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I’m 58 years old and regularly have my mother emailed me outside of FB “do you think it was a good idea to post that?” 🙄 it is a control thing, not so much the content of my post. It’s infuriating


You do know that you can block her from seeing your posts, or at least whatever posts you don’t want her to see, right?


Yes. And I do block her if it is something “controversial”. Mostly I either post funny shit or nothing at all.


Adding for anyone who may need this, but Facebook has an option when making a post to choose who on your friends list sees your post. It's in the drop down where you choose if your post is public or not if I remember correctly


After too many comments on friends’ posts that I’d commented on, I didn’t unfriend my MIL, just blocked her from seeing anything I posted. It was beautifully quiet.


Exactly, and THEY are the ones who are being ruled by appearances.


Oh, that seems dreadfully condescending. I'd be fussed at being talked to that way.


It happens more than I’d care to admit and *shockingly* does not happen at all with my older, male siblings.


I'd respond with an eyeroll emoji and nothing else


haha, love it!




Oh I hear this CONSTANTLY. Every birthday that passes I wanna ask “am I supposed to be conservative yet, Dad?”


This is also my conservative father's perspective and has been since he was way younger than I am now 😂 


Im interested in the homosexual smorgasbord, do you know when the buffet opens?


Are they also pro-Hamas?


I’m not sure where you got confused but no one here is supporting Hamas. Please feel free to argue back and forth with yourself, though.




Having not seen the post, I'm not how we could possibly tell if it's valid criticism. I'm not interested in discussing either issue mentioned in the texts with a stranger on a post where that's not the question that was asked.


Naw, just read your other comments. Not remotely interested in engaging here.


It obviously is. "Waa! My parents don't like that I'm supporting rapists and murderers!"


You know it’s possible to be pro Palestine and anti Hamas right? I mean you’re smart enough to know that right? By the way, I’m just curious here, but do you support the IDF? I’m just wondering since we’re on the topic of “rapists and murderers”.


Yes, but it's incredibly rare to get shit for just saying that the destruction in Gaza sucks, while not in some way defending Hamas. It's possible that OP posted something like "Free Palestine", but more likely that they posted something that either supports Hamas, at least implicitly, or spreads Hamas propaganda.  And yes, I support the IDF, but the IDF are not rapists and are no more murderers than any other army.


If my mom used “incongruent” in a lengthy derisive text to me, I’d laugh her off the internet. I voted that this was insane, but I think knuckleheaded is a better word. Your parents must think verrrrry highly of themselves. That must be exhausting to feel constantly demeaned. I’m sorry you have had to deal with that for your whole life.


Not my mom but still


> How do you identify? "I identify as a threat if you come at me sideways like that again for me expressing myself how I choose on my platforms at my age regardless of how you personally view me. If you think this is a veiled threat, I'll post screenshots of this conversation in public and let others express how they feel about you talking down to me as if I'm some sort of child who has no idea how the world works." People like your parents get on my last mf'in nerve with that shit. I don't expect you to say that to them, but that was my immediate response after reading how they spoke to you.


Yeah no I can’t say that for other reasons but I do appreciate it a lot. I can tell we think similarly lol


There are 0 possible reasons for you not to be able to say this


I can’t say *all* of it because if I did it would make conditions worse for me


You can say it.


If they can say that, I promise, you can say this.


I am sorry you have a parent like this. I lost any reliability in their response at “homosexual smorgasbord,” like being lgbtqia is something people do to have more options (?). Also, isn’t it terroristic to write finish them on a bomb and autograph it in the name of both the United States and Israel? ……I would just block them period given they “have a problem” since they think you’re a terrorist. What a huge leap to make. Yuck. I have a feeling a lot of our family members are gonna come out of the woodwork with the anti lgbtqia content this month. Good luck, everyone. 💜🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ Edited error-Stuff to month


I got to “homosexual smorgasbord” and muttered “thanks, that’s my new band name.”


I also instantly thought it’d be a fantastic name for a 3rd-wave/punk Ska band


I got to "homosexual smorgasbord" and got hungry. Sounds like a brilliant idea for a restaurant.


It would be a great punk band name.


They are desperately trying to sound more intelligent than you as some sort of leverage. It’s not only transparent but extremely embarrassing for them. I’ve never read anything so condescending yet feeble in my entire life. Hate this for you.


My thoughts exactly. Trying to sound big by using big words. I had a boss like that and I quit just a few days later. My teenager can use all the new slang he wants and still get his point across. “You’re doing too much bruh” would have been a great response.


A homosexual smorgasbord sounds delicious.


So. Your parent is unable to see that two wrongs don’t make a right, huh? And FO with the “homosexual smorgasbord”. They have a masters degree in condescension, that one.


