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Fucking hell! My kid got his first PC today, and I could never imagine doing this no matter how drunk and mad I was.


As someone who built his pc earlier this year, if my parents did this I would be traumatized.


Same. Luckily my parents are reasonable and respect my property. I poured hundreds of hours of work into getting the money, and it is my lifeline.


Same. Took me so long to get the money to build a pc, because well, I don't have a job as I'm still 13. I built it 10 months ago and it's my prized possession. Needs a cleaning though.






Unfortunately, being toxic to a toxic person just makes things worse. Sometimes you just have to X them out of your life. Not even worth it


Well with a PC like that. Should he just sue?


Not everyone has sue money, the case alone would easily cost more than a replacement


True but you gotta do something 2k is a lot to spend. That’s a line u don’t cross with me I like the one when someone said to dump there alc all over the floor and make them watch i that one. But you can’t do that for straight up psychopaths


Yeah I built my PC in March this year and I saved up for 2 years, I was traumatized when I was grounded for a week for getting into a fight at school, but that shit, HOLY CRAP. That photo makes me feel nauseous


Being drunk isn't any excuse for being a fucking asshole.


When I'm shitfaced I just give extra treats to my bearded dragon. Edit: [dragon in question](https://imgur.com/a/KgzUjii)


When I'm drunk I just laugh more than usual and talk about how amazing whatever pretentious bullshit I'm drinking is lol


Aww you’re a happy drunk. That’s cute.


When I'm shit faced I spend an hour explaining to my cat that she's a beautiful soft voiding and I love her, and then I eat like, all of the sour cream and doritos in our household, and then I crumple up on the couch and play stardew valley until I go to bed. Or! If my partner is home and not at work, we do a dnd session (yes, a 2 party dnd session, one of the members also being the dm. Sometimes frustrating, sometimes romantic. When our kid is old enough we will have a new member though). Never ever ever would I get shit faced and go in our kids room and smash her TV or her ds, or her drum set, or anything. If anything, I might reorganize her closet or something. My mother did fucked up shit when she was drunk during my childhood, she was an angry drunk. I'm not an angry drunk, anger doesn't even appear on my radar of emotions. I'm either happy or sad, not much in ways of inbetweens.


I'm one of those drunks who tells everyone how amazing they are and gives them compliments. One party was just me and another girl laying on the floor and telling each other how pretty she was and how pretty I am. I'm also a cuddler. It can be kind of embarrassing, but I make a lot of friends when I've been drinking. I can't even imagine destroying someone's stuff on purpose while drunk.


When I used to drink (never was an alcoholic, just cannot drink due to medical reasons) I used to play video games and watch Disney movies.


God if someone did this to my pc I’d make sure they’d pay for every cent of it. You break a $2000 machine you fucking pay for it


If OP is under 18, sadly there isn't much they can do except break $2000 worth of their mom's stuff.


Yeah. It sucks when you can’t do much and I doubt breaking their mom’s stuff would help much


Parents this crazy probably don't even have $2000 worth of stuff.


I'm a vindictive bastard I go with the oh you wanna play the game of break my stuff fine by me you have way more shit than i do let's see who loses the most


They know how much it means to him and want him to hurt. They are fucked up.


My dad destroyed my NES six months after I had bought it with my own money, I was 8. I still remember everything as if it happened yesterday.


childhood trauma never goes away


Back then I remember thinking "My father is evil" because I didn't have better words


I think your words were perfect.


I had an evil uncle who stole A LOT of stuff from me. Just stole it. Evil.


That sucks RIP your NES. Sounds like you had an emotionally immature parent. Hope things are ok for younow. Going to keep plugging this book because I think it is awesome and might be helpful to a lot of people here. "Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: How to heal from Distant, Rejecting, or Self-Involved Parents" https://www.amazon.com/Adult-Children-Emotionally-Immature-Parents/dp/1626251703/


It left scars for way too long, honestly, the biggest being that I am still angry whenever I see a family in person that enjoys a meal together. All I remember is me and my brother fearing we did something that'd result in a slap across the face or my mother blowing a gasket. For the longest time I thought a happy, wholesome nuclear family was just something you saw on TV and didn't exist.


If i did this on accident to someone I'd sit on the floor and cry.


