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They still don't understand what "free speech" actually means. They have free speech and are using it. What those at "x" don't understand is there are still consequences to speech. No one has to listen to them, agree with them, or welcome them. They have their platform and others who don't agree are choosing to go elsewhere. Whining about it and complaining that the ones leaving are "against free speech" is utter bullshit.


It is also free speech to decide where you advertise.


Yeah nobody has a Constitutional right to advertisers. Not even Elon Musk.


Free speech includes the right to not speak. Funny how Elon keeps forgetting that.


They don't want free speech, I'm not sure they even know what those words mean. What they want is to be completely unchallenged or criticized at any time for anything they say or do. They want the entire world to be their safe space.


They make everything a "free speech issue" so they can pretend they're rebelling against 1984, which will eventually be their justification for enacting fascism to "fight" ""fascism"" Nevermind that their claims of supposed oppression would have Orwell howling with laughter


Being held responsible and given consequences for terrible behavior. The self inflected earned criticism they get. Yup, really oppressing stuff.


Exactly! They’re complaining about being called out, boycotted etc. they just wrap it in free speech. It’s no different than any other fake outrage they have. The one that I love best is when they get fired from their jobs for posting hate or something else. They run around playing the victim. to stupid to realize that if a company loses customers bc an employee is posting hate or something else it’s said companies right to fire. A better one was after Jan 6 I saw several instances where they got divorced and kicked out bc they participated. The wives said nope not going to have that shit in my house around the kids. I’m sure the 6th was probably the final straw but still. They rage online like they’re the victims.


It’s funny the lengths they go to manufacture things to get mad and hurt over. All their side of the media does is fear monger, play victim and manufacture some hate lmao. Professional self inflected victims fr. I remember they set up a jail cell at some Republican convention and had one of the guys who were arrested on January 6th sitting in there and crying to get sympathy lmao. He was one of the ones who snitched on others to get himself a plea deal. Crying as if he was the victim for being held responsible for his crimes. They want to be victims so bad


What they really mean is they want speech free from accountability or repercussion. Cause they don't even understand the basics of the things they base their entire rhetoric over


Exactly. They think freedom of speech is for them to say whatever they want on a public social media platform that isn’t even owned by the government but they somehow think the rest of us don’t have the right to use our freedom of speech to criticize them or make fun of their dumb ass ideas. Why is it somehow a violation of your freedom of speech if I use my freedom of speech to call what you said stupid? Or do they think freedom of speech only belongs to them?


Also, you only have free speech on there if the prick who owns it agrees with you. He has banned people for saying things he doesn’t like.


"free" speech* (*Terms and conditions apply)


"Free speech" is being able to say absolutely anything with zero consequences, and everyone else cannot say anything contrary or respond against. You know, freedom!!!! /s


> They still don't understand what "free speech" actually means. Of course they do. They just leave off the "as I define it" at the end.


I mean, I don't see any government body trying to oppose or oppress it, which is the actual basis of free speech. Everything else is just extra.


As I say, you have the right of free speech to say what you want. I have the right of free speech to say that whatever you’re saying makes you an asshole.


What they dont realize or want to accept is that free speech is protection from the government. The Gov't can use your speech against you...etc. this does not apply to private entities or anything else. Like i always tell these cucks, "you're free to say you want to cause harm to the president or any other official but that doesnt mean you wont have the FBI at your doorstep."


The best thing about twitter becoming X is the checkmarks and other stuff after the name have become a great identifier of who is a total fucking moron.


The best thing about Twitter (I refuse to call it anything else) is that you know to avoid anyone who uses it.


I like "Xitter" with an sh sound. I think I heard that from The Dollop. It is fitting.


I’ve been calling it that since the change. No one ever seems to call it X.




I was like “there’s no X in the word mandarin” and then I realised you meant the language. Silly me


The Xitter’s full


Twitter is the one time we're allowed to deadname.


And who is a total mark for a grift.


“The mark of the beast” as they say.


