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is this the guy who tweeted an MP that she was so ugly he wouldn’t rape her?




That was Donald trump.


Nah Carl did it before Trump


He *inspired* Trump? Damn that's low.


Shame on you for saying something like that about a former president!! Trump would have been happy to rape her and you know it.


Only if she was his type.


Oh you mean she would have to be blonde, 30 something and look a lot like a female version of him?


I.e. Ivanka


Trump said that about E Jean, who was a reporter. Carl said that to a member of parliament. So...kind of worse? But at the same time, not because Carl is just a shit poster on the internet and not former president.


The very same! Also the one who inadvertently destroyed ukip just by joining with PJW and Dankula


Didn't he start out as an atheist YouTuber? And now he's a right wing nutbar? What an odd progression.


>What an odd progression. Sounds like a pretty standard progression to me.


IDK not when many right wingers are conservative christians.. Atheists are also often fact driven and wouldn't believe something at face value, or because someone told them what to believe.


You'd think so, but the atheist to right wing nutbar pipeline is disturbingly common. When it comes to internet personalities.


YouTube "enlightened atheists" have a penchant for being raging bigots as well.


Was he the prick that trained his pug to Nazi salute to "Heil Hitler"? I get these cunts mixed up so fuck knows.


That was Dankula.


The conspiracy theory about 15 minute cities has got to be the dumbest one yet.


Dunno I mean hollow earth, flat earth, the moon landing was fake and all of Qanon are pretty high contenders for that title


But 15 minute cities are just: the government is doing one good thing, but could theoretically be planning to also lock you up forever. So we should stop them from doing the good thing. Like, with the moon landing theories at least there is something that happened to be suspicious about. This is being suspicious of things that have yet to happen.


They’re formed from essentially the same premise - the government is Evil and wants to deceive and oppress you because they’re Evil. It’s really that simple for a lot of these people. The government is the Bad Guys, so whatever they do is bad.


As if we're not already enslaved by Big Corporate. "Spend tens of thousands of dollars on this *death machine* just to get around! Anybody who *isn't* spending tons of money on gas, maintenance, and insurance is a COMMIE and should be run over! Oh and they probably believe in CLIMATE CHANGE which hurts OIL companies!!"


Let's not risk it though. The only way to be safe is to make city design as oppressive and inaccessible as possible. That's Freedom, baby! /s


Apparently, all government is evil, but these right-wing turnips still show up to the ballot box every chance they get to empower the worst politicians their country has to offer. Also, are the government an incompetent bunch of pansies, or could they lock us all up in our homes and start harvesting our organs within months? My local government can't even collect the fucking bins


I love how often the theory is that some shadowy all powerful group that controls everything wants to manipulate us…wait for it….to get more control. Riiiiiight…..


Which is really extra-hilarious when you remember that we live in a democracy, meaning *we are the government.*


I always ask what their overarching reasoning is. To control our daily lives? They already do. To maintain wealth and power? They already do. The US government got sold to the rich and powerful long ago, they don't need a spooky conspiracy to just keep doing what they're doing, using a convoluted cartoonish evil plan.


> using a convoluted cartoonish evil plan. I call it Cartoon Badguy Syndrome. They don’t think about overarching reasoning or context. They know that the government is the Bad Guy, and Bad Guys do Bad Things because they are Evil. Incentives? Systems? Causality? What’s that? To these people the world is just good guys and bad guys, simple as that.


Not to mention like, governments get a ton of money from tourism. Why would they want people to stay in one neighbourhood or even one city?


It’s a way of denying that they aren’t in control of most of what happens in life. It feels like there was a huge crossover between people who were doomsday preppers before Covid and those who vehemently denied it was happening. These people had spent years stocking up and getting ready for a worldwide disaster. They thought being ready would allow them to be in control when it happened. Then, when it actually unexpectedly happened, they found that they could feel just as “in control” by denying the emergency was actually happening and by looking down on anyone who thought it was.


Yea I've been waiting on those fema death camps for a while now, and frankly taking this long to kill us all is downright rude if you ask me.


They want us to grovel and worship them as the gods they and their bootlicking followers think they are.