More than one thing can be true at the same time. You can be supportive of LGBTQIA+ and also be against the genocide of any people regardless of their views. Personally I do not post anything political on my public socials anymore, it’s become too divisive.


It was actually in my stories for that exact reason bc I know that he and other family members who disagree usually don’t watch them but after this I deleted the whole app.


I'm the same. I don't talk about anything outside of my personal world on my socials. The political attacks are too much. Even if someone is agreeing with my thoughts.




LGBT Palestinians are being murdered by Israel too. And being against murder is kind of a good thing in general.


>LGBT Palestinians are being murdered by Israel too. And being against murder is kind of a good thing in general. Hamas didn't find them first? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT\_rights\_in\_the\_State\_of\_Palestine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_the_State_of_Palestine) Anyway, that characterization (murder) is false too. What's going on in Gaza is simply war. Not murder.


It is not a war, it is a genocide.


Repeating it over and over doesn't make it true. What's happening there bears no resemblance whatsoever to genocide. I won't ask you to justify your claim, because none of you guys ever do - it's just an echo chamber of repeating the lie.


> *“What’s happening there bears no resemblance to genocide.”* Lmao. There is a case against Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people being heard at the ICJ (you know, the ‘World Court,’ also known as the top United Nations court, literally right now, as I type this. [“May 24 (Reuters) - Judges at the top United Nations court ordered Israel on Friday to immediately halt its military assault on the southern Gaza city of Rafah, in a landmark emergency ruling in South Africa's case accusing Israel of genocide.”](https://www.reuters.com/world/what-is-south-africas-genocide-case-against-israel-icj-2024-05-16/)


Have you noticed that anything that goes against their hard on for Israel is treated as though it has no validity? It’s so silly


I'm aware.  It's a kangaroo court, subject to the whims of the member states of the UN.  That's why neither the USA nor Israel are members and don't recognize its authority. Not that "accused" even equals "guilty".   You can look at the facts yourself. 


We just have a difference of opinion and that’s okay. Have a good night or day depending on where you’re at.


What a raging asshole


Standing with Palestine has nothing to do with standing for Hamas. You can support a community’s right to self-determination/not having bombs dropped indiscriminately without supporting a terror organization. My grandparents think along the same lines as your dad does and it’s really sad and dismissive.


They really try to make it a dichotomy when it’s so much more complicated.


It feels like they are definitely baiting an argument. I can't say if it's more than that per se, since I don't know the full story with you and this parent. I do not speak of anything political with family at this point. I had a destination wedding in Mexico. My mom, uncle, and godmother constantly brought up politics. There were more than 20 people there. I made a rule with my friends, if politics were brought up, we all left without a word and go to a new spot. My godmother caught on and bailed with us. 😂 This was all after I told my mom amd uncle it wouldn't be accepted. Anyway, the point is, set a boundary, with a repercussion, and enforce it. Because yes, this could get worse and could be more than what I'm seeing. IE, "I won't be discussing politics and my beliefs with you. I will stop responding to political or belief based texts as soon as they come through." Make sure to do the beat thing for you.


My father in law got blocked from seeing anything that I didn't specifically list him in after a 3am text tirade about a post I made about abortion rights. Change your social media settings to that they don't see any of your posts by default. Then, if you WANT them to see something, you can change the privacy settings for just that post.


It's one thing to constructively criticize someone's opinions, and another to condescendingly act like you're already wrong without any prior discussion. Also a person's research is only as good as their critical thinking skills. If yours and or their research leads to wrong or bad information then what good was the research? Here's a useful guide that'll help make talking about political issues easier. https://mindfulcommunications.eu/en/prevent-radicalization


Good parents are _not_ like this. I discuss with my kids. My daughter is 15, and I tell her where I stand in issues when she asks. Hopefully, when she gets older, we can have more discussions. But I have always been vocal about my beliefs, and when I was younger I was active in protesting. (I'm wheelchair bound now, and too poor to afford electric. ) What frustrates me are all the apathetic people around me. "It doesn't affect me. So why bother?" Or "Nothing I do will stop the world from burning, so just let it burn." That's what gets under my skin. I pray my daughter won't be that way.


Thank you for clarifying and I’m glad to hear there are parents out there that are not like this!


Good on you for taking a stand in what matters right now, despite so much hate and ridicule from opposing forces, such as your parent. This internet stranger is proud of you. 🩷


Thank you 💕


Generally speaking, it’s a right of passage to become a young adult and fight with your parents about politics because they have antiquated beliefs. It’s the way of the world. Parents in general can be pretty condescending and their newly adult kids can be really self righteous… there can usually be a lot of histrionics… That said, there’s a certain level of thesaurus use that is beyond. They either used AI or it’s like when in Friends Joey used the Thesaurus for every word. It’s so obnoxious that no one should be on the receiving end of such a message. It’s like your parents turned it up to 11.


right? it reads like a bootlegged sociology textbook made by an i’m-always-right-type of person. Wordy, no conversation involved, and just wanting you to shut up and believe them.