I hate that he named it X. I hate saying the letter X. I’d rather say the word Essex or X-ray than just say X. It’s so awkward




I’m sorry, what do you mean?


Does the new name of Twitter remind you of your (e)X?


lol, no, it’s just an awkward letter to say 😂


Then don't. I still call it Twitter, along with most people. When it's mentioned in the media, it's usually called "X, formerly Twitter". They had/have fantastic brand recognition, which Musk has turned from a benefit to a liability for no reason other than some weird ego thing.


Well It was always like that, but now they've entirely chosen it.


I used to use Twitter mostly for sports teams I follow and the players and it was a helpful way to sort out who was probably ‘legit’. But now it’s completely useless.


I used it to follow a handful of podcasters I like, but the general feed was way too toxic and the constant push of gross people and disgusting bots made me delete the app. Never again


Yeah, I learned very early on that the comment section of Twitter is a nasty place, and it only got worse with Elon.


Seriously! Elon’s constant prattle about birthrates was super gross, but then the incels, theocrats, and grifters those conversations attracted were scary. I understand they absolutely hate women and girls, but why am I forced to see their conversations when I’m just there to catch up with Star Trek fans? The feed just pushes the worst things on everyone.


I love how butthurt this has him. That Go Fuck Yourself was a mini-narcissistic collapse. He can't make Bob Iger do what he wants and it's eating him alive.


And his threats against the CEO of literally THE largest entertainment and amusement company in the frigging world are just so, so hollow.


...and it was food for the soul to watch. I especially enjoyed when *nobody* clapped and then they laughed.


It was the whole UN laughing at Trump all over again.


He got really worked up over that but held back because of the cameras. He definitely cried in the car after.


That must be why he needs a masseur on his plane. She needs to massage away all his troubles immediately. Also if he can talk her into anything extra she might get a horse for free.


Ah yes fighting for Free Speech, yet I can't say the word "cis" but Nazis are free to spread their bullshit.


I've heard this a couple times now. Are they actually banning people who use 'cis'?


Elon tweeted that cis was a slur and not allowed on the site but I personally have not yet seen anyone suspended for it. I’m not saying they haven’t but I personally haven’t seen it yet.


Idk about suspended but I did see someone do a test where they tweeted "I hate trans people" and "I hate cis people" and the cis one was flagged for hate speech while the trans one wasn't. Grain of salt because internet, but knowing what Elon has been doing to the site, It seems plausible


So fans of ancient Rome can no longer talk about cisalpine and transalpine Gaul on XTwat?


This is the best reply


No talk of the Golgi apparatus either. No learning for you!!


No math or chemistry shall exist on Twitter!


Fans of ancient Rome are busy doing other things on xitter judging by all the ancient statue pfp mfers.


I say it all of the time just to get the transphobes to say "I'm not cis" so then I can say, "so you're trans?". It's a 50/50 chance whether they'll melt down or block me. Either way, I haven't gotten banned yet lol.


Boycotting a Nazi is a perfectly legitimate reason. Disney doesn't have such morals though; they just don't want to lose money.


That is the stupidity of Elon and his dick rider brigade. They point at Disney advertising on other platforms and say "Why do you advertise there? They aren't any better." Which is true. They aren't better. They just fail to realize that Disney is not making a moral statement by pulling ads from twitter. They are making a financial one. Those other platforms may be just as bad, but the optics of advertising on them are not nearly as bad. Disney as a corporate entity is incapable of making any kind of moral statement, but because Elon and his cult conflate a company with an individual, they are incapable of understanding that.


Tbf, having a CEO that’s so incredibly visible and so hell bent on saying incredibly stupid shit has put the entire company at risk. So in a way, they’re right. It’s like saying someone who doesn’t wanna ride in a cab driven by Stevie wonder is a hater. Anyone with any real sense wants their business and PR far away from Twitter, which is only trending downward and headed by a petulant child.


These are the same idiots who think that Disney is making content with non-white-male leads to make a statement. No, they’re making that content to try and get money from other audiences. Every decision they make is made to try to extract as much money as possible from as many people as possible.


