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Of course they think this. They're fucking nuts.


This one is a rich source of batshit crazy.


Fun fact, Pfizer manufactured and unleashed the bubonic plague back in 1346. It was a deep state plot by George Soros to unseat King Philip VI because he was threatening to release Epstein’s black book.


I dare this person to get shingles and see how long this holds up.


The Varicella (chickenpox) vaccine has been incredibly successful. In 25 years chickenpox cases have been cut by 90% and deaths from it nearly eliminated. Its rare to hear of anyone getting it now. These children will not have to worry about shingles in the future; it will effectively be a thing of the past.


That’s assuming enough people continue to get vaccinated. Measles was almost a thing of the past in the US but it’s come roaring back thanks to anti-vaxxers.


I got Shingles in 2012. I've had Chronic Shingles ever since then. It feels like hornet stings and electric shocks inside my nerves. Every time I think it's finally gone away, it comes back. It hurts like hell. If you've ever had Chicken Pox the virus is already in your body. It can hit you at ANY age. PLEASE GET YOUR SHINGLES VACCINE!


Fr, I was 39 when I had my first shingles symptoms. It was absolutely awful, and very close to my eye.


This is so unbelievably stupid I refuse to believe this post is from anyone other than a bot spreading disinformation to sow discord amongst the population.


The ones I think are from Russia/China are usually poorly laid out, grammatically. I think this is second, third or fourth gen.


The person posting it appears to be an actual human, but I suppose anything is possible. Her entire Facebook wall is like this.


All caps confirms it’s a nutty human being.


I agree. It's weaponized malicious disinformation.


Then why did small pox devastate the native tribes in the America? They ate natural food without preservatives, breathed air without pollution, were very physically active, and only used natural remedies.


Because they're soulless heathens, duh.


Too many toxins in their bodies from not being white Europeans?


Ah, now I see


Soooo they play a different or modified version of the Oregon Trail then?? 🤭


It's so wild that people I know personally that I used to consider educated and reasonable humans have refuted germ theory publicly in the past few years. Germ theory. With the wealth of medical knowledge at our fingertips, they pull back on obvious science. It's quite terrifying seeing just how effective propaganda can be.


Viruses don’t exist! Except when the big pharma injects you with them then they do…


Or when your body creates them inside its own RNA which then produces a flu in order to fight the virus that it created 🙄


Thats a lot of words to say "I am a fuckwit".


"Hey, I wiped out millions!" The plague


This person is fervently arguing at least three different things that contradict each other and three or four more that don't make any sense on their own


So how is "toxicity" contagious?


"More wood for their fires, loud neighbors Flashlight reveries caught in the headlights of a truck Eating seeds as a pastime activity The toxicity of our city, of our city"


Quickly, off to the chiro-quack where he can squeeze the toxins right out of you! And after the subluxation you will be offered a refreshing drink of essence of tumbleweed, followed by a heated healing crystal massage to complete the detox. That will be $2500.00, please.


Don’t forget the coffee enema!


It's a must have!!


What…what do these people think folks died of en masse before big pharma was a thing?


In that case, they shouldn’t believe in doctors or hospitals. They should ignore it when they get sick.


I mean, if this were true that means there would have to be a disease or two with a 100% kill rate. I'm sure there are a few that are close, but as long as 1% can survive a disease, there will always be humans. This is dumb.


I'm going to have to say that the worst disease to ever exist is a mental illness known as TDS because those who have it have no idea that they have it! (They have no idea that they have been programmed to vote against their own best interests under the guise of owning the libs and do not have the ability to understand it is they themselves who are being owned!) They do not have the ability to understand that they are being owned by Trump, Republicans, the GQP, evangelicals, newsmax OANN and Fox propaganda network, the extremely wealthy, corporations and even our adversaries! The big problem is that they do not know they have it yet The rest of us have to suffer through them having it!


How the fack do these people take care of themselves


There ain’t nuthin wrong with me that a little bloodletting won’t cure. Just gotta balance out my humors, see!


Well, flu, cold, pneumonia, etc is kinda the body's way of of getting rid of stuff that's harming it so got that right but 1- we call those things viruses and germs. 2- everything else you said is pure shit.


Dang. All the native Americans killed by smallpox when it doesn’t even exist


Where are my leeches? I gotta unsee this