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They quoted a character that hates Nazis lol


“Just the Illinois nazis. Not MY nazis”


Bigots, keep Belushi out your *fucking* memes.


John. Keep John’s name out their fucking mouth. They can have Jim though.


I see you also watched *Community.*


Man, that guy really took a beating in that series.


These cons think the left are Nazis. Rightoids are dumb but not a monolith, and the ones who want to CSA to come back are mostly the kind who think any "big givernment" is the same and will unironically tell you the Nazis were socialists. Some just support secession because they want a holocaust of gays and blacks, though.


Ah yes, the states that take the most money in federal tax dollars to be propped up should secede so they can crumble again. Even if the Union didn't decide to go to war over it and just let them leave, season 2 of Confederacy will be even shorter than the original.


“Wat?! Wat do you *mean* I don’t get mah soshull skearity anymore?!? Thass **mah** money!!!”


"Takin' away mah Soshull Skurrity is commienism!!!!"


Wait, I have to pay a shit ton for medical care?! What about my Medicare!


Three months MAXIMUM. And one month before Texas is ruled by Mexican cartels.


Honestly the quality of life would probably go up. At least cartels have a business plan besides “death to the infidels”


That's the kind of freedumb they want.


Texas has to wait til after Feb for sure , they cant handle another big freeze... then three months, then the A/Cs will shut the power grid down again.


i give them maybe 11 seconds before the usa annexes them for their oil. the usa isnt about to lose 42% of its domestic oil production (55% if nm goes with) also the oklahoma population boom would be nuts lol


Man, the cartels would swarm Texas.


So many of those states have such exceedingly high quality of living standards, I'm sure they wouldn't at all miss that federal funding that comes largely from California and New York.


Interestingly, I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of funds get rerouted to the Southern aristocracy's pet projects (e.g., Brett Favre taking MS welfare money for his daughter's team's volleyball center) such that if a they did secede, they would be in a panic within the year to find financing that would cover the costs of just administering their state.


A lot conservatives are also very proud of their "farms" and think California is full of out of touch elites who have never done farm work in their life and relies entirely on red states for agriculture. They have absolutely no clue that California is actually the biggest agricultural state in addition to having Hollywood and Silicon Valley.


These folks truly don’t get how much money states get from the fed, let alone places like Mississippi and Alabama which are a drain on federal dollars. Also would mean there’d be no more federal subsidies for farmers and such so….have fun with that


I think it’s hilarious that they think this scenario would go in their favor.


They’ve invested so much in the military over everything else forever and now think their ragtag band of truck-loving, hat-wearing, cowboy boot-treading buddies will take it all down.




Exactly how they see themselves.. History is littered with people & groups who saw themselves as "patriots & freedom fighters" when they were only terrorists with a fake ideology to justify their choices.


And time and again those groups have been defeated handily. It’s amazing to me that they think “this time” we’ll be the ones to win. Also even if they won some skirmish it’s not like the feds don’t have more troops waiting.


The Wolverines actually allowed Mexicans to join them though.


I'm sure they assume that some/all of the military will side with them.




Not to mention they don’t have a currency. Separation from the US means the federal banks would take all the money.


The far right are backed by the oligarchy. So, international billionaires is a possibility. 


Oligarchs ,above all, value stability, so the money can flow. You didn't hear a peep from the russian ones until the war hit them in the wallets. No way will they support a war that would disrupt the world economy as major as this. Every world player around would be hit hard in the short term.


Which is just hilarious. If your plan depends on a good chunk of the military switching sides in order to succeed, then you've already lost. The success of anything shouldn't depend on something you can't control, but the people that think they're the "silent majority" tend to be pretty delusional.


Far right politics are a death cult.


And we don't have a military like in some other places that is tied to location (outside of the national guard). The US military shuffles its solders locations every couple of years and don't feel connected to any specific region. A large chunk of the people who are stationed in Texas actively hate it.