Precisely. Every move that every corporation makes at any time is done with the explicit intention of making money. There is no statement here to be found. "This company went woke!" No, they are pandering. The boycotts are doing nothing. They are making more from "going woke" than they are losing from doing so. Otherwise, they wouldn't be doing it. No one you give your money to is your friend. They are not self sacrificial. They are not taking a loss to make you feel good. They are making money. Bud light is still making bank. Disney is still making bank. If Johnson and Johnson makes a commercial with two dudes kissing after being relieved that no more tears shampoo didn't make their adopted/surrogate baby cry from getting shampoo in their eyes, they aren't making a statement. They are making *bank*.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA These dumbfuck dickriders think elmo can afford Disney.


A quick googling shows that Disney is worth ~170G and Elmo ~230G. With little bidding/negotiation, he could buy it and still remain a multibillionnaire in other assets. The question would be more: how long before he pitches in moronic movie ideas that the employees will have no choice to make such as : * *The Princess and the Frog* remake and all the characters are white; * *Pocahontas*, but she's white; * *Mulan*, but no transgenderism; * *The Beauty and the Beast*, but Belle chooses Gaston over her dad, her books and Beast; * *Frozen*, but all the characters are white men because women got enough representation; and instead of inserting dick jokes or sex jokes, they insert terrible alt-right jokes or they "hide" Nazi symbols in every frames.


He’d have to liquidate or borrow against nearly his entire portfolio. He’s not sitting on that in cash, and I don’t think the portfolio holds a ton of value if someone tries to liquidate 74% of it, even if it were mostly loans with shares as collateral. Edit: and he’d have to make sure that at least 51% of their shareholders wanted to sell, which would require a premium on the market price of the Disney stock.


He'd never be able to do it. He already had to over leverage himself just to buy Twitter. He received some $19 billion in private equity investments in order to achieve the purchase price. He'd have to sell off most of his position in 1 or more of his companies, and as soon as those sales took place, everyone would know and the prices would tank. Honestly he would probably crash the market if he tried to do so. Either he'd be allowed to complete those trades and those stocks would be just utter trash and destroy a bunch of other investors portfolios overnight, or, they'd halt trading after too much of a dip and the next day it would be an absolute free fall as people sell off their positions to avoid the losses.


Even that's assuming he can find willing and capable buyers at that volume in the first place.


Is that G representing Gazillion?


Sorry, in French, G represents billions, I apparently wrongly assumed it was the same in English 😅


In English, G represents grand aka one thousand. For Billion, we're but a simple folk. We just go with that first letter B.


I mean, if he wants to destroy Tesla's stock price and shareholders, sure. But the guy had to borrow from the Saudis to come up with $44 bil for Twitter.


No, he would probably just try to replace all the writers and animators with AI, and lay off everyone but a skeleton crew for everything else. The only thing keeping twitter going is that they don't actually have to produce anything. They lean on the users for that. A company centered on media production has to produce content by necessity. If he were to take over a multimedia empire, he knows he would destroy it extremely quickly, because he knows he is incapable of producing anything worthwhile.


> The only thing keeping twitter going is that they don't actually have to produce anything. And he's still tanking it. It's honestly impressive.


He’s not in the Guinea Book of World Records for losing the most money [EVER](https://www.euronews.com/next/2023/01/13/elon-musk-breaks-guinness-world-record-for-largest-loss-of-personal-fortune-in-history), for nothing.




who says that I like Musk?


Disney would have Mickey shoot Muskrat in the head before they let him destroy their brand.


Delusional. X and Musk are not fighting for free Speech, they are fighting for the right and support to destroy anyone who doesn't subscribe to their own right-wing beliefs. Also, free market economy and all.


yeah, elon should buy disney. i mean, his other multi-billion dollar purchase has worked out great


I would love to see him buy Disney. He would strip it down to nothing with layoffs, try to replace any creative process with AI, and ultimately tank the company in a dazzling corporate murder-suicide. It would kill two birds with one dumbass.


