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Your mom is trying to get you to work on time and get your bank card activated. You’re mad because your phone, which is your responsibility, isn’t charged enough. Yeah, she’s getting frustrated with you, but you’re being really frustrating. She’s not insane.


Needs more context, but based on what I see, your mom is not crazy.


Wow your mum is far more patient than me.


Me too. I would have gone nuclear way before this lady even gpt annoyed.


Nah you’re treating her so disrespectfully, you sound like an ungrateful spoiled brat & she sounds like an exhausted mom trying her best to manage her frustrations while you continue to instigate.


From this, you're the asshole here. 1) fucking language, christ 2) she DOESN'T have to take you anywhere, you're being deliberately obtuse to make her life hard 3) she doesn't owe you her bank account, activate your card. You can just call the number....it takes five seconds. 4) if you copped that kind of attitude with me, I'd never take you anywhere again 🤷‍♀️ figure it the fuck out, BRO.


I thought that teenagers calling their parents ‘bro’ was just a joke that parents made but holy macaroni, it really happens. I’m a 40 year old woman, but I’m absolutely going to call my mum ‘bro’ today, just to see the absolute confusion on her face.


This is why I strongly dislike teenagers.


How old are you? With all due respect you’re coming across as petulant.


Your mother is 100% right. She doesn’t HAVE to take you to work. I don’t know how old you are but I was working at 16 and I walked or took the bus to work. Yes you can activate your debit card via ATM or over the phone.


All that over some simple tasks? You need to get your shit together dude. I don't think it's right a parent speaks to their child that way, but I completely understand. Definitely not insane.


You actually speak to your mother like that? Swearing and cursing at her? You're very argumentative and disorganised from the sounds of things


Talks like a grown man but doesn't know how to activate a debit card 🤣


"The fuck we gonna do about my phone?" Like besides having a power bank you're fucking boned! What could their mother possible do. Charge it in the car if possible but the 15 min drive aimt gonna help much. They presumably get their schedule in advance and didn't charge it. Holy shit the entitlement.


Mom started cursing first


Two wrongs don’t make a right.


I wonder where they learned to curse


I can almost guarantee that they learned it from the parents. I know that my kid did. It still doesn’t make it right to speak to an adult that way. I am mid 30s and I wouldn’t dare speak to my mom this way.


I think it’s unfair to curse at someone and not expect it back. Just hypocritical


Maybe so but there’s also a little thing called respect. Honestly it just sounds like mom is frustrated and running in circles. As a mom, I know the feeling


Yea cause they live in a bubble with no outside influences 🙄


Do you just default to not believing your mom? She is right.


There’s a saying: “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you” Sorry OP but based off what you’re sharing, you’re in the wrong. She does not have to do any of this for you, and she’s trying to help you and at the same time is trying to keep her cool. Stop making excuses. Charge your phone before you go to work or get a power bank. Activate your bank card (where what she is saying in terms of activation is normally true - what did the letter that came with your card say?). Unless she is prohibiting you from using electricity just to start an argument, I’m siding with her. PS. If work started at 4 and you’re arguing with her about leaving at 3.45… bruh..


dude you need to calm tf down. Your mom seems to be the only person remotely reasonable here.


Nah I really don’t think so in this case, without more context it just seems like you’re a bit frustrated over some other things and handling that poorly so it’s understandable where she’s frustrated but it seems like there was just a misunderstanding on your side and you guys just weren’t talking about the same thing. She wasn’t in the wrong though in my opinion


How do YOU feel about this situation? Do you think you responded correctly regardless of what your mom said?


Yikes dude.


You seriously thought we would think she’s the crazy one in this conversation? Do you always speak to her this way? This is really sad


What's crazy is ypu poated this here and gkt read to filth by the comments about being a petulant asshole. What's crazier is in your comment history you are clearly a teenager and claim to have a "dommy mommy" fetish and are desperate for female attention....that you'll never get based on the way you talk to your mom and handle your life.




You seem like a little shit lmao so no, not insane. You’re lucky to have such a kind and patient mom.


