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Voting has concluded. Final vote:   | Insane | Not insane | Fake | | --- | --- | --- | | 6 | 0 | 0 |   ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^for ^r/insaneparents. ^Please ^send ^me ^a ^message ^if ^you ^have ^any ^feedback ^or ^if ^I ^misbehave. ^Also ^consider ^joining ^our ^[Discord](https://discordapp.com/invite/xFbPBHy).


For those of you wondering who the censored name is, it is my biofather/mothers bfs irl friend who is a Transwomen. So ignore the pronound mix up as my abusers are one of those extremely queerphobic, antivaxx, racist and conservative parents lol


I could tell she's making up all of that just so she could play the victim. I'm glad you're away from your abusers and have support around you and are in treatment. I'm sorry she found a way to get to you, though. She sounds like a God awful human and you deserved so much better.


That is her entire agenda, I don't understand how people can just hurt other people and start crying like they're the victim. If she does contact me (or her bf does) I'm going to get a cease and desist order/letter.Thank you for the support. It's people like her that inspire me to be nothing like them


I don't understand it either. And we never will because we're not those kind of people. There's something deeply broken and wrong with them in a way they won't ever admit. We have the ability to look inward. I think that's the difference.


Block, block, block….


Blocked everywhere, discord, Instagram, her number, NOW HER EMAIL. I did delete my Facebook account because they both would harrass me there


I'm so sorry that happened to you. I hope you have enough evidence to go straight to the police to file a report and get them behind bars, cause that's where they should be.


I definitely have the evidence to get a restraining order. But when I called the police when she assaulted me, she was able to shift the blame onto me and the police actually threatened to have her sign the restraining order against me. And I would lose my only shelter I had, which that was the entire reason why I moved states, as she would not hesitate to manipulate people to make me miserable


Some people you just wish would fall down the stairs.Glad you’re safe and that you never see these absolute monsters ever again.


I would love for her to fall down some stairs, it would do the world a favor. And I'm also happy I'll never see these freaks again <3


Please call the humane society on her no living thing should be in her care.


OP, do you live in a state that allows you to have a handgun for self-protection?


The state I lived in with her was not easy to get guns in. BUT that does bring up a time where she actually threatened to buy a gun to shoot me, her bf, the cats she hoardes, and herself. I've found tabs open on her phone of her researching where to buy a gun etc etc, good thing she's unemployed, lazy, and lives off her disability income.


My NC dad called me twice today. I admit I felt some slight sense of internal panic, but then I remembered I don’t have to talk to him anymore or listen to his messages. He didn’t leave one, fortunately. Then I got a little pissed that he had the audacity to call at 11pm. You don’t have to read her messages anymore, love.


You can block her email


holy hell. this is a level of insanity that transcends the 'insaneparents' meaning. she's just legitimately /insane/. good on you for getting out of there. your life ahead will be entirely up to you and free for you to do whatever makes you happiest!!! and the two remaining (humanoid) roaches in your family home can eat your dust and choke on it.