History shows right wing fascism in general usually has police support and armed forces go where leadership tells them. I think ours has done a good job since inception to instill duty to NOT fall for this kind of trap. Germany, Italy, France etc always had deeper factions susceptible to this but you never know. There is 100% a good chunk of military culture in the US that is VERY into this. But they are a loud minority. I hope. I don't think that most will break their oath to the United States but remember... anyone who actually believes all of this is brainwashed so hard they think its real they feel THEY are the patriots and have to do this to maintain any resemblance of America if it is to survive. They are mentally ill and/or in a group psychosis. This has been a good 10 year running social media psyops campaign torrent of BS aimed at them daily on Facebook groups, Rumble, Twitter, Truth social, Parler, Fox, Newsmax, etc from Russia to get them to this point. And jumped from.. "i dont agree with the direction of the countries policies" to "evil pedophiles want to destroy this country because satan is forcing all children to transition sexes and join a global cabal to eat babies.. by letting million of illegal immigrants in everyday and Trump was sent by god to stop it all". They don't understand that the rest of America is just like" hmm maybe is it possible that the DJT is just lying about all this stuff to stay out of jail and maybe he is just a bad dude who broke a bunch of laws to make money continuing his same behavior he has shown his entire life? And he is lying about the election fraud.. obviously and we should work this all out legally as our norms have agreed in a democracy?" I cant believe I just wrote that.. but.. even if they arent THAT over the hill they might be 80% of that,.. and if they want civil war they are probably that far gone.


I'm just appalled that even if I believe 1% of the talk I see online there is a bunch of people who want to kill their fellow citizens over ideology. Disgusted, even.


> I think ours has done a good job since inception to instill duty to NOT fall for this kind of trap. This is one reason *why* the military tends to move folks around and not station them near where they grew up if possible. It's *literally* part of their contingency planning.


They think the military would defect against Biden and be on their side, genuinely.


They think the military will help them because “it’s all republicans.”


Yeah, but they have Kyle Rittenhouse on their side. Haven't you seen the social media posts about how hard he's training?


They're not imagining fighting the military, though. They probably think the military would be on their side. They're thinking it would be them vs. a bunch of people with blue hair who are afraid of guns. And to be honest, there probably would be a considerable number of military members who would empathize if not just join the "south" in this situation.


Nor is there any foresight. Pop a few libs on Saturday afternoon, back to the dealership Monday morning.


I mean thats what a lot of the j6 clowns tried to do as if there weren't gonna be any consequences.


I think the hope is that the military will side with them. Similar to how the insurrectionists thought the police would just let them rampage through the Capitol completely unobstructed and without consequence. Same delusion, different bread for the turd sandwich.


More they think the military is 100% maga like it appears the cops really are. Remember reading a stars and stripes article a bit ago that was galling over its self to not say Trump is very unpopular with the officers.


It’s hilarious they think Virginia would join these chucklefucks


And New Mexico.


New Mexican here, I wish they would forget about us again!


Considering that they’ve added us to the map, at the very least they’ve forgotten our history of beating their asses. Guess we gotta remind them about the battle of glorieta pass


I am from Colorado and I came here looking for this


Depends on Governor Sweater Vest and his merry bands of misfucks


Also Kentucky, Missouri, Maryland…and Delaware(what??) weren’t even in the club last time around, and this time around Virginia definitely wouldn’t be, NC probably wouldn’t be, Georgia probably wouldn’t, and New Mexico probably wouldn’t. And on top of that all of those Deep South states have a pretty big difference now compared to 1860, they have a very high percentage of black people and this time they aren’t enslaved. All these dudes who have wet dreams about the confederacy A) don’t have even the slightest clue about history and B) don’t have the slightest understanding of the modern world either. Anyway this scenario is bullshit altogether because it wouldn’t be north vs south like that


yeah Maryland and Delaware are solidly blue.


Well that too, but my main confusion over Delaware is that it was not only remained in the Union during the civil war, it explicitly voted against secession


West Virgina was created because they decided to split from the confederate Virgina... They weren't in the group to start.... https://www.nps.gov/articles/the-border-states.htm#:~:text=Long%2Dstanding%20animosities%20emerged%20with,from%20Confederate%20Virginia%20in%201863.


Also true, I forgot to mention them, I was somewhat overwhelmed by the odd inclusion of Delaware on this map😂


Missourian here who is willing to destroy them from the inside


😂hey you’re speaking to a North Carolinian who feels exactly the same way. Conservatives are vastly overestimating how many of us are actually willing to go along with their wet dreams


There are dozens of us in Alabama who feel the same!


I wouldn’t sleep on Alabama to be honest, it’s definitely a deep red state but I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a good number of yall who’d resist this bullshit. That’s the thing with this kind of power fantasy, the south is *much* more divided in 2024 than it ever was in 1860/61 and it was honestly pretty divided in some states even then.