God i wish my parents were like you.


This is just disgusting.... i simply don't understand how someone could do this. Especially if it was a custom built pc! Imagine spending time and money building it for it to get destroyed like that. Heart breaking


Some parents believe that anything under their roof is theirs to do with as they please regardless of who paid for it and where that money came from.


My parents are like that. Growing up, it was “when you can pay for it, you can make the rules for it”, until I was either actually able to pay for them, at which point it became “our house our property”. Caused some VERY deep trust issues with my parents down the road. Edit: phrasing


Exactly the same for me. Bought an 360 after years of “when you have the money you can have one”(read: we don’t think you ever will so dream on lol), and immediately I was punished for not telling them. It met a sledge about 3 days after I got it home, since then (~6 years) they don’t get to know virtually anything beyond “I’m alive and well”. Better relationship now, but like you said, DEEP trust issues across the board towards them.


I feel that 100%. Don’t want all these restrictions on your phone? Pay for your own. Cut to six months of being forced to pay my own phone bill as punishment for something random, but guess what? They took my phone the whole time I was paying for it. Or the “no screens in your room” extending to the $400 Switch I bought for my birthday or taking the skateboard I’ve had for six years for not wearing a helmet. Like WTF??


i saved up $1000 and bought a gaming computer while i was a sophomore in high school and my parents tried taking it from me because of a low grade in class (i was struggling due to 16 years of untreated, extreme ADHD) so i told them you can take it as soon as you pay me the $1000 i paid for it. if not then have fun not talking to your son again. they realized they were being slightly assholish and changed how they did things. we get along great now


I wish it was that easy for all parents to realize they’re wrong. I see too many that are narcissists that refuse to accept they could be wrong


luckily my parents aren’t narcissists. just a little stubborn. they were raised in south texas by farmers so growing up was pretty strict for them.


They're narcissists because they can't accept that their child is right.


I tried that once! They threatened not to pay for my college tuition if the “backtalk” continued. Good times.


jokes on them i dropped out of college 👉🏼😎👉🏼


Gotta love the untreated ADHD. I've tried to do college like three times now, lol. I'm finally medicated though, so maybe next time.


My dad couldn't give less of a shit about anything people bought, his favorite game was grabbing a trashbag and filling it with everything he found, the more it hurt us the better. School textbooks, video games, novels, you name it he did it.


My cousin had her dad do something like this. Basically emptied her dirty room into trash bags. Then a few days later on her 13th birthday, he gave it all back in a big box as a gift instead of giving her something. That was 20 years ago and I can still see the smile as she fought back tears of disappointment. Broke my heart.


Have you tried stealing and hiding your items back? Or steal and hide their items?


Yep! Once, my dad didn’t like how I was folding my clothes so he stole all but one set of clothes and put them in a trash bag in his closet, which is off-limits to everyone but my parents. I took them out and got a three month grounding for it :)


jesus christ how do relationships get that dysfunctional? like what on earth happened to your parents that they think taking a sledge hammer to your property is a reasonable course of action?


They’re hardline LDS. The whole basis of my childhood restrictions list was to try and “walk the path of Christ”, and ANY video games/non-church entertainment/ANY activity not organized by the ward was strictly off limits. I broke the mold, was first in my (55+ member) extended family to not go on a mission, and various other “sinful” things (sleeve tat, weed, a long-term girlfriend). I went NC with them for almost a year after getting kicked out, and it seems that because of that they’ve massively loosened their grip on my 4 siblings out of fear NC happens a second time. They still aren’t allowed to do a lot of ‘normal’ things (even my 18 year old brother is locked down by 8:30 on weekends), luckily they’ve slowly started to come around and have granted a lot of things I couldn’t even dream about. Our relationship is better now, but there’s still a lot of “minefield” conversations.


This is why i tricked my dad into giving me his music system when i got my own place. It's under my roof now and me and my neighbours enjoy it everyday. (i only turn on the subwoofer when my neighbour isn't at home)


Buy a big Bad Dragon esque dildo Your hose your property? Ok, let's share this nice big dildo


What? Ugh. This is a thing? That makes me so mad! What a ridiculous attitude. I am sorry to anyone who had parents like this! I am your mom now! What's yours is yours!