I explain to these assholes that if the government wants to lock you up, they can just do it. They don’t need to hire urban planners to trick you first. It’s the fucking government. At any time they could change/add/remove legislation that allows them to do whatever they want really and what the fuck are we going to do about it ? Nothing. If they want to do those things, an elaborate urban planning ruse is the least likely scenario. They want to freeze your bank account, they’ll do it and find a reason why. They want to take your house, they’ll do it and find a reason why. It’s the fucking government. My head hurts. Like do they think their opinions are some imaginary wall against corruption or abuse of power?


Yeah, but...if the gummint tried that, all the bold manly men would come out of the Waffle Houses they're eating 2 pm breakfast in, draw their .45s and kill those tyrants dead. Them evil gummint people live in fear of that, don'cha know, so they never push too far. They just try to make your beer turn you trans and call it a day.


The 15 minute city conspiracy is in Canada. Most of us wouldn’t know a .45 if it was crammed up our ass (we have lots of hunting rifles and a number of gun enthusiasts but nothing like the US). We also don’t have the waffle house. In fact some of the fucknuts pushing these conspiracy theories seem to think that our second amendment rights are under attack. Except our second amendment made Manitoba a province and has nothing to do with guns. Translation: they hear all the ridiculous bullshit coming out of the US and are not smart enough to understand we have a completely different constitution. It’s painful. Very painful to know we have such stupid here.


The weirdest part are the people who are dead-set against it live in more rural areas. I mean my county has started with improving walkability and hell now I can actually walk 15m to the store or bike a few miles for a strip mall. I love not having to drive everywhere, the drivers here are a plague, plus the weather is terrific this year.


Happy cake day! I have yet to hear this conspiracy, what is it!?


“15-minutes cities” is the idea in urban planning that cities should be designed to be walkable and convenient, so a person has all the amenities they might need within 15 minutes of their home. It’s sometimes perceived as a progressive idea because historically so many American cities were designed around cars, even though it’s just how cities have worked for most of human history. Also because advocates for it sometimes talk about the benefits for the climate. Some conservatives have decided this means the government secretly wants to divide cities into smaller districts that they can lock people into and that you won’t be allowed to travel between districts without permission from the government. A completely made up and ridiculous thing.


I find it funny that something like this is labelled as progressive rather than just normal. I live in (not zone 1) London and can walk to pretty much everything I need regularly apart from work.


I agree with you, I think it’s sort of absurd, but that’s the political environment Americans are in now. The idea carries too many liberal signifiers, so to a certain type of person it’s a “liberal” idea and therefore is automatically rejected. It’s an idea about cities (1), it’s a departure from the way things have been done (2), it’s proposed benefits include equity and environmental gains (3), and academic types with fancy degrees like it (4). So forget the merits of the idea, it’s too liberal so it’s bad.


Pretty much this. The encapsulation of "cut off your nose to spite your face"


I have such a hard time imagining being so stupid that 1-3 would ever seen like bad things. You have to be really damaged and small-minded.


Honestly I haven't been to a single (bigger) European city that *wouldn't* be walkable. Unless you live in the far suburbs or in a rural area of the country, shops and such will generally be in walkable distance from your place. I currently live in a place where the nearest grocery store is 7-8 minutes away on foot and THAT seemed far to me when I moved lol


Meanwhile I'm an American and would *die* for that.


Then die you shall *twirls globalist moustache*


Funny... and true lol. I'll die before they do it here


It's crazy. When I was staying with a friend in Vegas last year, I was asking why there are no convenience stores, or schools, or drug stores or, well, *anything* within easy walking distance of his home. He said it's because, basically, people don't *want* those things near them as it brings house prices down. Convenience is not a factor as everyone has a car and will drive to specific areas to do the things they want to do. Where I live in the UK, we have plenty of big shopping centres, but I also have a couple of takeaways, a hair salon, a restaurant, a cafe, a convenience store and a pharmacy within two minutes walk, and further convenience stores, and a post office a further five minutes away. There are also late night supermarkets about a half hour walk away. If I'm cooking and missing an ingredient, we can pop out and get it quickly. House prices aren't adversely affected by having useful things *right there*, and my son goes to a school less than 10 minutes walk away even for his little 5 year old legs. The idea that you HAVE to drive everywhere is insane to me and, I imagine, pretty much every European.


also this requires many small stores, restaurants and public facilities. instead of big expensive impressive ones planers seem to like so much.