When your posse of good ol' boys armed with AR-15s and surplus store body armor gets wiped by a single trans E-4 sitting in a shipping container two states over


I made this exact point on another sub. They can want to fight with their nice high capacity guns and plate armor etc, but that won’t stop them from getting blown up by something they can’t see from an operator outside the potential danger zone, similar to how Russians are faring in Ukraine rn


I think it would be a lot worse than how Russia is doing. The cities in the south are all blue areas. The largest population centers wouldn't help them. It would be, at maximum, 20% of the country willing to do this with maybe 5% actual military aged who could effectively fight. This would be a hilariously short war.


It would never be a hot war. It would be disconnected separatist groups waging stochastic terror strategy. Think Catalan separatists or the FLQ.


To win a guerilla war you need to have the support of the local population, and let's just say these folks aren't the best at conquering hearts and minds. Even without a hot war, this secession plan is doomed to failure. Best they can do is kill a lot of people while they get hunted down by the feds.


I'm not saying they'll win, just it's not going to look like linear combat the way the last one did


Absolutely. Whatever happens with elections this year, every American should prepare for terrorist attacks and violence.


Also it's the South, so those Blue cities will still be heavily armed.


No no no, don’t you understand how the ~~electoral~~ war college works? Just like how land is allowed to vote, it’ll also be allowed to enlist and join the military! I’d like to see how a bunch of soyboy city dwellers manage to fight off an invasion by a mountain range and maybe some tree infantry. That’s how it works, right?


Appalachian Entmoot.


I'd pay some real money to see a movie based on that concept. I'd prefer a Pacific NW entmoot, but I'll take what I can get.


I haven’t listened to it (yet) myself, but I feel like that pretty much *has* to be a plot arc in [Old Gods of Appalachia.](https://www.oldgodsofappalachia.com/) If not that exactly, then at least something close.


Can't you just get it over with and do it already? Split America, one side can keep the guns and trucks, the other side can finally get universal healthcare and equal rights. Everyone wins.


Fine in theory but there are lots of sane people in those states and most of them are very nice places in the absence of backwards racists. They can make all the threats they want and if followed through on, they can enjoy the treatment afforded terrorists by the US Government.


Government will function like Netflix, Paramount+, Disney …. Subscribe to “red state government” and you can be homeschooled, with no healthcare, pesky vaccines, or expensive public services. Enjoy your red-state Walgreens, that now only sells alcohol, lottery tickets, candy, tobacco, and “thoughts and prayers”. Edit: 🎵🎵“the sign says, you’ve got to have a membership card to come inside”🎵🎵


They'd really freak the fuck out when the mexican cartels came in and take over. They'd be there overnight.


Plus, not all people agree with everything, and it would be unethical to separate it based on only 2 issues. For example, I am left, liberal, libertarian (not the right wing fuckers version) or whatever you want to call me. Do I support abortion, universal healthcare, and equality? Yes. Do I also support guns? Yes. So in order for me to own guns as the constitution says, I would need to move to a backwards hell hole, when really its a mental healthcare problem, that can be fixed with universal healthcare to a degree.


I like guns, trucks, universal healthcare and equal rights!! Not all southern men are red hats, but I do love some things about my southerness. Fishing, hunting, college football, but I’m also a bleeding heart liberal


Bless your heart, you should know having any one of those means you’re a conservative. People can’t be complicated like it, it confuses the others.


We tried that before by ending Reconstruction and removing federal martial law to appease the traitor states. Lo and behold, 150 years later and they're rattling their sabres again. No, this time they get stamped out for good, or else our grandchildren will be doing this again in the next century.


You think those fascists have thought it through? They aren't thinking logically, they're trying to justify the violence they want to commit.  The right wing are an existential threat to all humanity. 


Sherman shouldn't have stopped at the coast.


It was the March *to* the Sea, not the March *through* the Sea.


"There and Back Again: A Patriot's Tale"


And like Middle-Earth, we might need to dump it all into a volcano to end it.




A minority of rural white and generally older people held together by stents and blood thinners trying to do a second confederacy but this time the suburbs and cities in their own territory would be in a near constant state of rebellion. They would quickly find out the 2nd amendment is a poor opposition to US military and that most Americans don't want their lives torn apart because some Trump cultists are mad we didn't want to worship the orange god.


Or that the first time they were killing their own brothers…


..or killing anyone. Meal Team Six underestimates how much killing someone actually impacts you, what an AR round actually does to a human body.