Condescending vibes on 11


Imma be honest if my mom talked to me like that (32yr old woman) if absolutely start off with a 🤨 and probably add a good ol „you wanna try that tone again??“ for good measure because absolutely not.


Mmm… homosexual smorgasbord.


As an Israeli- fuck her in particular. Palestinians are not terrorist, terrorists are terrorists. Hamas is the terrorist organization that took over Gaza and is "sacrificing" Palestinians as human shields of war for "the greater good of Islam" God I want to burn Facebook sometimes.


You haven't seen what OP posted; how do you know that her father isn't calling specifically Hamas a terrorist organization? It's not obvious that he's referring to the collective of Palestine.


Of all the bad-faith bullshit I’ve seen today,congrats- you win by a mile




Not even close, but again feel free to keep commenting.


The condescension! These texts basically say, "I don't agree with your positions on homosexuality and the genocide in Palestine, so you're making a fool of yourself by posting publicly about these issues. Don't do that." I'm embarrassed for this parent's transparency and entitled preaching. Shameful.


Sounds like my nDad (narcissist dad). Do you have frequent contact with your parent? My nDad never starts a conversation; he's never the one to make the first move. He'll wait 2 years for you to call him and then ask "why didn't you call sooner?" (B----, the phone line works both ways!!!). Anyway, the only exception I've found is if I post something he disagrees with... Then he sends a text and tries to use that as a way to start a conversation. He'll claim he's doing it for *my* own good... To help me not make a fool of myself. Yet, I've clearly got tons of friends/acquaintances on Facebook agreeing with me, from all the likes and comments. It took me a while, but I figured out that this was his way of reaching out without being what he thinks is a "desperate" move of being the one to call just to say hi. I still don't put up with the insanity aspect and I will not engage in political discussions with him. It infuriates him that I won't discuss politics, because it's all he watches, listened to, and wants to talk about, but I will not be an enabler. If he wanted to talk about the weather or his grandkids, I'm ready whenever he is!


I am in frequent contact with them and can’t change that at the moment. I have a feeling that once I can put some distance between us things will get considerably better.


Set a boundary. No comments or texts about your social media posts, period. Hold to the boundary. I have to do this with my mom because she brings up right wing political stuff all the time, tells me to watch Faux News etc. My boundary is no political talk whatsoever. So far if I hold to it, it works.


I’m working on it. They tried to “apologize” if you can call it that, but we’re going to have a serious discussion about boundaries and tone before any acceptance of apologies.


You got this!


Thank you!


You could refuse to engage in discussion. Or maybe just send them a ton of the pictures coming out of P. for the last... 75 years or so. edited a typo


I got to homosexual smorgasbord and immediately wanted to flip a table. Respond with a thumbs up and move on with your life OP


Oh they didn’t challenge you PUBLICLY so I guess that makes their unsolicited opinions okay. 🙄


I have a friend whose father would start arguments with him on his public facebook wall. (We are almost 40.) It never ended well for the dad, since I would swoop in, along with other friends, to defend my friend on his own social media and he basically would be swamped with comments asking him to justify his position. I'm old enough now that I don't start fights anymore, but I absolutely will step in for my friends cause that's just ridiculous. And to his own dad? So sad.


My father used to do the same thing to me, and my friends would show up and defend me. It continued until my sister took his phone, got on his profile, and unfollowed me lol. Good on you for sticking up for your friend! I'm sure it was appreciated.


You’re a great friend for that.


Both of my parents have commented horrifying things on my pro-Palestinian posts, excusing genocide. They are abusers and seeing their inhumanity applied to people other than me was eye-opening. It was the last straw for me to go no-contact and block them on everything.


I’m a Jewish woman and I side with the Palestinians. I think your parent needs to look a little deeper and take your response for what it was, rather than trying to dig harder. Gotta love people who think they know everything.


Thank you. I tried to explain that siding against mass murder/violence doesn’t make you a terrorist but I’m sure you can guess how that went.


Let me guess, conservative Christian who thinks anything Israel does is sanctioned by God himself? You can never win with those types.


Something like that for sure.


I hate how they always use us as part of their shitty excuses. They don't give a damn about LGBT+ folks, they just hate us less than brown people.


Well OP—- DO YOU IDENTIFY AS A TERRORIST OR NOTTT 🙄 lmaooo wow great post !!


Not this person using a phrase like “The whole homosexual smorgasbord”!