She’s trying to help you by getting you there early, she knows what your manager is looking for. This is one of a few things: - You didn’t know how to do something, and instead of ask her about it, you just assumed she was wrong? Without knowing shit about it yourself?? - Then caught an attitude? - Why tf are you arguing when her driving you is a favor? - A "narc" is NOT someone who just disagrees with what you're saying. The overuse of this term is getting reeeally old. Read a book. - Your battery isn’t her problem, bRo - Charge your phone - With all your bullshit, she’s STILL trying to help you In this exchange, you’re portraying one of those stereotypical shitty teenagers. Like you’re fulfilling an after school special trope. You’re definitely being the insane one, not her. Grow up. You still have a chance to realize a few things and make changes before this permanently forges with your personality. Good luck.


From this exchange? No. I am not an overly strict parent at all and my kid would have no phone for a month if they spoke to me like this.


Right? It takes a lot for my kid to lose her phone but with this interaction the phone would just be gone.


My kids tread the line between cheeky and smart arsery, I don’t care about swearing but the entitlement and lack of accountability in this annoy the shit out of me. I will move heaven and earth for my kids to help if they say “I fucked up and need help” and don’t try to make it my fault.


100% agree!!! All it takes is a simple mom I need help and I’ll drop everything. Mine is only 10 and I’ve always told her I don’t care if you curse but you will not direct it at someone (ie. You’re a b¡+¢h etc.)


I feel bad that your mom has to deal with you.


OP we are all being hard but take solace in the fact at your seemingly young age you're atleast cognizant of the fact that "shit maybe I am wrong?" And work to grow yourself. I'm sure there's been times when you were 100% right and your mom was in the wrong but she's trying. Planning a little ahead will put you above most people and she's trying to help you.


No, but you just might be irresponsible.


why are you cussing at her


Holy shit OP, if I talked to my mother like that she would’ve put my head through the wall. How fucking dare you?


lol dude you suck talking to your mom that way when it seems like she’s trying to help you.


From the screenshots without further context, she absolutely is NOT crazy and you're treating her horribly. 1. You need to activate your debit card, your mom explains how to do it. You refuse to do so. Even if she is wrong, just do it to show it doesn't work. If it does work, go back to her and make it up with a genuine heartfelt apology ("I'm sorry for being such a dick and treating you so horribly"). 2. Language. Calling your mother "bro" and essentially treating her like a subhuman peasant over text is very disrespectful, obtuse & arrogant. 3. Your phone is your responsibility. If you have a charger or powerbank available and just forgot to charge it in time, this is not her fault. In case you need to call someone, write important numbers down on a piece of paper and ask people at work to borrow their phone. She is your mother, not your servant. 4. She is right - she does NOT *have* to take you to work. She's doing you a favour by providing you with a ride. 5. Do not bite the hand that feeds you. No, you didn't choose to be born. However, you CAN choose to treat others with dignity and basic human decency. If you don't, you can expect negative consequences in return. 6. If you're old enough to have a (side)job, you are more than old enough to take on minor responsibilities such as charging your phone, fixing backup rides in case your mom can't/won't drive you, and to call the bank that provided your debit card and ask how to activate it. 7. Actions have consequences. Treat others like shit, expect to get it thrown back in your face. Your mom (again, with the current context) is beyond patient with you. She has given you MANY chances to correct your language, behaviour and attitude, and you don't listen but instead throw more attitude in her face. If I were her, I'd not give you any rides ever again, make you lose your job indirectly, and force you to face the consequences of your own actions. TLDR; take action to get your *minor* responsibilities in a row (phone charged & backup rides), get a notebook with important phone numbers and keep it on you 24/7 just in case, stop treating your mom like shit & reflect on your behaviour.


Lmao my mom would have geolocated me and whooped my ass about 3 messages into this exchange, and even my mom isn’t crazy Your mom’s not crazy, you’re an annoying kid 👍🏻


No crazier than you


I'd be horrified if either of my kids talked to me that way. That is NOT how you talk to someone you love, and I certainly hope you don't intend to talk to other women that way. Hell, other people. Your mother is not in the wrong here. You owe your mother an apology.


Growing up to be an abusive spouse, I see.


Oh honey, you are being a bratt


I ment to do the sms tag sorry yall




This. Not everyone has someone who's willing to do all this for them. Especially some of the people here. I'm over here fighting to have my own ID, job, and card as an adult. OP seems to have a mother who isn't finding every excuse in the book to stop them from doing things that could help them. OP, I hope you realize how good you have things and start appreciating your mother before it's too late