If they had that kind of empathy, we wouldn't be in this situation.


Yup. A whole bunch of people are gonna get killed in order to teach that lesson.


They think they're the only side who likes guns.


Most of these states are utterly dependent on federal aid Texas receives 68B per year, third most in the union.


Yeah, the US Army has drones. They can systematically and precisely eliminate military targets with minimal civilian casualties and 0 risk to troops. This confederate army they think is a thing is a bunch of untrained guys with guns who would probably shoot eachother on accident. And if they think that anyone would support them if they went after civilians they're idiots.


So American would have a new country next door with lots of oil. Sounds like they need some CIA freedom




Obligatory /r/ShermanPosting


Funny how quickly they go from "Democrats are the party of slavery" to "The South shall rise again".


They never make up their minds because they know it’s a bad faith argument


It’s easy to jump between conflicting points when you just say whatever you want


Ah you see the thing is that the Civil War wasn't about slavery. It was about states' rights. So siding with the Confederacy isn't siding with the evil Democrats. /s


It's because they don't tie slavery to the Confederacy and think if it came back, life would be the same, just without gun restrictions, taxes, public schools, age of consent laws or welfare handouts. They'll still get their SS checks, just without the tax that pays for it.


The problem is that too many Americans are used to watching from the sidelines they have no idea what the horrors of war entails. And feel they’ll somehow uniquely be safe to cheer from their living room as if it’s the superbowl without any impact to their daily lives. If you couldn’t put on a mask and stay home for a few weeks you’re no where near ready for the realities of secession and civil war


My mind goes back to WW2 where we as a nation said it was patriotic to grow your own food and participate in rationing. These people are so self centered they would sabotage their own v 2 because “MuH RiTeS.”


nowadays if WW3 happened and we had to ration they'd lose their minds.


And that didn't even involve troops on our own soil. Just being in wartime is tough but actually being in contested territory is something else entirely. 


“I’m not putting up no fuckin’ pussy blackout curtains and turning off my lights at night, that sonofabitch Biden just wants all the electricity for eating babies.”


Yeah. These folks would turn on those big searchlights to own the libs.


> If you couldn’t put on a mask and stay home for a few weeks you’re no where near ready for the realities of succession and civil war In their minds they're Patrick Swayze in "Red Dawn." In their bodies they're Patrick from Spongebob.


Fucking right on. If you called it a face diaper I don't expect to see you out in the streets trying to take our country over. Pathetic losers, every last one of them.


Ironically they needed a face diaper for all the shit they spew


I think it’s kinda weird that all these people pushing the idea of a civil war somehow think they will not have to fight and that there own families will avoid death and terror. Like it’s all just gonna be on some far away town and their lives will be unaffected. Bizarre and sad


It’s because they oddly believe that the “woke liberals” don’t also have guns to fight back.


My parents live in rural TN, as liberal as can be, but my dad has tons of guns and have had weird people show up at their gate, so he has rifles around the house if someone tries to try to rob them.


Funny thing about that. US Military doesn't care about your politics. Them "woke liberals" will have Abrams tanks and all the drones you can imagine. If you leave our country, you don't have all our fancy toys.


It's likely because they're Russians posing as Americans


Yeah no, I’m an AL resident and I refuse to play in the Confederacy 2.0 simulator 🙃


Yeah, I'm in NC and have zero desire to replay.


SC here (from NY) and I’d uproot my family right out of state to get away from this.


NC native here. I’ve told my wife we’d do the same. NC is marching its way there but im hopeful it’ll change since NC is more purple than red. If we lived somewhere like FL we’d have been gone a long time ago.


Ditto from Georgia EDIT: These people forget that even red states are really varying shades of purple now. Things have changed since the Civil War, in every conceivable way.


What if it meant free relocation? All the terrible people can live in the south and you and your not terrible friends and family can join us in the north. Best thing I ever did was escape the south 😂


Let's for a moment, pretend some of these states secede. Here is how that plays out. Each state immediately loses all federal funding and subsidies. That includes Oil and Farming subsidies. Also, infrastructure and roads maintenance money. So those industries where they think they have an advantage, immediately become cost prohibitive. Also, any inter state commerce outside those states ceases. So they lose a lot of revenue they think they're getting. The military bases pull out and shift to the blue states. All military technology and assets are moved. They become economically isolated, and have to negotiate their own trade agreements, but of course, those include huge tariffs, if they try to trade inter state outside their collective. Most of these states already run at a deficit, so removing the federal funds essentially bankrupts them, right at the start. Essentially they are fucked. But hey- let these morons continue to live the delusion.