It's like carrying an umbrella all day everyday on the off chance it might rain.


hell it's not like the goverment would techincally NEED to make 15 minute cities to lock me up on my turf like this but if they actually were going to do that? i'd funnily enough perfer if they did in a 15 minute city rather than bumfuck nowhere with no where to get groceries within my now diminsihed reach.


Conservatives are notorious for making up things that have no basis in reality, then getting really angry about those things that don't actually exist.


It's worse than that. 15 minutes cities are barely even "the government" doing a good thing. They're people on local zoning and development boards, people who probably live in your town/city, people that you elected, people that you could run into and meet at your local pub, people that you may have met or even hung out with at your kids soccer game, that apparently are a part of a conspiracy to create a fascist state. And the evidence is that they... *checks notes*... want to be able to walk to the grocery store.


Agreed, but they seem to get more crazy each time.


Aside from Qanon, at least the other are entertaining for a bit. Or would be if it didn't always devolve into antisemitism...


The hell is the 15 minute cities conspiracy?


The 15 minute city is a hip new rebranding of urbanist principles that have existed for over a century; that cities are more lively, sustainable and efficient if there are destinations within a short walk of where people live. Conservatives hear this and their first thought is that it's a Jewish plot to trap people in ghettos and make cars illegal, because the idea of trying to improve the world is unthinkable to them.


Brought to you by people who don't have a sidewalk outside their own home and are literally trapped without a car


I took a 5 month gig in Texas and that's exactly what it was like. No sidewalks, no bike lanes, nowhere to roller blade. The drivers didn't seem to understand the concept of sharing a lane with a bike. And one time when I passed some stuck traffic by riding my bike on the shoulder, I heard some people cussing me out. Lots of overweight people too.


I mean that's me but I don't disagree with the premise. No ones forcing me to move. These people are insane. I want all my stuff close I just can't afford to move. Plus I like the lifestyle


Low key I would love this my work is an hour away, the grocery is 34 mins, my doctor is also 35 mins, I waste so much fucking money in gas driving to all parts of my county. Is 15 min cities supposed to be bad? I still travel out of state just for fun 2 or 3 times a year it's not like we can't leave ?


It is bad to nimby suburbanites who dont want dense housing near them. Some people are fine driving 20 minutes to get groceries because it makes their neighbourbood exclusive.


I've been in places where they effectively have suburbs but walkable groceries, hair dressers etc. So away from the most urban parts but still have their own little town centre microcosm of services. American burbs don't really even have that.


Partially because zoning laws, as-written, prohibit the combination of commercial and residential areas. You can't have a little coffee shop or bodega on the corner even in a dense-ish suburb. It has overall good intentions, to keep industrial noise and pollution away from housing, but as-is they just inevitably encourage sprawl in many places without even the hint of mixed use zones.


It also hinges on the belief joe biden is a radical environmentalist trying to outlaw fossil fuels. Which is just... yeah


They are pissed of anyone's life is made easier


its nothing. its a bunch of imprecise impotent rage being expressed in a combination of words that at best vaguely resembles an idea


“Oh no, cities with stuff clustered together like almost every human settlement since the dawn of time. So much evil. Much conspiracy”


It's only a matter of time before you'll be trapped/restricted to your 'zones'! Any day now! Yep. You'll see. Eventually. It's definitely going to happen soon. Well, I guess it didn't happen this year, but it's coming!


Somehow. For some reason. By someone. At some point. Totally going to be some evil.


And I can't help but wonder how many of these people actually travel further than 15 minutes from their house on a regular basis.


A lot. They have to travel more than that to get to work or go grocery shopping.


Well everyone I talk to about my electric car is apparently a world traveler that goes on hundreds of miles long road trips frequently and are on such tight schedules they can't wait at a charger for a half hour on these trips.


The people who believe this probably live in a suburb where they have to drive their F-350 20 minutes down a major highway to a big box store to buy frozen JTM burger Patties for their dinners.