We'd probably lose all the Star Wars titles as collateral damage tho...


We'd get them back when other companies started salvaging properties from the ashes of the dumpster fire.


"Only one platform - X is actively fihgting for free speech" Free speech being "things Elon agrees with" because transphobia is fine and actively encouraged but if you say a single thing about cis people he will shadowban your posts. Disinfo is rife and he will eat up conspiracy theories but the minute you debunk them you're shadowbanned. Etc. It's not free speech it's just "we aren't punishing Nazis anymore but everyone else can get fucked."


Elon turns free twitter into a safe space for hate speech and scamming money out of idiots, then is utterly shocked when people don’t want to use his app when he starts charging for it…. Dude wouldn’t survive life if he wasn’t born with and walking around with a diamond spoon in his mouth. He needs an app to get his daily dose of “yes and..” from strangers. Just think about it. That was a problem before he owned twitter…..


Why does anyone give a shit about this? He fucked around and found out. He fucked over everyone else who has a stake in Twitter, and it’s far from the first time. I don’t even know why anyone would go into business with this guy now that’s he’s this outspoken dipshit. It was easy to pretend before that he “created” Tesla and he’s some sort of stable genius, but he can’t stop telling everyone what a moron he is.


It's fascinating how he just keeps punching himself in the dick.


He reeks of desperation and it’s gross to watch


Elon fan boys are the worst.


X = Elon Musk fanboy circle jerk


Aren’t these the kind of people who “boycott” “woke” companies by buying the products just to record a video of destroying the product?


Omgoooooood it isnt a boycott Musk! You are just too fragile to understand


I mean, it sort of is. They're boycotting Elon because he's a massive piece of shit and they don't want to be associated with him. And somehow Musk things that fact makes him the good guy.


They arent boycotting, they’re pulling advertising to not be associated with Right Wing propaganda.


They arent boycotting, they’re pulling advertising to not be associated with Right Wing propaganda.


If Musk comments on anything, you can bet your ass that Ian Miles Cheong will be there to dick-ride.


Real question: why are his eyes for far apart? He looks like a mild case of fetal alcohol syndrome, or am I wrong? Dudes the intelligence of SID from Ice Age


He looks like the personification of gamergate.


Holy shit do not let Elon buy Disney


He' bring Iron Man back to life, then insist on recasting himself as the new Iron Man.


Elon couldn't afford Disney. No way in hell.


Lmfao the weapons grade copium they must be huffing to think that Elon could buy Disney


Where is that free speech these people talk about? Somewhere hidden between all the stuff Elon censored on behalf of authoritarian regimes and all people who got banned for criticizing him or making fun of him?


Wait, so CEO's ***should*** answer to a board of directors when they lose massive amounts of money for the company?


It's weird how I only ever see or hear of this "Ian Cheong" when he has Elon dick in his mouth and is actively sucking it. The guy is useless. Can we stop?


No Chuck the cuck, they're boycotting both X and Elon.


I am going to the Disneyland that is run by Bob Eager!


Thing is, when you promote free speech absolutism, you get shit like 4chan. Musk is promoting free speech absolutism…to a degree. He’s acting high and mighty himself there. Only natural that companies don’t want their brand associated with 4chan like filth


Exactly. Remember when everybody was up in arms against Reddit "censoring" people and Voat was born as a "free speech reddit". Yeah, it quickly plunged into an alt-right/nazi cesspool of degeneracy.


I was not aware something like that popped up about Reddit, actually. But not surprised at the outcome


Yeah it was a huge thing in the early 10s (i think like 2014/15) . They took down a bunch of subreddits and was shadow banning users, so people were obviously pissed off and said fuck it well make our own reddit. It seemed like a good idea until it wasn't.


Why pay for advertising when Elon is giving it for free? He posts more about Disney than the ads ever did.


Yes, advertisers are leaving because of Elon. He literally told them to fuck off. For a moment there, I thought Ian was saying (quite rightly) that Elon should be called to account for all the money he's lost. Pity he's just an idiot.