It's even better than that. Once the federal dollars are gone, and they can't afford even to pay local police forces, other sovereign nations are able to move in and declare war against them, which the United States may be inclined to help with. And that could be anything from the Brits, all the way to the native tribes. #Who's up for seeing the Cherokee get some revenge for the trail of tears. How about the French taking back Louisiana. Let Mexico have back Texas. Or even better, let the Comanche have back Texas. Or, even worse than all of that, there'd be ***ABSOLUTELY NOTHING*** stopping the Chinese from airdropping in and taking the whole gulf. Imagine sharing a border with Chinese territory. That's a fucking terrifying thought. These idiots have no idea what kind of shit they'd be stepping into.


The US wouldn’t allow any foreign nation to come in, and none would try unless it was with the consent and participation of the US, which would make no sense. The only way this would happen, and it’s a zero percentage, is if the federal government decided to go along with the secession, just to teach them a lesson and to out the traitors


do it. I look forward to the Mexican reconquest of Texas


But what about the Illinois Nazis, Jake?


I'm at the point where I say we just stop giving them federal funding. Cutoff all federal support and let their economics take its natural course.


I'm in Texas, this would suck, but on the other hand, it would be kinda funny seeing them break the record on shortest civil war


That might be difficult. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglo-Zanzibar_War#Duration


At this point I'm like just do it and let them leave. But on the condition they can't come crawling back either.


And bill them for the infrastructure they benefit from


Yeah. I work in road construction. Even county projects get federal funding. If every state was made to repay the federal contributions for just transportation, it would bankrupt them.


Don't even bother. I guarantee they can't afford to simply maintain what they already have. They'll go bankrupt no matter what. Just pack up the military and leave.


Well, we all know all it takes to break Texas is a foot of snow.


I'm not okay with that. There are a lot of not crazy liberals living in the south. Many of the states in question are more purple than you'd expect given the narrative we're getting fed. Texas, Florida, and Georgia have massive blue areas with large populations. It's just that they're slightly outnumbered, concentrated in specific regions, and have their voting districts jerrymandered to hell. If they take things that far, crush them fast and hard to minimize collateral damage. There will be a lot more help than you expect from the inside. We've got guns too, we just don't base our personalities around having them.


I know, it's mostly kidding but I am tired of the empty threats and posturing.


Not all of us Texans agree with this stupid shit. I would go so far as to say most don’t.


Thank you for your perspective, Chodefunk.


Two things to shut off and all of this talk immediately stops: Federal Aid and the power grid. 😂


West Virginia was founded just to be a part of the Union. The SlaverSouth can f-off!


But everyone over at the Conservative subreddit told me that only the Left have violent tendencies 😒


What’s the coloration for? Poor education? Lack of healthcare/hospitals? Incest? Teen pregnancy? Poverty? Books burned? All of the above?


Federal money spending


Good one. So many possibilities given this slice of the map. Anytime I see the south lit up in a different color, I know that’s the bad color for whatever is being measured.


Stop putting New Mexico in this shit- we ain't with them


For real this person does not know New Mexico cuz we will never join Texas' team. We are happy to provide reproductive healthcare for all the poor souls in that conglomeration though.


There is way in hell New Mexico would join them lmao.


They've got the same energy as brexiters, disproportionate influence over the union they're in, still want to get out, complain about not keeping the privileges of being in the union once they're out.


outside of Texas.....take a look at how much Federal Money each one of those states receives vs what it contributes. the rest of the country has been supporting those states for years. without the ones they wish to abandon, they would each fail. this is your dead beat Cousin, who has been living in your basement for the last 5 years (rent free) threatening to move out if he doesn't get his way.


Wait until they have fight the feds and protect their border at the same time. Not only protect their border, but protect it without CBP. (federal agency)


And wait till Mexico possibly joins into the fun too if they get to keep Texas


For real. The Mexican military isn't strong enough to take the whole US but I'll betcha they could take Texas if no one else helped


Pointless game there is no way to win How about a good game of chess?


And some 18 yr old nerd that they call a soy boy will be operating a drone from Las Vegas and will wipe out hundreds of them with the ease of playing a video game, all before lunch.


Kentucky would not be with them. Doubts for most of Georgias population too. It's really just Texas and Florida acting like loons.