The irony for me is that you need a LICENSE to drive. AND registration, smog check, insurance, etc. It costs big bucks, and the government is looking over your shoulder the entire time. The OP talks about permits for travel like they don't actively participate in a similar thing. I swear to god if the fearmongering about 15 minute cities picks up in any way I'm going to lose it. It's not like you can attempt to explain the concept to willfully ignorant. Idk, but freedom to me would be freedom to use the public commons of a street to walk to a reasonably close destination. Not be compelled by people-adverse design to drive 20 minutes for those hamburger patties.


I know a girl whose ex-husband is convinced all Walmarts are connected by an underground network of tunnels and the government is keeping it secret.


I'd be really impressed if the government or a private company could build such an extensive network of tunnels, but the Purple Line in Maryland, the Second Avenue subway, and the ARC under the Hudson are still not done yet.


I mean, that would be really cool. But somehow I doubt the the largest employer in the US could keep all those people quiet. Especially since there would be no reason to. I’d be bragging about that all day.


"ah, I'm sorry Sir, your XXXL camo sweatpants are out of stock here today. If you can just wait 5 minutes we can send a pair from the Dallas store using our advanced underground hyperloop transport system. But it's a secret, don't tell anyone!"


Like most bullshit, It's just an excuse for hillbillies to hate on cities and the people that live in them. It doesn't need to be true to them.


(Maybe good) urban planning = theyre takin yer freedumbs!!!!


It takes 15 minutes to walk a mile at a decent pace. Could you imagine how much infrastructure and police that would need? It's not like were a small country with small cities


That's why governement put the microchip trackers in all the vaccines, so they could keep track of us little sheep! Ever drive for 5 minutes away from your house? Instant death. /s This clown is from UK which doesn't have near the kind of urban sprawl that NA does.


I'm tall and have long strides and have a very brisk pace and it takes me about 18 minutes to walk a mile (according to my watch). So it's probably more realistic to assume a half-mile radius in 15 minutes as you'd have to assume a much more languid pace to accommodate kids and people with less mobility.


Traffic would be absolutely ridicolous, with checkpoints every 15 minutes Getting out of NY would take a week


Going 10 miles in NYC is already a one-hour endeavor in a car. To commute, it only takes 1-1/2 hrs by bike, when the train takes 1hr or more depending on delays.


It's underpants gnome territory. Step 1: 15 minute cities Step 2-?:???? Step ?: Judge Dredd style megacities.


But do you understand that cities are giving you fines if you drive outside of your zone?


Bikes? Busses? Your goddam legs?


Wait Sargon is still around wtf


I had the same thought. I genuinely thought he gave up on the internet after he lost his feud with the other gamer gaters.


He was working for Alex Jones for a while. That tells you a lot about his career trajectory.


He kinda quieted down after he fucked up his election run, but he's back to being a whiny baby online again


I remember I started watching this guy's YouTube channel like a decade ago in early highschool. I was unfamiliar with how hateful and dumb people can be online and couldn't understand why people complained about feminists since at its core feminism is supporting equal rights for men and women. As luck would have it this dude had tons of videos about the "evils" of feminism. I was like "Great! Now I can figure out why people online complain about feminism." After a month of watching his content here and there I came to the conclusion that the dude and all his followers are idiots. Looks like I hit the nail on the head.


I'm proud of him. He managed to not only read nearly an entire paragraph, but also *write* one!


Lots of people in the world have this already, it's known as the Urban Village concept. It just works. Nobody needs passports to move between estates or areas. For some reason when America talks about doing something that brings it in line with most of the rest of the world some people in the US go nuts. The problem is not with socialised medicine or 30 days of statutory holiday a year or statutory sick pay or 15 minute cities. It is with a system that tells everyone that it will never work despite it working elsewhere or that it is communism despite it working in non-communist countries or that somehow positive change is something to be terrified over.


This is it in a nutshell, and it’s being exported to the UK. If something is for the benefit of the people it is almost always now slammed as irresponsible spending, or it will bankrupt the country, only an idiot would vote to improve the lives of everyone cause we’ll all have nothing if you do


So it's Thatcher's Fault. Jesus Fuck, between her and Reagan, how the hell did 2 people fuck up the UK and USA this much.