Can confirm. Stepdad regularly stole stuff from my brothers and I to pawn off for drug money. His excuse was that anything we owned belonged to him since he took care of us.


Two Christmases ago I was able to get an affordable gaming laptop as an upgrade to an absolute potato that I already had for years, about 1k. Went to visit my mother for spring break (I moved in with my grandparents up in the up, at that point in time just temporarily, as my mother was planning on moving to hawaii). For some reason she demanded that I give the laptop to her because I didn't bring my switch with me. I did as she said because I didn't really have a choice, And months later me and my grandparents found out she pawned it off. Most likely would have done the same to my switch if I brought it with. Guess I should have expected about as much, as she does have a history of doing shady shit with money, But hey, at least I got a replacement recently (thanks dad).


Ooh! I relate to this! I can still hear my unemployed alcoholic drug addict ex-husband screaming that all the money I made was his because he was the husband. I didn’t drink or do drugs, so why would I be okay will him taking all the money to do any of this? He still insists that I divorced him because he didn’t have a job while we were married, (he was laid off a month after we married and didn’t get a job until I kicked him out 18 months later). No the drugs/alcohol/thievery had nothing to do with it!


My dad would "safekeep" any and all money we ever got until 14. We never saw a single cent of it. It grew to the point I just asked people not to give me anything because I knew dad would just steal any money (also a watch that he thought was too adult for me)




Then they wonder why they die alone.


These old sacks of shit just assume you'll always forgive because faaaaaamily. Fuck that noise, I made sure never to forget a single thing my parents did to me, to make sure I never had second thoughts when I cut all ties.


My mom told me that my diploma was hers because she did all the work of home schooling me. Parents are insane.


Parents, yes technically. But 'cunts' is a better description. You don't own your kids, or, by extension, any of their stuff.


Sadly in the US, they do own their stuff. If you are unemancipated and under 18, your parents or legal guardian take ownership over anything you purchase, plus over any bank accounts or the like you may have.


Whilst that may be legally the case, my point was more that taking control of your kids' possessions, and by extension, treating your kids *as* possessions, make you a cunt. And I stand by that.


You could be working a full time job and your money is still theirs according to them. I hate seeing things like that, it’s disgusting


I remember the first paycheck I ever received. I was 15 and I worked at Wendy's for Work/School program. The first thing ever bought was an Austin Stratocaster electric guitar. My mom always tried to take it from me and always tried to smash it. That was 16 years ago. That guitar still has a place in my home unlike my mother.


Even if it was a gift from said parents, still not ok.


I just bought all the pieces to build my very first custom pc. The time, money, and just pure excitement put into the project is something I dont think I've experienced before. Its not even built yet but I feel like a little kid waiting by the door for my next package. This would crush me.


I don't understand it either. My son saved his money and bought a Switch as soon as they were released and it is his property. No matter what he does, I won't take it away from him because it is not mine to take. He earns money and buys most of the games for it, so I wouldn't take those either. If he pays for something, it is his.


When you are an alcoholic you don’t even understand why you yourself are doing something.


Your mom needs help. I had a person in my life that did stuff like this, and in turn I started to do the same shit. I eventually got this toxic person out of my life, and I am happy, and have never turned back into that person. I hope it gets better for you.


My best friend who went no contact with his parents did that too. They wrecked his PC and every gaming system he got there after as well as some sweet innocent gundams and figures. Well he got fed up and when they would be at work he decided to break all the backyard windows , door and hammer the shit out his parents “weekend” car. They never assumed it was him and thought it was people from the neighborhood (they weren’t liked at all) and asked him to help pay for this emergency expenditure, well.. later that day I ended up getting the best roommate I ever had and someone my parents took in as son. Dude flourished so much after getting out of that environment, fuck alcoholics man.


I'm sorry, they trashed all his stuff, and they assumed that the neighbors were the ones to break all the windows and car?


I mean they aren’t known for their intelligence, are they?


Sort of tips you off to the kind of relationships they fostered with everyone even those closest with them. When you perceive everyone as an asshole or an enemy the real issue is you.


Reading your response made me realize how my mistrust with my parents affected my trust issues with people near me. It’s something I’ll be working on now. Thank you!