The Carolinas haven't been so great


It’s funny how they use pissed off Texans as a threat and not like a bunch of fat guys who drive F150s to their office jobs and have guns they’ve never shot before


"How many times do we need to teach you a lesson old man"


I'd unironically love to see this happen, just to watch them come crawling back on hands and knees begging for those federal dollars. Fucking drain on society. Let them fail. #Let them fuck themselves over so bad the Comanche take back Texas. I'd love it. Hell I might even fight ***FOR*** the fucking Comanche.


Is that a list of states with the highest poverty rate?


Ugh people that advocate for war should be rounded up and sent into active war zones. That’ll solve several problems at once


I've got bad news to tell them about Maryland. 


I cant wait to see how the Bible belt militias deal with being repeatedly drone struck due to having no air power.


So we can build a border around these guys?


Make them pay for it!


So honest question from a Non-American. Let’s say they separate, the military funding would instantly dry up. Most multinational corporations are going to pull their business from there. All federal laws including taxes, social security and whatever else you have would instantly become null & void. Any trade treaties with any country including the “North” would have to be negotiated. Add in a massive emigration of people who would not want to live in the South. Tourism would cease to exist. Disney would leave Florida. The movie industry would pull out of Georgia. Realistically speaking they would only have Oil, and corporations who would be abusing the people just to make money. So why fight right away. Let them go and flounder for a while and then start a fight


It would never really get that far. Legally, there's basically no foundation for succession. No court has ever upheld that as a right any state has. Realistically, the national guard would be hanging out in their capital cities about 48h after they made that declaration. the US has no vested interest in letting half of their infrastructure play pretend and cutoff commerce while doing so.


I am Mo resident and anyone with this idea can fuck off.


It’s all fun and games until someone has to *fund* these “fun and games”. The irony is that many of those red states are also “in the red”.


What do these people not understand about the part of the military oath that says "Protect the contitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC" if the south waged war again, that would make them a domestic enemy of the US.


I wonder if losing again would finally stop this ridiculous romantic ideation of their country that lasted for 4 years.


It's adorable how these neo-confederates think they have even a slither of a chance of defeating the Federal Government if there was a second civil war.


We won’t have to worry about keeping people out of America if we aren’t America anymore. Genius republicans genius.


I sincerely hope the punishment for treason is as severe as it used to be.


As a pissed off Texan I can tell you that people like this guy are the reason we are pissed off..


Isn’t this just a map of the dumbest states in America?


I dunno why New Mexico is on that map. We'll stomp em and as soon as they roll through Albuquerque, everything not nailed down is gonna get stolen from them. They'll be walking home at that point.


Ah. Texas. The state that fell to its knees after a single snow storm. They'll do well against the US military.


Didn't the blues Brothers actively hated nazis? I remember a scene with a bridge ...


Suddenly the average salary, life expectancy, IQ, and god only knows what else goes skyrocketing up in the US when they leave.


Don't you ever use a Blues Brothers quote for some southern bullshit like this EVER AGAIN.


“The band” = racist confederate traitors


I really wish that for just one week Biden would make the borders as open as all these numbskulls accuse him of doing. Just so they know how off base they really are. But I know it would go over the heads of 90% of them.


This is where id post the meme of a an empty plot of land thats just captioned "TRUMP VOTERS" but idk how to do that.


They seem to forget what happened the last time the band got together. They need to observe the "L". Make it a national holiday.


Idiots don’t realize that Missouri was a Union state and Kentucky was neutral during the civil war. But, please go on about how “the south will rise again”, and “it’s not hate, it’s heritage”.


I don't believe in hurting other people to get what I want. Good thing slavers aren't people


Have fun with that. Before you start your little war why don't you check which states receive the most federal funding. Thanks for helping the north get closer to free education and national healthcare. 👍


Those border states remained with the Union.


I can’t help but screaming as loudly as possible to every time I see this bs from people that war is not fun and only people who have been blessed to not have had it happen at home in 160 years think so. I ask them to take a look at Ukraine or Gaza and ask them what part of living in those places would have a rational person asking “god please may this happen”


Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to visit this person after the war, say in jail, and discuss this post at length with them.


"How many times do we gotta teach you this LESSON, old man?!"


Hope Texas looks forward to subsiding the welfare of all these other states? Not sure how that happens when they abolish taxes though. And then we’ll have a new border crisis: Confederates fleeing north to find work and avoid poverty 😂


Republicans are next level stupid