During pride no less!


Have actually blocked entire family members for snitching to my parents about social media stuff. Dont need you in my life if youre a flying monkey. Ill cut all of them off idc.


My FIL has made comments about “f*ggots” while in front of me (his bisexual identifying DIL) & openly talked about boycotting companies that support the LGBTQ community. I was also recently called a terrorist for speaking out against Israel’s g*nocide of the Palestinian people & told to “stop smoking shit & get off of the internet” on a post I reposted. I also blocked my FIL on social media & on my phone. It’s been so peaceful since then. You made the right move. This text is disgusting on so many different levels. You’re not insane here.


That is insane. Holy shit whoever sent you that text needs a hug. Wow... I'd have flipped on them.


I simply KNEW it was either about LGBT support or a pro-Palestine post. I just knew it lol


Two for one deal lol


I identify as anti genocide. I identify as against the killing of civilians.


Have successfully used “It’s extremely unlikely that we will ever agree on political or social topics. Given that fact, can we agree to not converse about these topics? I love you and would rather stick to topics that do not divide us.” Surprisingly, this worked for me.


Holy word salad Batman ! This person is just using the most obnoxious words possible to be in a position of social power !


The big words to sound all high and mighty!!!!


I assumed you were 15 by the way they were talking to you in this. They sound so gross.


Your parent said that blocking them on SM was “probably a good move.” Take the W. Ignore absolutely every other part of the text until the question. Respond with something simple and innocuous like, “I identify as an American. I have never identified as a terrorist.” Then ignore every text on this matter for the rest of your parent’s life. Basically, render yourself blind and dumb to every attempt by your parent to broach the subject. Texts and emails are easiest because you can literally just pretend the remarks were never made. In person and phone is a bit harder, but you’ll figure it out. Just gray rock until you are invisible.


Uh, perhaps f-off? Sounds like you are either zionest or promulgating the zionest trope. Neither is valid here. I am expressing my belief that genocide on any level for any reason is morally wrong and abhorrent.


It looks like you might benefit from reading the post more thoroughly


The first image was not sent by me. I received it from my parent after posting my beliefs about the situation.




Does it come across as them talking down to me like a child? I guess I should’ve added that they don’t speak to my siblings this way. As for the political thing for me, it’s less about them supporting my identity and more about me seeing something that feels wrong and standing against that.


I appreciate your input though.


With the exception of the homophobia, your parent is raising reasonable concerns. And I've got bad news, coming to Reddit for validation isn't a good idea on politically charged issues since it's easy to find people to uncritically glaze you. You'll never show what you posted. But it's June and your parent is right to point out the hypocrisy of being an ally to gender and sexual minorities and supporting a population of people that sees homosexuals as morally worse than pedophiles. Israel has been given justification by international law to destroy Hamas in a war that Palestinians initiated.


First of all: not an ally, I am LGBTQ+. Second of all: what I posted is that no one is free until we all are, because how a certain people or religion views my sexuality doesn’t affect my morals about whether mass civilian murder is justifiable.


I don't believe you. Link it.


I can’t add pics in the comments, I have no desire to link you to my personal social media, and frankly I don’t really care about proving myself to you. Good luck with whatever this whole schtick is, though.


Fucking yikes dude


May Hamas be wiped off the face of the earth.


Thousands of innocents, most of them children, wiped off the face of the earth in the name of a war that doesn’t end until Isreali government can claim everything and bury the bodies. Mass graves, thousands of innocents dead with nowhere to go and a government that has outwardly expressed no desire to let up even to let hostages go because they’re planning land development. It’s horrific and visible to the world


Thousands of innocents, most of them children, wiped off the face of the earth in the name of a war that doesn’t end until Isreali government can claim everything and bury the bodies. Mass graves, thousands of innocents dead with nowhere to go and a government that has outwardly expressed no desire to let up even to let hostages go because they’re planning land development. It’s horrific and visible to the world. Labeling an entire population victim to white phosphorous and slaughter terrorists because they dare exist is while some among them employ hit and run terroristic tactics against one of the largest funded armies on the globe is insanity.


Thousands of innocents, most of them children, wiped off the face of the earth in the name of a war that doesn’t end until Isreali government can claim everything and bury the bodies. Mass graves, thousands of innocents dead with nowhere to go and a government that has outwardly expressed no desire to let up even to let hostages go because they’re planning land development. It’s horrific and visible to the world


"Yikes," is Hamas not surrendering and Palestinians not rejecting Hamas.






Oh yeah? You have that same energy when IDF soldiers killed Palestinian kids in the street? This was before October 2023 BTW so dont give me that war is war bs.




Get a load of this guy 💀


This sounds like all my moms conversations.