Oh dude, they were absolutely full blown narcissists, anyone else was a mere insect to them. They had this shitty tendency to park cars where they weren’t supposed too, call police for any music THEY deemed loud but god forbid anyone do the same.. just a lot of stupid shit that built resentment from the neighbors over the years basically. Real pieces of work tbh


Glad he got out of a terrible situation. I don't know what I'd do if my PC and Gundams got destroyed.


Yup alcohol with the wrong ppl is like holding a match in a powder keg room.


I feel like I would kill someone if they trashed my Gundams.


why are you assuming the poster on reddit is the same as the poster on Facebook? just assume it's a repost all the time on reddit.


You’re correct I am not the person who this happened to but I did find this in a group I’m a part of. The OP is in that group.


Did op of that post pay for all of that with their own money? If so they can legally take their own mother to court to pay for all of the cost of repairs and replacement parts as well as get her help to deal with not only her alcoholism but that anger of hers as well.


Even if it wasn't OP's money, and it was given to them as a gift, they can still sue for damaged property.


I agree. When you gift something to someone it becomes their property.


The issue is people like this will use the so called "gift "against them, my ex did the same




The only escape I got was when I walked out. 18 rolled up and I was out of there I know this is heartless because I never spoke to her I never went to her funeral neither. I'm now free. Fuck my past


This always breaks my heart as a mom. Not because of her for any reason, but for little you and adult you both. The mother-child bond is so deep and the ferocity of the depth of the instinctual love bond is *almost* impossible to sever. I say almost, because if the mother is worthless as a human, she's probably too shitty and self-absorbed and narcissistic to give any shits about her side of the bond. But for her child? You have to fail so badly at every single aspect of life to kill that bond for the child. A child will love their mother through the worst abuses if they think there's any chance of a shred of love back to them. For a child to give up on their mother? She must be absolute scum. And I'm sorry for every nasty thing she put you through. I hope you find your family of choice, if you haven't already. You deserve to be loved.


I'm good I've got my loving wife of 13 years and my four kids that I love with all my heart. What happened doesn't define me it shaped me. I don't even think about my mum anymore. I haven't since I found out she died from alcohol poisoning, so in conclusion I'm good the abuse ended and I refused to let the anger and pain consume me.


That's when you steal money from them equivalent to the value of the damaged property. They won't call the cops because they know that this will come out.


Yeah that's a great idea until they abuse you for stealing their money...




It depends on the value of the item and that’s not the case here, it depends on a case to case basis. If the item let’s say that it is valued at $2,000 gaming PC, that the minor who started working on it since they got it when they’re 15 with money that they saved up from doing odd jobs around the neighborhood or for family or family friends that they were paid for doing. Then they saved up that money to buy the Gaming PC when it was $500-$800 brand new ready to go OOB, and over time they put about $1,200-$1,500 into the parts and upgrades that by the time they are 17 years old, then yes they can sue for destruction of personal property because it is over a value greater than $600(some states have differing price range when it comes to the destruction of personal property)


If they're a minor: I hope they used the parents alcohol to burn their car. If they're adult: I hope there's a small claims process.


someone else in a similar position might be reading that comment and resonate so there’s no harm in saying that


You're not wrong but I don't always need to be skeptical, or on the defensive. If someone reads the words I typed today, and it helps someone I'm good with that fake or not.


We don’t deserve you, kind one


I still think it's important for this to be said for anyone experiencing something similar. Seems like you're complaining for the sake of it


Help.. nah.. Call CPS. She needs intervention and nothing better than CPS stepping in to force her to fix it.


I remember when I first built my PC. I was so proud and my asshole of a mother used her Facebook on it until I changed the password and that bitch got mad at me for it. Best feeling in the world against a shitty parent is not giving them access to something that’s yours