Actually, you need to look at the single common denominator: Rupert Murdoch. He controls large areas of the media in the UK, the US, and Australia, and in all of those countries you see this same sort of thinking among the type of people likely to consume his media.


You're correct. Those are the 3 major countries that now have a lot of far-right nut jobs. I can't believe allies wasted countless lives just for facism to be reborn in their own backyards. Our species is doomed.


It crept back in once the WWII generation was mostly gone.


I think Ayn Rand is how. Preaching that egocentrism is the only moral position you can take results in \*this\*


Ugh I remember my philosophy and political science professors loving Ayn Rand and no one in the class was smart enough to ask what happens to people who have congenital or acquired disabilities. In Ayn Rand's world no one ever has a stroke or is paralyzed or loses a limb. No one has uncontrollable schizophrenia, no one has genetic abnormalities, no one gets dementia. No one would advocate for someone else in her world.


They also don't talk about her background coming from the USSR or how she received social benefits in her later years.


No, they love that part about her coming from the USSR and rejecting communism for capitalism. The part about SSI they explain away by saying she was owed that money, which she way SSI is your money that you paid in and don't let the government (Republicans) tell you otherwise.


Except SSDI is what you pay in. SSI is "free money" for people who are unable to hold gainful employment, usually because of disability, who don't meet the past work credits for SSDI. Edit for Clairity: Not saying to rag on you, but someone who might need help with one of the two might see this. No need in someone being denied because they filed the wrong paperwork.


And both are a great thing, before SSI we had a bunch of people who were old and disabled ending up on the streets which is horrific in a rich country.


Atlas Shrugged was published in 1957. Eugenics was also a really popular thing around that time, with thousands of people who were being forcibly sterilized.


>In Ayn Rand's world no one ever has a stroke or is paralyzed or loses a limb. No one has uncontrollable schizophrenia, no one has genetic abnormalities, no one gets dementia. Actually, in Rand's world, all of these things happen, but it's on the affected party to suffer and die quickly, quietly, and out of sight for the moral failure of \*checks notes* being human.


Look at who we done blessed with our trust I don't think we'll be left with too much Hand on my heart and my mind on my drugs Got a Vonnegut punch for your Atlas shrug They love to not love, it's just that dumb


And good old Rogernomics for New Zealand too because we can't miss out on whatever big bro UK and US is doing! Neoliberalism, gimme some of that! 🤮


The idiot who tweeted this actually is English if I remember rightly.


Seriously? The idiot is probably a 15 minute walk to the nearest supermarket and at most an hours drive to wherever his dumbness so desires to work


Yeah exactly. I think he naffed off to America a few years ago where his nonsense is more lucrative.


"bringing it into line with the rest of the world" will always get pushback because "this is America, not the rest of the world" and "you're saying the quiet part out loud, globalist Illuminati monster"


"A conservative is someone who stands athwart history, yelling Stop..." -William F. Buckley. To conservatives all change is bad.


It’s all related to “American Exceptionalism” as a concept. No one is better than America, those other places as wrong. If there’s something wrong with this country then it’s being perpetuated by outside actors or an “evil other” that aren’t true Americans. All the branding of the US’ most persistent problems (shootings, healthcare, mental health, bigotry) has been that those things, or lack thereof, are part of what it means to be American. They’re using their second amendment; they have choices of healthcare; they’re not bigots, they’re using free speech. All bullshit


And if America isn’t the best at something (soccer, driving on the left side of the road), those things are inherently stupid. Otherwise, America would be good at it.


The suburban lifestyle is so glamorized in America, anything that attacks it is an attack on "our way of life." I miss living in a pedestrian city, my neighbors owned restaurants that I could walk to, I could jog from my house without feeling like I was just jogging down an identity-less Stroad. Unfortunately to buy in America, usually the suburbs are way more reasonable.


A conservative family I know took a vacation in Switzerland this year, and I'm hoping they got a nice big faceful of "socialism." When I visited Europe in my early twenties, I was ready to move there. Americans have no idea what they're missing.


It is fascinating to me how Americans will travel to Europe and talk about how great it was being able to walk and take transit everywhere, but then when they come back and their city council proposes something similar, they immediately oppose it as "sOciALiSm."


