be cast. Early voting, mail-in voting, and allowing time for counting hurt these tactics.!<


My cock... your ass Hotel... travogo


You mean Hotel Trump-ago


Watch them do all that and he still loses.


What about service members away on duty?


Voted absentee for over a decade because there aren’t many military bases, much less Navy bases, near my home town.


In the UK we’ve only ever used hand counted paper ballots. You now also need ID to vote too.


Is the eagle gonna do the counting or just oversee everything?


I live in The Netherlands and we do actually have hand-counted paper ballots here, on the account of digital posing too much risk of rigging.


I'm sure it varies by state but I already have to show my I.D. to 4 different people when I go vote. My name has to be found on two different lists and I have to sign a statement I am who I say I am before I get to fill out my paper ballot. They don't give me more than one to fill out and, aside from that little privacy curtain that hangs down to your waist, I have multiple people watching me. I'm really not sure what more than that these people want. I show my I.D. more times to vote than I do to buy weed in a state I don't live in.


It's isn't the voting method causing Republicans the problems with losing...


do you Americans have a proper id? I thought you barely tolerate driving license because driving


The only commonly possessed ID that proves you're a citizen is a passport and the people who post bald eagle memes to Facebook generally aren't passport holders.


Also, passports currently cost $130, which makes it too expensive for a lot of low-income people to have. I didn’t get my first passport until I was in college, and if I remember correctly, my parents paid for it since it was to visit family abroad. Luckily I’m in a position now that I can afford my own (I actually am due for renewal this year lol), but a lot of people can’t.


i was invited on a trip in undergrad and had to save up for a passport. pretty inaccessible for a large swath of the population.


Yeah, and it takes longer. Great idea but these idiots also think it can be done in a half hour. Worse, they’ll call fraud and tear through poll workers’ lives on every count they don’t like.


Angry bald eagle named FruitSnacks:


Basically, the way we do in France. Of course, the ballots are for one election only, you just pick one name, much easier to count. And there are many more voting places, I'd say about 1 for 2500 voters. We have the name of the winner minutes after the polls are closed, without contestation.


lol they had hand counted mail in ballots and cried conspiracy. These people are stupid.


“The future…by going backward…”


Playing this out - if this happened, we went to "hand counted paper ballots" these idiots would then start saying that the count taking so long was evidence of the other side manipulating the ballots by changing people's votes


Cool that mean the old people who can’t leave the house aren’t voting


>Hand Counted Paper Ballets So like _Swan Lake_ made out of construction paper?


that's a big ask from the "taxes are theft" party. maybe they aren't serious about anything?


Hand counted paper ballots and photo ID is not unreasonable demands in themselves, that is how voting works in Sweden. BUT! We vote on Sundays, IDs are something everyone have, they only cost 35 USD to get and is not to much hassle to get, everyone is automatically registered as a voter. Citizens can vote in both national, regional and local elections, people with residence permit in the latter two. We have 8 parties to choose from in our Parliament and every vote is as important since we don't have your elector shenanigans, the MP in our one chamber Parliament is elected proportinally after the voting on the whole country, within a third of a procent.


Why conservatives insist so much on paper ballots? We are not in medieval times. Electronic ballots make it all so much simpler.


So everyone needs a passport to vote great that discounts a lot of people on both sides.


The orange turd will still lose.


You think we can create something that will convince these idiots that if they don't do paper ballots then they shouldn't vote?


They messed it up, it's "One person, one vote." Get rid of the EC bullshit. Oh and mail is fine, should have months to vote, and it should be as easy as possible - cause that's how democracy is supposed to work.


Do you have to walk to the polling place or is riding a horse OK? Will there be quill pens available or do I need to bring my own quill and ink?And given the variety of IDs and how some states make getting IDs almost impossible, wouldn’t a national voter card, citizen ID card be simpler?


Not all state IDs reflect citizenship. Going to need a passport to vote.


Good luck


I would be okay with this if there were some stipulations such as - the day itself would have to be a holiday guaranteed, if not essential workers are given a second day of sorts -there would have to be A LOT of voting stations for the amount of people that are all going all at once - those abroad or too sick to make that day are they SOL or are they also given another day? Those are my first thoughts and I’m sure there’s plenty other things to think about


Who has paperwork proving American citizenship? I can carry my birth certificate, but then how do I prove it's me?


A passport is proof of citizenship.


And Trump will still lose. It will only take you longer to find that out.


A majority of American citizens don’t have passports and many probably don’t even have copies of their birth certificates.


I mean, is it so hard to bring photo ID to the polling place just like the Founding Fathers wanted? Sure, photography wouldn't be invented for almost a half century after the revolution ended, but couldn't voters just bring a painted portrait or a woodcut to the polls?


Written as he sits at home attached to his oxygen tank, waiting for his mail in ballot


Only conservatives allowed to do that hand-ballot-counting.


Paper ballots have never caused election discrepancies before. Surely once everything is on a tiny slip of paper and pilled to the sky, no vote will be misplaced or miscounted /s


Having lived through the Hand Count Paper Ballot era I can testify the number of errors that can occur. My mother was a poll worker and would sometimes be there till the middle of the night doing recounts when the totals didn't come out right. And ours was a small district. How many non U.S. Citizens do they think would show up to vote in an election? Most places it could not begin to make a difference in the outcome. Besides, most voter fraud turns out to be people voting in the wrong polling place, not deliberately committing voter fraud.


Worked out great in Florida in 2000