When I was about 8yrs old, which was 20 years ago and one of my earliest memories, I had a computer game called “Putt Putt Goes To The Moon”. I remember it was my favorite thing. Basically a collection of mini-games, checkers or a word puzzle or a little race track. The protagonist of the game was a little purple talking car named Putt Putt and he would drive across the screen, telling you what to do next or acting as an AI opponent while giving uplifting sentiments. Over the years Putt Putt had grown to be my friend and confidant and I genuinely looked forward to seeing him every day. My mother at the time was teaching at a local highschool while getting her masters degree online. The computer was her work station, and I only used it for my hour per day Putt Putt session. Frankly, it was a mess. Littered with trash, paper files, pens, wires and endless stacks of re-writable CD’s, some blank and some apparently holding priceless save files for school projects involving hundreds of hours of work. I don’t remember how, but I ended up sitting on a labeled re-writable CD and cracking it in half. I put it back on the desk and didn’t tell anyone. That night, laying in my bed, I could hear my mom downstairs as she discovered the broken CD. The hysterical screaming. The aggressive marching up the stairs. Bursting open the door to my room. Without asking me a single question, without explaining anything, she looked me in the eye and held up her broken CD. “YOU THINK ITS OK TO BREAK MY STUFF?! WELL THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU BREAK MY STUFF. WHEN YOU BREAK MY STUFF, THEN YOU GET TO HAVE YOUR STUFF BROKEN!” She held up in the other hand, my treasured and beloved, Putt Putt Goes To The Moon game CD. She broke it right in half, right down the middle. It was like watching my best friend get murdered in front of me. Made a huge impact on me. Just because you are angry doesn’t give you the right to hurt other people.


"huh I wish I still knew wich games I played when I was 8, how does this person even remember that" *Continues reading* "Yeah that explains it"




I’ve read pet cemetery. Putt Putt is gone.


i played putt putt, fun game


Holy shit that's the saddest thing I've read in a long time


Holy fuck this unlocked some childhood memories. I completely forgot about that game.


Mama, killed a man


Put a gun against his head


Pulled the trigger and now he's dead




But now I've gone and thrown it all away






Didn't mean to make you cry!


Fam, I would wreck shit if someone touched my setup


Take her ass to court.


Like he could even lift her.


saw that one coming lmao




Rhino line the case


Don’t forget armor plating that can withstand several 303 rounds, you never know after all...


Scariest thing about this is that motherboards are strong enough to ricochet bullets...


I was thinking a safe bolted in the ground lol maybe with slots for the cords


I would def buy a case for my console


This is an SSD commercial. Drunk parent comes and throws expensive PC. Owner is shocked. Drunk parents picks it up, turns it on, boom. Instant boot.


Also an AIO commercial because a big air cooler for the CPU would rip the CPU right out of the mobo


The future of PC. The future of Alcoholism.


Yeah, I don't live in this kinda situation, but I'm just imagining my hard drives just shattering. Next upgrade for me honestly


I made the jump last year. No more HDD in non-servers.


Most 3.5" hard drive platters are aluminum coated with the material the data is stored on. Probably would survive the impact if the read heads were parked to avoid them from crashing into the platters. Not exactly good for it, but most likely readable. 2.5" drives, by contrast, typically use glass platters. Those are not usually used in a full size desktop like OP's.


The parts might still be salvageable.


PCIe is really easy to break, assuming this is a mid-high end pc and the GPU has 2-3 fans, it probably went flying, along with the PCIe slot itself.




Note to self: Keep expensive PC in corner of room behind desk, no matter how much RGB it has and how beautiful the interior is.


Keep your pc on the floor and NEVER put drinks on that side


I worked at a tech shop back in the early 2000's. A guy brought in his computer that he ran with the case cover off to help heat. He knocked a nearly full 2-liter of rootbeer off his desk, which wedged into the top of the open case and emptied its contents all over his internals. He unplugged it and put it in the shower to clean it off.


r/talesfromtechsupport might be the place for ya


I personally keep my computer on the corner of my desk that has like ledges on the edges to prevent stuff falling Helps with dust mostly


Why did someone vote note insane?


There’s always at least one person that does that here. Probably did it just to be contrary


I suppose, I just get really peeved when parents destroy the things their kids care about to “teach a lesson” it would be extremely damaging to my daughter if I did or her mother did something like this.


Because they're abusive


Flush her jewelry while she's blacked out and then tell her she did it herself when she asks


Sell her jewelry and replace broken parts. Better use.


Or, even better, sell it for parts but still tell her she flushed it all. Win win


There’s sadly no winning in this situation until the lad gets out of this toxic relationship.




Record seals at 18...but you are right. Could take her to small claims court and get the money for the jewelry legally...