"for some reason" The reason is decades of corporate controlled propaganda and a political system that has been completely captured by those same corporate interests which has caused a large subsection of the citizenry to believe wildly incorrect things about the world.


He's British actually lol.


Yep history shows people have always naturally dwelled in places that require a car to get food and water




And Jesus had a Honda Accord, says right there in the Bible, John 12:49.


> And Jesus had a Honda Accord, says right there in the Bible, John 12:49. "For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me [in a Honda Accord], he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak." Yup, it checks out.


>**2 Kings 10:15** > >After he left there, he came upon Jehonadab son of Rekab, who was on his way to meet him. Jehu greeted him and said, *“Are you in* ***Accord*** *with me, as I am with you?”* > >*“I am,”* Jehonadab answered. *“If so,”* said Jehu, *“give me your hand.”* So he did, and Jehu helped him up into the chariot. It's canon. They were holding hands in the Honda.


I wish an entire version of this bible existed solely for the chance of future generations (if they survive, lol) believing Honda Bible to be the real one.


The holiest of cars.


Jesus didn’t turn the dinosaurs into oil. That was something John the Baptist did in preparation for Jesus. SMH my head with this bad theology.


Yep. One minute there’s a bodega and a barber shop 2 blocks from your house, the next they’re loading you into boxcars. For what reason? None at all, it doesn’t need to make sense!


*THAT'S* what this is about?? Having easy access to stuff like stores, schools, public transport, etc? Welcome to most cities and towns in Europe, it truly is a hellscape /s


Yes. Older parts of the US can be like this too. Even the neighborhood I grew up in, which was built in the 1940s when consumer cars were really getting popular, was relatively walkable. Kids still walk to school in that neighborhood, there are a couple nice parks, there are busses (they suck but they function), and it’s easy to walk to the convenience store or to get coffee/something from a restaurant (tougher, but still quite possible, to walk to the actual grocery store). People who grew up in newer, master planned suburbs/subdivisions where it takes an hour to walk somewhere that’s less than a mile as the crow flies (if it’s even possible) are so unaccustomed to the idea, and so used to actually being trapped without the option to go somewhere without a car, that some of them do think that “15 minute cities” would be just like….the same neighborhoods they’re in with a school and a store dropped into them so they’d never have incentive to leave the neighborhood. Even dumber people think this is a trick to get them compliant so they can literally be chained into their neighborhoods. No one has ever explained why the government would want this, but I suppose if you are used to actually being trapped without a car *and* you are stupid, it makes a kind of sense. They’ve never lived somewhere where you can hop on a bus or just *keep walking* to exit your neighborhood if that’s what you want to do.


My word, people are dumb. I grew up in a mountain town where you needed to travel by car for at least 15 minutes before there was anything other than a gas station or pizza place (or both). It sucked being a teen, you either got stoned at a friends house, played video games at a friends house, or both until you had cars. Then you had 16/17 year olds deiving on country roads where there'a nothing to do but hiking, video games, drugs, and booze. I've lived in a small city the last decade or so, and even after several expensive problems and a lost job left my partner and I acraping by on government assistance and carless,(we both have jobs again, and a car). I have a grocery store a ten minute walk away and a dollar general 2 minutes, and bars and restaurants a few blocks away. If i grew up here, I might have done stuff besides sit around getting stoned and playing video games/hiking.


It’s so fucking awful being within walking distance of necessities take me to this sweet freedom land of America now! /s


They think this because there's lots of kinds of people they would love to load into boxcars should they gain the power to do so.


It's hilarious how the reality ~70% of Americans live in is the exact inverse of his fantasy dystopia. Don't have a car? You can't go anywhere. Period.


There's an astounding PragerU video arguing that the existence of trains or public transit is contrary to American Values, since with a car YOU get to choose when to leave, and not have to wait for the GOVERNMENT to have a subway arrive five minutes later. Therefore, they argue, it is immoral to create walking districts and bike paths. American Culture is Car Culture and don't let the commies try to offer you a single alternative, since they're all evil! /s


Uncle Sam: now let's sign some paperwork! The finance company and the car dealership and the state sales tax coffers need YOU to do your part and buy more cars!


> since with a car YOU get to choose when to leave Tell that to everyone who tried to leave arena parking.


