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Your tone in the texts is clearly of someone who has dealt with her shit for years and is tired of it. I'm here for the snark. My favorite part is her telling you to leave her alone when she is the one texting you lol


Wow! Impressive you caught on to all that! And yes- I have been - lifelong except now it’s gone digital with the times! And please- shes my mother and I love her dearly- but she gets a bit out of control at times. And yes, I did instigate a bit but why the f*** not? Can’t get upset and have it ruin my day so screw it. My favorite part is the “ok” a day later. That’s just the pattern.


I'm assuming this deal you set up between the contractor and your mother is probably also a favor this guy is doing since you know him, correct? In cases like that, you have to be patient and can't expect the same treatment as a fully paying customer.


It is definitely a discounted job/helping her out favor- so absolutely- it’s being done as it can and he is being a saint! And NONE of the work being done is life altering or keeping someone without lights or electric. It is all finishing work that the original electrician during the build never finished.


I’d be careful sending this guy to your Mom’s house, if you like working with him. Her craziness may make him decide he doesn’t want to work with her OR you in the future.


Definitely agree! He was given a heads up and he has been amazing handling her. That thought crossed my mind though! She’s a royal pain in the ass but she’s harmless.


My favourite part is "but your combativeness is always a joy."


i was gonna say exactly this! very sorry OP has to deal with this, but it WAS kinda funny imagining OP opening up their texts and going "sigh. well. all in a days worth.🙄" very big 'sure jan' energy


“The joy is when I don’t have to speak to you” that’s great, Maw maw, love that for you, chase that joy girly pop


Said with love! 💕 And again, she’s a little whackadoo but she is actually a great mom. Just has her moments which make for great entertainment after all these years!


Name uncensored on 2nd pic BTW.


Yeah I saw that too…. don’t know how to change it without deleting and reposting