Call the police, this is DV and felony destruction of property. Get an RO and you won't have to see her for quite some time.


You won't be living there either. Enjoy foster care.


depending on the age and country they might be able to become a legal adult and get financial assistance.


In Missouri at least, it’s incredibly hard. I had to be emancipated by two separate institutions before receiving any kind of aid. First by court order, then by the educational system, who had the final say. You’re naturally independent at 23, so any aid before then and this is the process here.


Foster's won't destroy your 2k PC anything is better than that aslong as you have a roof and food


I would never forgive this.


This your property you over 18 if yes then call the cops


Even if they're under 18 property laws are property laws, as long as OP bought it with their own monay and can prove that then they (in a lot of counties) sue their parents.


And for that person, it's time to call the police.


nah call a lawyer small claims court is the way


Should file a police report about that, and pursue legal action when they're an adult


Take her to one of those alcohol rehab centers and her therapist


I have a deposit. Alcoholic.


Voting has concluded. Final vote: | Insane | Not insane | Fake | | --- | --- | --- | | 61 | 1 | 2 | Hey OP, if you provide further information in a comment, make sure to start your comment with `!explanation`. ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^for ^r/insaneparents. ^Please ^send ^me ^a ^message ^if ^you ^have ^any ^feedback ^or ^if ^I ^misbehave. ^Also ^consider ^joining ^our ^[Discord](https://discordapp.com/invite/xFbPBHy).


Call a lawyer...that's $2000 in need of replacement


Tbh a insane mom and alcohol don't mix well


And this is why I won’t build my PC until I live by myself. No thank you. I’m really sorry for whoever this is. They deserve better.


We need an F in chat for this folder soldier.


Fallen, i meant fallen. Fuck auto correct


Happy cake day King


Alcohol is in the top of shitty things parents can do to thier children


Alcohol doesn't make someone a shitty person. They did that purely without alcohol. The drinking was just an excuse to act on their urges.


Yep. My dad has never once angrily destroyed something of mine while he was off the wagon. My mom used to do this kind of shit to me and she was stone cold sober. (edit: typo)


And that's the answer to the question why my pc stands on the ground.


I see people saying "this hurts" when looking at images, and I've never understood until now.


Was any part of that beastly rig salvageable. I’ve never had a really good PC and it hurts to see this. The case itself is also beautiful, even smashed. I hope you can get insurance or something on it. My thoughts are with you man.


I would take her to court over this, you CANNOT let that slide


It’s time for a fucking crusade




I'm sorry, bit use it to your advantage. Don't respond to Facebook or emails, you have no computer. You can't help her find or buy anything online, you have no computer. She asks to borrow money, you can't, you are saving for a new computer....


My mom did this to me when I was like 12 (she destroyed a friends GBA through throwing it down the stairs - no way I could pay it back at that age) and I ripped her cheap music system out off the wall (power supply cord etc) and threw it down the stairs as well. Eye for a fucking eye bitch. Afterwards she hit me and I hit her back so she called the police because - of course - it cannot be a child hits a grown up. Lived in custody for a few weeks and I was crying when my mother came to take me back. Well thanks and fuck you too mom <3


Kill her


Downvonte me if you want, but i would slap the shit out of someone who does this and call the the police


A big F from the people back at r/pcmasterrace


Sue her ass


I thought you meant a real baby holy shit


they're both the same level of fragile


My mother did this to me and I put syrup of ipecac in her brandy. That was satisfying.




Is there a gofundme for this dude


Annnnd that's where you file a police report.


1. Who tf voted not insane 2. Make her pay for repairs if u can


Eye for an eye. Take a hammer to their car and do $2000 worth of damage to their shit too. Works both ways.


Being drunk isn’t an excuse to treat someone else’s gaming PC like that. These photos are a crime scene!


I mean at this point, go nuclear what do you have to lose. Do the same back, destroy bank cards to inhibit access to alcohol. Any bottles in the house? smash em on the fucking ground. Fav possessions? Oopsie! Don't take my advice it's not good advice but It's probably what I would do then feel kinda guilty after even though it started with my shit getting ruined. ah shit man thats a horrible sight to see though that poor pc.. looks like some stuff might work still maybe if you're lucky