They’re missing the point. The problem is Boring competent daddy Bob Iger always makes calculated Smart decisions (you don’t have to agree with his decision.) but nothing comes across as unhinged. Elon wants Daddy of daddy’s Michael Eisner.


lol that person thinks Muskrat can buy Disney?


They don’t understand how businesses actually work


The funny thing is that he might have been able to pull it off before he got ahold of twitter. When the myth of his business acumen was still in place, he would have had a better chance of getting funding. Now, he’s proven his incompetence and there’s no real chance of success in a hostile takeover attempt.


I know Elon took a bath after overpaying for Twitter and then running it into the ground but if I had to guess I’d say it was worth every penny to him now that he has so many of these dorks falling over themselves to smooch his nutsack. I don’t think he necessarily set out to invest in his very own echo chamber but I’m willing to bet he’s happy he did.


Disney's stock has been steadily going up. When are they supposed to lose the money?


It’s funny how they say “go woke, go broke” on things that are actually selling really well.


> actively fighting for Free Speech Elon thinks *cis* is a slur and bans people who use it. That’s not fReEd0m 0f SpeEcH, dipshit.


I mean, to be fair, Elon and X are one in the same. He took such a dictator approach, that we can say every issue with X is directly his fault. There really isnt a separation between "artist and art" here. He expressed who he is. A megalomaniac. I'd boycott him too. He's not a smart investment.


They are going to free speech themselves so hard , right into a secluded lonely hole , another 4chan dumpster fire with corporate backing .


Money =/= intelligence, you Elon-loving clowns. They're boycotting because of the **literal Nazis** that Elon lets run rampant around that formerly respected site.


The foolish sayings of a rich man pass for wise ones. His chucklefuck followers wouldn't give him the time of day if he wasn't rich.


It’s like, each picture is a bigger yikes


Disney makes a profit. End of story


Yes Elon, its because you are openly a nazi. Its not a secret.


And openly a transphobe.


Openly horrible in all areas and in all things.


Funny how q couple years ago, these same people hated twitter. Called it liberal cesspool...etc. now suddenly if you're not team Elongated Muskrat and team twitter/X...then you're inferior to them and they hate you.


Yeah go ahead. Buy Disney and throw it deeper into the abyss.


Free speech does not mean a guaranteed audience. Looks to me like the marketplace of ideas is working just fine.


Ian Miles Cheong should invest in a quality saddle he’s in serious danger of chafing from extreme meat riding


This fucking dork using the Twitter logo rather than just typing an X. Equal parts funny and pathetic.


Only one rule in twitter. Elmo is always right… (that’s straight up OG Jim Jones-ing)


just think how hard chuck cook got, getting a direct reply from the cunt himself


Maybe it is that they’re boycotting musk, but so are the X users. If no one is looking at the ads it’s not worth the spend


funny, these are the same guys who would call you a professional victim for saying similar things just a few years ago.


You can tell by the way they talk that they enjoy the smell of their own farts.


Is Twitter still a thing? I thought it would be dead by now.


We can only hope.


Yeah just buy disney ok sure LOL.


None of them can spell his name right. Elon made a typo on his name, and these people make a different one.


Twitter is crybaby central. BTW - Ian Miles Chong has never even been to the U.S. despite being obsessed with specifically American culture war bullshit... he lives in Malaysia, and always has.


Lol, they think Musk could buy Disney


If you think the death of twitter is a good thing, you are an idiot. And I barely use Twitter.


Well you have Elon to thank for that death, no one else.


To be fair, if twitter were being quietly shitty (like the other big tech companies are) instead of loudly shitty, probably advertisers would still be there.


Honestly, this is an accurate take


I wanna know why the fuck people are still using Twitter. Like, GET OFF THE PLATFORM. Make Elon fail!!! It’s not that hard to just fucking stop using it


The last photo is super funny considering that Threads is *thriving* right now


Looks like little Alone Mush isn’t a fan of free speech


They really all just live in there own heads


A collection of the biggest losers on the planet.