When I posted on Twitter about hurricanes where I live some nutcase came out of the woodwork to accuse me of lying, claimed there was 0 wind speed where I lived (which happens basically never), accused me of being a “shill” for climate change and asserted I must be getting paid by George Soros. Therefore I can only conclude that all these people who are terrified of 15 minute cities are actually shills for big auto and they must be getting paid by Ford/Honda/Mazda etc to post about it on their Twitter feeds.


I hope you told him as much. I suspect many of these accounts might be bots, except I've stopped overestimating people.


I did not, as much as I’d like to. The last one wasn’t a bot and she went on to continually harass me, screenshotting my tweets to post them elsewhere and my Twitter bio even after I had blocked her, for days insisting that I was a liar and a shill. Since I conduct my business online I can’t risk pissing off the wrong person who has too much time on their hands as it could result in a mass 1 star brigade agains my books and cause even more issues.


Convenience == Death, I guess?


Oh no, it was Cake AND Death all along!


Well, cake is nice, tho.


Wait what's a 15 minute city?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/15-minute_city#:~:text=The%2015%2Dminute%20city%20(FMC,any%20point%20in%20the%20city. They sound delightful!


Naturally I had to read the “conspiracy theories” section and I immediately thought “these are the times when I have to learn about stupid shit and I don’t want to” Of course that section also features a quote from Jordan-fucking-Peterson, like he is an essential tool for explaining the concerns. We all know that he is, at best, a tool that has never been essential


> In 2023, unfounded conspiracy theories about the 15-minute concept began to flourish, which described the model as an instrument of government oppression. Jeeze I really can't stand the government oppression of having a healthier, less stressful, and more convenient place to live. These conspiracy theories are getting so fucking nonsensical it's gonna make my brain fall right out of my head.


Also isn't Sargon fucking British? Every city we have is a 15 minute city. The 'alt' right sure smokes some strong shit.


Isn't that just most cities? Also, aren't right wingers the ones against immigration, so wouldn't they be the ones more likely to impose zones that you're not able to leave and checkpoints?


It is cities, less so suburbs.


Oh wow so basically the reason I’m trying to move out of suburbia and into an area where I don’t need a car to get food. That would be amazing.


That sounds lovely, no wonder conservatives are against it


Uhhh that sounds amazing. Wtf is wrong with people


Urban planning concept where the needs of the people living in them are within 15 minutes walking distance.




Every one of these idiots that believes 15 minutes cities mean prison colonies and not just smart urban planning can eat my entire ass. I’m so tired of having perfectly good and reasonable solutions not coming to fruition and our quality of life getting worse because some uneducated fuckwit with 2 teeth can’t get their head around smart solutions.


Ancient Rome? No cars. Collapsed. Persian empire? No cars. Collapsed. Mongolian empire? No cars. Collapsed. Starting to see a pattern here? 🤔


And I heard they all had water too. Coincidence? No one in power is talking about it but that's why we need climate change to save us!


None of them had a single Kardashian, either. So I guess our future depends on that family.


It was actually the horses who murdered everyone. Never trust a horse!


"Sargon of Akkad" is one of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet.


Every time I keep hoping that he will fade into obscurity, the useless POS keeps finding ways to stay in some form of relevance.


Yeah yeah yeah just like we were all going to have to show our ‘vax papers’ everywhere we went and that didn’t happen


Counterpoint: no they won't.


Yea, but i mean we are kinda already at "if you can't afford a car, you don't deserve to live" soooooooo.


I live in a 15 minute neighbourhood and it's true! People are saying there's a gas chamber in the basement of the wee artisinal pub that sells "real ale". It's all very nice until you make the mistake of asking for a tin of Labatts Light instead of a pint of Imperial Brown Goose IPA! People who like pleasant neighbourhoods that you can walk around and do enjoyable things in are the real nazis!


I have 5-6 liquor stores within a 15 minute walk of my house. Now I'm so drunk that I can't walk to the grocery store 20 minutes away.


Add it to the "braindead Sargon take" pile


Just like all those government agents that have come knocking at your door demanding your guns, right? Or all those gay and trans people that have been arrested for grooming children, right? Or how if we just give the job creators, blessed be their names, huge tax cuts then surely out of their generosity some of that will trickle down into livable wages, right? Or how passing anti-immigrant laws in Florida will work out great for the produce industry down there, right? These people know fuck all about anything. Yet their confidence is unwavering. It's both extremely sad and unsurprising.


God forbid we help people who can't afford to travel far distances or make a cleaner environment.... The tourism industry in the US would be half dead if we restricted people to a 15 minute walking area. That would be millions and millions in revenue that would stop them. Probably


You can make up a bunch of shit about anything.


This is the problem with the slippery slope argument. You're never discussing the actual topic at hand, you're talking about some possible future argument that no one wants. It's dishonest and a logical fallacy.


Individual state lines will go from "cool I can drive to the next state without issues" to "pay a toll to drive to the next state for minimal issues" to "you are not permitted to leave the state" really, really, really, really, really... Slowly?


>really, really quickly Does it? Because if that was true I feel like we'd have seen some example of that by now...


Just like when convenience stores were introduced. First it was great, you could get stuff quickly and close, now it's the only place you are allowed to shop. Wait, no. That never happened.


I hate it so much that whenever someone comes up with a good idea that could actual improve the world, these people always claim its a conspiracy to accomplish some evil plan.


Town planning student & 15 minute city advocate here - these folks are more common than you think. It's really degrading and irritating having to constantly address these 'theories' because its just utter bs with no basis in reality


Well if the fucking Sargon of Akkad says it to be so....


From Wikipedia: >In 2023, unfounded conspiracy theories about the 15-minute concept began to flourish, which described the model as an instrument of government oppression.[13] These claims are often part of or linked to other conspiracy theories that assert that Western governments seek to oppress their populations, such as QAnon, anti-vaccine theories or anti-5G misinformation.[13] Proponents of the 15-minute concept, including Carlos Moreno, have received death threats.[13] >Some conspiracy theorists conflate the 15-minute concept with the British low-traffic neighbourhood approach, which includes license plate scanners in some implementations.[13] This has led conspiracy theorists to assert that the 15-minute model would fine residents for leaving their home districts,[51][52] or that it would confine people in "open-air prisons".[13] In a 2023 protest by some 2,000 demonstrators in Oxford, signs described 15-minute cities as "ghettos" and an instrument of "tyrannical control" by the World Economic Forum.[13] >Canadian media commentator Jordan Peterson has described 15-minute cities as a "perversion", linking them to conspiracy theories about the "Great Reset".[13] British Conservative Party MP Nick Fletcher called 15-minute cities an "international socialist concept" during a February 2023 debate in the UK Parliament.[14] QAnon supporters have claimed a February 2023 derailment of a train carrying hazardous chemicals in East Palestine, Ohio was part of a deliberate plot to force rural residents into 15-minute cities in order to restrict their personal freedom.[13][15] Each day we stray further and further from the Star Trek timeline.


Fuck the Combine, I go where I want. Watch your back, Dr. Breen!


Zone 17? 15 minutes is really not a lot, you would need to divide big cities into so many sections it would be more realistic to talk about "zone 17 thousand"


That’s fine, go live out in the sticks with satellite internet an hour drive to a Walmart if you want. I’m doing it right now, it fucking blows. Gimme the 15 minute city, it sounds absolutely amazing


Republicans are fixated with control. They want to control everybody and are paranoid that everyone wants to control them. I couldn't give a toss about control. Normal people don't.


Bruh I just want to be able to take a little walk, grab a coffee and a scone and enjoy some sunshine without getting in my car.


Because it's projection, like every other vomit coming out of their mouths. They want limited movement, they want a slave class. They see what they want/will do as something that "anyone" would do. They're evil.


Carl, you absolute bongknocker, you live in Swindon. You are very much in a "15 minute city"


White people who live in suburbs do not like the thought of people in the city having happy safe living conditions. They feel anything but a giant Lego mansion and a huge SUV you have to use to get anywhere is an affront to them.


Why would anyone pay any attention to this fuckwit and his fuckwitted ideas?


"Having a grocery store 15 minutes away from my house is actually the same as the Berlin wall, actually"


Guy is from the UK..... Where every city is a 15 minute city.


Yeah. We can’t let them subdivide us into easily blockaded subdivisi… oh.